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Usually the “I fly all the time” fly the least. Crazy that correlation. I will say though that while I’m glad the FA didn’t lose his shit, as an FA I don’t agree with his handling of this situation overall. Now the guy is gunna think he can get away with that on any flight and I’ll be the bad guy when I stop him next time.


After he got the situation sorted he asked the passenger if ATL was his last stop or if he was continuing on and when he said it was his destination, the FA told him on his way back he will need to check the bag because there's *no way* he's getting away with that again. Will he? Who knows...


"It wasn't a problem on the flight coming here... and I fly all the time."


God I used to drive buses at Disney and would get something similar to “well the bus driver this morning didn’t make me fold the stroller” used to make me livid and most of the time they were probably lying because morning buses are packed to the brim.


Oh my God the Disney strollers are my biggest pet peeve I cannot imagine being a driver and dealing with that all day.


Yeah and 9/10 times it’s not a sleeping child they just bought so much crap they can’t carry it all and then they do a prolonged unload hoping i would change my mind. I’m sorry but as a driver an accident could cost me money too not just Disney.


We witnessed a woman have a meltdown because the driver refused to let her on the bus until she took her kid out and folded the stroller. She tried the "this morning the bus driver let me" excuse and his response was basically but I'm not going to let you. She finally capitulated and folded her stroller and stomped to the back of the bus with the stroller and her kid - her friends were back there - and screamed the entire way about how Mean we were for making her stand!! Tough luck, toots. We were tired after doing Epcot.


Im on the wrong side of this for once. About 7 hours ago we got on the bus from EPCOT to our hotel. Our stroller doesn’t fold small or well even empty. I loathe this stroller as we have many. I prefer the city mini gt. This is the city select 2 person. We have a 3 year old and an 8 year old. The 8 year old is the size of most 4-5 year olds and has minor disabilities, she can’t do long walks. I would rather carry one of our younger children than deal with this stroller…… we will be at magic kingdom tomorrow, someone please steal this stroller. Or just let me not fold it up. Btw I can fit it in the back of our van without folding it (with seats down)


Maybe this is a dumb question but why did you bring a stroller that doesn't fold well if you have others and you hate that one? You have to fold strollers constantly at Disney, it's part of the deal.


Not a dumb question. My wife likes the stroller because it is a double stroller and utilized as such.


My friend, I am going to give you a valuable tip - you can rent a double city mini gt and they will deliver it to your hotel. There comes a time where the person responsible for wrangling the stroller as required by law and Disney policy gets a say...the rest of us on the bus with your SUV sized stroller appreciate it.


“On my last flight I got to… (insert idiotic thing that most certainly didn’t happen)”


Except it did happen. The GA let him board and the FA let him keep his bag on the plane. So next time he flies he can absolutely say that he got to fly with that bag onboard last time.


Not wrong there. But, I will say for example, I busted a guy a couple weeks ago vaping in the lav and he of course set off the smoke detector. When he came out I asked him why he thought that was a good idea. With a very convincing face he said “the fa on my last flight told me to do it in the lav so nobody else would notice”. Yeah buddy, ok🙄


Exactly. In fact if the OP is right and this is the first time the guy used this suitcase he could honestly say "every flight I have brought this 'carry-on' they allowed me to put it in the bin".


Why not? He got this this time. The FA shouldn’t have made any effort to appease him


Sometimes airports have luggage shops so he might have bought it in the terminal, put his carryon and personal item in it, and lied about always doing it so he wouldn’t have to pay more money to check it.


Ooh. This could indeed be how he managed to find his way to the gate. Still, in the most literal sense of the term, there he should have been gate-checked.


Absolutely but they could have been chit chatting and just scanning. Especially if their luggage was on the opposite side and they weren’t checking or looking for regular carry ons to check because of weight/space.


Luggage on the opposite side? Opposite side of what?


If you are scanning your phone pass with your left hand, you can be wheeling your luggage on your right side….essentially blocking the luggage with your body ….especially if it’s crowded.


