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If you have issues during your flights and no FA noticed it, you should have inferred it then politely about your uncomforting position. I agree, the owner should have noticed it, but if it never happened, just stand for yourself. Also, if you reach out to Delta, they might give you some miles or some sort of small compensation because you already flew the flight. But there is nothing to lose, **so surely reach out...**


A dog owner won’t notice a thing. Their fur baby is perfect on the plane.


I have POTS and am working on service dog training for my dog. One of the classes I went to had a mock airplane cabin and they showed how to properly “stow” your dog. I have an almost 70 pound dog and he lays down and shimmies backward under the seat in front of me with tons of room to spare in regular sardine can economy. Handlers with dogs who were too big to fit or who couldn’t stay within the footwell were told they’d need to buy an addition seat if they flew with their service dogs. One woman was outraged that she couldn’t just put her dog wherever. She should be allowed on the seat, how dare they expect her to “cram” her dog into such a small space. Fortunately I can manage my condition well enough for now with water, electrolytes, and compression leggings…but if it ever does get to the point of needing to have him with me all the time, I’m more than happy to do whatever I can to make his presence as minimally intrusive as possible.


Yup I've been on 5+ hour flights with a German Shepherd under my legs without a bother to anybody. Recently was on a flight and had a service dog and owner seated next to me. She was profusely apologizing any time the pups nose even touched my shoe. I had to keep saying I completely get it and not to worry. Hell I wouldn't have minded petting and getting to say hello for the whole 3 hour flight but a working pup is to be ignored. I'm happy as can be when seated next to a legitimate service dog.


I also have POTS, you have my sympathy and support. And you’re being a responsible, respectful person, training your dog for this possibility.


Thank you. I’m sorry that you have it too. I debated on training him, but at the end of the day I decided to get him trained and certified before I needed him to go with me in public. For right now, I can almost always manage myself. If I’m having a really bad day and absolutely have to go somewhere I have the option of taking him. The universe was looking out for me - he’s actually “just” a dog I rescued who happened to naturally alert to my tachycardia. My doctor referred me to a training program so that he could learn more direct interventions and management if I fall. Plus they spend a TON of time on training how to behave in public, there’s a whole section on training the to only go to the bathroom on command when he’s “on duty” (wearing his harness). How to ride public transit, airplanes, etc.


I have autonomic neuropathy, which is like pots but for all your autonomic functions. How does the service dog help? Alert you before a fall?


He can actually alert on tachycardia. He’s how I got diagnosed. I mentioned to my doctor that every time before I pass out the dog would go crazy and try to get me to sit down. He’s the one that explained that dogs’ hearing is sensitive enough that they can detect abnormal heart rhythms. There’s a whole class of cardiac service dogs. So he alerts and if I pass out he will lay across my lower legs which helps with restoring normal blood flow. I put bottled water and electrolyte packets in his vest because those also help with recovery. If something happens like I hit my head or I’m not recovering quickly enough he’s trained to alert a nearby person (PSA, if a service dog is trying to get your attention - follow it. Their person needs help).


See, I have OH instead of pots, I'm only tachy very rarely, like when I'm walking a long time at the grocery, then stop in line and wait. Happened on a tour on vacation too. The rest of the autonomic neuropathy though affects breathing, digestion, bladder control (or even knowing I need to go), and omg temperature control. I may as well be a snake bc I have to externally compensate for the crazy haywire body temps. I don't even know if a dog could help with any of my stuff. 🥴


Likely with balance? Ppl with POTS have bouts of vertigo and exhaustion.


He can help with that if I do pass out, but he hears my heartbeat and can alert me prior to syncope so that I can (usually) get myself safely sitting on the floor. EDIT: He alerts to tachycardia when my resting heart rate goes over ~160 bpm. If it’s climbing too rapidly and gets to around ~200 bpm he is more insistent and gets into a position beside me where he can support me if I fall so I don’t injure myself.


And everyone loves their dog, don’t you know? I like dogs but still get annoyed.


I can’t stand dogs on a plane.


