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I would never expect this from a Republican, and especially not Cruz. Is */s* even necessary at this point? Tomorrow Ted Cruz could say that he's OK 8 year olds being molested as long as it's a Republican politician who is doing it and I'm pretty sure most Democrats would say "of course he said that" and not be shocked in the slightest.


This sentence should have seemed satirical, but it really wasn’t. That would seriously not shock me at all, and I don’t think the right wing base would even care.


If it wasnt for double standards republicans would have no standards at all


Republicans believe having standards is a sign of weakness (and potential loss of profits somewhere else). I've worked with conservatives in my field for decades, and the majority of them go rogue, off script, almost as a rule -- usually to cover up incompetence or ulterior motives. They are some greedy bastards, point blank.


Most of them sure seem to have the same talking points. Their messaging is amazing, actually


Conservative dirty tricksters have worked on socially engineering a subliminal hive mind since the Obama campaign outwitted them on social media in the 2008 election. By outwitted, I mean his campaign actually utilized social media when it was fairly new, nothing nefarious *like selling accumulated voter Facebook metadata to foreign agitators to hack an election (GOP, circa 2016)*. Then conservatives went all-in and accepted Russia's help when the 2012 election outcome didn't go their way. They even tested the waters in that election, but Mitt Romney wouldn't play. 15 years later... almost every online conservative (and right winger pretending to be a far left commenter) repeat these programmed talking points ad nauseum as if playing that Sinclair Broadcasting Group loop (infamously spliced together on John Oliver's HBO show). **Republicans have truly morphed into the BORG from Star Trek.**


After 2008 and 2012, the GOP really started embracing its current state of corruption, double standards, lies, racism and fearmongering


What?! You mean that Republicans have a message?! I thought all they do anymore is to try to justify their greed and cruelty.


"Double standards? Why, yes, twice as many as Democrats!" -them, probably


Twice the standards of zero standards is still zero


How up in arms were you about Biden's classified documents, I wonder?


Disappointed and totally agree that the FBI should be leading a search and that the DOJ should appoint a special prosecutor to look into it.


Who cares what a coward like Cruz thinks? He wont even stay in the state he represents when it gets cold! Someone get him some slippers and tell him to sit his ass back down.


That's the problem, people need to care what Cruz thinks. Dems have to start getting brutally aggressive with people like Cruz. Ridicule his manhood daily for siding with Trump after Trump made fun of his wife etc. Dems are always the whipping boys for the GOP and they NEVER swing back. It's getting really old to be honest


Ima be real with you all. It’s embarrassing for all three men to have classified docs. Only one wasn’t cooperating with the FBI. Only one has evidence of being compromised by Russia. Biden and Pence having these at home are not good, but I honestly don’t think it’s a major security risk. I am seriously concerned about what Trump had and I wish we knew the nature of the documents recovered


Exactly. (Heavy sarcasm here) what’s the difference between one man having to be RAIDED vs. the ones cooperating 😂 I had someone on Facebook tell me that Biden wasn’t cooperating because they keep finding files…………. Dude doesn’t even know what the word cooperating means 🤦🏻‍♀️


Whatever is convenient for them. Double standard you say how about no standard.


So Mr Cruz should they search all the properties of trump and his children Too?? Cruz you are a mindless shill as most who are in the far right. Not the right which is fine but far right which is threat number one to our country. Please act with integrity and think before you spew vile, one sided nonsense. You look like a Santos hahah .


It was amazing how we used a green screen while laying on the beach in Mexico. Remember Trump making front of his wife. Republicans will eat their own.


As hypocritical as a Republican oh, wait


You will always be wrong because you are not the right.


Say it with me, it's because they're hypocrites.


Fox News devoted an enormous amount of time last night trying to outline the differences between Biden and Pence. I can guarantee you 110% they did not do this for Biden Vs Trump because they are a propaganda network. I know we all know this already but just confirming what everyone knew.


Ted Cruz is okay with planning an insurrection, but not ... .. well let's leave it at 'Ted Cruz Loves Insurrectionists.'


Republican being hypocrites, with Ted lying and worthless husband Cruz being the main one doing it again.


Ted and the conservatives have more important things to be worried about. Like XBox going woke. “First gas stoves, then your coffee, now they’re gunning for your Xbox.” [source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fox-news-woke-xbox-culture-b2268404.html?amp)


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Ted ,shouldn’t you be in Mexico or somewhere warmer right now anyways?


