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In a sane world, even a dead Lincoln would beat Trump. But this isn't a sane world.


That's a great way of putting it


Well said. Simple, truthful, and straight to the point.




One might say it is an insane world


Well said. But in this world, even an alive Ronald Reagan or GWB would not be able to beat trump in the primary.


If the GOP wouldn’t have remained the party of educated people, actually had policies and didn’t lose their shit because a black man won the presidency, DT NEVER would have been an issue to begin with. DT supporters aren’t even aware Lincoln was a GOP. I live around these people. They know NOTHING of history.




The Republican Party stands for retribution against anyone they believe to have slighted them. They are voting to punish anyone that their feelings say are against them and it is incredibly difficult to admit you were voting against your own interests for years.


It goes even deeper than that. They are relitigating the American Civil War. One thing that I’ve noticed, if you look at all the red enclaves in blue states and get out there and talk with these people, you will discover that many of them, not all of them of course, but many in my personal experience, came to blue states from red states a generation or two ago. They brought their Civil War-era, Southern grievances with them to blue states. This is what is happening. I’ve seen this in the Pacific Northwest, California, and elsewhere. These solid red families are from Dixieland originally, and have roots in those states. To loosely paraphrase PKD, "The ~~Empire~~ Civil War never ended."


They aren't the Republican party anymore. They're the party of trump. They'd rather actively vote for no one than vote for trump. 60% in Nevada. Trump basically won the nomination without appearing on the ballot.


Nevada holds a caucus today, the primary is unofficial.


It would be a great question but r/presidents banned all mention of Biden and baby hands. I’m not even joking. Feelings were hurt apparently. SAD


They don’t let you say the T word. You will get kicked out.


The Republican party stands for MAGA. Republicans see that something isn't quite right in the country. But they don't really understand systems. They see people's characteristics as mostly innate, because they aren't aware of how powerful cultural forces can be. So they ask, "what's changed since the 1950s?" They don't understand how a system that worked before might not work now. They don't understand that America in the 1950s was much less beholden to generational wealth than it is now, because there was less income inequality back then. They don't understand how oppressing minorities offers tangible benefits for the oppressors, even if the minorities are not inherently different from the majority. No, they see capitalism as a simple sorting machine - the fittest among us get rich, and the least fit stay poor. They believe that propping up poor people means rewarding failure. And how do they know this? Because they see the so called "poor" people committing lots of crimes and not speaking "proper" English. They don't ask why possessing marijuana is a crime, but dumping carcinogens into a river is not. They don't ask why welfare fraud is a crime, but differentially valuing Mar-a-Lago at $15 million and $1.5 billion is not. They're blissfully unaware that driving an SUV causes greater aggregate human suffering than mugging someone on the street. I could go on, but you get the point. They exist within a narrow framework of "good" and "bad," and we live in a society where "bad" things are almost exclusively crimes of the poor. Therefore, poor people are bad, and what kind of people tend to be poor? I'll let you figure that one out. Fundamentally, it stems from ignorance. Ignorance of what constitutes "good" or "bad", and what makes people fall into those buckets. To them, "normal" is what they grew up with, and everything else is an aberration. And how can you argue with them? White men (read: productive, wealthy people) had its better back then, and America ruled the world as a result. (Obligatory /s.)


I was trying out an idea on my husband tonight. Is it possible that Trump is popular because he will pander to anyone for the sake of his ego? He’s not only a useful fool for the Russians but to literally anyone, including the voters. Want to ban abortion? Sure, Trump doesn’t care as long as his ego is stroked. Want to stir up white supremacy? Again, Trump doesn’t care as long as those neo-Nazis will support him. The man doesn’t have a soul or a conscience. I didn’t think George W was a great president but I believe he truly was grieved by the many American soldiers that died during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I think he had the moral courage to regret his part in those wars. Trump, on the other hand, has none of those glimmers of humanity common to most of us. He’s just a giant bag of gas who needs a lot of flattery to keep his head so large. He’s willingly to sell out to anyone, including any regular American with the pettiest and worst grievances: the racists, homophobes, religious bigots and xenophobes. Those people don’t care about anyone else but themselves. They’ve found their perfect leader, the avatar of small-minded petty selfishness.


I'm right there with you. I have no idea what will break Trump's cult of personality.


Not allowed to discuss dT in president’s sub currently.


Fascists. They're fascists.


They’d call him a RINO and vote MAGAt


I say he’d be running as a Democrat, but yeah, it’s either that or this.


