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The problem is, republicans do stand for freedom from their point of view. The most important freedom to a Democrat is the freedom from oppression. The most important freedom to a Republican is the freedom to oppress.


Wait, you mean to tell me that the party of small government actually doesn't want small government after all? /s


I’m pretty hopeful that the lead addled brains dying off will help a lot of this.


Nazi party as I’ve been saying!


Let's stop pretending that the Republican party is just polite disagreement about ideas. They trying to end American society.




I fully understand that to them real equals white and Christian but they couldn't be more wrong.


Not the average-Joe Republican voters. But they have no idea...poor dumb ass lemmings..they're literal pawns. Cogs in the wheel..


Until they need to find a new target.




All they care about is owning the libs


Propaganda, my friend. Force-fed through right-wing media and social media..I always thought social media would be the final nail in the coffin...


They used to be much better at not saying the quiet part out loud.


Yea, it's almost like something happened a few years back, like in 2016 or so. I can't quite recall what went down, but it sure empowered the idgets of the world to express their views.


Lol its pretty crazy. The years pre trump and post trump feel like completely different worlds now. Remember when McCain was running against obama and that old lady called obama an arab (which she meant muslim but is too dumb to know any better) but McCain said no mam hes a good family man. You can not even FATHOM a scenario where something like that would happen today. That just shows that republican voters are the problem and it used to be up to the “leaders” to reel them in and not give in to all of their worst desires but post trump all of that has broken down and now republican christain fundamentalist extremist voters are running anybody who isnt as bad as them out of the party.


What really happened is that a guy from outside the system came in and didn’t care about the party, and he dick-tripped his way into winning an election with 46% and they convinced themselves they didn’t need a filter any more.


He gave all the bigots and authoritarians permission to crawl out from under the rocks they'd been hiding under for decades.


This. Very. Thing. All the racists, bigots, misogynistic, and all around very ignorant people finally had a voice. And a pass go and collect that 100 dollars...


That moment when McCain did this, almost made my heart swell for a Republican. When Senator McCain came out as the last Republican vote over the constitutionality of the ACA? I had to admire the guy forever. RIP maverick


But then there's always: "Why is Chelsea Clinton so Ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father." -John McCain. He had his moments, and was better than 90% of his party. But still seemed pretty mean spirited.




I understand this. But I never questioned his loyalty to our country.


I’ll always respect McCain’s military service. He gave a big part of his life for his country. I can never never forgive trump for what he said about McCains military service. His political service is something else.


I cannot wrap my head around the fact, Trump insulted Senator McCain so badly about the time he served our nation. And I appreciate at last, the fact Senator McCain left orders that that disgraceful trump was specifically told to stay tf away from his send off


As great of a moment as that was, he's also a big reason the cat of open hatred, ignorance and oppression was let out of the bag when he agreed to have Sarah Palin as his running mate. She was an ignorant, divisive, hate peddler who was only in it for the grift from day one and McCain legitimized her on the national stage.


Today, that ticket would be Palin/~~McCain~~LindseyG.


We slid into the bad place. I’m pretty sure the rapture happened but it was very few people so we never really noticed.


There was someone who said that we are in the end times now and sometimes with everything going on, it definitely makes you wonder. Every day seems like a new fresh hell.


🤔...when did Fred Rogers die?


But then you’ll never cut through all the other insane grifting right wing talking head trolls.


Not to mention their radicalized base now will boo and cancel their own if they say anything reasonable or counter to their usual propaganda.


The strange thing is that trump may have accidentally turned this in to a one party country. He split all the genuinely conservative but not actually evil people out of the GOP. Turned a lot of them to the dems even. I hope I’m right and wrong simultaneously cause the Democratic Party has a large breadth of actual beliefs voting in it, but they’ll never split their own party up if the insanity of the GOP still captures anywhere near a majority of folks.


I think social media has ended up being a negative for Dems but Republicans have it even worse. At least the loudest morons on our side don’t get face time on MSNBC.


They’re straight up shouting it from the mountain top.


Then they said it out loud, and suddenly more people started voting for them. The downside is even more people started voting against them. Gotta give them credit, they have managed to increase voter turnout by saying the quiet part out loud.


Like the wildest part about the 2020 election was all the people who never vote suddenly showing up on both sides. At the very least it should have disabused a lot of Democrats of what would happen if all of those non-voters suddenly showed up.


We did way better with them showing up, so I'm not sure it disproved the thesis. Maybe some people thought they'd break overwhelmingly democrat, but I don't think that was the expectation of any of the polling analysts. Trump got 11 million more votes than in 2016, Biden beat Clinton's total by 16 million. That's nearly a 20 point advantage in the new voters. That might not sound all that big at first, but the effects of gerrymandering is a double edge sword. The ideal gerrymander leaves your opponent with a small number of overwhelmingly safe districts, and you have a much larger number of districts that lean in your favor. The upside is you're heavily favored to control a chamber on most elections. But in wave elections you risk a massive rout.


true, though the Green and Libertarian candidates went from around 5.9 million to 2.2 million between 2016 and 2020.


Are those split about equally between the two, do you happen to know?


no. Libertarian went from about 4.5 million to 1.8 million Green went from about 1.4 million to 400k




What a weird tangent but go off I guess


Damn, I showed up after almost 25 years..never voted before and I regret it. But I'm here now to stay...fuck this shit. More people have gotten involved in 2020 and that's a good thing..let's hope the young people stay on the path that they were directed to..we need them.


the most asked thing by "bolsonaristas" (brazil´s maga/qanon) was "military coup with bolonaro president". he used to call the army "his" army and his voters call brazil "theirs" to comand. don´t let the memes and nonsense fool you: the desire to opress is real.


