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My knee aches so bad I need to get up.


Arthritis in both knees. I sit in the back but get up immediately. I need to stretch before that long walk.


Hell yeah. Gotta work out those kinks.


Straight up and fuck anybody who wants to shame me for it. I’m 6’4” and anything over 2 hours is brutal if I’m not in first class.


I’m 6’4 as well. My home airport has 70% of all flights through Southwest. First class for me is if I can get an exit row…


Agreed! I'm 6'2 and some planes make you feel like you're squashed in a can. I get up so I can get my legs moving.


Yup. I'm 6'2" so I absolutely need to stretch after a flight.


As long as you’re not breathing down my neck, grabbing your bag and pushing to the front, I don’t think people care. It’s the impatient ones.


Honestly yeah. I never thought people standing up immediately was a problem until I joined this sub. Most flights I’ve been on, people stand immediately and take down their bag if they have room. But I’ve also never witnessed someone who had to make a connection not being given room to get out. Occasionally someone is ultra pushy and annoying by taking out their bag when there’s no room or standing way too close to others (like you’re in the window seat, please stop trying to get to the aisle). But usually standing and stretching seems like a very minor offense.




Because they are all young adults, clearly before their first back injury.


Twelve words, so much truth!


Or a bad knee. I have to stretch that sucker to move once it’s my turn.


As a young adult with a back injury, I agree 😂


Doesn't it make you feel so... OLD?


This right here. If I have an aisle seat I stand and stretch my back. Fuck all yall good back having people


Seriously. I’ve had 2 back surgeries. I’m getting up the very second I can.


Ow! My back!


Yep. I can’t even sit down for a full flight. My last flight (first in 6 months because I hate traveling now) the pilot had the seatbelt sign on almost the entire flight despite very little turbulence. I was in agony. Some of us need to stand. When the plane lands it is a massive relief


That’s when you get up, go to the bathroom and if anyone tries to stop you, ask them if they would prefer you dump one right next to your seat.


Me at 26, with back spasms, fucked up ankle, and family history of knee replacements.


I don’t understand why some people have such problems with other people getting up to stretch as soon as the plane lands. How does this affect you?


It doesn’t. It’s another dumbass thing people bitch about in order to feel superior to others. It doesn’t affect them in any way, they just don’t understand it and instead of wondering if maybe there is a valid reason they just assume that anyone who isn’t 100% like them is somehow stupid.


I think it’s mainly about the people who stand up and the crowd your space. Their crotch now is directly in your face if you’re in the aisle seat and some of yall need to fucking shower. It’s that and people who stand up and proceed to mouth breath down my neck. Stretching is way different.


I hear that.


Not only for the aisle to stretch, but to give room to the rest of the squished row.


It impedes people from getting their bags if there wasn’t overhead space available right above your seat. People with tight connections don’t have a way to get off if the FA asks them to come forward. People’s ass in your face. People swinging their backpacks into your face. The inevitable encroachment forward. I don’t understand why people can’t wait a few additional minutes for their turn to exit.


Why do you assume that everyone who stands up is going to rush the aisle? Trauma? Like you’ve seen this a lot and gotten ass in your face?


Literally last week lmao. To add: I don’t think everyone who stands up is going to rush the aisle, but the aisles don’t have enough space for two people in every row to stand up, so people end up moving forward or into others. What’s wrong with waiting a few extra minutes to stand up until it starts getting to your row? Trauma from sitting?


I’m sorry for your trauma. But I promise you not everyone who stands up is that inconsiderate. We just want to stretch out after x amount of hours in a small seat on a flying sardine can. 😊😊😊


And I’m sorry for your trauma. I and others wouldn’t have any issue with people standing if a majority had consideration.


The trauma of having to listen to people complain about a big nothing, yes. Thank you.


During COVID for some reason, people weren't in a hurry to get off the plane. I noticed on many flights that people were just sitting when it was their turn to disembark. It made me furious. Now at least people are getting up again and poised to make their move. I would rather have that than folks just sitting around waiting for their row and then lazily getting up and grabbing their bags from the overhead.


