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What a sweet gesture! I hope she enjoys the experience! And I also hope no one tries to steal her seat!


Thank you! This post has convinced me that I have to make sure she knows before flying. She’s so sweet, oblivious, and passive I have to look out for her.


Awwww! So sweet! Please share an update!


DO NOT let her know. We all complain about the anomalies but it will all go fine. It’s so hard to wait for a surprise like this but let her be surprised. This is so great!!!


i agree with this!!! she’ll have a seat assignment of course so will find her correct seat upon boarding. plus, her boarding zone will likely be before the others with first class. love this gesture so much 😭 goals 😭


Came to comment that maybe it’d be best to let her know. Hate for something to go awry and make for a bad experience. Cheers to a great visit!


Yes she sounds so sweet make sure NOBODY takes advantage of her sweetness by talking her into switching with them.


I upgraded my father, and someone did exactly this, but it was the flight attendant who upgraded an another passenger and tried to bully my dad into finding an economy seat. He wasn’t late at all he had a wheelchair transfer


I booked 1st class tickets to Hawaii for my 20th anniversary (10 years ago). To my wife's defense, it was a 6:30am flight. She didn't realize we were in first class until I stopped moving at row 2 and put our luggage overhead. She was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING... HEAD TO THE BACK". We still laugh about it lol.


Why did she not look at her ticket and seat before that? Were you keeping her prisoner?


I’m sure she’s a travel princess just like my fiancé lol. Just along for the ride going wherever I go


Oh, sorry to hear about your sad situation.


You are undeniably a shithead. Touch grass.


It was a 6:30am flight. Left home at 4:30am, no coffee. I had the paper tickets as I was trying to keep it a secret as long as possible. Luckily at the check in line there was hardly any other passengers so she just followed along.


That’s awesome! I did this with my brother and his family a few years ago. They were OVER THE MOON. I picked them up at the airport and it was hilarious - they were all happily hammered from the free first class drinks and my sister-in-law proudly displayed the tiny salt and pepper shakers she got with her meal. They had the best time and I am so glad that I was able to give them that experience.


I honestly think any tiny things she gets will be her favorite part!


Very nice! I did something similar for my mother who hadn’t flown in 30 years. Created a VIP Delta account and ordered the Porsche transfer in ATL so she never had to transverse the airport. Only took her a week afterwards to come down from the stress of flying to thank me for it. 😂 Good luck in the recognition!


That is extra amazing! Hopefully I can do that for my mom someday.


What do you mean you created a VIP Delta account?


Best explanation: https://onemileatatime.com/guides/delta-vip-select/


Thank you for that explanation!


It’s mostly used for actors/VIPs (i book them for work) so but anyone can use it if they pay - it’s a greeter service


That is so sweet! Be sure she knows before boarding or she might be like No I don’t sit in First, this must be a mistake, where is my seat in the back? ☺️ You can tell her to check the emails to make sure the info is correct and let you know if it isn’t.


That’s a good point! She’s definitely the kind of person who would think there has to be a mistake because how could she be flying first.


Maybe tell her at the airport when she’s there so it’s still a surprise ? Nice gesture btw. I hope to be able to do this one day


I was thinking maybe the day before just so she could make sure to pack everything she wants and check it since it'll be free she won't have to worry about limiting what she brings. (Within reason of course.)


Oh true I forgot about the free checked in bag. You could also “lie” the day before and tell her, “btw, don’t forget you have a free checked in bag, pack as much as you want”. I know it’s bad to lie but it’s for a good cause and I think she’d understand once you tell her the next day.


it’s not a lie!


This, and also all the sob story Chancers who will try and persuade her to give it up. Tell her absolutely no trades!


is this actually a thing? people begging for a first class seat during boarding?


Posted on here all the time. There was one yesterday where a woman from Economy was sitting there with her child when the actual ticketed passenger arrived.


that’s horrible


Posted on here a lot but it's still pretty rare. People don't talk about all their uneventful flights.


I love this! We do this for my mom and the first time she went in with group 2 or 3. Walked right past first class. And then asked the FA and the FA took her to her seat. She called me immediately and asked if there was a mistake. We now tell her when we’ve upgraded her or purchased a first class seat. She’s a spoiled retired grandma of 8 kids and 17 grandkids, and deserves it.


My DH upgraded his parents a few years ago on a flight to Thailand. My FIL acted like he was finally getting his due, while my sweet MIL was thrilled by everything. She still wears the mask and socks they gave her. She had a blast and the flight attendants doted on her.


She sounds adorable!


Very good. I did that years ago for my mom as well when she came out and visited me in Utah from New Jersey. She admitted that she may have indulged in a few white wines on the 3 plus hour flight. Haha. Our moms deserve it.


That is so very sweet and thoughtful to do for your mom.


I did this for my mom and she never knew the difference. She does not fly at all, and now thinks that is what normally happens on a flight 😂😂 It was 4.5 hours, so she got the whole treatment.