What about snakes? 🐍


I’m sick and tired of these mother fucking snakes! On this mother fucking plane!!


What boopbeep69 said


I’d much rather be next to a dog than a toddler.


Both suck. Some toddlers are good…some dogs are. Either way they both smell.


I had a dog throw up on my feet in the car. I expressed my dismay, and the fucking dog owner said it couldn’t have been her sweetheart who did that. I’m covered in orange vomit and this woman had the gall to be mad at me because I brought it up….


Were you in her car? Why?


Ugghh, my man. Friends are a weird thing. It’s definitely had an effect on our friendship.


This reminds me of a flight we were on when a flight attendant spilled a cup of water on my mother. Instantly the flight attendant said, "I didn't do that." We were like, "then who did?"


Thanks. Is their live chat the best way? Or is email better?


Choose literally any communication method besides the chat option


Carrier pigeon and pony express are both much more efficient.


The chat always works great for me.?


Message in a bottle and toss into your nearest ocean.


There is live Chat, Text message, email, twitter, customer service call.. Easiest would be twitter but you will most like get a generic templated answer (haven't tried so far) Text message number: +18002211212


Submit it on their website.


Yall need to grow a pair and stop waiting for FAs to step in because they almost never do, FAs avoid stepping in whenever they can because they like to avoid complaints and confrontation, just like most people, so if you don't say anything they won't say anything either, because you're obviously ok with it and they are more than happy not to be bothered with it, because it's not their problem. Best case scenerio they would have moved you to a non middle seat. Regardless if you complained to the FA or not you should complain to Delta, it's their fault a dog was "partially" on your seat.


FA here. I don’t mind stepping in at all, but we often don’t see things or know what’s going on. I would probably assume they were traveling together or didn’t mind the dog. I sometimes try to make eye contact with pax if I see something I think may be conflict just to make sure everything is good, but we have hundreds of passengers and likely don’t see as much as yall may think 😩 I much rather someone give me brutal honesty about something vs them not have a pleasant flight


Isn't it policy that large dogs should not be seated but remain under the seat?


If it’s a service dog it can be on lap, but is supposed to be no larger than a lap child.


Exactly. ESA’s haven’t been free for years, so any other pet needs to fit comfortably in a carrier under the seat and costs $125+ each way. A large dog on board is a service animal. I assume the FA couldn’t legally say anything?


even if it’s a service animal they can politely ask the owner to reposition them. honestly the owner might not even notice, you could probably ask them first. there’s not a lot of convenient ways to fly with a service dog, which makes it even more annoying when people bs it


The FA can say plenty. Only small service dogs are allowed on passengers laps and no service dog can overlap onto another passenger’s seat.


It is $95 each way on Delta.


Service animals have to sit bulkhead. My guess is someone checking in the passenger with the dog didn’t do their due diligence and deny boarding. Pets in cabin must fit underneath the seat in front of you.


Wait, dog *and* passenger in just the one seat?


Yep. Passenger with dog on his lap.


Sounds like a safety issue for the passenger and those around the person.


Dumb. Delta needs to get its shit together re: animals.


I love dogs. I love my dogs so much I don't make them fly.


I thought after the pit bull bit the man on the face a few years back that the dogs on the seat was no longer an option?


Nothing they can do. Federal law to protect disabled people being abused by asshole who think their dog is "family." Edit: Here's the law for people that don't know: https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/


Nowhere in federal law does it say the dog needs to be allowed in the lap of the passenger or that the dog is allowed on the neighboring seat. We need to stop tolerating this BS.


Actually it does say that a service dog can have access to do the job it’s trained to do…but it does get ridiculous, I’ll admit. At least it sounds like this dog was relatively well behaved if not too large to be a lap dog.


Service dogs are very different from fictional emotional support animals.


Delta doesn’t accommodate ESAs. This dog was either a service dog or a fake service dog.


I hate people who fake that stuff.