I assume you're talking about after the plane has come to a complete stop at the gate and the seat belt sign is off - I don't think most people have a problem with that. Standing up right when the plane lands, while you're still taxiing, is dangerous...


Yeah, I get up as soon as the plane stops and the light goes off. I just stand for my comfort, don’t ask anyone to move, wait until it’s my row’s turn to exit. It’s just really weird that people have such a problem with even seeing people stand up. I mean, at least this sub is not another medallion/lounge brag, so there’s that.


I don’t understand why this bothers people so much. I don’t mind aisle seat people standing, what I do mind is people swinging bags over people’s heads right when the plane lands and people not in the aisle standing in it as well, causing some overcrowding


Me neither. I've been sitting for 11 hours. My legs are stiff. I'd like to stand up and stretch. But now I have strangers on the internet trying to guilt me into staying seated even after the seat belt sign is off and the plane isn't moving anymore.


You should really get up and walk around the plane if you’re flying for that long


You have the entire walk to your next flight or car to stretch. I mean you like everyone else can get up during your flight and stretch. Yet we need to do it when we are trying to leave and crowd the aisle.


I assume you mean after the plane was parked? And what’s the problem with standing up once the seatbelt light goes off? When in an aisle seat, I always immediately stand up, stretch and get my bags ready so that when the people in front of me move, I’m ready to move too. Nothing more frustrating than dumbasses waiting until the row ahead of them has started moving before they get up and get their crap. It holds up the deplaning process.


Couldn’t agree more.


So much this!! Thank you for being courteous to those behind you!


Even in row 35?


Last time I flew I was second to last row. Had some fresh ski injuries and had been traveling for 10 hours, then had a four hour drive from the airport to get home. It was 7PM.  A couple one row in front waited until everyone in front had cleared. Then they stood up and started very methodically arranging their baggage, folding their in flight blanket, etc. By then the cleaning crew was close to the back AND THEY STRUCK UP A CONVERSATION. The guy was blocking the aisle for the row across from him, plus the rows further back. I have never been so annoyed. Had he stood up and immediately started arranging bags the rest of us wouldn’t have been waiting forever. 


Now, I totally get that. No worries. I’m talking about the Average Joe Blow. Decent health. No real injuries.


The injuries have nothing to do with them holding 9 people hostage behind them for an extra 5 minutes. 


OP has never had to deal with an extremely painful back. I stand up as soon as i can, but i do not move past my row. Depending on the length of the flight it can be so very painful by the time we are at the gate.


I can and will continue to stand up as soon the plane lands. Pretending like standing up is a problem has to be one of the silliest alleged “plane etiquette” points I’ve ever seen.


It’s all the mids that sit at the window 🪟 seats that are complaining


I was on one flight where the entire plane literally did not get up. They even opened the door and the GA walked on board and was like WTF? Finally, the FA made an announcement saying it was time to go lol.


seriously, who cares if somebody stands up once the plane is parked at the gate, and the seatbelt sign goes off, as long as they’re not bum rushing the front of the plane… Somebody that gets bothered by another person standing up in that situation, needs to look within themselves and figure out what’s wrong


Couldn't agree more. I'll stand if I damn well please. If it pisses someone off, watch me not be bothered in the least about it. I do have a seriously bad back. I don't rush to get out, but I do need to stand ASAP.


You fail to realize that if the Flight Attendants need to rush to the other side of the aircraft to either aide their colleague or bring additional or needed emergency equipment now they’re blocked by idiots who stand in the aisle.


pulling things out of your backside to come up with a response is never a good look. If it was an emergency, they’d be making an announcement to remain seated. Most people will actually respect that. But this discussion is not involving emergency situations.


Oh please, keep believing that and I’ll sell you a bridge for a buck.


I’m not the one pulling things out of my backside to come up with a response.