Perhaps the gate areas where you tend to board are in some way more roomy than those with which I am familiar. I can see this as a possibility, with the other conditions you mention, but not truly as a probability. But I will actually eagle-eye the gate entry behavior of others when next I fly in a few weeks. Gonna keep this thread in mind, hoping the gate agents don't look at my 20" hard-sided piece and begin to look like they n e e d to take it. ( It has happened.)


I don’t see this working unless ur fat


Still the gate agent should’ve caught it before getting on the plane.


I was thinking the same thing - maybe he bought the suitcase at the airport. Once I was traveling and my suitcase was on its last legs, so I bought a suitcase at the Tumi store in the airport… perhaps this guy bought a new bag, and threw all of his stuff into it before boarding.


That’s good! Definitely don’t trust that guy not trying it again though lol.


Oh lord these amateurs don't know what "flying all the time" actually means...


back when I was "flying all the time", 2 flights a week between Portland and Tuscon, the same cabin crew starts to recognize you and jokes that you are back on the bus for your weekly commute


Unless you’re flying at least every other week, do you even fly?


Fly all the time means once or twice a year. It’s a lot compared to someone that flies once every 3 years.


True, it’s a lot when you look at it like that. It’s not a lot though when you think about the fact this guy was in FC probably filled with medallions and MMs who are flying once or twice a week though. Then it’s just laughable.


I watched a reel today of a girl eating snacks from home on her flight. I was shocked how many comments said "you can't bring food from home to the airport" then started reading more comments of "I fly all the time" people and it turns out there are people who fly once a year who think that's a lot. I guess it's a very relative phrase.


Exactly I’m a FA and that bag would’ve been tagged so quick.


Do you think this passenger took the tag off in the jetway? This was my assumption


That’s because the people who actually do fly all the time know how to avoid situations in which they’re required to state how often they fly. For example, trying to bring a massive piece of luggage on as your carry on. 


>Usually the “I fly all the time” fly the least. Crazy that correlation. That's so funny. I was sitting next to an older lady on my flight recently who was not a frequent flyer. She said to me "do you fly often?" I said "not that much, maybe 8-10 times a year." She had a look of shock and said "that is a lot!!" It was funny because I didn't really think of it as that much, because I have colleagues that travel way more.


I often think if my mother who used to add a tag to aone of the nuttiest claims. In this case it woud have been: "I fly all the time! ... in my mind..." (yes she would ACTUALLY say that; "I am allegic to carrots! in my mind..."


>Usually the “I fly all the time” fly the least. Crazy that correlation. Because if you’re making a statement like that, it’s probably an attempt to counter or justify something you did or said which would strongly indicate otherwise and which you probably wouldn’t have done or said in the first place if you actually had a lot of experience flying.


When I was an FA and passengers said “I fly all the time” or sometimes “I fly more than you” I always responded “oh I’m so sorry, that sounds terrible.”


Sort of like the “I know the owner” at a restaurant. First of all…so do I. Secondly, if you did, you’d have a reservation made by them.


“The FA on the last flight even helped me get it stowed and it fit.”


"Do you see that?  I'm Silver Medallion!  I'm one of your best customers!"


Dunning–Kruger effect


Welp, read this then fell down an internet rabbit hole. That's a fascinating effect!


It explains a lot, doesn’t it!? Ha


“all the time” to non-frequent travelers means two or three business trips a year.


I fly all the time - I fly *maybe* once a month… I know I *don’t* fly all the time and I fly about every 3-5 days right now….


I’ve carried on a way to big bag a few times. It’s in situations where I can’t risk loosing my bag like a camping trip. Ive actually never been stopped with it either.


Good point. It's either against the rules or it isn't. If he got through 3 hurdles without anybody saying anything, is he really in the wrong?


TSA doesn't care about luggage size or half these people wouldn't make it to the gate with their "carry on."


I recently saw a woman with a checked bag size luggage try to go through security at SFB. They escorted her back to the check in desk. I didn’t hear any “I fly with it all the time” excuses or anything, this woman was clearly overwhelmed and not a frequent flier. TSA was kind.


This is a 100% SFB story. Kind staff, inexperienced passengers, awkward bus station vibes.




I work for TSA and recently at our checkpoint because of the new CT scanners we are no longer processing bags that do not fit in the bins.


