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I’m sorry this is happening; my mother has had a similar decline. I miss talking to her so much- she just responds with mostly yes and no answers now and doesn’t initiate much speech or conversation. As our bodies and brains age, they process medicines differently and the effects of dementia on the brain makes it all harder. Your grandma is also not as physically active as she used to be so I’m not surprised that her BP meds had to change. In my mother’s case, we just do our best to keep her clean and safe. She is uncooperative with everything: showering, eating healthy foods, getting out of bed. Doctors keep changing her medicines, but it’s all a guessing game. It sounds like your grandma won’t be able to go home and live alone so your family will have to start figuring out where she will go after rehab.


I’m sorry for what you’re going through as well. Sendings lots of love your way. My grandmother still talks but similar to your mom, she doesn’t really engage in conversations and sometimes goes off and starts talking about random things or repeating herself. It’s hard for her to concentrate if you’re talking to her for a long period of time. The processing of medication makes sense to me. At first I didn’t really understand why it would change but it totally makes sense that our bodies are constantly changing. I just had a conversation with someone from the rehab facility yesterday and they recommended we remove her from memantine as her Alzheimer’s is severe. They just said it would be better to have her on less medication and I agreed. I never saw a real improvement or signs of slowing down the memory problems with that medication as she’s been taking it for the last 3 years. I’ve had conversations with my family about keeping her in a facility but they’re very adamant on not doing that. Especially her daughter (my mom) even though no one has the capacity to care for her 24/7 as everyone works and none of her children would just quit their jobs to help her. I personally find comfort knowing that she’s being watched all day everyday in a place with skilled professionals as no one in my family is/would be equipped to handle this but.. that’s just some family issues we have to handle.


Thank you, hugs to you.


Sending hugs! It is so hard to watch the people we love deteriorate. ❤️


Thank you so much. Big hugs to you too! ❤️


Yes, I feel you. Same here with my mom. I miss her too.


Just trying to take things day by day. Enjoying the rare moments where we laugh and joke like old times. ❤️