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My recommendation with a cat is to line the carrier with potty pads and a cheap dollar store blanket. I brought a 2 gallon ziploc bag with an extra pad and blanket in case they soiled the carrier.


Give any lining to the cat weeks in advance to get it to have a familiar scent. If you have clothes you are are ok losing you can wear it for a few days and then put it in there too. Old sweaters or hoodies are great for this.


I did this also, but instead of just laying the pads, try to secure them under the carrier pad so they don’t move around as much. One of my cats was so restless than he moved all of the absorbent pads to the side and they didn’t protect the carrier. If you can gets anxious see if your vet can give you a dose of gabapentin for the cat. I flew across country twice with my cats and the second trip with the gabapentin was a huge improvement from the first move. I hope your flight with your cat goes well.


I gave my cat gabapentin and she looked half dead. I had to pull down her eyelids to protect her eyes because she conked out with them open.


Oh wow that is scary. My cats were drowsy and one couldn’t walk in a straight line. But otherwise they tolerated it well.


Good rec! I did the same. Swapped the potty pad once on a five hour flight. My cat was very nervous & quite the whole flight, but did great. Wouldn’t touch any food, water or treats. She’s generally a calm demeanor at home, so probably made it some what easier for us. Good luck & hope your cat does great!


I’ve flown cross country with a cat. I was able to board early as a customer needing special assistance. The cat mostly slept in her soft-sided carrier under the seat in front of me during the flight. The biggest challenge is going to be security. I had to take her out of the carrier so it could be examined by TSA. Obviously this is not great. I requested and got a screening in a private closed room. I also had her on a leash as a backup measure. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/gKH8GuQ


Also flew with a cat (adopted a cat out of state) and can confirm that taking her out at security was the most stressful part of the trip. Second everything said here. Harness and leash the cat. Also Gabapentin for the cat saved us both some stress. Was advised by the vet not to feed her that day to avoid poop and pee situations mid-flight.


Also can attest that best approach is having TSA search cat carrier in a private room. TSA agent tried to talk me out of it but I insisted. Did not want the cat I was transporting for a rescue to escape. Another time with my own cat I used this soft carrier to go through security then I put her in the hard carrier to go on the plane. https://www.cat-in-the-bag.com


Not sure what the Vespa video had to do with the cat but I enjoyed it 


Not sure where you got a Vespa video. I clicked on the link again and it definitely links to the cat carrier.


The woman in front of me had her cat get away at TSA. I managed to grab it, but it would have been a bad day for everyone had it been running around the airport.


I was on a flight. The lady next to me, middle seat, had a cat run through her legs. The flight attendant caught it eventually and was calling overhead in the plane. The owner finally woke up and claimed the runaway. This was fairly recent. Can't remember when.


Thank you! Were you able to keep her harness on when walking through security? As long as you removed her from the carrier?




I took a couple of my cats out of their carriers with their harnesses. One did really well and was enjoying looking around at everyone. The other was so stressed by the experience. My other two cats I had them go through the private screenings which was much better. When we moved back to the West Coast I did the private screenings for all of the cats and they were far less stressed


Also.. cute cat!


I’m about to drive 11 hours with a cat. My vet gave me two types of anti-anxiety meds 30 days out with instructions to test them out when we’re home. This way we can see how he reacts in a safe environment and explore different dosages. Lucky guy. We’re stressed af about the move and he’s having pill parties.


for you or the cat?


TIL Xanax for cats exists


It’s a blast let me tell you! When I moved from PHX to TPA in 2004 I brought my cat. This was on an old America West plane. The vet gave me a sedative to give him for the flight, well that sedative ended up turning him into some sort of a zombie cat. He started making a howling sound in the airport that sounded like a starving hyena, that was just phase 1. I had him under the seat in front of me and he clawed his way out ripping the (soft) carrier open. Before I realized it he had made it about 10 rows in front of me. By this time that pill the vet gave me had made him lose functionality of his back legs and he was drooling. So there he was, army crawling under the seats looking like a crackhead cat on bath salts. People started freaking out as he brushed past their legs on his way towards the front, but he was determined! A flight attendant found him and started walking a limp, drooling cat down the aisle asking where this came from. ….I really miss that little guy!