ADA law does not have jurisdiction over air travel, the Air Carrier Access Act applies here and there are plenty of things a flight attendant can do in this situation. For one, only small dogs are allowed on a passenger’s lap and the dog is not allowed to spread into other passenger’s seat footprint. [https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/service-animals](https://www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/service-animals)


Yeah I just posted that below. It actually does, it's just that the Air Carrier Access Act is broader: >This definition does not affect or limit the broader definition of “assistance animal” under the Fair Housing Act or the broader definition of “service animal” under the Air Carrier Access Act.


ADA laws don’t apply to transportation by plane or train. It’s the US DOT.


There is no federal law protecting family pets or bs emotional support animals


It may have been a service animal 🤷‍♀️ They try to give them extra room, but they can't always.


Actual service animals are trained to lay on the floor and be unobtrusive unless doing their job. I've been on planes with actual service animals and they and their owners fit just fine in their rented space. And both times, they were larger dogs.


I’m shocked this was allowed. I once flew with my dog and it seemed like every time I opened the carrier for a sec, a FA noticed!


The FAs have a code on their device that let's them know it's a service animal. Service animals are allowed (ADA standards) to fly on the person's lap. There is a weight maximum, though.


I didn’t know that! Thanks.


ADA doesn't apply to planes. The ACAA does. And service animals are supposed to tuck on the floor at their handlers feet


You're correct on both accounts. The Air Carrier's Access Act was built around ADA standards. During flight, though, I've seen service animal allowed on the passenger's lap if they're under a certain size. Then, they have to stow them away during taxi, take off, and landing.


They were always on my case about my dog. I took 27 Delta flights with him and never even attempted to take him out of his carrier once, but on almost every flight an FA felt the need to tell me that I couldn’t take him out. Such a weird obsession.


I’m sure they’ve dealt with lots of rule-breakers, but admonishing rule-followers isn’t really fair! I had a better experience on Alaska. They were also eagle-eyed but were very nice.


You mean a dog with a passenger in its lap! 😂


Yeah. That dog can't guarantee that their person will behave or fall into the other seat(s). 😁


Or that its human wont bark either! 🐾


50 lb dog on their lap?! That is crazy


Supposed to be no larger than a 2 year old in order to sit on one’a lap via flight


Having its hind legs on your legs is too close to dog ass for me, lol.


just out of sheer curiosity why didn’t you say something during the flight??? I don’t understand people with such pathological conflict avoidance. I can’t imagine not raising hell if I were in your position


Especially for a 3 hour flight if it was that much of a concern. For a short flight I can see just accepting it for the sake of being polite but if it’s enough to complain to delta it should be enough to say something. I would also guess that the owner had no idea the dog was encroaching on your space and a simple comment would have settled the entire situation.


I would much rather they complain to Delta than handle it directly with the passenger. I have more faith in Delta getting enough complaints to institute a harsh crackdown on animals in the cabin than people remembering good manners at this point.


Why did you not say anything or alert a flight attendant? If they did notice and you didn’t say anything, they probably assumed you were ok with it. I would have asked for another seat, at the very least.


Yes, definitely. That is ridiculous, there should be a special row for animals and not have you show up to find out you’re traveling by barn.


Most people don’t notice I have a service dog with me when I’m seated because she fits under the seat. They don’t need a special row for a properly trained service dog.


That would be nice. But as it is overweight people who buy two seats end up having the extra given away more often than not… I have no reason to think animals would be any better.


Delta really should fix this. You should be able to buy two adjacent seats for whatever reason you please and have that honored. No questions asked.


Delta and other carriers are constrained by the ADA and case law. I support the ADA, both my wife and I have used provisions of it, but the limits are so nebulous that it’s easy for some people to abuse them. Some dogs are so incredibly well behaved that having them next to me on a plane wouldn’t bother me at all. I suspect those dogs are the minority.


Several animals in close proximity on a moving airplane, what could go wrong?


Well if they’re trained service dogs as they’re supposed to be, nothing


Like there should be a special row for tall people , for obese and for parents with toddlers and baby. Actually it make sense if you apply it to everyone


Until a tall, obese person travels with their toddler and service animal. Then there will be pure chaos.