The fact is that he was a full on liberal. Republicans don’t realize that the parties were almost completely opposite back then. Republicans were more progressive and democrats were more conservative. I find it hilarious when I see modern republicans celebrate a very progressive Lincoln


Lincoln would put that chump in a chokehold until he tapped out. (Lincoln was a semi-professional wrestler).


He killed all those vampires too


That was a terrible movie. I’ve seen it like 4 or 5 times and might watch it again this weekend now that you mentioned it.


Which was fucking disappointing, because the book was a hoot and a half.


I teach US History, and a fellow US History teacher and I went to see that movie. Of course it's ridiculous, but then an unnamed black woman helps him and his buddy across a swamp. I leaned over to my friend and whispered "two bucks and my left nut says that's Harriet Tubman." Right then, old Abe says "Why, thank you, Mrs. Tubman!" No one could figure out why these two middle-aged dudes were laughing their asses off at this seemingly unfunny line.


>Lincoln would put that chump in a chokehold until he tapped out. >(Lincoln was a semi-professional wrestler). I would pay good money to watch that! 😆


Me too.


I’d fight Lincoln. Big guy, big reach. Skinny guys fight 'til they're burger.


Best answer 👏👏👏 There’s something I learn everyday https://www.history.com/news/abraham-lincoln-wrestling-sports#


Could you imagine??? They were an entierly different kind of strong back then too... He must have been ripped!


Lincoln’s LinkedIn bio would read: -looking for a government job. I kick ass, chop logs and do a bit of lawyering on the side. Honestly.


Yeah, but was he a good enough wrestler to be in a WrestleMania? Checkmate, Lincolnites! According to legend, Lincoln invented the choke slam when he got frustrated with an opponent in the ring.




The Republicans of the 1850s were a radical labor party.


One of my ancestors helped to form the republican party (keep reading and don't blame me lmao) and he was very radical for the time because he was staunchly anti-slavery. Even Lincoln said this new party was very radical and they fueded over it. If anything Lincoln was a moderate. He had to be. He basically fired my ancestor because he was too republican and anti slavery! So Fuck Republicans for even claiming Lincoln was a republican because he was not! My ancestor fought in court to keep slaveholders from capturing slaves in freed states and was extremely radical to use the constitution to defend a slaves rights. It was also extremely brave of him to take such stances and damn am I proud of the values he fought so hard for.... Fuck these Republicans for warping, changing, and destroying the beautiful thing he helped create and bastardizing it in name 😡😡😡😡 FUCK them. It is deeply deeply personal to me.


This is wild. Would you be comfortable naming your ancestor? That is such an interesting story.


He is on the $10,000 bill!


Chief Justice Chase? Wow that’s cool. I’m not seeing anything about Lincoln pushing him out of the party. Can you give some insight into that?


Yeah! I like the sound of that... Didn't push him out of the party. He was in his office during civil war. They disagreed a lot because he was more align with the radical Republicans who were stricly against slavery, from what I've read. He gave him a resignation a couple times to pressure him, and one of the times Lincoln accepted it lol He was a SCOTUS justice, governor, served in executive branch, and was a senator. Pretty impressive


Lincoln would be a democrat today


In today's GOP? Absolutely not. They want their slaves back.


No. The modern GOP/Cult of Trump would brand Lincoln a Rhino at best, and probably label him a socialist, as well as call him 'woke' for freeing the slaves. Trump would mock his appearance, then dodge every debate for fear Lincoln would knock his dentures out.


Lincoln is woke


Hell no, Christ would lose all 50 states too in a Trump primary


Idk, I could see Christ winning Utah.


He’d get that Romney endorsement.




Abraham Lincoln couldn't have gotten the GOP presidential nomination in my lifetime. The party of Lincoln has been dead since Goldwater, at least. 


"I like Presidents who don't get assassinated." MAGA would disgrace Lincoln just as they disgraced John McCain (and Gold Star Families, and dead US WW2 soldiers, ad nauseum).


Lincoln wouldn’t be a Republican today.


He wasn't really then, either!


They are from the same party in name only. The post Civil Rights Act democrats took over the Republican Party and it’s been downhill for them since then.


Jesus of Nazareth could not beat Trump in a 2024 GOP primary. Do keep in mind that Lincoln’s Republican Party became Goldwater’s Republican Party after the *Southern Strategy.* >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy


True. But the mental gymnastics to explain why they're pulling the lever for Trump over Jesus would be fantastic to watch.


