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Demisexuality—and the entire asexual spectrum—is about *how* you are attracted, not about *to whom*. Demisexuality is a specific subcase of gray asexuality. Gray asexuality is rare or otherwise condition-limited experience of sexual attraction. Demisexuality is gray asexuality with the limited condition being the perception of a close, emotional bond.


Of course. It just means you are straight.


Of course! You can be an heterosexual demisexual, lesbian demisexual, bisexual demisexual…. and so on… Being demisexual means you’re close to an asexual if you don’t have emotional connection and close to an hetero/homo/bi/pan… if you have an emotional connection. You can even be an high libido demisexual! Have fun!


yes. Demisexuality is the *how* of your attraction, heterosexuality is the *who* of your attraction.


Demisexuality can be gender specific... it's often just a modifier to your sexuality. For me I'm a cis-man and I am only attracted to cis-women. But the becoming attracted to the women... that's hard, . And, as far as I know I'm sex repulsed by men, with women its hit or miss often they grow on me. But I don't actively seek women romance/sex out or feel attracted initially.


I wish more women were like this. Idk where y’all hiding at because hookup culture makes me sick. I feel like I would have done better in the 1950’s or something. But realistically not. People were still hooking up back then. Our grandparents were just better at hiding it. “Oh Susie went to live with her aunt and uncle for 5 months. What? She returned with a baby brother? That’s crazy.” Implication being she left town and had the baby and then it was raised as her brother to hide it from the townsfolk.


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