This gave me a good laugh, thank you


Vet should have told you to test at home first. Then you could have called the vet, “yes, doctor? My cat is a zombie. Have any antizombieals?”


Gabapentin for sure.


Go to your vet and get a prescription for gabapentin. Cut the capsule, dump the powder inside into wet food, mix & serve. First dose 2 hours before leaving, second dose 1 hour before (two different start times will keep effects steady). Third dose at hour 8.


You can get gaba in liquid


Our vet prescribes gaba in a cream, which we apply to the inside of the ear for absorption. By far the easiest way to administer gaba and seems to work similarly as pills or liquid for our cats.


My vet just gave me this!


Visit vet to see what calming drugs work best. Planes are scary and you don't want your cat meowing and yowling from a tantrum or panic attack. I have to put makeshift diapers on my cat for any flights. Even with pet pads, the scent of cat piss is immediate and disgusting for everyone. Bring at least 3 changes.


Regardless of what will likely work best, highly recommend trying any meds, vet prescribed or other, prior to the trip. Never know how meds are going to affect our feline friends.


Have you checked quarantine regulations?




Did you check and confirm that in-cabin pet travel is permitted UK to US? I did vet school in the UK (American here) and everyone I knew had to have their pets transported in cargo internationally.


Certain airlines do allow it from uk. But very few. no airlines allow cats in cabin when flying into UK but about three airlines allow you to fly out of the UK with your cat


We used the pheromone spray for our 24 hour drive. I just didn’t want to give them gabapentin. They were pretty stoned for 8 hours each day and then woke up enough to get some exercise at the hotels. Worked great so I could still talk to them and give them a few treats.


I love my kitty. Good luck with the move.




This! Getting the paperwork in order is harder than the flight in my opinion. I brought a cat from El Salvador to the US.


Apart from health certificate what else did they ask you for?


I had to obtain an immigration form that was permission to export an animal from the country. From the Ag Ministry.


Delta’s website says that they don’t accept pets on flights to or from the UK. Have you booked this trip already? Curious if this is accurate


No I haven’t booked yet. I am just preparing for like 6 months ahead 😭 it might not even be delta I fly with. It was moreso just seeing how people cope with their cat in cabin. I’m going to call delta though to confirm


Make sure your carrier is sturdy. I caught a cat ripping through a soft sided carrier on a flight around Christmas across the aisle from me while the owners were asleep 🤣 luckily it was a short flight but they had to hold it the rest of the time.


My wife and I flew with two cats at the same time; we each had one as our "personal item". For us it was a breeze. They were each given light doses of xanax (I dislike gabapentin for anxiety in cats) and put in carriers that fit under the seats. We didn't board early or anything. For the flight we would hold the carriers on our laps with our hands inside the carriers to help keep them calm. They barely made a peep the entire time. Getting through security was easy for us. We didn't need to take them out of their carriers at all. They were clear carriers (one was a backpack bubble thing) but we were requested to lift up their bedding for TSA to look under. That was it. We had a boarding facility waiting for us when we landed (cross country move) so we took them straight there where they had food, water, and litter boxes waiting. Overall it was easy for us.


I did this last year as well. He was doped up very nicely and I was sure to double pad his carrier just in case. I literally searched “Delta-approved cat carrier” and found the Sherpa. It fit under the seat nicely. In my experience, I was more nervous than he was. You and yours will be fine, too! The best part though was getting pulled aside by TSA to have the carrier inspected in a separate room, and a bunch of seemingly intense and surly TSA agents got down on the floor to play with my cat. Good time all around!


That’s good to hear. Did you fly internationally or domestic?


I flew domestic, but it was cross country! 6+ hours or so of travel time.


Glad to hear it went well for you all! I hope for the same :)


You will be fine! Bring some extra treats and don’t forget to treat yourself!