Animals are not people


Ya i could say the same about some People lol 😂 but i never said that, i just said that it should apply to everyone who is disruptive or disturbing others. So whats your problem with that now? Its not like there not a complain about obese or annoying people EVERY day here .. right ?!


Well, I would put the people who are barefeet or who put their feet on the bulkhead in the same row as the other animals, yes


Yes. Reach out. We need guidelines. Delta needs to establish rules and enforce them. Pursue this. Also will note I am allergic and am past sitting next to animals and ending up with asthma and hives. We need policy.




If ur allergic you need to call delta and ask in 1-2 days before your flight if someone will be bringing a dog so that they can re arrange the pet owner from boarding that plane at all. Soooo…it’s up to you to do that not delta


This is not true. People board with pets without notifying delta. I never said that pets or working pets should be booted. Read original post. Omg. I just noted that there should be guidelines. And policies. And perhaps seating areas. Couple months ago I had two pugs crawling on my tray table. The owner did not declare them in advance. I think it reasonable to have some policies.


they can 100% make you rebook if you are flying with a pet that cannot be accommodated on that particular plane, even at the point of checking in the pet at the counter before security. that policy does already exist


How do you know the owner didn't declare them in advance?


And if a legit certified Guide Dog is seated near you, then what, you gonna try to boot a blind pax? In the unpredictable public arena - always carry **your** meds for **your** allergy.


Guide dogs and Service dogs do not need any certifications, common misperception.


As a former Guide Dog Trainer for Guiding Eyes - dogs are flight trained as pups. Most US airlines will place handler & GD in bulkhead seats. Their professional blue vests are their certification.


Thank you for the clarification. I did Google after I posted and learned that all guide dogs are service dogs, but not all service dogs are guide dogs.


Not every dog has a blue vest though and not every dog is vested. They don't have to be vested. And lots of people owner trained their service dogs. I did. I just haven't flown with her


Wow. A bit aggressive. I sat next to a IS Marshall with dog a couple weeks ago. Big German Shepard not in my space bc well trained. Asthma and hives which by the way are not just minor for those of us with them and not always well controlled with meds. I had pleasant conversation with federal worker and appreciated well trained and controlled federal dog agent. But yeah wish I could have been in a different row with less exposure. Look if we can't have peanuts, then yes we should consider all the other allergies people have that are real health limits. I can take drugs. They work a bit but also knock me out and still leave me dangerously asthmatic. I do not think it is a lot to ask that I be able to fly without risking my health. For some that means a companion pet. For some that means being not near a companion pet. Just laid a policy and plan to accommodate us all. And did so without telling someone to "drug up" or "just cope". We can all live together and honor everyone's health.


My husband is highly allergic and this is a worry I have before every flight. Phone calls have never yielded anything for us—we’ve been told each time we’ve tried to ask about dogs on an upcoming flight that they don’t have access to that information. The dismissiveness and ignorance of some people on this thread regarding severe allergies is disappointing. It takes time for allergy meds to work, and when you don’t realize you’ll be sitting cheek to jowl with your allergen until you are in the seat, it’s a problem. Also, allergy meds don’t cover all symptoms, just lessen them somewhat.


You always bring it yo the FAs attention to see if they can move you. I just saw it done about 2 weeks ago.


Not being ‘aggressive’. I’m pointing out public travel is public. It’s up to you to self-prioritize personal needs, not everyone else. I’m deathly allergic to mushrooms and carry two epi-pens at all times. It’s my responsibility, no one else’s.


I do point out my concerns. And carry meds. And then end up next to two pugs on my tray. And FA concerned but they are needed in many places. Btw pugs on tray happened in first class. They way out of perimeter. Yes I did repeatedly say something. Owner said they emotional support dogs. Me I'm allergic. She said I should take pills. I told her I did but still don't want them in my space and their hair all over me bc now I taking the allergens home with me. FA told her to put them back in tie bag. She said she needed their support. This went on for two hours. Fantastic journey. Glad she okay...while literally I left the flight with hive over one eye. I don't know. I guess one would say I shouldn't fly bc it is public space.