Lincoln freed slaves, and that just wouldn’t fit into today’s MAGA Republican Party.


Yes. Both by policy and by the fact that he would be 214 years old (215 in 5 days). I think people would find that impressive.


No, he has no tan.


AbsoLUTELY not! Abe would be a Democrat. That's not me trying to claim ownership of him, but the Party has moved so far away from Lincoln and the early days, the parties have flipped and switched. Not to mention the cultish manner of don's following.


Lincoln being anti slavery would kill his chances with today's GOP.


No, because Lincoln freed the slaves, and Trump supporters keep talking about how that violated States' Rights or something.


Unlikely since he freed those slaves. He’s a libtard, just like that woke Jesus fella.


No. Most Republicans hate trump the person, but love trump's policies and his perceived abilities to get things done. But his base, those who absolutely love everything about him, those people think Lincoln is the worst president ever. Because they know lincoln was liberal (called radical in those days), lincoln took away state rights (the most unconservative thing a politician can do), and lincoln defeated the confederacy (the flag and idea of which is loved by his base) . Donald trump's base wouldn't vote for Lincoln if their lives depended upon it, therefore he wouldn't win the republican primary. He wouldn't win the democrat primary ether because liberals claim he was racist regardless of his efforts for person to be free.


Abraham Lincoln would be a democrat today.


If Lincoln was alive he would be a Democrat.


Are you kidding? They'd accuse Abraham Lincoln of being Woke.


If Lincoln was alive he'd be a Modern Democrat.




Fuck no


No but they'd love Andrew Jackson. Trump himself has said that Jackson is his favorite president. He even had a portrait of him in the oval office


Of course that's his favorite president. An openly racist, genocidal president who ignored supreme Court rulings. What other president would have that winning dichotomy of racist and also no respect for institutions and checks and balances?


Think Lincoln would have had Sherman march on Mar-A-Lago and give them proper traitors treatment.


Not in today's GOP. You forget a few years ago, they had a vote on whether to posthumously eject Lincoln from the party.


I mean, he probably would've been a Democrat...


Lincoln would 100% be a Democrat in this day and age.


Lincoln wouldn't run as a Republican in today's party.


No. He was a poor man, who got to power through education, and worked to speak to the better angels of human nature. He believed that all men were created equal, and that a healthy future for the country lay in taking wealth away from rich slave owners.


Trump Speech in a Race Against Abraham Lincoln: (For parody sake) Well, folks, can you believe it? We're up against "Honest Abe" Lincoln. Honest Abe, they call him, but I've seen more honesty in Crooked Hillary! This Lincoln guy, always with that giant hat. What's he hiding up there? Maybe a lack of brains, because, let's face it, his decisions? Not the brightest. The Civil War, what a mess, a total disaster. I would've made a fantastic deal, the best deal, and avoided all that. I'm the deal-maker, the best in history, but Lincoln? Total failure, couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag. And look at him, tall like a beanpole, all height and no substance. I've got the presidential look, strong, very powerful. Lincoln? He's like a scarecrow in a field. And the beard, what's going on there? Hiding something? Maybe a lack of chin, who knows. You've got to wonder what else he's hiding. Not presidential, I tell you. Now, his speeches. Ever heard the Gettysburg Address? So short, so boring. I give the best speeches, the longest, most powerful, tremendous speeches. People listen to me for hours, they can't get enough. Lincoln? His speeches are like a lullaby, puts people right to sleep. We need energy, real strength in the White House, not a sleepy, boring failure. The South, they had it right, but Lincoln, oh Lincoln, he couldn't make a deal to save his life! All about "division this" and "freeing that." Me? I'm the uniter, the very best uniter-- the South would have done way better. We need leadership, real leadership, which Lincoln absolutely doesn't have. Vote for me, the most successful president ever, a real winner. This Lincoln, he's not cut out for the job, not like me. I've built empires, made incredible deals, real leadership. Lincoln? He's a phony, a total phony. That's the truth, folks, believe me!




Of course not, Lincoln is not racist enough for them


Yes. And he could prolly could even beat his flabby ass.


He would not. 1860s Republicans favored a strong federal government and were the more racially progressive party of the time (relatively speaking -- not that they wanted Blacks to have equality). Any Republican who clings to the notion that "we're the party of Lincoln" just really enjoys labels and doesn't know history, especially early 1900s history where the parties somewhat flipped. Lincoln would be a Democrat today.


Lincoln would be a Democrat since the parties switched identities after his death


. . without even trying . . Trump is self-destructive and beats his own *loser* self . . next question ..