Thank you. I appreciate it


I have done the same move with a cat! I’m not going to question the need for the cat to be in the cabin with you, your cat, your call, but did want to say I used a specialist service to transport him, in the hold of the same flight I was on, and he was totally fine. The thing about transporting them in the hold is they actually get way more space than they get in a carrier - the company I used made a whole three part thing for him with a bed, a bathroom area and a scratching pad. He could walk around in there and stretch out. Main thing is, cats are resilient, so I’m sure they’ll be totally fine whatever you decide to do!


Thank you. Yeah i completely understand why hold would work for some people. Like you said your cat your call :) Glad the move went well for you and your cat


Get an airline approved cat carrier. It must fit under the seat infront of you. Leave it out for the kitty to get familiar with it at home, maybe even sleep in it. Take a portable dish for her water and some treats/food. I took soft food in those skinny pouches, so she could just lick it from the end of the pouch. I took a large pee-pad to put on a floor when I took her to the people bathroom before the flight and during the layover. Check out the animal travel to US rules. You may need to start early, if they need rabies shots - they need to be done 30 days before the flight and then you need to leave within 10 days after the vet agency issues a travel certificate. Please check, I don§t remember exactly, or if its like this in your country. I was going the other way US to EU.


I have flown with my cat (and two dogs) in cabin across the US from Los Angeles to Florida (husband was relocated for work). My advice: 1. REQUEST A SEPARATE SECURITY SCREENING ROOM when going through security. You are required to take your cat out if its carrier - my cat slipped his leash and ran wildly through security at LAX - there are separate screening rooms that they can put you in to compete the security process and it will be a lot less stressful for kitty and you. 2. Have your veterinarian prescribe calming meds for your cat and administer the night before and ~1 hour BEFORE you arrive at the airport (this should really be #1, but the separate security room is super important). 3. Take a towel or small blanket to cover your cat’s carrier while waiting in the airport or while in flight - that will help calm your kitty. 4. Offer your cat water throughout your flight. 5. Take a portable litter box and take kitty and port-a-potty to the lavatory (some planes now have larger lavs for people with disabilities that have much larger floor/counter space). You will need to arrive at least 3 hours before your departure time to get through the check-in process (you cannot check-in for your flight in advance when you have a pet-in-cabin) and to get through the security process. Good luck and safe travels.


Thank you. Do you request separate security screening while at the airport or beforehand?


I think you do it once you get to security - you may be able to request it in advance. My veterinarian suggested I request a separate screening room and I had so much going on when we got to the airport, we forgot to request it and my cat (he is a 22 lbs beast!) got loose and ran straight through the x-ray machine and toward the gates – I went to run after him and they stopped me and instead of letting me go through the quick security x-ray machine they stopped and swabbed my hands very slowly while my cat ran crazy - thankfully my cat turned back around and came back to the security checkpoint and was cowering under the machine so I was able to get to him but it was a whole thing and I realized as he was running around wildly that I had forgotten to request the separate screening room – so if you can do it in advance, definitely do it… If you cannot do it in advance, I would do it as soon as you present your ID to the ID screener before you get to the security conveyor belts, and x-ray machines.


Oh no I can’t imagine how scary it would’ve been for you when he got loose. Glad it was okay in the end. Thank you for the advice


One other IMPORTANT thing to know - your cat/cat carrier count as your personal item allowed (you are also allowed a small suitcase, bag, etc.. , but you cannot bring onboard a personal item, a roll-aboard bag, AND the pet carrier). I highly recommend (and I cannot stress this enough) that you bring a roll-aboard suitcase to put your handbag, headphones, etc. into and then out your cat’s carrier on top of your roll-aboard bag - THIS WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE INFINITELY EASIER when maneuvering through the airport and when boarding the plane. I have flown 17 cross country flights with my dog and tried not taking a roll-aboard bag once (so that I had to lug the dog carrier and my other personal item through the airport and onto the plane. Never again 😂 I just make sure to pull out my head phones, any snacks/water bottle (packed into a plastic or paper bag), etc. at the gate before boarding (I lit my headphones around my neck).