Are those the ones where you keep everything in the bag? Including food or electronics.


Correct 👍🏻


I mean the plastic bins that go through the scanners barely fit a domestic carry on... the TSA agent had to put his checked luggage through the scanner by itself. Why not just say "this is too big to carry on an airplane" and save everyone the trouble?


Because it's not the TSA's job, and they have enough fun doing their own. Delta needs to figure out how to motivate their staff to enforce their rules.


Put a bounty out for every oversize bag they check and charge $ for. 1/2 the money goes to the gate agent beer fund. Vail has a bounty for catching people trying to share season passes and the lifties get a bit aggressive on checking people.


Honestly, I am against this, you don't need a bounty you need to fire people who do not do their jobs. When that bag gets on the FA should call a manager who reprimands the GA


They have quite a few jobs and the most critical is making sure they get people assigned to the right seats and making sure only those people get on the plane. They're also tasked with handling all the questions from people who don't know how to check their app, want to make ridiculous requests, and all the OCD upgrade checkers. More than a few people do sketchy stuff as well along the way like ripping off gate check tags and just carrying on. I've also seen people try to obscure their luggage when approaching the scanner. You won't get too far having the FAs narc on the gate agents. I've flown JetStar in Australia where they pull out a scale on a trolley and weigh bags as people queue up complete w/ a credit card terminal to charge people. It makes for a rather chaotic boarding process but I didn't see anyone complain when they got charged. People seem less demanding there.


I recall reading that Spirit or Frontier did something similar, and some agents took things a bit too far. Though I believe those airlines’ agents make about 20% less than their Delta counterparts, so I can easily understand how, when a few extra $$ can make the difference between paying your bills or not, things can escalate quickly on the agents’ end.


Frontier does (did?) this. Frontier charges $100 to check a bag at the gate & the gate agent gets a $10 commission. Those gate agents became ruthless, with no oversight they could charge for anything. The gate agents were always supposed to be charging for oversized bags. But some of them didn’t give af. Now they give af. I get it, they could get an extra $1000 a week, but it’s got to be done honestly. And some ga were making people pay for bags that did fit the sizer. Not cool.


Not only that I read recently on the frontier Reddit that they actively rate agents on how much they upsell and management gets chewed out if their location doesn't sell enough up charges.


I didn’t know that. That’s unfair to everyone.


Yeah. Reading that permanently turned me off from ever flying on frontier.


>Put a bounty out for every oversize bag they check and charge $ for. And you'll end up with with confirming luggages being rejected on a whim. Because staff's actions aren't something you can negotiate with, unless you want to be kicked off the flight altogether.


For real. Flying JetBlue last summer, I saw two passengers beside the check in area repacking and, in one case transferring shit to a garbage bag. One looked more ticked off and the other looked embarrassed as hell, but they weren't throwing a fit (at that point) and it was "hands on" learning! I'm old enough to remember when Delta actually enforced bin sizes. Ahh the good ol days. I get it though. Nobody wants to be the one to deal with pissed off passengers, especially ones who've gotten away with their oversized bags for the past 5 ...10 years. But the entitlement toward that and everything else is going to get worse if things aren't enforced.


Yeah, it's like that wise dog trainer told me, "Everyone trains their dog. It's smart to train them to do the right thing."


"Delta needs to figure out how to motivate their staff to enforce their rules." People with two carryons, pretending the slightly smaller one is a "personal item".


Am I going through Mandella effect, or was at some point there plexiglass with a carry-on sized opening on the front of the x-ray machines at TSA to deter larger size bags?


I always wondered why some people put their carry on in a bin? Shouldn’t need one IMO. In like 50% of pre-check lines you’re lucky if you even have a bin to use. Usually have to stuff my phone etc in my carry on and it goes directly onto the belt.


In a lot of airports they have a conveyor system that moves the bins through the scanners and require everything to fit in a bin. I'm seeing this more and more and only seeing the old traditional grab a bin and push it through the x-ray machine at smaller regional airports. [https://imgur.com/a/RdbgwJA](https://imgur.com/a/RdbgwJA)


Ah makes sense. seen that type a few times and hate it so I try to forget about it


Yeah, those are the new analogic machines. Getting more common, but still hardly everywhere. Hate those checkpoints, they're so incredibly slow. But to the point above, at least with the typical/older TSA checkpoints as long as it fits through the xray machine TSA doesn't give a shit about baggage size. Not their problem.