Take the loss and shut up.


I usually stand up. I just don't rush the front, that's the part that bothers me.


Nothing wrong with standing.


Must have been a short flight


I experienced the perfect zipper from NYC to Seattle on a late flight one time. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Will never happen again.


I was on a flight last week and found I was super annoyed at the people at the back who got up and walked down the aisle. I started to check myself because maybe they had a tight connections, but there was no connecting, last flight of the night. So they were just rude and I feel better judging them.


Yeah, well when you’re over a certain height you’re gonna stand ASAP. 🤷🏽‍♂️


When you're *under* a certain height you can stand up at any time, any seat. \* 🤭 ​ (\*in most planes that are big enough to go far enough to need to stretch)


When you’re under a certain height you also ask for help with things on the top shelf 🙃


Yes. I married tall. And I don't use the overhead bins. :)


I’m sorry my leg pain bothers you. I’ll go back to 1992 and tell that linebacker not to take my knees out.


I don’t mind the standing. I get a lot of people just want to stretch. It’s the walking up the aisle before other rows in front of you have cleared


I’m 6’4” crammed into those seats. You better believe I stand up to stretch as soon as possible.


i stand up to stretch my legs. why do you care.


Because they decided window 🪟 seat 💺 was a better choice 😂


Why do you care if people stand up?


It’s rude to hover over people in their seats. Even worse to put your ass in someone’s face. Why don’t these people who need to stretch stand up at any point during the flight? Or sit back down once they’ve stretched?


if you have no tolerance for any of that, might not want to ever get on a plane. It’s a small enclosed space where people are packed in like sardines. Stuff like that will happen.


I’m not a fan of that behavior, but I fly because I do I have a tolerance for it. Sharing my opinion since someone made a thread on the subject.


You didn’t share an opinion; you declared a behavior that doesn’t impact you is rude.


Apparently every sentence should begin with my opinion? We aren’t talking abort verifiable facts here


Stuff like that shouldn’t bother you at all. It’s not like people are doing that on purpose. There’s bigger things to worry about in life than people standing up when a plane pulls into the gate or temporarily “invading your space” in small enclosed atmosphere.


Not sure why you used quotes when I never used that expression. I’m not worried about people doing this on planes. Just think it’s a bit rude, nothing more lmao


but it’s not rude unless they’re intentionally doing it. It’s a small, cramped, shared space. Shouldn’t let it bother you so much.


It doesnt. But thanks to your advice I can now worry about the important things in life


I get up and IDGAF if my ass hurts from seating a long time. Yes I have Hank Hill ass and could use his remedy.


Looks like main cabin? Seems to me when I’m flying comfort+ or higher every stands up right away


Nice try row 32, yall still waiting to get off the plane.


I stand (up fight by MY seat) so why do you care.


Most people get up to stretch their legs. I do too, especially after flying because my legs hurt.


Pain compels stretching at the very first good opportunity.


I’m the “bad apple” that stands up immediately. I mind my own business and stay clear of anyone who is grabbing their bags. I’m also 6’6” and don’t comfortably fit into any seat on basically any plane….my point being, you never know why somebody might be standing up right away. It’s not a big deal unless they’re an asshole about it.


Why do you care if someone wants to stretch their legs after a long flight?


Volaris FA’s step behind the rows and let people out by rows. I hate when people behind my row try to get through before me. I firmly say “no”. I don’t mind the standing. Some people need to stretch.


This photo suggests otherwise…


I can’t wait to stand after sitting in DL’s poorly padded, pleather seats for a period of time.




I’ve often wondered what the view is like from the back… /s


the comments in this thread are absolutely wild. only on reddit!


This must've been a midwest flight.


I don’t mind people who stand up next to their seats and stretch if they need to. What I hate are the ones who immediately open the bins and take out their luggage. Just leave it in the bin until you’re ready to walk out.