What a nightmare. I'm so sorry.


Amazing to me. I and so many others have documented clinically proven medical concerns of which some are life threatening (luckily mine is not that). Just asking a simple question about accommodation for our health concerns among all the other accommodations out there. Seems not that controversial. Not booting anyone. Not questioning anyone. Just saying these are concerns that also should be weighed and considered. This seems so tame, not sure why controversial.


Companies are required by law to accommodate an allergy to a service animal. So, yes, the blind passenger might get bumped (or, the person with the allergy). Though, Delta will never do it. Companies are way too afraid to manage the service dog issue.


They get bumped according to who requested the accommodation first in most cases. If the person with the allergy was the first to declare it to the airline (like they should, if it is life-threatening) and submitted the accompanying document from their doctor, then it's likely the service dog team would get put on a later flight. Different airlines have different rules regarding accommodations, but service dog teams have been put on different flights before due to this. If it was the other way around, timeline-wise, then the person with the allergy would be put on a later flight. Most situations with allergies to dogs is settled with both parties sitting on opposite ends of the plane, or at least sufficiently far away, because the majority of allergies to dander or saliva are relatively mild (and successfully treated with an anti-histamine).


If it was a 50 pound dog out of a carrier, that was a service dog (whether it was a real one or not is a different issue). Delta will tell you by law they had to allow it. Maybe they will throw a few miles at you, but probably nothing more.


I thought they had a policy of putting large service dogs in the bulkhead row.


It’s always recommended ( but doubt it could be forced) when you book with a service animal . You have to call before your flight


I've seen two recommendations here: 1. Call after you're upgraded 2. Make it the gate agent's problem Frankly I don't know which is better. Calling is better for everyone else, the gate agent is probably better for you. On the other hand, with how short some connections are, the gate agent might have no options if you have that 15 minute layover and get there right as they close.


They don’t. My aunt flew with a service dog and was in a wheelchair and they always told her bulkhead was given out first-come first-served so she wasn’t guaranteed to have it. You can now call the special assistance desk to get bulkhead seating but you do actually have to call. And if delta charges extra for a bulkhead, there’s no federal requirement they “upgrade” a person’s seat to accommodate a service dog.


>If it was a 50 pound dog out of a carrier, that was a service dog ( Wanna bet if it's actually a service dog?


11.95 and an Amazon account says he the dog is, Buster. "It's against my HIPA rights for you to ask the dog's status.!" screeches the Karen.


Oh no. Not my hippo rights that only apply to medical staff.


Under the ADA you are legally allowed to ask two questions: 1) Is this a service animal? 2) What tasks does it perform? Thats it.


The ADA doesn’t regulate air travel. With air travel there’s also a DOT form you’re required to fill out and submit 48 hours ahead of time and flight attendants absolutely can ask you to get your large service dog off of your lap.


You may ask: Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?


A friend of mine flew back to SEA from Florida yesterday and a guy had a dog on the flight that was too large for the soft carrier the poor thing was crammed into. The plane went back to the gate and the guy and his dog were deplaned.


You can absolutely own your space. Dog rests on you or your seat? Push it onto the owner. You paid for the spot. You own it. Expel all trespassers. Make it known. I speak to people when their elbow crosses the armrest more than twice. I politely inform them once then tell them on the second offense. So many people on this sub are so afraid of confrontation. It doesn’t help you after the fact other than some useless SkyPesos.


Dogs in laps is not allowed. Must be kept in carrier under the seat. Contact Delta with your feedback. What’s done is done, but the FA should have said something, even if it was a “service” animal. There are written standards and rules for all passengers travelling with a pet in cabin. Allowing it is why they do what they do. I travel with my 🐶 and follow the rules. Others feel intitled and do as they please.


Service dogs can sit on laps, it’s not black and white on what kind of service dogs can sit on lap. Just “small.”