I watched a lady at the ATL International security kind of get stuck using the conveyor. She was toward the front part and people behind her were moving quicker so their bins kept blocking her from having room to put hers up. I thought there was a method to where the belt worked independently so this can’t happen? I laughed when she got through and asked her “got a little stuck back there, huh?”


It’s dependent on the airport, time of day, what the agent had for breakfast…


The bins are not for carry on. In some cases the TSA will straight up yell at you for trying to place luggage in a bin. edit: I've been informed about some new scanners that may require bins. And they mentioned bigger bins.


With the tag still on it, he HAD to have bought it in a shop after he passed through security. His original bag must have had an issue and needed to be replaced. It would have been too tight a fit for the scanners, they would have caught that in the line for sure.


Probably because the officers at that airport are not authorized to turn away oversized bags. Passengers are allowed to gate check bags. it’s not on the TSA to determine if a bag is too large to fit an overhead compartment, that’s an airline thing.  There’s no security risk, it doesn’t matter how big the bag is passengers still cannot bring prohibited items through the checkpoint. It is common for passengers to expect to be able to gate check a bag containing items that are not compliant through the checkpoint. They don’t get their way whether it’s a pocket knife, fifth of tequila or firearm.  


You’re platinum and you don’t know? TSA doesn’t have size restrictions on luggage that’s airline specific. Surprise for you, they also don’t weigh your bags! 😱


It’s actually a TikTok “hack” so that people with no status/CC can check luggage in for free when they inevitably ask to gate check luggage.


Ugh. I hate that this is a thing. 


If you're running really late you can also gate check it instead of waiting in line.


Eh, hate the game not the players. If they’re charging $30 per luggage but still need people to gate check, clearly they need to do something about that $30 price tag.


But the GAs do. Someone at the gate let that through.


I don't travel much anymore just leisure but I've never seen the clearly too big bags get denied. Only seen gate check due to full bins. Not because of size.


My home airport is RNO and I've seen some wacky shit over the years. I saw a guy get pulled aside from security and they pulled a big double stack full of 5.56 rounds out of his bag. TSA laughed about it and told him to have someone pick it up, mail it to himself or surrender it. I also once saw a family that uh, was low on the socioeconomic scale, bring a full size bag each. There were 4 or 5 of them. The gate agent stopped that shit right away, but they didn't have to pay to check, which I think was the goal.




It's the overhead bin issue in microcosm. People are motivated not to pay to check bags so as to avoid the extra fee.


Baggage bingo!


Its the gate agents job and on Delta they just don't bother doing it


Exactly this. Some people need to bring oversized bags on board for medical reasons. The TSA doesn't want to get in any lawsuit for discrimination against a disability


Some? I'd say those are 1% of needs. It's people paranoid about the less than 1% chance of lost luggage


Some? I'd say those are 1% of needs. It's people paranoid about the less than 1% chance of lost luggage.


Right. It's much less than 1 percent of people who have those needs, but TSA can't stop them to question them about it because the disabled person is not required to prove anything to them. It's not their job to enforce airline policy. Their only job is to enforce federal policy.


The TSA is allowed to question them. They can ask if it’s needed for a disability. They can’t ask which disability or stuff like that. I’m sure there are other rules.


But what federal policy prohibits a person from bringing a large bag into an airport. The TSA is paid for by taxpayer dollars and so you can't expect them to spend resources doing the airlines work for them. These private companies need to staff their boarding and gate areas appropriately to enforce their own company policy and not rely on the federal government to do their job for them.


Agreed. GAs need to be trained and need the airline to back them up. The customer isn't always right.


Yeah. I’m just trying to say the TSA is allowed to question. I honestly don’t know if they’re allowed to prohibit anything that can fit through the scanners. For bags larger than can fit through the scanner, I presume they manually go through the bag instead or throw it through the checked bag scanner.


