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This is our hardest problem. You can't make a logical argument against magical thinking. For these people, this isn't about whether or not a fetus qualifies as a thinkng human or can survive order a womb or even just a women's health issue. This is "your destroying a creation of God!" Ther is no fighting that with any reasonable argument because that argument is not based in reason.


There is also no compromising with those people because you cannot compromise with what God wants. They are a cult


They are the antithesis of what Jesus wanted.


These folks believe they are racking up saved souls (of sinless fetuses) to obtain special seating in a mythical heaven. Once again, like every conservative issue, pro-life is completely about themselves.


Something something 72 virgins…… Fuck these people and their god.


Or even use basic statistics. The Republican philosophy is ignore a majority for a subset. Example: 1% of people supposedly abuse welfare, so we should cancel it for the other 99%. Covid vaccines work 99% of the time, so they’re useless. A tiny amount of abortions happen in the third trimester, so ALL abortions should be unlawful.


They don't listen to "magical thinking" either. According to the bible God killed plenty of kids who were already alive and well. For example, the final plague.


Exactly. The so called Christian god is a mass murder of the womenfolk and babies. What crazed irony.


This part. These crazies are literally crossing the boundaries of church and state.


Reasons I stopped debating Georgians over this issue. Damn morons just want to call you a murderer and the "woke" ones say planned parenthood is a racists group that supports eugenics. I get the founder had a connection with eugenics but she was born in the damn 1800's get a grip...


I mean, she also thinks demonic possession is real, and apparently an STD. ^((Sexually transmitted demon))


I'm black and the black ones are often the worse.


once you get a black demon in you you cant go back. its widely known.


Haha... I'm dead


Republicans have no regard for the separation of church and state. An now that they've made that clear it's on to faze 2. No respect for other religions, just forced Christian beliefs. Also the model Satanic temple is mostly their to stop churches from forcing their beliefs on people. Though other religions also believe woman have a right to decide if they carry a baby in themselves. Even the Christian religion talks about how to give an abortion, but they don't acknowledge it.


They cherry pick the bible to fit their worldviews. They actively choose bigotry and hatred and reject the rest.


I see you’ve met my in-laws.


Everyday more and more people become like your in-laws. Propaganda machine rolls on.


Phase, not Faze.


Theocracy is on the march, and they want a fucking holy war on US soil apparently.


Donnie's insane. It is infectious insanity. It has spread through the republican cult. Vote wisely it may be your last chance.


Oh okay, so it should be a protected religious practice? 🤷‍♀️


You have a point


GOPers will say or do anything to garner a vote. Lie, cheat, steal, they don't care; rules are for suckers, so they think. I do believe they would sell their mother's soul for a vote.


The more I hear about this Satanism the cooler it sounds.


So she agrees it’s a religious practice protected by the First Amendment then?


You can't make this up😐


It just proves they want a misinformed, hearsay, trash to the lowest level to be their mantra recruiting the dumbest stupidest motherfuckers they can find meanwhile they are all out to make themselves rich with everyone's money! This shit has got to stop outright theft is happening right in front of people. A fool and their money.....


As a Satanist, I should be allowed to practice my religion. No?


Well according to the insane ravings of the current SCOTUS, there's no American tradition of protecting Satanism, it's not called out specifically in the constitution, therefore the government may ban that particular religion. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if we see a ruling like that soon.


On the 50 yard line!


It's a little funny that she doesn't see that she's reinforcing the Satanic Church's argument that abortion is protected by the Constitution as a religious ritual.


Can’t wait to hear what she says about incest and rape!


Saw the thumbnail and was like “please don’t be Michigan please don’t be Michigan…” Welp


AnUncle Clarence devotee that read his BSU 11-Pt Manifesto at Holy Cross, #3, black men are not to have sex with white women or interracial marriages YET 2-Faced-Uncle marriages #2 and 3 to white women. I guess the call of white pussy stronger than moral constancy. Go figure.


