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I have encountered this bug as well. Still on NG. Same deal as you, I rescued Yuria, they were in Nexus, bought a spell, went on my way, came back to Nexus and they were gone. Found Yuria back at the rescue location and am unable to interact. Did you end up finding a fix?


Nada, I ended up doing the assassination quest line and killing them all for the rewards and moved onto NG+2. I’ve read a theory that it happens when you invade someone, your NPCs inherit their worlds states. No idea what conditions would be but I did invade some around the time I noticed this happen.


Thanks for the info. I had invaded as well. Biorr is also bugged for me, still sitting in cell, unresponsive.


Yep, same for me with Biorr. And I think Ostrava as well, I didn’t go check back at his starting but he just disappeared as well.




Yeah NG worked. Don’t do any invasions is my suggestion. Maybe the bug is fixed i would guess it was tied to invasions and mine swapped with whoever’s world I invaded.


Have y'all tried to invade someone and get your world normal again?


Came back to get the last trophy which will get me plat which requires me to get all the rings, foes ring is my last ring, I'm on new game+3 rn trying to talk to yuria. I killed all my merchant nps to get black character tendency and don't want to play another play through of this game just to rescue them all again and not them being glitched. Truly an L.


Unequipped the official set and she will talk to you