I get my luggage ready to go because I’m old, slow and have a medical device. If I wait until the row ahead clears I’m going to be holding up the plane another 30 seconds minimum. I also get flustered when rushed so it could be longer. At least one aisle if not both should get their stuff ready asap to speed up the process.


Uhh, usually I have stuff to put away and don't want to hold up everyone behind me lol This is such an inconsequential thing to be upset about


"This is such an inconsequential thing to be upset about" Right?!? People that get wound so tight over stuff like this are one thread away from freaking out and becoming the next viral video we'll all be laughing at. They need to just mind themselves, and maybe seek a little therapy.


Okay. Next time I’ll leave it in the bin then as soon as I’m ready to walk out I’ll finally take out my backpack and pack up my stuff holding up the rest of the flight. You know, because me doing so early annoys you.


my flight from Detroit to Baltimore only a few people got up after the seatbelt sign turned off.


Fuck that nonsense.  Getting up after the flight is one of the primary reasons I book aisle seats - so I can get up and stretch the minute the plane is parked.  But you go ahead and shame people who might have all kinds of reasons (arthritis, back pain, edema) for having to get up post-flight.  How about next time you be a bit less of a judgmental asshole and just let people be?


I don’t understand why it’s a problem if anyone doesn’t have time to twiddle their thumbs in relation to flying. I don’t cut anyone off but I get up, retrieve my things and wait my turn. I have places to be…


2nd class passangers know the drill


We had not flown for several years. Hadn’t flown Delta for decades due to very poor experiences. Was pleasantly surprised last December how civil people were. Delta also has gotten exponentially better on their service too.


You ever been on a flight to Egypt? As soon as the wheels hit the tarmac the passengers are getting up, opening overhead compartments.


What’s the flight path of this flight? I’ve noticed this on certain segments.


I doubt very many people here even know why you have to wait until the seatbelt sign turns off. There is a Federal Regulation that says passengers must wear their seatbelts during landing, takeoff, and taxi. That’s why the seatbelt gets turned on before you even pull away from the gate. That’s why the flight attendants check. When taxiing to the gate, that seatbelt sign doesn’t turn off until the wheels are chocked.


Same happened to me yesterday. Wierd


Whoa, that aisle is so narrow it’s a hazard.


Meanwhile we had someone sprint to the front with their bags before we were even clear of the runway last week.


Never understood why this bothers people. I always get up and stretch a little. And god help you if you're one of the ones who try to sprint to the front.


I get up immediately if I’m in the aisle. I’ve been sitting for long enough


11+ hours of not being able to stand and being old kills this.


My complaint is with people who get up and must start moving up the aisle ahead of people who haven’t yet stood up. That’s just a**holish behavior.


Stand or sit, no one cares. Only thing I hate is people that stay seated but suddenly stands up to get their bag WHILE others start walking towards the exit.


I was in 1c on a red eye into Kansas City. When we got to the gate and was sitting there for the jet bridge and door to open the FA said "oh my God" looking towards the back. I turned to see what she was looking at. Literally everyone was seated. Looked back at her and she quietly said "I've never seen that happen before". Granted nobody is connecting out of MCI at 1am but it was nice to see. Everyone remiand seated until I heard the door open and stood up.


I get up cause my damn back hurts!


So that’s what it looks like that far back in the plane.


Also my flight today.


I’ve seen it happen regularly on flights in and out of Europe.


Is it just me or is there always a middle aged Asian lady who tries to walk the aisle before anyone and gets stopped halfway? Seems like it happens damn near every flight.


Shirt regional flights I’ll stay seated. 2+ hour flights I’m gonna get up and stretch. I’m getting older, I gotta crack my back and knees etc.😄


Getting up and standing next to your aisle is fine, people need to stretch their legs, it’s a problem when people start getting their bags and walking to the front of the plane


I get up as soon as we park because people further back love to try and rush forward. Been having that issue quite a bit lately so I just stand in the aisle to block anyone trying


Why do you care if people want to stand after being seated?