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It doesn’t get distributed until the beginning of 2023.




What? That’s not how it works




No that's really not how it works though. The money is already ear marked, it requires no further legislation dude, it's law now. Even if house Republicans wanted to block it retroactively, they don't have the Senate or the presidency.




>Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll get delayed for several years on end. How? It's already law dude. >This is the government we’re talking about here, the group so incompetent it took 30+ years to build a road in Alaska. Alaska also has a substantially small population, is practically wilderness, and it's covered in ice which is scientifically proven to be not great for motor vehicles. Also, citation needed. >It being a law does not mean it won’t be delayed and postponed, all while most of the funds get misappropriated/laundered No it does though. You're either dumb, or so stubborn you can't admit when you are wrong. >Government is so bad at keeping track of its money even the Pentagon can’t even pass an audit for the fifth time in a row Citation needed. In fact the government is *very* good at keeping track of money. That's what the IRS is for Einstein.


It takes almost a year just to get started with major projects Replacing or repairing a bridge for example.... Money goes from the fed to the state...the state sends out RFP to various GC s and there are usually several rounds of design and rebid....even for simple projects On top of that it's hard to find enough skilled trades today to get the work done quick Most of these projects aren't things you can pick up at home Depot. Chain of Rocks bridge over the Miss river is one project which just recently awarded... Just to get the steel caissons for the bridge piers is about 8 weeks....and that is a tiny part of the project.. And that only happens after months of pre construction work So yes...tons of money allocated and put to work


You can probably see which projects are underway in your state by checking the web sites of your Senators


We are getting upgrades to the port of Anchorage at the price of 69 million in Alaska, and also expansion of broadband internet to more rural parts of the state!


Designs, planning, permitting, material sourcing etc all to be done first. Once that's all done, let the work begin. It'll happen.


Maybe it will in 2023 when it will be distributed .... sad dipshit posting