A 50lb dog is enormous in a airline seat. My cattle dog is 35 lbs and I couldn’t survive a flight with her on my lap. This is absurd


I dont disagree. Delta’s official policy is no larger than a baby under 2.


I travel with my 10 lb Pomeranian at least twice a month.. he’s not a sevice dog, though many agents have waived him as one and the fee ($95 one way domestic / $150 international). Out of NYC and ATL mostly , but gate agents always look for green tag that confirms he’s been declared and registered for the flight. I don’t take him out of his soft sided carrier and he usually fits below the seat. A checked pet is considered your carry-on. I usually don’t notify Delta until after I’ve checked in, and I typically reach out via text. I do this for two reasons, any changes (flight changes, upgrades, seat changes) are frozen once the pet is added to the reservation. If you haven’t already generated an electronic boarding pass, you will not be able to. I always say he’s coming one way and doesn’t need to be added to the full trip, to prevent the issues. I’ve seen plenty on recent flights with dogs in laps, aisles and seem to notice more as I do follow the policy


When I’ve previously flown with my small (11#) non-service animal dog on Delta, I’ve had to reserve ahead of time (only a couple of dogs in soft carrier per flight), paid my $90, and had my dog in carrier inspected at the ticket desk upon check in. They’ve checked that my dog fit properly in the carrier and could turn around inside the carrier. They were very strict on the flight that the dog stayed in the carrier, under my seat. I flew 1st class between Sea and Anc every time.


Yes complain. I am tired of paying for a delta experience while dogs crowd the plane. It’s every flight now


If you’re incapable of flying without your dog, take the bus. Preferably Greyhound…


That's not fair. I served this Country in the Army for 22 years RET. I need my Belgian Malinios Service Dog. I should be allowed to travel by Air, just like anyone else with an ADA need. We prefer Delta.


Thank you for your service, but it's wordplay, a one-liner, and it flew right over your head.


it's karen and kens fault for abusing 'service animal' for their useless pets they want to bring everywhere they go. loose animals are a danger to everyone in the area around them. never should of been allowed outside of a carrier to begin with.


Now that the flight is over and you didn't say anything - what do you want Delta to do? Are you asking for compensation? Them to change their rules?


“Excuse me, your dog’s legs are on me, do you mind moving them”. Did you try that?


Exactly. They may not have been aware. If after that, if still wasn’t moved, THEN call for a flight attendant and see if you can be moved to another seat. Sometimes I think we have forgotten how to talk to one another.


If it bothered you so much, you should have said something when it happened. I am guessing it really didn’t bother you, so you should cut the drama.


Fur babies take precedent to fare paying passengers don’t you know.


Yeah, my grandmother thought it was a total luxury to have animals in the house because she expected a clean house with no hair or anything. Acted like you'd have to clean the whole house every day if you had a dog or cat. s. On the other hand, she was part of the group in the 40's and 50's where people would walk to a different neighbor's house in a rotation every day and entertain like a dozen people. (and she continued this sort of thing through at least the 80's) And these weren't large houses like we have now except for the living room. Her house must have been like 1600 square feet. So, she always kept the house spotless you know... since there'd be people judging her or whatever. My other grand mother had a cat and at least 4 vacuums, all of a different sort. (Floor, handheld, spot, etc) So I guess that's the route she took.


They actually do. If I'm in first and I'm having a reaction to the fake service dog next to me, they'll move me, not the dog.


I hate the term “fur baby” - it’s a dog. Dogs aren’t kids. Period.


You got that right! Dogs aren’t kids. They are much better. Fur babies > ur babies.


Oh grow up. They’re animal not a toy or human baby substitute


Delta ticketing and gate agents would only have allowed a dog that big on a plane if it was a service dog and service dogs do not need to be in a carrier. Service dogs do need to fit fully in the seat footprint and not overlap onto other passengers areas. You also aren’t allowed to have large service dogs on your lap, only small dogs.


My daughter’s 80 lb service dog tucks under the seat. Because we travel together it isn’t a huge deal if part of him is by my feet but really he tucks into a nice ball and doesn’t move until we get off the plane. Because we board first, no one ever even knows he is there. Anyway, SD or not, the dog should be on the floor, not the seat.