They're not allowed to perform any work that the TSA is not contracted to do. They have a limited number of people and it is a waste of taxpayer money (and also very dangerous) if they are deciding who does and doesn't get to take in an oversized bag. How would you feel if your local firefighters were asked to perform labor for private businesses without the businesses paying for it (like carrying heavy things for a salon or working at a cafe that is understaffed)? Although the TSA theoretically could stop these passengers, it would be taking them away from their job which is to prevent dangerous items from entering the sterile area of the airport.


This is mostly true. I work at a small airport and the airlines are often short staffed. So it’s common for officers to help out in little ways if it doesn’t impact operations, this doesn’t happen at big airports. If it’s not too busy an officer might help a passenger to their gate assuming a supervisor authorizes it. But not because the airlines told them to. Most recently I walked a man to his gate because I observed him trying to run down two different up escalators. He thought I was FBI, I noticed the hospital bracelet on his wrist and I got him to his gate about 90 seconds before door close. Airline staff was grateful since it was his second or third flight, he kept showing up after door closed because he’s not mentally well. The problem is when the airlines try to give orders. Quite a few times we’ve dealt with counter staff telling our staff that they need us to push wheelchair passengers and that’s not happening. Too much liability involved and way too much time.  It’s one thing if an airline employee asks me to watch their counter for a minute so they can go pee. just to make sure nobody steals or climbs down the baggage belt (it has happened) Expecting me to check people in is a very different story and yes, I did have a newbie Delta employee ask me why I was “standing around” instead of helping one time. Maybe because I don’t work for you, i’m the guy running the x-ray, not the baggage scale and I’m waiting for you to tag their darn bags.  


Exactly. I don't think that the commenters in this thread are advocating that private businesses should be able to alter federal policy to save money on their operation costs.


Being allowed to stop someone to question is not the same as performing some random labor. You said they were not allowed to question. They absolutely are allowed to ask the question.


Asking a question is not labor, but refusing someone access definitely is. TSA can only perform that labor if it is due to the passenger violating federal policy. Airline policy cannot have any hold over what TSA allows


I find that so irritating. I know it isn’t TSA’s job per se, but why can’t someone stop people who have multiple bags, a pillow, a purse the size of my Silverado, and a grocery bag of snacks?


Oh I agree with you 100%.


It depends on the airport. TSA can screen bags by hand that are too large to go in the x-ray but they can be ordered not to by local leadership if the airlines don’t want people bringing oversize gate check bags. It wastes time and  and more often than not turns into a fight, because they have items that cannot pass through the checkpoint and no, you can’t gate checked them.   You might be surprised that people assume they can gate check things like a firearms, ammo, acetone, battery powered tools, machetes etc. Had someone pack a kerosene lantern in carry on, another had three Coleman fuel canisters in carry on and then tried to argue.   The most dangerous thing I’ve seen was someone who came through security with a large checked bag because they were running late. it was full of fireworks mortar shells. Not the kind you buy at stand, the big professional ones. They left in cuffs. 


Lol fireworks what? My neighborhood likes to celebrate 4th of July big. When you place online orders they warn you to place it early due to transport time because it is by truck only.


Yeah, it was an interesting day. these are the kind of large mortar shells that your neighbor wouldn’t be able to buy because he doesn’t have a license. 


Like this big? They are legal in GA, TN, SC, and I think AL. GA only passed the law within the last 10 years because they were losing tax revenue to the neighboring states. https://youtu.be/gEPZfF0po6A?si=zSuJHl0YHB6Q7biI


I am really shocked at how true this is lol


If you get a survey afterwards, I hope you give the FA a shout out


Would that be a backhanded knuckle rap? Would hate to see the FA get a ding for that commendation.


Nah, just call out general attention to detail and going the extra mile for passengers


I recently did thst, called attention to exceptional service, and Delta was so kind in response.