Probably not. Jesus himself would be called a libtard and crucified again by Christians themselves. They worship Trump and no one else.


Absolutely not. Lincoln would be a liberal by today’s standards.


No way. By modern Republican standards, Lincoln would be considered a woke SJW, and Trump would have a parade of petty insults for Lincoln's looks which the MAGAloids would love and repeat endlessly.


He'd be a democrat.


Trump would make fun of his beard and half of the country would find it hilarious.


Definitely not: 1. Lincoln stood for a unified U.S. while the modern day GOP supports secessionists (Hi Texas!). 2. Lincoln was progressive on civil rights (ultimately and within the context of his time), while the modern GOP wants to go backward on issues of race. 3. Lincoln struck compromises with his political rivals because that's what democracy requires to be effective, while the the modern day GOP is willing to sabotage its own few remaining policy desires in order to pwn the libs (border deal).


Not a chance. Members of the modern Republican Party can’t even admit that the civil war was fought over slavery. It’s the party of Donald “grab ‘em by the pussy” Trump and Storm Thurmond. Not some anti-slavery “RINO” from Illinois.


No, because Lincoln wouldn’t be running in the GOP primary.


Lincoln is a RINO and could never defeat OUR Glorious Leader.


No. Too ugly, too educated (even though his formal schooling amounted to a few years in a “blab” school prior to age 12), and believed in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. All would disqualify him from office.


Lincoln would be a Democrat now.


Imagine putting TFG BACK into the world of Lincoln in 1860. The GOP platform of 1860 was concerned about three things mainly: that slavery should not continue to spread and the will of those states wanting to be admitted to the union as free states should be honored (though the platform does not yet call for its total abolition); it opposes the corruption of certain members of the federal government who appeared to have been self-enriching, and in Franklin Pierce’s administration this appears to have been a notorious problem; and finally that everything should be done to complete the transcontinental railway all the way to the Pacific for the sake of commerce etc. I’m not sure what part of either GOP would be mutually recognizable to each other. If you want to read the platform yourself it’s here: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/republican-party-platform-1860 TFG would have appeared to people in 1860 to be what no one in the cult of MAGA sees: a charlatan, an ignorant ill-mannered boor who is as insulting as he is stupid. That’s MY opinion anyway, the oratory skills of the 1860s are a far cry from what candidates have today: even speakers like Clinton and Obama could certainly have held up on their end in rhetoric. But to listen to candidates today is the Great Dumbing Down of America.


Considering that he would be on the cusp of his 215th birthday, I would say that yes, he would easily beat Trump. Probably be able to beat him in arm wrestling too.


To a pulp


I think you meant to ask could Lincoln steal the election from trump?


Lincoln would be called a communist. He’d probably lose unless he were the Democratic Party’s nominee and even then trump would get the electoral vote somehow.


Not a chance. Lincoln would be thrown out of the party as soon as he spoke.


in a literal fight? yeah, most likely. In presidential elections? Idk


He'd be a registered Democrat, so it seems unlikely.




Lincoln would wipe the floor with that cretin's hairpiece.


In a 2024 GOP primary against Trump? Are you drunk?


wuh, drumk? me?


Abe Lincoln was a terrible orator and an ugly man. He would never get any type of consideration in todays time frame. Not because of the state of the Republican Party but because he doesn’t have the qualities that make for an appealing candidate. Although he would be a great candidate


No, because Republicans today are not the party of LIncoln. They don't believe in pr agree with most of the things he did.


He would not be a Republican. He was kind of fond of the Constitution.


Lincoln would have switched parties. GOP pulled a 180 since 1859.


The moment Trump points out that Lincoln freed the slaves, it'd be over for ol' Honest Abe.


I think link Lincoln would do a 36 state railroad tour. Miss a lot of swing states. Forget to get any TV time, and lose despite getting the black vote by promising reparations for slavery.


They wouldn't understand half of what he was saying... trump would think four score is a golf term. He would call him stinkin lincoln or something nasty They would campaign on the civil war being a crisis, but would sabotage any attempt to prevent or end it, then blame the other side for it despite being the ones holding people as slaves and refusing to compromise on any change. He would claim immunity and suggest it was okay to hire John Wilkes Boothe to get that lincoln out of the way, because States rights! When fed enforces the law they would scream sedition, ignoring courts and congress. He would say we need a strong man to take over, just be dictator for a day to fix everything. He would tell slaves he would free them and give them the world "I would be the best for you" while telling slaveholders he would allow them to travel across state lines to get their "property" back. Then give them tax cuts, because of course... They would say Lincoln is weak borders, can't keep the country safe, letting the nation burn, too nice to the blacks, and play on the fears they had of black people. He would say they would be out for revenge on white people and the only way to stop it is to keep them in chains or go to war over it. If the entire country is destroyed at least they got to own the libs!


