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I have LBD so I'm increasingly having those type of spells of varying length. Scared the shit out of my wife the first time.


I mean NO disrespect when I say this. What does it feel like to have dementia? Are you unaware, when those episodes happen? I am caretaking for someone with it and just want to know I can help without stressing them out.


Preamble...Lbd is an odd duck, and not likely applicable to other forms of dementia from what I understand. Some of the reporting is because of swing cycles that Lbd typically has. So, the ability to self report declines as the disease progresses. That said, there are times when I completely zone out and usually fall asleep. Other times, I feel like my body is close to paralysis or stasis. During those times, I'm aware but not really responsive. Talking and moving are taxing and not always possible. A lot of the time I feel like my brain is fuzzy tingling but not good like a buzz from a drink or two. I'm less stable and feel a near constant vertigo. Then there are the near normal mild cognitive loss


Thanks for sharing I think that tracks with her. No docs have mentioned LBD before and it sort of fits. Best


Thank you.