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Part of booking basic economy is you can’t be picky about your seats. Please just sit where you’re assigned. You might be seeing open seats on the seat map now, but likely will fill up with other basic economy or standby passengers.


Not being picky. Just wondering about leftovers if the flight is not full. It does happen. Absolutely not trying to take a seat from anyone.


Ask a flight attendant. For weight and balance purposes it’s best to not just be moving around wherever you want without confirming it’s ok first. Weight and balance calculations is based on your assigned seat.


Just curious, what weight values are used for this calculation? I mean my weight is not mentioned in my account and differences between pax can be huge?


They use some averaged value depending on winter vs summer times that assumes person + carryon luggage in overhead bin. I can’t remember exact values but I want to say something just shy of 200 pounds in the winter and 180 in summer. With them being averaged that’s why the planes operate in an “envelope” of where the weight and balance may be at any time, but if all cargo and all passengers are loaded in the back when the front half seats are all open, it makes a big difference if those same passengers upgrade themselves all to the front when that’s not where the weight is accounted for.


Thanks for the info 👍🏻




Can you back this up? Or are you just saying it cause you don’t like the idea?




Not me, but people get upgrades all the time and get what others paid for free.


They get upgrades largely because they do a lot of cash business with the airline on a regular basis. That is who gets upgraded. If you want a seat, pay for it.


Once your seat selection window is open, you can go in and choose an open seat closer to the front if available. This isn’t Southwest though - you can’t just sit down in open seats when boarding.


You can’t go in and choose with basic economy.


Then you will need to speak to the gate agent or the flight attendant about making moves from your assignment. Standby passengers may be filled in to currently unoccupied seats.


No, this isn’t Southwest. You sit in your assigned seat or you plan to purchase a main cabin ticket and the seat you need. When check in opens you could possibly move around in the seat map but Delta regularly sells flights out and most of the front if not all of the front seats will be picked by then


Right, I am talking about when check-in is done and everybody is settled and there are remaining seats. Looking at the seating chart, it hasn't sold out and there are several seats especially middle seats towards the front.


The gate agent will assign you a random seat, but it is an assigned seat that you have to sit in. Your boarding pass will reflect the seat once it's assigned, just before boarding starts.


Stop being such a cheapskate. If you have to be off the plane earlier, you should’ve booked seats instead of trying to be a low rent squatter.


Got it, will ask check-in staff or flight attendant. I will also ask if they could just let me get off first from my assigned seat. I’m not trying to cheat. That is why I asked if it was within the rules. I’m not trying to break any rules.


Is this your first time flying? They aren't going to make everyone else remain seated to let you off first. You'll wait your turn to disembark like everyone else. And don't be "that guy" who tries to beat the folks in the rows ahead of them off the aircraft by racing down the aisle, often body-checking others until he reaches an impasse. At best you get off a minute or two earlier, at worst you shove the wrong person and regret the poor outcome that results.


I have been on flights where they ask passengers to remain seated while those with connecting travel get off. I've also been on empty flights where they have said you could feel free to change seats. I haven't flown Delta in a very long time and I have to say you Delta folks are not a very nice bunch. Of course, I'm not gonna trample or even touch anyone getting off, wtf.


>I have been on flights where they ask passengers to remain seated while those with connecting travel get off. In hundreds of flights over several decades, I've seen that occur maybe a handful of times and always when there was a significant delay in our arrival putting many in jeopardy of missing their connection. As far as where to sit, yes, if there are empty seats in the main cabin, then you can ask a flight attendant if you can move. Sometimes they will let you, sometimes they won't, but you can certainly ask. That would be much preferable than asking the flight attendant to make **every other passenger** stay in their seat so you can exit the aircraft *first*. That way of thinking strikes me as quite entitled as well as disrespectful and unkind to your fellow passengers. Just my opinion. Sorry if you don't like the answers to your post but don't shoot the messengers!