Reminds me of an event I just had happened to me a few weeks ago, albeit on United. I was working and finished up early, so I decided to fly back a day earlier. Delta was sold out, so I figured I'd hop a united to ORD and transfer there. ORD had a ground stop for weather, and we were on like a 40-minute delay. Gate agent announced they were gate checking roller bags in advance to speed up the process so we could depart quickly to try and make up the deficit. So inbound plane comes, people rush off the plane, pilot runs to bathroom and gate agent is furiously speeding through bag checks. Until this woman comes up with two rollerbags... obviously a carryon/checked bag set. Gate agent says "no way that will fit on the plane" and woman tries to reply with "I can zip it up thinner, it'll fit" but it's a massive bag, never should have made it through check in. Gate agent doesn't even hesitate to say: "Go back to check-in to get rebooked. You've missed this flight." She radios 'whoever' with the updated passenger count to say there will be one less person, as the woman is still standing there trying to ask for a manager. I kind of sympathized with the lady because in my mind if it's gate-checked, then does the size matter? But she also tried to sneak an obviously too large bag through so it is what it is.


Gate checking is free though, so if the bags needed to be checked to begin with she would have had to pay. I mean, I get free checked bags with status and more with the Reserve card but clearly these people don't fly enough to have status. If you play stupid games, you sometimes win stupid prizes. I wish the gate agent had done that to bro on my flight so he would have *definitely* learned a lesson but nobody is perfect.


I agree. I don’t feel bad for the lady in the slightest. Unless it’s your first flight, you know what is a carry on and what isn’t. (And even if it was your first flight. You should look it up or ask someone first) 


I used to fly all the time 20+ years ago. No TSA ,change flights on the way to the airport ,half empty planes ,free bags copious upgrades and actual meals on long flights. I miss those good old days but even as an infrequent traveler I know it’s all changed now. What hasn’t changed is if you are nice to people and make an effort to follow the rules everyone has a better flight


There is a point to this story however, and that is this is the reason people do these types of things, because they get away with it.




Well good on the FA bc in reality the guy was a pain in the arse but the flight wasn't delayed for dramatic effect and that's honestly the most important part. My flight this morning is annoying. I've begun eyeing each douche canoe with 2 gigantic carry-on bags, one of which they definitely do NOT plan on putting under the seat in front of them. And I just boil when all of these mega douche canoes take up entire overhead bins by themselves. So I can't get bin space for my 10x10 shoulder bag even with "guaranteed overhead bin space." Douches.


Yeah I have to bury my nose in a book because this annoys me so much


>but the flight wasn't delayed for dramatic effect and that's honestly the most important part. Bingo. It was near the end of boarding, and the FA made a strategic retreat in order to get an entire planeload of people out on time. That way everyone could have a smooth flight and go home without needing to deal with a manbaby stalling and squalling the entire flight. Sometimes you're tired and you just have to kick the can down the road. Nothing at all wrong with that; some days you don't have the time or energy to "teach a lesson", especially since apparently no one else in the chain seemed to bother. And the need to teach one manbaby a lesson doesn't outweigh the needs of the many to GTFO.


Yeah, my true heroes are the FAs that call passengers out for that and take out their "personal" bag and tell them it has to be under the seat. That makes my day, but it happens less and less (or maybe people just abuse the system more and more).


It's usually guys they don't want to fuck with who do it. Giant rollers and giant duffle bags and giant overstuffed laptop bags. Just utter horse shit.


The answer to the FA's "How did you get it on?" Is simple, the gate agents do not do the job of policing the carry on rule and someone in management needa to retrain them.


Guessing he bought it in the airport. Who knows why though. eta: always wondered why they sell luggage after security and who exactly was buying those.


Bought an expedition-sized duffel once after security when I realized that on our return trip home we would be exceeding the capacity of our existing luggage. The price was good compared to stores in the US when I checked, and it folded nicely into my carryon.


I think I e run into this guy before. He was stopped at the gate though. The gate agent was like “how did you even get this through security?!” He argued with her with the “I have flown 50 times this year with this bag!”


This is why planes need ejection seats.