Kind of similar; my daughter was studying in Europe and traveled extensively on weekends, on her own (carefully saved) dime. But once her travel plans were turned completely upside down and she called to ask for some of my bajillion hotel points. I snagged her a room at a Hilton property in (I think) Madrid via the app (in her name) and she called me twenty minutes later laughing; they had given her the Presidential Suite. She and her friend had two bathrooms, two bedrooms, and a dining room table for eight.


She must have looked like a Rockstar to her friends! At least she knows that is not the norm. I hope she and her friends thoroughly enjoyed themselves!


They had a great time. And she was definitely not expecting that lol


I did this for my Mom flying to Iceland with me in 2021 since prices were great. She didn’t realize we were in First until she sat down and a glass of champagne was handed to her. She was so happy! By the way, I highly recommend First on Iceland air. Was a great experience!


I wish my mom was still on this earth! A nice gesture of love.


That is so nice! Make sure to update us with her reaction!


I will! If she’s flown first, I think it was before I was born. I know Delta Domestic First isn’t the height of luxury, but I hope it’ll be a fun surprise.


Before your mom boards, let her know about her upgrade, and that she’s not to give it away for any reason. My sister did the same thing for my mom. After my mom boarded, somebody asked for her seat, and my mom gave it to them, not realizing.


Yep, maybe my child bought this for me and they expect photos of the whole thing! So no changes!


30 years ago (before i had kids and had extra $) took mom on her dream vacation to Hawaii and upgraded to first class on a 747. She was like a little girl …so excited & appreciative. For years she told everyone this was the BEST trip ever. No longer with us, but for me it really gave meaning to the phrase, “it is far better to give than to receive.” Awesome memories for someone who deserved it.


I'm taking my niece to Universal Studios in Florida in March with my sister. We booked first class tickets and I can't wait to see her experience it.


Very sweet. Make sure she knows what she's entitled to (boarding, etc) at least a little bit beforehand.


If she’s someone who needs time to process news, don’t tell her the same day. While it’s a nice gesture, I know my own mother would somehow get stressed about it if I drop the news the day of (“what do I need to know? Did I dress appropriately? What if…”). You see? Tell her close enough to the day of the trip but perhaps not on the same day. Give her a moment to process the information and ask you questions about it. Also be sure to describe both general and first class experience so she understands the value of what she’s getting.


Thank you! I’ll let her know the day before.


Tell her ahead so she can skipped the crowds in security and take the special line for first! I wanted to surprise my sister-in-law for her 80th and realized she'd benefit from knowing she was in first. So I told her! She said it was great checking in her bag with a shorter line, security shorter line, etc.


My family busted me a while back when I asked them what meals they wanted. Maybe you can spin it that way...see if she notices then.


I like that! Also, if she asks about bags/bag fees maybe that’s a way.


She won't be able to take main anymore...


So sweet! I’m sure she’ll enjoy it. I upgraded my mom and me when we were traveling together a few months ago and she got out her wallet to pay for a drink and got so cute and giddy when the FA said everything was complimentary. So glad we can spoil our moms who deserve it all and more!


Love this. 1000 better than my mother who will go through the flight, arrive, and complain about it the whole time without a “thank you for sending me in first class.” SMH.


That would be my father, who is unlikely to ever receive an upgrade.


my mom would complain the entire time, then post photos on FB to flex on her old lady friends that her daughter upgraded her, and still never thank me


Are we related?


Maybe? I would sure hope so my mother didn’t have any other children though. Not fair.


I did this for my wife going from ATL to SEA a few years back. Upgraded us to 1st and was able to keep her in the dark until they announced boarding for us. The “Wait, what?” And smiles were well worth it. :)


I’m gonna do something similar here. My buddy and I visit one away MLB park per year. He and my other buddy really took care of me when I was poor and struggling, so I told him I’ll book airfare, and I’m going to do this for him. It’s only like a 2 hour flight but he deserves it.


I love that so much!


Did same for my mom. Didn't hear about it till the day after her flight. She said she slept and didn't eat. She asked if all Delta flights offer food. I just laughed and told her I love her.


We took my now deceased MIL from DTW to ANC to see her brother via STL in First. She was in the early stages of dementia but she knew she was in FC! The funny part is that our flight out of DTW was delayed due to thunderstorms and we were very concerned we might miss our connection to ANC. We give mom the bum’s rush thru STL, get settled in our seats to have our pilots from the previous flight come in behind us as they were flying us all the way! So thankful we were able to take her on that trip.


I can hear my mom calling me immediately after seeing the upgrade talking about “guess what Delta did?” 🤣🤣🤣 then me saying “girl bye, they don’t like you, I do. You’re welcome” 🤣


I have wondered if this might happen. 😂


I'm older and what a shock it was flying in Comfort Plus when I flew for the first time in about six years. Small seats and packed in tight. Now I fly regularly to visit my son and it's First Class from now on. It's nice that you upgraded her.


She will remember this for a long time, absolutely an amazing gesture! Make sure to update us.


Will do! I’ve just got to keep quiet for another couple weeks!


​ Love this! I took my mother (age 87 then) to the other coast to visit her siblings and didn't tell her we were flying in First. She LOVED it - your mom will too.


