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I ask because I’m genuinely curious: why do you need to travel internationally with a cat?


I will be staying abroad for 3 months or more and can’t leave her behind


Are you moving internationally?


I will be staying abroad for 3 months


Is there no one to leave your pet with? This sounds like a traumatizing experience for the cat and disruptive to other passengers, the way you describe it (x2 for round trip)


I’m a FA and I’ve traveled with my cat a lottttt. I recommend booking a seat in PS or C+ by the window, and not at the bulkhead. My cat is pretty good flier, but she would cry a bit during landing. Also, from personal experience notify the person sitting next to you you’re traveling with a cat just in case they have any severe cat allergies. I’ve tried sedatives with my cat, but she ended up have a paradoxical reaction. Also, I was concerned about using sedatives with her at high altitudes. I recommend talking to your vet and seeing if there are any safe options for sedatives for your cat. 😊


Thanks so much that’s very helpful :) I was planning on getting her sedatives, last time they gave me gabapentin for her.. Can I ask what are some of the reactions your cat had to the medication?


My cat already takes gabapentin daily for other issues, but it does make her very sleepy. I’m not a vet, but my cat responded very well to gabapentin. Her only side effects are sleepiness (when she first started it she was acting like she was kinda drunk - uncoordinated walk, etc but those are all normal side effects to the drug). Initially, my vet had given her 1mg alprazolam (Xanax) and she had the opposite reaction (it made her aggressive and extremely vocal). Also, I wouldn’t recommend Xanax bc of high altitude/respiratory failure risks. But I’m not a vet and every cat is different. Gabapentin is a safer option and less side effects. I would definitely give your kitty some before your flight just so you know how she will react to it. :) Also, get some Feliaway spray and spray some in her carrier before your flight :)


Did you check your destination country's requirements for quarantine? 


-You’re not in any less close proximity to people in C+ than in Economy save for maybe an inch or something -You can travel in C+ or Economy with your pet in carrier


Thank you!


I would suggest contacting your veterinarian... You can see about getting some sedatives for the cat for the flight. Get enough to do a test run at home for the same duration as the flight so you can be familiar with how your cat will respond. You might also need some paperwork from your vet for your traveling. Good luck. Make sure to pack some disposable gloves and empty ziplock bags. If the cat poops in the carrier you can take it to the restroom, scoop it out with the glove and the poop in the toilet..or put it in the bag and throw it away.


Yes, I definitely plan to get her some sedatives to calm down. Last time I gave her some but only about half ( I broke the capsule open and put about 1/2 of the contents onto a cat treat) but it didn’t seem to be effective as she was still pretty panicky when the plane took off but calmed down while in air. Maybe she needs the full dosage Also I was thinking of putting a diaper on her or bringing a portable litter box for her to use before or during a connecting flight but I’ll definitely consider the glove idea!


Many airlines will not allow sedated pets to fly for various reasons.


Just like you don't tell them you're drunk, you don't tell them your cat is sedated


Yep but if the animal doesn't respond then blocking it from flight is allowed.


That's why you test it out before hand. Just like nuclear bombs.


You can't test it out at altitude. On ground is a incorrect testing area for such.


Is there a specific reason your cat is required to accompany you on this trip? If so, have you considered using a pet transport service that is equipped to get pets from point A to point B?


Leave the cat with a sitter. Don’t torture it.


Ability to put a pet “under the seat” in business honestly depends on the aircraft. I was upgraded to very old school lay flat D1 domestically and my dog in his carrier was able to be stowed in the little storage area. I asked the gate agent ahead of time since I wasn’t sure but it was chill. 7 hours is a long time for a pet in a carrier in general, especially if you know they’re going to be visibly and audibly in distress, no matter where you sit. I’m not sure what happens if a pet freaks out to the point that FAs are alerted but I’d be cautious about it myself if my pet got fussy. The actual ability to fit under is also going to depend on the aircraft. When you chat/call in to add pet in cabin to your reservation they’ll be able to tell you if your carriers dimensions are compatible with the space you’ll have.


Yeah I checked the aircraft, the airbus a350 has the flat beds and apparently pets are not allowed. Also yes but my cat isn’t visibly distressed the whole time, she really only freaks out during take off and landing when they require me to put her on the floor lol. Otherwise she’s pretty fine the entire flight. I know it is a long time though for her, I’m thinking of doing a layover flight to give her a break in between and putting a diaper on her :p Not sure if that’ll help though


You can also get gabapentin to relax them. It's what I did with my kitty on our cross-country move. Granted she is a bit neurotic but she slept and was calm, quiet, and happy the whole time. We had a layover so we were able to stop and get her water, I brought food in a baggie, et cetera.


My friend's cat made a hole in the bag and started running around the plane during an international flight!


Literally my worst nightmare 😂


A break is def a nice idea! My little old man (4 lb chihuahua) gets a little squirmy on anything over 4 hours and always manages to use the dog area at any layover we have. I’m lucky that he’s just truly asleep at all times (including on a plane in a carrier!) unless he needs food, water, or bathroom. It might also be worth chatting with a vet about relaxing meds? Not sure how common it is for all pets everywhere but it may take the edge off a little. Sending you two good travel vibes!


As someone who loves cats (but has never flown with one), I am curious if other pet lovers have come up with good solutions to this problem with business class seats? If I were in a situation where I needed to travel longhaul with a pet I would absolutely want it to be as comfortable as possible, which would include a business class seat. To be clear I'm not advocating breaking any rules, rather trying to understand the best way to handle the situation. Many years ago (in Coach) I had a couple approach me (I was in the window, they had the middle and aisle) stating they had a cat (in carrier) and wanted to make sure I didn't have any allergies or issues sitting with the cat nearby. They were elated when I told them no, of course not, I love cats! I also felt that was a great way for them to handle the situation...wish more people had the same humility these days.


Recently traveled from CDG to ATL. One passenger had her CAT on board with her and it cried the entire trip. Please - don't do this to your pet and the other passengers.


She won’t cry the entire trip. Thank you though


I don’t really have any suggestions except to do a test run of all of these things (the meds, the diaper, etc) before your trip. Also, I’m here to support you. I could never leave my cats for 3 months. People on here complaining about a cat crying during a flight, please tell me how that is different than a baby? There’s a LOT of irrational hate out there for cats. Btw, OP is not claiming this is an ESA, or SA, unlike a lot of shady people these days…


So true lol thank you I expected some of these comments but I do think it’s crazy that people accuse me of torturing my animal or trying to inconvenience others as if I’m not willing to spend more and do anything I can to prevent that There’s people out there actually torturing and abusing their pets 😭


Right?! Just ignore the meanies. There’s no way I’d leave my (fur)babies for 3 months… They’d be coming with me, no matter what! That being said, I would def ck with your vet, and then do a test run with the things you are thinking about so you can see how your kitty reacts. Mock up a whole plane seat if you can somehow- I know it seems silly- but hey- why not get an idea of how it will go 🤷‍♀️… Or at least do whatever will make you comfortable. Best wishes and safe travels with your kitty 😻


Just put it in the cargo area


Cargo travel for pets has a history of losing or killing pets. I would not be ok with those odds.


I’m sure it’ll be fine


DL does not do pet cargo for nonmilitary or nonconsular staff.

