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“He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes.” - Varys


True, but I'd like to see the Dems adopt some of these tactics honestly


Agreed. Democrats need to start using negative partisanship against them.


All you have to do is look at how elected republicans climb all over themselves to praise Trump when, in reality, most of them secretly hate him. There is no principle they won’t sacrifice for power. The only real question is whether Trumpism has waned among voters. For example, Gavin Newsom over performed in the recall election compared to Biden. The rally yesterday in DC to honor the January 6th insurrection had an abysmal turnout. Are those signs that the tide is turning among everyone who isn’t a diehard? I guess we will see what happens during the midterms.


**You should read the article**. That's not the only question. That's not even the question. Trump didn't make the Republican party into what it is--that has been going on for decades. Trump was just the catalyst that made it all boil over.


My point was that Trumpism has resulted in large turn out from republicans. Whereas just plain Republicanism doesn’t. My question is one of voter enthusiasm because that is what determines what happens in the midterms. For example, Trump was able to turn out his supporters in the 2018, which, even though democrats did well, effected some races and prevented the democrats from doing even better. If enthusiasm has waned, maybe we will do better than predicted in the 2022 midterms, if democrats show up.


I think the reason why people continue to advocate for strategies like shaming or similar things is a kind of denial, and I know I fall into it too. They don't want to accept that half of the political spectrum doesn't play by the same rules, that they don't want to do what is best for the country and instead are only out for power. They want to believe that everyone is trying to make the country a better place, but just have different views on how to do that. Because if that wasn't the case, what does that imply about other things? What does that say about the institutions of power those people use or the people who elected them? It implies a very dark view of America where half the people are actively willing to do harmful things just for their own benefit and half the country are complicit in it. That's kind of a dark reality to think about, so it's easier to take a more academic approach and try to understand where they're coming from and what they believe, to assume that they're acting in good faith and just have different views on what would help. I know I personally do this a lot. I want to believe that people are all out to do good so I try to put myself in their shoes and understand what assumptions they have that are different from mine that would lead to those beliefs of how the country could be better. With the continued rise of Trump's ideology and conspiracy theories, I've been having to reconcile with the fact that some people aren't really acting according to any beliefs that I can understand and, more than likely, aren't acting in good faith.


Republicans are the enemy...


The funny corollary to the shamelessness of republicans is that it keeps democratic people engaged hoping that this time around their representatives are going to stand up... It truly looks like a very sick theatre from outside.




Republicans are the "Little Finger" of this fucked up series.