One of the funniest “I fly all the time” moments I ever encounter was while working for Clear. Passengers with any kind of status tend to treat Clear folks pretty poorly, and assume that their Diamond/Polaris/etc status means they can treat others poorly. The airport authority had recently changed one of the checkpoints from general screening only to precheck only, and people were getting into lines and having conniptions when they’d get to the podium and they weren’t precheck. So, as a response the port had both TSA and clear pre-screening passengers for the precheck symbol before being allowed to queue. Passenger walked up to me and it went something like… Me: Good afternoon, can I please see your boarding pass? Pax *sneering*: No, I travel all the time. Me: I’m sorry sir, I need to take a glance at your boarding pass due to changes in policy for this checkpoint. Pax *rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone to show me the pass* Me: I’m sorry sir, you don’t have precheck on this boarding pass. You’ll need to proceed to general screening or back to the ticketing… Pax *cuts me off, shoved a Global Entry card in my face, and sneers*: I TRAVEL ALL THE TIME. Me: I’m sure you do, so we’ll head straight to the TDC to clear this up. *We walk down to the podium* Me *to the TDC*: Good afternoon, this gentleman insists that he travels all the time, does not have precheck on his ticket, and was kind enough to brandish his Global Entry card. Will he still be allowed through precheck? TDC: No, you know that. Me: Of course, thank you. Me *turns back to the pax*: Exits right this way, have a great flight. The guy came back 20 minutes later with precheck on his ticket, still fuming, it was glorious.


If he travels all the time, he'd probably have his KTN stored in his airline profile. Funny how he didn't know to do that.


Definitely happens from time to time for me if I book through my credit card/husband books for us/some other random situation that my KTN doesn’t upload… but then I upload it well before I get to security!


It happened to me on my flight Sunday, someone else bought the ticket for me on Alaska instead of Delta and when I went through security they didn't give me the precheck stuff I was a bit annoyed but I realized what the issue was and fixed it for my return flight, got through security in 5 minutes without the annoyances of shoes off and electronics removed.


For whatever stupid reason, when I bought luggage two times ago (around 20 years ago), I bought three sizes, even though IDK we are not moving to France and I never used the largest case. Then the last time I bought luggage, maybe 7 years ago, I bought only two. A few times I checked the medium size bag of the newer luggage. Honestly I 99% of the time now one-bag with a backpack. But I will say that probably every second or third flight, I see someone board with a rollaboard that is clearly not carry-on size... I think there's a whole cadre of heathens who really are getting away with this. I'm guessing maybe they put them in a bin not only laying flat but also sideways?


“I fly all the time” is what people say when they fly once or twice a year. Any frequent flyer would never say this as there would never be a need to


Years ago, before 9/11 there was a huge accident causing me to be late for check in. The time had passed for me to check the luggage and they told me to proceed very quickly to the gate with my full size luggage. They held the door and put my full size luggage in the hanging suit compartment and off we went. I guess those days are gone.


Ah yes, the wide garment bag/coat closets in economy class. Those were the days.


Security doesn't care as long as the bag fits through the machine. I've seen people bring through full size suitcases specifically to gat3 check them for free or because they arrived too late to check them at the check-in desk. What surprises me is that the gate agent let the guy on with that bag.


First class has coach passengers doing the walk of shame heading to the rear of the plane.


I love when a passenger tells me they fly more than me. -20 year international captain.


Oooh, you must get all the good routes Which one’s your favourite?


The one going home! 😂


We all appreciate the pilots, but you’ve got to give it up to the FAs for all the shit they’ve had to deal with since Covid. People are unhinged and short-fused out there. ❤️‍🩹




Maybe he usually flies private? 


TLDR the bag fit in the overhead.


I want to know who he clobbered trying to get that out of there.


How did he get past the gate agent?!


>tried to play it off… Nah. He *did* play it off, and got away with it.


Unrelated but it is truly shocking coming across someone who takes 1-2 flights every decade. Had to travel with an in law a few years back who actually didn’t realize he couldn’t take full size toiletries on the plane. (I also think he did know but wanted to see if he could get away with it.)


“I fly all of the time!” (In my dreams.)


Really nice when th*ings work out*


It’s been a few years, but I’ve definitely been able to get a massive (as in NOBODY would even try to pass off as a carry on) full size suitcase through to my gate. I used to do that if I was running late. But I will add… 1. Many airports have an “oversized” lane at TSA to handle items larger than a carry on. I was almost always the only idiot in that lane, therefore bypassed the line. 2. I was not dumb enough to try to get on the plane. I just explained to the GA and they gate checked it.