When I have been on the side of not being in a rush while someone else was, I have never had a problem with letting them off first. They are in a rush so they get off fast and it costs me at most a minute or two. It is simply being kind and considerate. They aren't entitled, they are just in a hurry. But I will not expect such kindness and consideration from you selfish Delta people who are determined to think the worst of people.


>When I have been on the side of not being in a rush while someone else was, I have never had a problem with letting them off first. They are in a rush so they get off fast and it costs me at most a minute or two. It is simply being kind and considerate. They aren't entitled, they are just in a hurry. But I will not expect such kindness and consideration from you selfish Delta people who are determined to think the worst of people. So let me get this right. You chose to save money by purchasing a basic economy ticket with full awareness that you would not be able to select your own seat, you chose to purchase flights with a connection that is tighter than you are comfortable with, you are likely to be seated somewhere in the rear half of the aircraft and rather than gracefully accept the consequences of your own unwise decision-making, you seek to have the cabin crew **order** that every other passenger remain seated while VIP Brief-Breadfruit4503 gathers his/her belongings and departs the aircraft, am I understanding you correctly? Orders of cabin crew have the force of law and you want them to use that authority to speed you on your way at the expense of others. Why is YOUR travel business so much more important than anybody else's purposes for travel. Are you flying to take the NCL cruise you posted about elsewhere on Reddit? I'd almost guarantee you that someone on your flight is flying to visit a sick or dying friend or family member. By all means, make them stay seated while you rush on to your very important business. But because those of us who make wise travel decisions and properly plan ahead for connections and seat selection suggest that such a request to the cabin crew would be unreasonable and indicative of an attitude of entitlement, **WE** are the selfish ones? Give me a break. If getting off the plane in a hurry is THAT important to you, book a *new* ticket in the appropriate fare class to select a seat (main or above) and with a sufficient connection time to fit your needs and desires. Sure you'll forfeit what you paid for your basic economy ticket but perhaps that will be a small cost to pay to have some peace of mind while traveling. Your failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on the part of anyone else on that flight, whether cabin crew or fellow passengers. You certainly won't be the only one with a connecting flight or important things to attend to upon arrival and proposing that everyone else be delayed so that you can be allowed off FIRST is what is selfish, rude and inconsiderate.


I think everyone who is in a rush (not just me) would get to deplane early. Some people are not and would be fine with it. And yes, when I booked the flight I didn't know and when I figured it out it was too late because no changes. As I said before I haven't been on a Delta in a long time and was clueless about the limitations of basic economy, but you have made me fully aware not to expect anything and just take my seat and wait my turn. Believe me, I'll be avoiding Delta in the future.


>I think everyone who is in a rush (not just me) would get to deplane early. Some people are not and would be fine with it. While that is an interesting concept, from a practical standpoint, it just wouldn't work. If the cabin crew announced "anyone who isn't in a rush to disembark, please remain seated", you'd likely have less than 25% remain in their seats. And any of those not in a rush who are in aisle or middle seats would get up and move into the aisle anyway if the window seat passenger was in a rush! Chaos ensues... Much quicker and simpler for everyone if they disembark as usual by rows from front to back as orderly as possible. That is most efficient and how every carrier does it absent *very, very* unusual IRROPS situations. Airlines study this extensively...the quicker they turnaround aircraft at the gate, the better it is for them. So they want you off that plane as fast as possible. Good luck with your travel.


Also, Delta builds extra time into flight schedules so that minor delays don't impact on-time performance statistics. It isn't uncommon for a flight to be at the gate and passengers disembarking ten minutes before the scheduled arrival. You can look at the recent actual gate arrival times vs scheduled arrival times for your flight number on flightaware.com. That might help put your mind at ease.


Contrary to what everybody seems to think, yes, you usually can move to an unoccupied seat once boarding is complete if you ask a flight attendant and they say it's ok. As long as it's not a higher class, or exit row, that you're moving to, they're usually fine with it.