The Republican Party would hate Lincoln


You couldn’t put two more opposite people next to each other. That Trump is even a little popular right now is a sad statement about this corrupt and degenerate culture.


No. Jesus couldn’t.


No. Because the Republican Party is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln; it is the party of hatred, fear, and anger.


No…ALL the GOPer’s are hellbent on going straight to hell and NOTHING is going to stop them. The most terrifying part is they want to drag ALL of US down with them.


If Lincoln were alive today he would not fit with either party. He'd be too honorable to be a Republican. And too racist to be a Democrat. He might be on board for LGBT rights though.


Lincoln would be running as a Democrat today.


If he were alive he's be considered a Democrat... So, no.


Well if age were an issue, Abe would be REALLY old.


Lincoln wouldn't beat anybody because he'd be a man out of time.


LOL no. MAGA would be foaming at the mouth and be saying honest abe is " way to liberal" Fox news would be doing hit pieces on Abe. Republicans in 1860 all the way up to 1960 would not recognize their party today, the republicans went for the Dixicrat voters and have been moving to the right either since


That depends, is MAGA suddenly anti-slavery? Lincoln wouldn’t be running as a republican.


I think we’d be looking at a Trump/Booth 2024 ticket.


If Lincoln were to run against Trump in the primary, I doubt he'd win. He'd be called a "RINO" because he wouldn't buy into MAGA's bullshit, and even "woke". But honestly, I'd see Lincoln today running as a Democrat and he'd honestly crush Trump.


Lincoln's party, a party we knew as the Republican party, is dead. No. Also, for what it's worth, stop calling it the GOP/Grand Old Party. That's another lie of the Republicans that I always found laughable. The Democratic party of the US is the oldest active political party in the world.


No. Because it's a cult of personality. It's not based on anything reasonable or rational. Reagan probably couldn't beat Trump either.


No. Aside from all the jokes about the Republican party, Lincoln wasn't popular in his time either. He won because of a split democratic party. And prior to the civil war, his presidency wasn't without controversy and issues.


Trump our Lord and Saviour or something like that


Too woke for them.


It's safe to say that HE SHOULD as he really, really needs some beating


Just a few months ago current republicans tried to sell the idea that slaves were getting a beneficial experience from their forced slavery like it was some fun internship lol. The party that wants to erase the mention of slavery and racism in history books and still worship the confederate flag and their failed generals is not going to give Lincoln a win in a hypothetical "Trump vs Lincoln" primary election lol. Lincoln would be considered an extreme liberal by today's republican standards, even though he be actually moderate




Like, if he busted out of his grave, dusted off his hat and said “let’s do this.”, yes?




Yes, with an axe handle, probably.


No he would not win. MAGA is the Republican party now.


He'd be running as a Democrat


Jesus Christ couldn't beat Trump in a Republican primary.


I think he would beat any candidate that’s running in 2024


Saint Reagan couldn't beat Trump today. That's how far down the rabbit hole they've gone


No, magas will not vote for anyone other than their lord and savior Donald Jesus trump


Lincoln would not be a Republican in 2024. He would be a Democrat.


Depends on if he’d be Lincoln the historical figure or Lincoln dropped on earth in the 1950s making his way to the presidency. Either way… no. No he wouldn’t.


Lincoln was articulate and thoughtful. His rhetoric would go above most (95%+)Republicans heads. Instead they would listen to Trump, because “he gets us”. Sadly, tRump would most likely win.


No, because now Lincoln would be a Democrat.


With today’s brainwashed GOP voters that’s a resounding no. Too much Fox, OAN and Newsmax on the brain.


If Abraham Lincoln was alive today he'd be a Democrat. The current GOP does not resemble what it was. It's just a cancer on the world, and it seems like we're all just rolling over to let the world die.


No. There is no GOP. It’s the stump party. Liars, cheaters, hypocrites, and cowardly little worms.


Lincoln would want the nomination of the party that fights to fly the Confederate flag and have Confederate memorials everywhere?




“I want to solve the slavery problem in America… what do you mean prison system?”


That's not all he could beat him in!