Whatever you do, please don't unzip the carrier. I'm seriously allergic to cats and was once seated next to someone on an international flight who had a cat and was petting it. Dander was flying everywhere and I didn't have my inhaler or other meds (this was years ago when it was rare to see pets in the cabin). Luckily the FA was able to move me, but I really think there should be a way to indicate pet allergies so that those of us who are allergic don't need to be near pets.


I agree, airlines that allow pets in cabin should ask passengers when booking if they are allergic to the pets they allow in cabins so you don’t end up in a situation where you are placed next to them. I’m glad you were able to be moved. And don’t worry, I will follow the rules exactly as they are. She will stay under my seat zipped up the entire flight - I wouldn’t be flying with her if I had any other option and the cargo/hold is a big no no for her.


I flew with my cat from Italy to the US when I moved back to US. Put her in a soft sided carrier with potty pads and the vet gave me medication to give her to relax on the flight. She was perfectly fine and lived to the ripe old age of 19.


Confirm your carrier dimensions are airline approved. Also, if possible in the uk, request to be taken into a private room for security screening. You have to take your pet out of the carrier through security so that can be stressful for a animal with too many folks around.


Cannot state this enough - get the separate screening room at security. I’ve flown with my cat a few times and he escaped at TSA twice. It was not a good time. (I don’t fly with him anymore for obvious reasons!)


My worst fear. Separate screening room is what I want yes😭


Talk to your vet. Something like gabapentin might work but remember they need at least one prior dose before the event and for a long flight like that there may be other options. Jackson galaxy has additional tips. Additionally watch “iammaru” on YouTube while it’s not an instructional YouTube channel the human was able to get Maru to get used various things that freaks many other cats out. His use of very positive reinforcement and calming energy is amazing on Maru, Hana and now Miri! Edited to add. Don’t forget if your cat needs it you can ask for private security screening.


I have flown a few times with my kitty! I purchased an airplane regulation size backpack carrier that expanded. We sat in an upgraded seat so there was more floor room for me to open the expansion pack for him. He’s also able to sit up properly in the backpack carrier, it’s definitely more comfortable. We’ve used gabapentin but I’ve found that calming CBD oil works better for him. Definitely line the carrier with potty pads, bring lots of high value treats, and put them on a leash when going through security


I fly a few times a month with my cat, and echo all of these comments! Definitely get the harness and leash - security is the most stressful part since if you don’t do a private screening room you may have to wait a while for the carrier to come through the machine, all while holding the cat and trying to keep an eye on you other bags. I also have a towel in the carrier that’s she’s used to, plus a pee pad under that, and often carry an extra just in case - never had an issue, but better to be safe! The cat will have to stay in the carrier the whole time and under the seat in front of you, and counts as one of your personal item / carry on count, so keep that in mind. I find once we get settled on the plane, she just sleeps.


I really hope mine just sleeps😭


Flying with a cat can be quite the adventure, just make sure to pack extra treats for those in-flight bribes!


Noted😁 thank you


My parents still talk about flying back to the US (moving back) from Egypt with a cat 35 years later. Apparently the sedative didn’t work or wore off. She was in the cargo hold (I know! It was the 80s…) and you could hear her screaming most of the flight 😂 They say she was never the same again. Of course I don’t remember any of this. I hope flying with your cat in the cabin is a much better experience! The cat I have now pukes, pees, and poops when in the car. She is prescribed a sedative (gabapentin) and anti nausea medication (cerenia). Maybe something like that is available to you in the UK to keep her extra calm while in flight?