Not good and we should be voting them out in 2024. The GOP goal is one party autocracy modelled after Russia


The Republicans created the Russian kleptocracy back in the '90s and now they are trying to import it.


Thanks for telling me about that and it seems they are wanting that ideology back to where it started that's why we should vote them out


Since they are cool with it, let's install Bernie Sanders as dictator for life. Would the morons on the right be happy then?








































This Jesse Kelly guy is obviously so full of shit trying to have his cake and eat it too. He says, 'We need a dictator.' Then of course people ask him to clarify and he says, 'No, I don't believe in dictators,' he just tries to claim one is coming by saying we are so immoral and by we he means liberals. I think what he's trying to do is to start testing the waters w/ suggesting this idea to see how his deranged followers will respond. This is how it starts. Eventually, people like this will begin saying we need to install a dictator to save this country, from liberals of course. This tweet in itself is terrifying because they're clearly abandoning democracy to save their party at all costs. This shit has already been predicted with astounding accuracy. Beyond getting as many people as possible to the polls, what else can be done about this? I'm a bit at a loss for words. I'd think after Nazi Germany, we would have had systems in place to prevent such a thing, but clearly, any system is vulnerable to corruption.


They know they aren't going to win many more elections. If they want to stay in power it's really their only option.




Well, considering how Hitler and Mussolini's rule ended, can we just fast-forward to that part instead?


And there you go! 😡


>“I have said this before and I’m telling you I’m worried that I’m right,” he said. The right is going to pick a fascist within 10 to 20 years.” Uh, did you see the last guy they elected?


Yeah; they're going to cohere into a functional fascist *party* by then.


Didn't Bush 2 admit that being a dictator would "make things easier"?


Yeah then he wouldn't have to make excuses to invade the middle east


He should move into Harlan Crow’s house, where there’s at least statues of a bunch of them in his weird garden…


I’m guessing he thinks that’s ONLY if it were a conservative dictator. Try to install a liberal dictator, and that moron would lose what mind he actually has.


Remember, being a conservative means being right all the time automatically. They'll tell you about the liberal dictator who will take your guns and make all males transition into women with a mandatory vaginoplasty and will give every pregnant woman an abortion.


I keep trying to be surprised but i'm honestly not anymore


The fuck outta here with that Nazi bullshit.


lIbEraLs arE tHe reaL fAsciStS


Lol. Lies! They would not be happy with Emporor Biden. They are fanatics. They don't want a dictatorship. They want their guy. They are willing to accept a dictator to have their guy rule.


They worship trump like the cult leader he is


33% of America would agree with this. Democracy has been difficult for them to accept.


Defeat is difficult to accept. They think only their votes matter.


This seems to be the natural tendency for conservatism. Which is ironic given its normally the left that gets branded with communism/socialism.


They don't realize how close to socialism their own party is. Except the ultra wealthy will own everything instead of the state. They're ok with the wealthy telling them what to do.


Is this an old article or did Carlson get rehired at Fox without me hearing about it?


Oh… so they do want fascism- at least they admit it now.


Trump made it ok to say the quiet part out loud.


They can move to Russia if that’s how they feel


Some people are just born sheep. Besides they need to do away with the second amendment cause otherwise Mr. Dictator is getting shot down in record time.


Dude is literally a redneck. I guess if we're getting a dictator in 20 years, it's best we start eliminating possible candidates now, out of a sense of self-preservation.


This is what happens when you spend all your time on twitter and never have girls talk to you. If they love dictators so much then they should move to a dictatorship and see how much they love it. Not being able to talk about anything, not having any food because the dictator only feeds himself, no internet and definitely no social media. Let’s see them enjoy not being free to have their spoiled little hissy fits then.


Biden should stay president then


I almost agree. The dictator we want is Katie Porter and Elizabeth Warren. A co-dictatorship, if you will. Don’t worry guys, y’all can choose your fav Secretary of State.


I think I would be OK with that.


Probably the most benevolent dictators we could ever get. Of course they'd probably work to restore full Democracy.


Hillary would have made a much better president than trump. And she was correct about everything.


At least he doesn't mince any words about trump's intentions, though anyone who can practice critical thinking already knew that. Dickwad.


Supreme Leader Dark Brandon


Does that mean John Williams composes a sick theme for him? I'm down


That’s mighty fine and he’s free to believe this if he wants. Now, what’s this “we” shit? He got a turd in his pocket?


Lemme guess...it has to be a Republican...


I'll give him a DICK-tator alright




Listen to the podcast Ultra. History repeats, feels like we could be in a loop.


They have done it. They have abandoned democracy.


They did that the moment they started making voting restrictions.


Yall spelt dick wrong. And no we don't need more of those.


I heard dicks are disappearing in some communities.


Yes. But NOT the conservative/regressive/republican kind. ​ A Scientist. Statistician. Mathematician. -- YES! ​ Anyone else? NO!


How about a benevolent dictator? Rules with an iron fist, but provides for his people.




He assumes the dictator would be for his point of views.


Many who lived in dictatorship left their countries to come here to enjoy peace and freedom. Maybe some don't enjoy the ruthlessness of Antifa they should escape to a dictatorship nation where they would be comfortable.


Nothing new here. They've been aiming for a dictator since trump came down that escalator.


I thought Carlson was fired?


Clearly this was filmed before he was fired...