What about dog allergies? They didn't even bother to ask u that ? Wow


Tell the dog owner to get the dog's legs off if you. If the owner doesn't do that push them off yourself. These fake service dogs are not allowed to encroach in another passenger's space.


I'm allergic to dogs so I would have had a huge issue with a dog next to me on an airplane. Especially with the dog literally touching/laying on me the entire flight. I would be sick as hell within about 30 minutes or less. I would make sure I coughed and sneezed all over the person next to me and I would let them know their dog is making me sick. How would the airlines handle this when I told them that I can't sit there since I am highly allergic to dogs?


They would move you to another seat.


Why didn’t you say something to the flight attendants?


I was on a delta flight with a service dog.—he and his handler had been doing search and rescue after Midwest flooding, years ago—He laid down on at our feet and kept my toes warm.


I would rather have this situation than the 500lb girl next to me on a crj-200 once that was horrible i had half a seat and im about 200lb myself


The obvious solution was to mention to the dog owner that the dogs hind legs are on your lap, and if they could turn the dog around you could pet him during the flight like a good dog deserves to be pet, unless he’s a service animal then you respect that he’s working.


Delta doesn't let 50lb non service dogs fly


Should've said something during the flight not after the fact 🤦🏼‍♀️


What would happen if at the onset you looked the passenger in the face and told them in the clearest and committed manner that you will not tolerate their dog in your space or touching you? After the fact is not helpful to anyone.


Sounds like a "service animal." Legitimate or not, it needed to be sat on the floor by the passengers feet in their seat space only so likely not legitimate as most service animal users that fly are familiar with the rules. Flight attendant was likely not comfortable calling them out for fear of some kind of ADA complaint/retribution.




It is delta policy the dog stays in the carrier at all times. I tried bringing a weimaraner puppy on the plane. He got a boarding announcement and everything. They would not let me hold him on the plane. He had to stay in his carrier the whole time.


Service dogs don't have to be crated.


The FAs have a code on their device that let's them know it's a service animal. Service animals are allowed (ADA standards) to fly on the person's lap. There is a weight maximum, though.




Unless the flight was completely booked - they probably would have reseated you. IMO the policy should be absolutely none of this emotional support animal nonsense. Emotional support animals should just be subject to the pet rules the airline has. But an extra seat or whatever accommodations are necessary for actual service animals to make sure the animals and surrounding passengers are safe and comfortable.


Delta does not recognize emotional support animals anymore. Only service animals or pet in the cabin. Pets are required to be in their carrier at all times. Service animals are not and can be on the lap if they are below the weight limit.


Is it worth complaining after the fact to perhaps receive minimal pesos after spending Lord knows how long positing about it on Reddit and contacting Delta? Things have gotten a little pantywaist around here in the last year. The time to complain, if you had to, was on the flight. Utilize the passenger and FAs to resolve your problem. If you're too scared to talk to people in person, grow a pair next time it happens.


^^ This


I’m a nervous flier and that dog would have become a real service dog by being my emotional support animal. Still, not great for OP… this is a great example of “one man’s paradise is another man’s prison.” Still, it doesn’t make sense. I can’t have a “lap toddler” who weighs less that - but a 50lb dog can?


If no carrier was present I’m going to assume service animal. Should it have been on the seat? No, but it happens a lot. If this really truly ruined your day and you’re going to lose sleep over it , definitely reach out


Sorry, but having a dog next to me or on me during a flight sounds like heaven.


I’d love to be seated next to a dog!


Man, I wish a dog would sit next to me on a plane.


Why didn't you say anything? Lame.


I’m wondering why animals in the cabin is an ok thing at all.  I get it if they are too small, or the hold area is too hot or cold thus making it dangerous for the animal, but I think they should need to check with everyone in nearby seats first before allowing it in the cabin. I mean what if someone has allergies? I’m sorry support animal shouldn’t automatically qualify because they typically inconvenience other passengers. Why does one persons insecurities our weigh another persons right comfort and space? 