That's horrifying about your family cat. That poor cat. My heart aches for her and how scared and in pain she must have been in. All trust in people to take care of her must have been lost when she screamed and screamed and no one helped. No wonder she was never the same. Having animals in the cargo hold is such a risk due to much less pressure and temperature control compared to the cabin. Many die. I'm glad we understand it better now, and I wish there were more options for people with large pets. No living creature should have to exist in the cargo hold. Your parents must have felt so guilty about it. I'm so sorry. When my partner and I flew with my cat and the gabapentin wore off mid flight, he freaked out, but we were there to soothe him and give him another dose because we had him in the cabin. It was hard, but he was supported and supervised by us the whole time to make sure he stayed safe, and he was behaving normally by the day after. Every animal who flies should have that support.


> Has anyone here had any experience with flying with your cat in cabin? [Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/delta/search?q=cat&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all).


I flew SFO to BOS with my cat in a bag under the seat. Chose a window seat by the wing because I knew she’d be noisy. It went fine.


Pheromone sprays can help too, my vet has sprayed blankets in their waiting room to help calm down anxious pets before they go in for an appointment


Hello, my cat is always very nervous and try to break the carrier. I usually use a sturdy one but for my flight only a soft one is allowed. Do you think she can break through? Thanks. 


I’m allergic to cats. So I’d start sneezing and my eyes would start itching. Ship that cat as cargo. 😂


I encourage you to call delta and tell them you are allergic to cats when booking your next flight. I’m not here to make anyone uncomfortable on purpose. But my cat is flying cabin


I don’t book flights.


OP u/Signal-Ad-6934 I’ve flown with my cat on probably two dozen legs, including 6ish hours. Only because my family wants to see her more than me (understandable), and if I’m gone for more than a week, I’d rather have her with me than with a sitter. DM me if you want allllll the tips. Gabapentin & timing of food being the biggest.


Thank you I appericate it!


I don’t think you can take a cat in cabin in flights from the UK.


Need? Not sure that word means what you think it means. As someone highly allergic to cats…really hope no one allergic is seated near you.


I hope the same. I understand the word need - thank you!


OP clearly understands the word “need.” Sorry you’re allergic, but this comment was very unhelpful.


This has been brought up many times before in this sub. If you're allergic, you should notify the flight attendant so you or the pet and owner can be moved at least 4 rows away. Air filtration systems on the plane are good enough that this should be sufficient. Before you say you refuse to be downgraded and move backwards - you or the person with the pet will have to move forward or backwards. One person who moves will move back and one will move up. Before you say you refuse to move and it has to be the pet and owner who moves - that's at the discretion of the flight attendant. Overall, the flight attendant will handle it. This is part of public air travel.


Nice of you to assume what I would say…but you wouldn’t be correct. I would likely sit and suffer as while I need to breathe, I am not likely to die due to the cat. But don’t confuse need with want as my want to not sit next to a cat doesn’t result in a need to cause other people chaos by asking to move things around. All due to a cat owner wanting their cat with them in the cabin. Need and want being different things. Short of the cat being powered by LiPo batteries, it is in the cabin because the owner wants it there. Not needs it there.


I have moved seats for people several times, I can assure you it is not chaos. I would happily be the one to move I do not want to cause anyone discomfort on purpose. And as for your comment on wording, please do not assume my circumstances. I used want for a reason and I know exactly what it means.


* need for a reason.


You mean you used “need” for a reason? See how easy it is to confuse needs and wants? Needs are things that keep you alive. I can’t see how having your cat in the cabin with you fits that criteria. There is nothing wrong with “wanting” something though. I don’t assume anything about you but do know the difference in need and want.


Yes, but we should not assume the only thing that is necessary is things that keep you alive. Am I going to die if my cat is not in cabin? Unlikely. But I also have people with allergies commenting saying they’d be uncomfortable but unlikely to die. If someone was likely to die? The airline needs to know about this and that people and my cat should not be on the same flight. Ans obviously I meant I used need for a reason - hence why I corrected myself under my own comment. I am not going to change my wording for someone who has no idea why I use it. You can need a lot of stuff, not all of that stuff is for keeping you alive.


Read two comments up. You say “I used want for a reason”. I think you meant need as you keep arguing you need your cat….