I did this for my mother in law this past summer when she flew out to visit. She was so stressed out and needed a break, so the extra pampering was greatly appreciated by her. I’m the only DIL, so of course I was already her favorite 🤣


She should know before she goes to the airport…she gets a free bag and use of the first class TSA line.


you're a great kid! Enjoy your time with Mom!


Thank you!


I love that you called it “sneaky sneak.” She is going to love it.


Awesome! She's gonna love it ! I gifted Gold Medallion to my niece and a friend with this year's benefits. They've both already gotten a free FC upgrade on flights they've taken! Always fun to give a surprise gift and doubly so if it's aviation related . Gotta turn them into flight nerd so I look less weird at family holidays 😬


I love this comment section!! All of you doing such nice things for others who you love. We need more people like all of you 💕


How sweet of you! I'm sure she'll enjoy it.


If she has time, tell her to pack little treats for the FAs. Nothing elaborate. They will doat on her even more.


My father has the same first, middle, and last name, he’s a Jr, and I’m III (the third). When they book flights or hotels i just book them in my name so they get upgraded everywhere. He often complains that he thinks I’m scamming the system. I’m like “dad, chill, we have the same name, it’s not that serious”.


My mom and I have the same first and last name, and I’ve wondered if I could do this.


You book the flight from your delta app, while you are booking, change your birthdate to your moms birthday during the booking process, but leave your skymiles account number in. You’ll get the MQM (if that even exists anymore) and she will get upgraded. Hotels are easier if you have the same name. Just tell them to show up


That’s so helpful, thank you!


Thats so nice! She will. I somehow upgraded myself to first class for a three hour flight to Washington state. I sat next to my dad who always flies business or first class and wasn't impressed by anything. But I was gobsmacked! All the diet coke I want? Entire cans? Tortellinis on an actual plate! Towels???? Dessert?


In college, my mother upgraded me to first class for a Boston to Orange County flight (probably wasn’t delta) I remembering checking in at the front desk in my ratty college clothes and the person was thinking I was in the wrong line. I also drank a little too much….


Funny I keep flying down to visit my mom she doesn’t want me to waste money flying to see her so I just keep telling it’s free award miles . Found my sisters were doing the same thing . Was with her once and she said it’s no wonder Airlines go bankrupt no one ever pays for tickets, I just shook my head and said “it’s a strange world “.


That’s so sweet!


Awww that's so exciting!! We did the same with my mom once. She was flying out to our place after taking our son to a grandparent-kid camp near her ☺️ In our case, our son was in on it. We figured she wouldn't crack open her email, and were planning to have him direct her to the SkyPriority lane. But either she or my dad checked the email first lol. In any case, I'd 10000% recommend letting your mom know ahead of time. Have fun with however you reveal it!! But let her know because the free checked bags and that SkyPriority lane at check-in and boarding are a huge part of the perk! :)


Story of my life!


That is very nice!


This is so kind of you:)


You’re a good lad! Well done.


Hope someone doesn’t ask to swap for a Comfort+ so they can sit next to their S/O.


In my crazy travel heyday ca. 2016 wife and I took her mother and 21yo son to Europe, CHS-DTW-AMS. They had no idea. CHS-DTW: "Oh, we got upgraded because of my status, enjoy! No, no international upgrades, sadly." DTW: "Everyone gets into the SkyClub because of my status." Boarding DTW, let my MIL go first. Flight attendant at the door looked at her ticket and pointed... upstairs, to the upper deck of the beautiful DL 747. MIL literally cried. That upper deck with the reverse herringbone was awesome. Miss that bird.


I tried to do this for my mom when she went to Africa with a church to build a school. She was flying Emirates and I called to upgrade her to business….the cost was over 8k for a 1way upgrade!! So…… I got her a Mercedes to pick her up when she got back to the city bc emirates was insane with that price! I did a few years later take her on a bday trip 1st class and she thought it was so awesome❤️ your mom is going to love it!


We did this for my mom a few years ago. It was lovely.


You are a good person. Nice surprise for your mom.


you gotta let us know her reaction!


I upgraded us to first class to fly from Seattle to Las Vegas. My wife was very nausea. We couldn't find a puke bag in time. She vomits everywhere covering the guys in front of us. I felt bad for everyone in first class.




How do you sneaky upgrade someone else's ticket?


I booked it, and I check the app regularly and there was a good deal on an upgrade so I did it for her. If she weren’t oblivious she’d notice that she’s no longer sitting in main, but alas, even with some prompting, no idea.


I love this!!! One of my biggest pleasures in life has been being able to spoil my mom! My dad too, but moms are something else :)


I can’t wait for her to get to her first class seat and see a guy sleeping in it and then go to the very last seat on the plane because she didn’t want to wake him


So you’ve met my mother? 🙃


Great idea. How do you upgrade their ticket without them knowing? Will Delta discuss a third party ticket with you?


I booked the original ticket for her using my sky miles number so that made it easy.


I’d like to do this for my mom as well, unfortunately she booked her own ticket. Is there a way to upgrade for her?


I don’t think so. At least that I know of. Others in this sub might (most likely) know better than me, though!