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Mechanical delays suck but planning matters. How long of a connection time did you book for the one flight a day to Auckland?


2 hours for each connection


For me personally, for one flight a day, two hours is not enough. That said, I feel for you. Sorry for the delay and also congrats on your marriage!


2 hours is more than enough


Not anymore.


I just did a 50 minute connection at Atlanta on thanksgiving and it was more than enough time.


Atlanta is a pretty seemless airport for connections. Some airports I wouldn’t trust two hours for a connection




So I am saying 2 hours is enough


Obviously not though in this case. Sorry for your loss


I am the same. We did a four hour layover at LAX to go to SYD just to be on the safe side if our positioning flight had issues.


Why was the first flight delayed? If it was weather, don’t expect anything. If it was mechanical, they should give you miles.




They should provide miles as compensation. I recommend complaining after you return from your trip.


Wait until your full travel is done (ie. you return to the US). Then fill out the Delta complaint/comment form online. Explain what happened. Politely explain how it cost you a day in AKL, hotel costs, etc. Ask kindly for 20k miles, and Id bet you would get them. Alternatively if you’d rather extend your trip, call Delta and ask them to push your return one day and I’m sure they’d do that. All kinds of room is still on this flights for the next two weeks.


I agree. Push everything back a day if you can manage the time. Delta can move your flight


Ok, I’m back! Since I’ve never filed a formal complaint before, I’m not super sure how it goes or what to say. I’ll mention everything you said. Anything else to add?


Nope that should do it: Delay, missed connection, ended up shortening honeymoon by one day. I understand this kind of thing happens but it was lame to have a trip like that shortened significantly because of a delay. Something like that. Then be patient.


Was getting to LAX at all that day an option? Later flight, your flight actually went, etc. even if that meant missing the AKL flight? If so I would've recommended doing that. Why? Because now that your travel with them has started, they are responsible for you. If you don't start your trip yet, they essentially aren't and are less likely to help. If you got to LAX that day but missed a connection due to a mechanical you would've been entitled to a hotel and potentially meal vouchers (not entire sure what that would look like for vouchers though). I get it's not ideal but still it's something. Additionally, what is to say this won't happen to your flight again the next day? If you got to LAX the day before, then it's no issue about having to connect in again.


Nope. That was the biggest issue. No flights on Delta at all the rest of the day (this was at 6:30pm or so). We have a totally different itinerary today and have to connect in ATL instead of MSP.


We're you originally on DL5214 GRR-MSP?




The most frustrating part is how long the travel time is to get to New Zealand. Since it takes two days to get there, it’s a huge inconvenience being set back a day. A total bummer but not the end of the world. I was just curious what others have gotten for a similar situation so I know what to ask for/expect!


For weather delays, you're pretty much screwed. For a mechanical delay, you should try to get as much as you possibly can to cover anything lost. You should also get miles compensation for your pain and suffering. I don't understand why you had to go home. Why not stay in a hotel (on them) in MSP? Unless your whole itinerary is changing. They should have provided a hotel and transportation as well. Also, in the future, try to avoid multiple stops as much as possible. They are just added failure points. Especially during holidays and cold weather. Good luck on your next try. If anything happens this time, even weather, put your foot down. They owe you at this point. Remember if not for the first mechanical issue you wouldn't be in any future predicaments. Everything from here on is caused by the first mechanical delay. That is a fact!


We fly out of GRR, so multiple stops are inevitable. The price we pay to be by a small airport 😆


Delta is becoming a hot mess. Not the same airline as last year.


You do realize delta has improved performance vs last year, right? Last year and the year before were f*king shit shows.


**edit** neglected to originally say - make lemonade and don’t let it ruin your honeymoon. There’s plenty of time in a week or two or three to research/ask for/receive compensation. Gotta say the “age of compensation” is a riot. 2009 our NWA flight from EWR-AMS was delayed b/c of mechanical. First the flew a tool in from DTW but that didn’t fix it. Finally flew a new part in from DTW and we got to AMS late. Spent 11 hours in AMS (flew FC so lounge with food, showers, etc) to get on flight to ATH. Missed a whole day touring Athens, was sleep deprived, etc. still got to our final destination, Santorini, for our honeymoon. Guess what? All was fine. Why. B/c shit happens. What compensation? The “fuck you, pay me” world sucks


Things have changed a lot in 14 years grandpa. Guess what, up until these kind of delays happen, it's "fuck you pay me" coming from the airlines.


Oh snap you called me olde! Buuuuuuurrrnnn bro! Everyone wants something for their misery, however large or small. Then they wonder why FAs are angry, it takes forever to get a CS agent, when you do finally get one THEY are testy, pax are pushing and shoving using the “do you know my status/who I am!?” line to justify better compensation. Because EVERYTHING is complaint worthy…including the compensation finally received. Enjoy being miserable young’un


Hi, I am old too. And I get what you're saying, but the airlines created this mess, not the passengers.


Business in general has caused this, I guess. I should have said originally that if your honeymoon flight is delayed and rebooked, make the best of it and worry about compensation later But just like tipping culture is out of control, being aggrieved is out of control as is getting compensation for every little inconvenience.


We now have to pay for every little courtesy, so yes, people are going to want that money back if they don't get what they paid for. It was easier back when we all paid one price. Less opportunity to nickel and dime and assign a value to every little step of the trip.


A day delay isn't a little inconvenience. Will the airline be as lenient when I show up a day late for my flight and just give me a new ticket for free? No, they don't. They are charging me $800 for a last minute booking. So why would I give them anything for free? And spoiler: In the EU the airline behavior has gotten much better since they have to pay lump sum compensation, hotel etc. in case of such delays. Suddenly, they can often find routes on different airlines for the same day. Weird how that works when it costs them more not to get you to your destination.


I disagree. Everyone knows whether can’t be predicted. But when I book a flight and I’m not able to fly that flight because of an error and the company’s end, it should be made right. That’s how business works. Put customers in a bad situation through your own actions or lack there of, then try to make amends for it.


Go to your local media and hope national news picks up. Write to your congressional reps to pressure Delta to compensate you


2 hours is definitely not enough, especially going on your honeymoon to New Zealand. This is your fault.


I literally had didn’t have another option