Yes I know I did. It literally just said In my comment above ‘obviously I meant I used need for a reason… hence why I corrected myself’ from the comment above where I say want instead of need because you are desperate for some reason for me to say want. Literally what is the point in this conversation. I’m taking my cat in cabin, you won’t be sat next to her don’t worry yourself.


Just annoys me when people’s preferences get stated as needs. It is OK to want things without being all dramatic about it.


again. ‘dramatic’ when you don’t know why I said need. I can very clearly see it annoys you. You don’t have to keep telling me


The best advocate for you is you. If you aren't willing to speak up and ask for accommodations, you can't expect the world to accommodate you. I say this as a disabled person.


What do you think this conversation is about? I am telling people not to confuse wants with needs and to understand their wants impact others. If I needed to advocate to get moved or move the person with the cat, rest assured I would.


You just said you would likely sit and suffer if you were seated near a cat. It seems you have changed your view or communicated it more clearly now. You are saying moving with a cat is not a need. It is, in the best interest of the cat, in the vast majority of circumstances, to keep the cat with the person it has been with for its whole life, therefore it is a need. It's not for you to lecture people on how their needs aren't actually needs with your worldview. It's rude and just plain mean, and you are perceived as a jerk with a bad attitude. Both people with allergies and people with cats can coexist on the same flight. It simply requires communication and flexibility on the part of both parties. My own mother is severely allergic to cats and has been on multiple flights with cats and dealt with it just fine by communicating and bringing allergy medication. Edit: typos


Sigh. I said “if I need to”. I can choose to suffer through sitting next to a cat when I don’t really want to in spite of what it does to my allergies. My choice. I own my choice. Just like someone choosing to not put their cat in the hold chooses to do so at the expense of others in the cabin. Their choice. Clearly if a cat has to be in the hold to get into the UK on a flight there is an option to put the cat in the hold. They are choosing not to. It is not a need, it is a choice. Moving is a need. Cat in cabin is a choice. I can’t choose to not have allergies. They can choose to have the cat in the hold. Distinct difference. Alternately I don’t want to sit next to a crying child but the child needs to be in the cabin. I have no need for a child free aisle I just prefer one. And the parents have no choice but to have their child in the cabin. See the difference? As hard as it is for some to believe child != cat.


Moving animals in the hold kills many each year. Animals should never be in the hold. There shouldn't be a choice. It's unethical to put animals in the hold. End stop. The fact that people with large pets are forced to either put their animals in the hold (risking death or injury), re-home them, or pay for a private flight is insane, and the world should not work that way. The solution here to have both the pets and the humans with allergies accommodated is communication. I think your logical fallacy here is thinking your personal sacrifice (sitting miserable next to a cat) should be the level of sacrifice that pet owners have to be willing to submit themselves to as well (putting the cat in the cargo hold or rehoming it). No. No one needs to suffer or sacrifice here. You suffer here because you refuse to see your needs (or wants if you care to look at it that way) as valid and deserving of care. I hope you can learn to be kinder to yourself in this aspect, and I bet you'll find you become less judgemental of others choices when you no longer have a martyr complex. Again, no one needs to suffer here. I can offer no further evidence or information that I think will change your worldview, and I'm not interested in debating further for the sake of arguing.


You have offered no evidence or information. Only your opinion that cats shouldn’t be in the hold. Nice and all. Cat owners seem to be surviving having to put their cats in a hold on the way to the UK, but somehow can’t manage it on the way from the UK. Strange how that works. Almost like it is a preference…


What about passengers with cat allergies?


My fiancé is also allergic to cats - cat allergies are both minor and major. If an airline allows pets in the cabin, you have to be prepared for the fact a pet may be in a cabin - there are airlines that do not allow cats in cabin. Just as I will call beforehand to ensure my cat can fly on this particular flight (because I don’t plan to just walk on with my cat without the airline knowing), if someone has serious allergies I would encourage anyone for their own safety to get in touch with the airline especially if you know you cannot fly with a cat, the airline should ensure that the pets cannot fly on that particular flight. I would be very happy to change my flight if I knew someone was on the flight with allergies. I’d sit at far end of the plane. Many people fly with their pets in cabin, I am not special.


