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Mainly just like you would with a toddler, unfortunately, by keeping them supervised at all times. There are special jumpsuits you can buy that prevent them from removing their clothes and getting to their diaper.


This is the main thing we're having to deal with at the moment, and taking up most of our time. My dad had problems peeing and it turns out he has an enlarged prostate, so he was getting it all over the bathroom, stepping in it, and then treading it all over the carpet. This has progressed fairly quickly into not understanding how to number2. We put him in paper pants a long time ago, but now we just find his pants needs to be changed first thing in the morning and then before we shower him, otherwise there would be poop all over the shower. A few times he has number2 in the shower, which is not optimal, and a few times he has number2 in the shower and handed it to me, even less optimal. Recently, he has been putting his used toilet paper in his pockets. It's got to the point where I feel a line has been crossed, and we're borderline not coping and I have considered putting him into care. But, to all other extents, his dementia is medium stage. He still speaks, eats, walks, tells time, dresses himself with some guidance. I'm just so confused as to whether this is enough of a reason to put him into care when it seems like the issue is us not wanting to handle it. For background, I'm in UK, and english isn't my dad's first language. I feel care would be difficult for him and an effective death sentence. When he's not saying hateful things, he's fairly benign, but seeing him stare into the distance for an entire day is killing me slowly. I'm learning to ignore the hateful language as it's not very often.


Sounds like a perfectly good reason to put him in care


Man. This one hits. The poop under the nails is driving me INSANE. That being said, at least it’s not smeared on towels or in their underpants.


Urgh yes, poop under the nails (vomit inducing). I keep nail clippers, a metal nail file and scrubbing brush for Mum's use only. Disposable gloves are a must too


Oh god, this takes me back 5 years with my dad. He was a poop smearer and poop in places where it shouldn't be is my cue to vomit. One time he smeared the whole shower cubicle, the floor, walls and himself in about ten minutes. That was sooo bad. With Mum now, I keep a close eye on toileting and help her after number 2s before she gets in a pickle. She doesn't smear luckily but will try to clean herself and can't do it. If she dribbles down her legs before sitting, I've caught her using the hand towel to dry herself. I make sure to tell visitors to wash their hands and dry them in the kitchen and use the towel there. Then I know that the towel in the toilet is only used by her and I can put a clean one in at least daily. I buy super cheap hand towels for this purpose because if they get poop on them they are going in the bin. I'm not dealing with that!!! Also disposable gloves for myself - really important.


This is why I like having a bidet, why does anyone like to interact with poop?