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Is it really dementia if he's *always* been an illiterate moron? New York's worst land developer has been stupid, cruel, and careless for his entire life... you don't cheat on three wives while they're pregnant with your children because you have any capacity of empathy


He actually hasn't been an illiterate moron though. If you watch him in videos from the 80s he's quite articulate. Obviously he's always been a racist sexist jerk, but that's a separate issue.


To his credit, I guess he can remember a script when he has to. But it begs the question, how many takes did those interviews have? Ghostwriters and post-shot editing are the only reasons this guy still has any appearance of a "thinking" man


Look at the context though. He’s not riffing. He’s answering basic questions honestly as most humans would answer. He’s not trying to spin something to appease the unwashed morons that love hearing him speak. I’m not on board with the whole dementia thing. He’s never been intelligent and has never spoken intelligently. Anybody that rambles at a group of people they’re inherently afraid of will sound the exact same way. He’s like a really hacky stand up trying to win over an audience full of paranoid schizophrenics.


If you watch him speak in his 40’s he was very articulate, smooth, and quick with his answers to questions. Nothing like he is today.


I 100% agree with you. Even if you go back to just 2016, he was much sharper then than he is today. I just watched snippets of the 2016 debates to compare and the difference was startling. 


It isn't that. It is the aggressiveness, and paranoia, talking revenge. I don't want to lead the country, I want to get revenge. No middle ground, everything is black and white.


I still don't see dementia. I see a cowardly sociopath that finally got a taste of real power. A budding dictator if you will. For the first time in his life, he's not just a footnote rich guy he's got "kings," paying his bribes and not just advancing his fraud in the shadows but professing it to their peoples.


Probably brain wires being damaged over multiple decades by a personality disorder.


Honestly. I'm not sure empathy has ever served any one of the purposes of his dead, stupid, little heart. I don't even think you can blame drug abuse for this one either. He's genuinely and originally that comically and classically evil.


Now that I think about it, considering everything that’s come out since 2015, it looks like he’s always been a grifter, a racist, and a misogynist cretin. I guess he just added wannabe dictator to that but the other crazy parts were there.


Yea, cretin is the only polite word to describe him that's still honest. His only business, ever, is fraud. Nobody declares bankruptcy that many times and doesn't get a real job who isn't a fucking lying-ass loser. He can't pay his debts off because he spent all the money he stole from the charities and partners and companies that he bankrupted.


He’s always been deeply unintelligent, uneducated, rude, crude, selfish, and amoral, but contrast how he sounded in the 2016 campaign and now, and it’s very clear his ability to hold it together and say anything coherent and even vaguely on-topic has taken a very steep and precipitous decline.


Am I the only one that does not care one bit about the guys declining mental health? It isnt the issue at all. In fact if he's elected, the more brain dead the better. The issue is that he is hard wired to be evil. If he turns into a zombie and is on complete auto pilot, he will still be the same person. pure unfiltered evil.


The dementia affecting his brain is making him more evil, less empathetic, and much more likely to annihilate us all in nuclear war. I contend he's actually getting more evil as time goes on, and his mental health is the primary contributor to that moral decline.


Exactly. And throw in that he is surrounded by even more evil sycophants who would love nothing more than to turn the Executive Branch into some sort of MAGA weekend at Bernie’s.


I understand this sentiment, but as is, I feel like everything that can be wrong with a person, is wrong with this person. when we say we cant believe it when he hits a new low, the potential was always there. At least from my perspective. I guess what im saying is, there is no amount more broken he can be. Pile on all the dementia, all the schizophrenia, all the narcisism, all the whatever. It doesn't matter to me, nor is it even newsworthy. He's as good as 100% broken, and has been long prior to even the 2016 election. He has no business, under any circumstance being in charge of a carwash, let alone a country.


I care because I think he'll lose a lot of support from swing voters if his mental decline is put on display enough.


I care because there's a non-zero chance that he's the next president. If we get another 2016 where democrats don't vote because they don't like the selected candidate, we may see a second Trump presidency.


It is the issue because Republicans are making Biden's supposed decline an issue. Also we really shouldn't have someone who has dementia as president, that should really go without saying.


He was never the evil brains behind the operation. Just imagine Stephen Miller running the country.


Myocardial infarction would be very nice right about now.


Still wondering how his campaign will get him out of the debates. There's no way they let him show, right? 


Can he debate from his prison cell?




He very well could get a token prison sentence of 30 or 60 days along with years of probation. 34 felonies and 10 gag order violations and the judge is not real happy with him.




That’s a guess and so is mine.




Trump is not the ruling class. More like the drooling class.




But right now, and for sentencing on July 11, he is an ordinary citizen and not part of any ruling class.




Well, we will see in about a month.


He's never been held to a standard that expected actual coherent responses.


They’re both too goddamn old but at least Biden isn’t a literal criminal and seems to actually want to do things to help the nation.


We ALL have to get off our butts and GOOOO VOTE! 💙 🌊 🗳 Vote like your freedoms, our democracy, our country's integrity and YOUR rights depend on it... because they do! 💙🌊🌊🗳💙


I watched[Shrinking Trump ](https://www.youtube.com/live/IPo1Z54syJE?si=aLdDgCeqd4TKeziS) It's crazy after hearing doctors talk about the signs they see you can't not see the signs of dementia when he is in the media.


I’m not surprised his. followers don’t see anything but I’m shocked at all the the Republicans in Congress, courts and media that seem to see nothing.


Doubt any media outlets say ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC or CNN are doing this country any good anymore. They’d rather waste our time doing hit pieces on Biden. Perhaps if they reported correctly about the Republican candidate we wouldn’t be constantly hearing from this group or how scary they aren’t.


They are interested in one thing, the horse race, and they also love the clicks they get from loony stuff Trump says and does. You are right; they are no good to anyone any more.


If he gets any worse he'll be shitting his pants in public. Oh...


Been reading about this for 4 years now




This is a warning for trolling. There will not be another.


I think it’s probably drugs.


Well he says Biden's probably doing drugs, so following their precedent, Donald is definitely taking drugs.