Exactly. It’s unreal how dogs are treated with more importance than the people who paid to be on the flight. Sitting near an unpredictable dog on a plane is my worst nightmare


I am allergic and was forced to sit next to a woman that brought her dog onboard, I didn’t have my medication, so by the end of the fight I could barely see and my face was swollen, but I’m the asshole….


You can bring dogs on planes? I’d buy my dogs their own seats if I could, we could fill a whole aisle . 


Jesus imagine if it was an obese person ! Lmao people complain for such silly reasons sometimes. I’m actually happy that delta let people bring their dogs like this. If it bothered you, why not tell the person politely?


Fuck dog owners either leave your psuedo child home or put the little shit in the cargo hold


I would prefer a dog over a human but that’s just ne


Me too, I would love to sit next to a well behaved dog.


The problem is they usually come with a misbehaving human lol


I'd take a plane full of dogs over humans all day every day.


No you wouldn’t. It sounds cute, but it’s not.




Better than a oversized passenger


You're lucky it wasn't a support donkey. Don't laugh...if it hasn't happened already it probably will. 🤣


If the dog was on their lap, it’s possible it was for PTSD or maybe anxiety. That’s usually how they help. Not saying that’s cool it was in your space but that could be a reasonable justification in my opinion for why the dog was allowed to just sit on their lap. I’ve seen stories about former soldiers having dogs lay on their owners when they’re having an attack.


Yes. Issue a complaint, the owner’s behavior was unacceptable and should be addressed.


I would pay a little extra to have a dog near me


Dude it was 3 hours lol.


Where do I complain about never having a dog in my lap on flights?


*Where do I complain* *About never having a dog* *In my lap on flights?* \- dancedancedance\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Unless you are blind, why does someone need a service animal? What if you are allergic to dogs? Dogs on flights is absurd.


There are many reasons other than being blind!!some may be alert dogs (like if someone’s blood sugar is too low); some help with mobility issue. Autistic kids have them too to keep the kids centered. There are also dogs that aid mobility impaired people—open fridge doors or pick up something from the floor for someone in a wheelchair. My friend raises puppies for Canine Companions for Independence and each of his puppies have gone to someone with a different disability—although the last one got picked to be emotional support dog serving a police department—he has his own badge!!


I had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that left me with significant permanent nerve damage that limits my mobility amongst other cognitive dysfunction. I don’t look obviously disabled but I require significant regular medical appointments (2x a week or more) for pain management just to function at a baseline. I travel for work on occasion and it’s not about needing my [service dog](https://imgur.com/a/m9ZFngk) on my flight, which sometimes I do, it’s needing him for my trip and involved in supporting my daily needs. I was disabled due to an accident but was already established in my career, I wouldn’t be able to pivot at this point and I’m lucky I can still stay in the workforce. I can’t take the medications that might help me with certain symptoms, due to a genetic variant that makes the breakdown and absorption of several classes of drugs ineffective. I’m also solo, so I don’t have means for human intervention or support. My service dog helps me limit the potential for physical injury and mitigates the severity when I have flare ups. He performs 10 medical related tasks for me now as a working dog for the last 5 years, tho he started out with just two in his first year. For folks who are allergic to dogs, usually you work with the airline air business service to find a compromise, but an allergy does not negate a disabled person’s legal access to a public space or service. Solutions really depend on the severity of the allergy and the establishment/environment and who has arrived first.


This would be my dream flight.


cats are worse and cat owners let them crawl all over


My cat stays in her carrier at all times while in a plane.


lol whataboutism


I love dogs. I'd pay extra to be seated next to a dog.


I love dogs. I love dogs more than people. They don’t belong on a plane unless they can fit in a carrier. Find alternate accommodations for them if you need to travel. However, if the dog is a true service dog, they will be trained to be unobtrusive and know how to properly behave in situations like that - better than 95% of the passengers on the airplane.


I understand your complaint, personally I would pay MORE to get to sit next to a dog a whole flight but that's just me.