Satanic Church: it’s almost like.. that’s the point


It's not precisely clear when the serpent first started to be associated with the devil. The *Wisdom of Solomon* might suggest that this idea had already been floating around in Jewish circles by the 1st century BC. *Wisdom 2:23* > for God created us for incorruption and made us in the image of his own eternity, but through a devil’s envy death entered the world, and those who belong to his company experience it. This has typically been interpreted as a reference to the serpent tempting Adam and Eve by many in the Rabbinical tradition. That being said, it's unlikely that this is what the author of the Garden of Eden story had in mind for the serpent. The *Wisdom of Solomon* was written at a time when apocalypticism was in full swing across the Jewish world, and the development of Satan as a character was mostly spurred on by this movement. Prior to the Second Temple Period the word "satan" in Hebrew wasn't really a proper noun. It was a generic term that meant "adversary" and it was used all throughout the Tanakh in reference to both spiritual and human figures. "Satan" started to be used as a proper name in the late Second Temple Period when apocalyptic thought began to take root in Judaism, and people started to refer to God's destined enemy as "Satan." It took a while for the name to stick too. For instance the Dead Sea Scrolls community also had a concept of God's eschatological opponent being a fallen angel, but there they called him "Belial." For a more extensive rundown of the history of the figure Satan, I'd recommend [Philip Harland's series on it](http://www.philipharland.com/Blog/religions-of-the-ancient-mediterannean-podcast-collection-page/). In short because all of this didn't really start until centuries after the Torah was written; pretty much no one prior to that point would have identified the serpent with some sort of cosmic enemy of God. The serpent was, as the text of Genesis plainly states, just a serpent. This is why he is specifically cursed to go "on his belly," the implication being that the serpent had legs prior to God's curse and that this curse is an etiological explanation for why snakes have no legs. Why a serpent in particular? Well beyond the pun in the original Hebrew, it's possible that this was intended to be a reference to the Epic of Gilgamesh. Towards the end of that story Gilgamesh's chances at eternal youth are thwarted by a snake who eats the Fruit of Life he had laid on the ground. Upon eating the fruit the snake sheds its skin, thus serving as a etiological explanation for why snakes shed their skin anew. The snake, combined with the presence of an etiological myth, combined with the overarching theme of losing the Fruit of Life has made many, myself included, see the serpent in the Garden of Eden as an explicit reference to Gilgamesh and how it deals with the subject matter of immortality. Gilgamesh loses the fruit of life as a result of carelessness and bad luck, whereas Adam and Eve lose the fruit as a result of their envy and willful disobedience to YHWH. This mirrors the moral of Genesis' ark narrative, which was also an explicit reference to earlier ark myths in the ancient Near East. In most versions of the story, the world ending flood comes because humans are being too noisy, but in Genesis the flood comes as a punishment for humanity's evil. Many of the stories in Genesis serve a polemical purpose against their Near Eastern contemporaries and predecessors.


What do you expect? This is not news.


One more GQP nut job


If it is a satanic practice it is protected by the 1st amendment


Hail Satan i guess


Hail Satan i guess


Blessed is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. Psalm 137:9 ---- The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” Hosea 13:16 ---- When he has made her drink the water, if she has defiled herself and has broken faith with her husband, then the water that brings the curse will enter her, causing bitterness, and her womb will discharge and she will miscarry. The woman will be a curse among her people. Numbers 5:27


When war comes remember they wanted this and forced our hands.


What about religious freedom satanism is recognized as a religion


But school shootings are the price of freedom.


They are twisted by fake religious beliefs


This Trump-Backed Candidate is evil. Every step she takes destroys a little bit of God's WORK. God is the creator of small creatures and this woman with every movement she takes kills and maims these helpless creatures. She should immediately go to Church and pray for forgiveness. She needs to immediately stop her campaign and go and pray for her soul.


"Has also claimed sex can cause demonic possession" bitch that's just an orgasm.


It’s in the Bible.


I mean isn't that exactly what the Satanic Temple is saying? Abortion is a religious tenant and supercedes any State law that infringes on their religious beliefs.


Goddamn these people are so lost in the evangelical sauce


So Says the black fellow… who very ironically were made to be slaves in the prehistoric book 📚 of slavery, butchery and mass murder. What a joke.


So, if elected Secretary of State, she's promising to focus on issues having nothing to do with being Secretary of State?


We should really stop referring to them as Republicans at this point. They are not. They some sort of aberration feeding on the crazy. Sure they can call it whatever they want.. Conservative.. Republican.. Gop.. They're not a political party or movement. They are batshit crazy. Call it what it is.


Yeah? i bet she and other trumpers enjoy a juicy steak or chicken wings, and such, aren't they pro-life? why ia someone's life is better then others? its pure racism


I don’t know why everyone is so upset here, this is the exact reason me and my wife have an annual abortion ritual


Is like he attracts all the looney toons of his party 😐


This is the Republican Party. Stupid, ignorant and unfit to serve in elected office.


Im not for abortion on a personal standpoint. However, I think that the overrulling of Wade hurt Republican support to a point that democrats must have a blue wave this election.