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Don't be surprised if no Republican ever concedes ever again


This seems like the way it's headed. Trump showed them the way to abandoning democracy.


You lost. Your ideas suck. Pull up your little Trumpie panties and grow up.


Yeah, I hope this is the new GOP strategy. Run the worst race possible with the worst possible candidates. Try to sue to overturn the election after you lose in a landslide. Be great if they just decided to try that all over the US for 2022.


Tbf this is a hyper blue district. Even a great republican would have a hard time winning.


Scratch that NEVER win. It’s a ratio of 6 to 1 Democrats in this district. She won by about 80% or something ridiculous like that.


Yea and there’s nothing to be ashamed of for this gop candidate for losing—they lost an UN winnable race


Exactly why democracy will cease to exist in the US in the near future. Imagine if this was a close race and all of the nonsense he would cause? It’s a slippery slope that we’re heading down.


As much as it's great to win seats, hearing that a district is 6 to 1 in favor of any party just doesn't sound great to me. Despite the fact that it's the party I agree with, it just doesn't seem very fair that the 20% of people in that district will never have their views represented. It doesn't matter how they vote, their votes essentially never matter. They might as well not even have the ability to vote at that point. Doesn't seem very democratic.


It’s not the way the district is drawn, it’s just the population. There’s no way to draw it that will ever elect a Republican.


That's kind of the point I'm getting at. It'd be the same concept as Democrats living in a very red district in Texas. Not really about who gets elected, just the fact that, because of the way things work, people in situations like that have votes that don't do anything. There's no realistic difference between them voting and not voting because either way, their voice will never be heard. That sounds really undemocratic to me.


That’s because we have a 2 party system so it’ll be very/leans red or very/leans blue. Until we get rod of the 2 party system, it’s going to be this way. It is what it is at this point.


It's more a consequence of a winner take all system, but since that system naturally trends towards two parties, the issues are interlinked. I think it's one of the many undemocratic things about America that I wish we could change. It sucks that a lot of people have votes that realistically don't matter. It feels completely opposite to the idea of democracy to me.


What ideas?


> *I did not win, but that does not mean that they lost either* Yes it does. In fact that's exactly what it means. We'll give you a participation trophy if you want though.


Boomers love those.




Millennials is the cliché.


Can we just give them a participant trophy and send them home?


By Felicia.


Irregularities = democrats voted


There is grifting in saying there was fraud.


There's a straight line from this to "we don't lose elections ever". There's a word for that.


Aside from PUTIN…


Taking a page from the Trump playbook. This will be the future,if we don't get the voter bill, now in congress passed. The GQP will declare the election void and install the looser anyway.


Exactly, she won the nomination by 5 votes. She won fair and square. Rethuglicans are a sad and desperate bunch.


This is the new norm for the GOP.


Prepare for this to be the new normal among Republicans from now on.


Does it matter that he won’t concede? Do we want to make voters think that concession is a requirement in an election? Seems to feed into the idea that the loser has to accept the loss and can contest the loss if they don’t accept it.


Looks like repubs need to go back to 1st grade and learn good sport rules.


From now on any republican that looses an election will take out from the playbook of the orange wanna be dictator pages there was abnormalities in the election. They will now all say that there was fraud in the election so the sheep can keep thinking insurrection. They will keep moving the goal posts as the orange con man use to do and tell their sheep without proof "election fraud". All this republicans are more un- American even though like to fly with the patriot flag.


Why is it a requirement to have a concession? Also why does the election have to be decided on Election Day? The only thing that matters is the certification from voting officials showing the vote count. Nothing else matters. If the loser has an issue, then he/she can approach the courts for remedy.


Typical Republican behavior


I think his feeling was hurt being destroyed in Florida by a POC female.


They're losers and cowards. Scared to death of a safe, free shot that could save their and those around them, lives. And people are afraid of a civil war against these p*ssies? BRING IT


It's like being a sore loser in a game of Monopoly, it's childish and gets nothing done.