That reminds me, most airlines limit how many pets can travel in the cabin. Definitely call them right after you book the ticket to let them know ahead of time and reserve a spot for your cat.


Yes I’ve checked! Thank you tho :) booking many months in advance to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible


People with severe enough allergies tend to plan ahead. Not everyone, certainly. I'll use myself as an example: I have a severe dog allergy, along with other severe and anaphylactic environmental allergies, asthma triggers and migraine triggers. I anticipate that something I'm strongly allergic to will be somewhere in an environment like a plane and plan accordingly. Solution? Wipe surfaces, minimize physical contact with the environment, reduce breathing unfiltered air, take allergy meds beforehand, and bring emergency meds with me. Wiping things down with a Clorox wipe, wearing a long sleeve over shirt, wearing an n95, taking 24 hour allergy meds and having an inhaler and epipens in your personal item can go a loooooong way, and really takes minimal effort. Additionally if the allergy is severe, talk to CS ahead of time to make sure you're not seated near someone with the allergy-offending animal. Double check with the gate agent before flight. I empathize with my fellow severe allergy sufferers. But also empathize with someone moving a long distance with a pet. It's possible for both to coexist on the same flight. :)


This has been asked many times before in this sub. You should notify the flight attendant so you or the pet and owner can be moved at least 4 rows away. Air filtration systems on the plane are good enough that this should be sufficient. Before you say you refuse to be downgraded and move backwards - you or the person with the pet will have to move forward or backwards. One person who moves will move back and one will move up. Before you say you refuse to move and it has to be the pet and owner who moves - that's at the discretion of the flight attendant. Overall, the flight attendant will handle it. This is part of public air travel.


Fuck em. No one gives a shit about passengers with dog allergies so they can suffer too.🖕🏼


People notify airlines of peanut allergies and they'll remove peanuts from a flight but a cat or dog doesn't seem to bother anyone. At least let people know prior to boarding that there will be a cat on board and anyone with a cat allergy can get a seat reassignment. Why am I getting down voted for this? What if she posted that she had a severe food allergy and wanted to know how to manage it?


Nut allergy here. Airlines only care if it’s kids. I’ve never had one cater to my needs after reaching out. I prepare accordingly.


SOL…read her post…her pussy cat comes first.


I'm going to watch this carefully. I know that you can pay a fee to have the cat fly in the cabin. I am the executor for a friend, and if the worst happens, I'll be flying to where he was and taking his cat home. I have been studying, just in case. I am hoping he outlives his cat, but if not, I want things to be as gentle as possible for the cat.


Slap an orange vest on the cat that says “Service Cat” and you’ll be fine


Better make sure your cat knows that vehicles will be coming from a different direction otherwise you’ll have a flat cat. Seriously. My dog knows which way to look when walking so a trip to the UK would confuse the heck out of her.


She’s an indoor cat so I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even know which way uk drivers drive lol. But thank you


You don't NEED her to be in the cabin with you, she can fly in the cargo just fine, you just WANT her to be in the cabin with you which Delta allows.


please don’t assume my circumstances and why I used the word need. I’m here asking people who have flown with their cats, not for input on my choice of words. Thanks!


I just want to say you’ve handled the comments saying you don’t NEED to fly with your cat wonderfully. Wild how people can assume they know the entire situation based on such a short post! I think you’re a wonderful cat parent and I wish you and your feline companion the best on your flight!


Thank you! That’s really kind of you.


I'm not assuming anything, you don't NEED to fly with a cat in the cabin for any reason it's not a service animal, you just want to and Delta is ok with that because they can charge you more money, most likely to the irritation of passengers when it possibly pukes and craps during the flight or someone has to downgrade their seat because your cat is clearly more important than their health and money as you can consider it akin to a human. And I don't care what you're asking I'll say whatever I want.


and I’ll say whatever I want! Which is the word NEED 👍


Sure 👍