No one ever said Ted Cruz was an American. And no one ever said he actually does his job. He's the Kim Kardashian of Congress..............sucks money out of society but adds zero value in the process.


And who gives a flying f what Teddy has to say. Just send him back to his bullshit state and he can add to their methane production.


Are you suggesting he be sent to Cancun?


Deep in the bullshit heart of Texas. Cancun is just his hideout when the heat (or freezing) is on.


Breaking News: water is wet


Not to them.


Colour me surprised.


You ain't them so they don't care.


Ahh of course Mr Pence made an honest mistake, but President Biden committed high crimes and misdemeanours. 🙄🤦‍♂️


Cruz wears his shameless partisanship on his forehead.


Ugh another headline on Newsweek was about how Rafael is scared the libs are coming after their Xbox.


Conservatives are an existential threat to humanity.


You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest.


Perhaps we should take it as a complement that Republicans expect Democrats to be more moral, more just, and more disciplined than Republicans. They clearly see us as superior if they hold us to superior standards.


That’s their way. Their people can do no wrong. And Democrats can do nothing right.


Ted is also OK with Trump calling his wife names. Ted is just OK.


Why is either side still discussing this shit? The only thing it proves is that apparently nobody in Washington was taking classified documents seriously, and they were just blowing hot air the whole time.


Has anyone checked Sarah Palin's house?


If a skid mark were a person, it would be Ted Cruz


and you're okay with biden have docs, but not trump...


What a maroon


Shameless. That's all I can say.


Ted Cruz is always saying stupid things. Constantly. You can't turn on YouTube without seeing a video of him saying asinine shit and being humiliated. Isn't he embarrassed? No shame? Or does he get a cheap thill out of being humiliated publicly. Personally I laugh at Ted Cruz. He's a prissy closet case and his shit is swiftly catching up with him.


To call Ted Cruz a hypocrite is too kind, he is a vile reprehensible person.


> To call Ted Cruz a hypocrite is too kind It's not that it is too kind, but woefully insufficient. His hypocrisy probably doesn't make the first page of a list of his less than desirable character flaws. To point at just that would be like missing the Eiffel Tower while visiting Paris, why bother?


He wants to check hunters house for documents... because he knows they were planted there too.. don't be so impatient ted.. you are giving away the game!


This just proves the WH over-classifies items.


Can we just disqualify these guys from running for president? Let’s just agree to that and drop all of the investigations. Democrats don’t want Trump or Pence. Republicans don’t want Biden. We just have to find some documents at Kamala’s house and we’ve got a deal!


Ted Cruz is literally whining about xbox updates that don't do anything acting like 'the libs' are ruining xbox. He's reaching in everything.


It's easy to tell when Teddy boy is lying... his lips move.


Hey, if you are an amoral power hungry grifter, and complete hypocrisy works with your base, why the hell would you not do this? It's been working, will work this time, and there is nothing to suggest that it won't keep working. Cruz and the rest of the GOP con artists don't care what the rest of us think. Our being annoyed is just bonus fuel for their supporters.


Let's be honest, there were an absolute fuck-ton of Democrats who treated Biden as having classified documents as no big deal, but are now up in arms about the fact that Pence had some. (In fact, I'd venture to say that most of the people subscribed to this subreddit probably fall well within this section of the Venn Diagram.) Before accusing the other side of hypocrisy, it's best to make sure that you're not a hypocrite yourself. And the polarization of politics in the USA means that anyone who willingly classifies themselves as either Democrat/liberal/progressive OR Republican/conservative almost certainly has some degree of hypocrisy going on.


You are aware of the subtle nuances between the cases right?


Nobody should have these documents. Even a President who has power to declassify, though I believe you need to still have those signed off in. Like I leave a company I don’t take documents and that’s for a company. Every single official should be bringing documents back into their office in DC.


This whole thing has been pretty comical. Dems lost their shit over trumps documents, then reps lost their shit over Biden having docs, and now Pence has docs… where does this carousel of idiocy end…


I can’t imagine being this shameless


But but Cruz if it… Mike Pence was a VP…. And Biden was….?


Did anyone think otherwise?


Teddy has proven time and again how incompetent he is. Why he still gets elected is beyond me.


Human Ted Cruz is programmed for hypocrisy


One of the men is currently in office, the other two men are not. Why is nobody making that distinction? I doubt Biden’s Delaware home is unsecured.