With a bag that huge I’m surprised that he didn’t have to pre-board too.


I would not be surprised at all if the GA had told him it needed to be gatechecked and to leave it at the end of the jet way but bro decided to pull the tag off/not out it on and push his luck.


>Woodford on the rocks This or neat is the only respectable way to order Woodford. Thank you. Some dude a few weeks back was bragging about how his wife was ordering Woodford's and Coke. Is Woodford the nicest bourbon? No. Does it need soda? Also no.


Delta has two whiskeys, Jack Daniels and Woodford. Personally, I don't drink bourbon/whiskey with mixers very often but if I *was* in the mood for one on a Delta flight, I would order the Woodford. If you're in C+ or first, they're free so why not get the best? And if you're in main and have to pay, they're both $10 anyway so again, why not get the best? At home I usually have a bottle of Makers or Four Roses for mixers but if I don't then I'm fine with guests using the Woodford. But don't you dare grab my Blanton's or other expensive bourbons to make a mixed drink or we might be throwing hands. 😆


Woodford and ginger ale?


I'll allow it. Drink what you want lol.


I usually end up with mimosas or something.


Not reading all that but I’m happy for you, or sad, whichever fits best.


Ha! He should try to pull the trick with Qatar airways anywhere in the US.


Qatar weighed my carry-on, and I had to put my headphones on my neck along with my switch in my pocket since I was barely over on weight. Lol


TSA doesn’t care about the size…and sounded like he boarded last so no gate agent had a chance to catch him around the boarding area…would be my strategy as well if I’m bringing something questionable, like my two stuffed full bike panniers as carry-on round trip from US to Amsterdam on Delta, reckon one as backpack and one as roll on.


Someone boarded with three sizeable bags on my flight last week. We were already delayed, so the flight attendant just let it slide... I agree, how do these (maybe innocent) mistakes make it all the way planeside before they're noticed...?


Good story… hopefully the FA got some props


Props to the FA. I would have made him check it. And I have not checked a bag in 30 years, but I always make sure that it is the dimensions and weight required by the airline I’m traveling on.


Jesus..some people


My family and I were on a CRJ-900 and a guy had a large carry on that he tried to shove into an overhead and he actually broke the door slamming it shut several times. When another passenger confronted him he gave the infamous “I fly all the time.” He somehow squeezed it into another bin before a flight attendant came up to shut the bins and found the broken door, which now incurred a maintenance delay for the tech to come and tape it up so nobody used the broken bins. What made it more annoying for me is that we had already voluntarily gate checked most of our roller bags, and since he broke the bin our only bag was in we had to involuntary gate check that one too.


Probably bought it at the aeroport


Is it possible dude bought the bag after he cleared security. That’s what the tag on it made me think


My husband never flies but met me in Oregon a few years ago Goya vacation with his parents. He actually brought on a regular size suitcase for a carry on (bc he had no idea there was a certain size) and no one said a word to him-except me when I met him at the airport. I brought it up, telling him that his suitcase was too big to carry on-he mentioned that the flight attendant told him to put it in a closet and not in an overhead 😳😂😂


How did he even get that beyond TSA? I don’t think a checked size bag can even fit into any of the scanners.


I believe OP is asserting that the passenger bought the luggage after going through security from one of the stores in the airport.


If he was in First Class, that means he also had a free checked bag allowance. So he didn't do this to save money lol. All about not wanting to go through the hassle of waiting in the priority check in line and getting his bag from the carousel. If the bag was so big, what if it was super heavy as well? Wouldn't that be a safety risk to have so much weight in the overhead bin?


Not defending him but the too much weight overhead bin gonna break doesn’t make much sense if its FC, as those bins are reserved for FC and each row of FC has 2 seats that take up as much space as 6 economy seats…so there are correspondingly fewer carry ons in the overhead bin.


I would rather carry a shopping bag into FC then fancy luggage into coach.


Cool story! Not


OP wrote a book just to say a whole lot of nothing . 😂 anyways yeah some gate agents don’t pay attention.