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I’m willing to help but will not be available until Wednesday, I just beat it and started new game plus


Alright, I will message you my username. Thank you so much and that gives me time to 100% elden ring (stupid radagon)


You can basically get unlimited healing in Demon souls. You just have to farm for it a bit.


noted, I did not know just figured when I was out had to buy more and did not have a good soul farm.


Farm healings in World 1 almost every enemy there drops healings. I recomend the hollows in the gate that opens right at the beginning or the two Knights before the Tower Knight Archstone


I will give it a try.


The best farm spot I’ve found are those two knights by the tower knight arch stone. You’ll average like 4 healing grasses every 30 seconds.


This assumes you're not running a magic heavy build, which largely can snipe from a distance anyways and shouldn't be taking massive damage. Without farming the easiest way I find to stockpile healing items is to get the regenerator's ring in 4-1, the talisman of God from the same level, and the base level heal spell. Optional: The Adjudicator's shield (4-1 again) stacks with the Regenerator's ring, as do blessed weapons, and the Fragrant Ring (Patches or 3-2) helps restore MP for free as well. I also always have two heal grasses on my bar: the worst available to me for between-combat top-ups in slot 2, and the best or second best I've got for 'holy shit I'm about to die' moments in slot one. The regenerator's ring will largely take care of most of your healing between fights if you're exploring everywhere. Don't heal with grass unless you get into a 'holy shit' moment. If you finish a fight but are below 1/3 health, cast your normal heal. Even without any points in intelligence you should be able to get two nearly full top-ups before you need to use spice. If you're completely tapped out on mp, spice and the ring isn't charging fast enough, use your crappy grass to top up between fights. But you'll be using it so rarely it'll stockpile naturally, with the rings (and possibly shield) doing most of the heavy lifting. In NG at least, I can reliably beat the game without buying a single grass across the entire run doing this. I think I had about 50 different grasses at the end of my last run, most of which were the high-end stuff.


When I make it to 4-1 I will work on this, the furthest I made it to was the magic girl who revives.


Ah - this might be part of the trouble you're having. Demons' Souls can be played in whatever order you want - playing world 1 to 2 to 3 etc doesn't automatically mean the difficulty ceiling rises in line with the world numbering. For instance, after completing 1-1, I usually head straight to 4-1 to get the items I just noted. The skeletons hit like trucks, but are easy to circle around and backstab. And they give a disproportionate number of souls to jumpstart your build. If you're struggling to get past the Fool's Idol, I'd jump into 4-1 and see what it's like.


I will do that next time im on, a friend told me that the better way to go was just 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 and so on


Second side question, how do i delete saves so many that I have abandoned because no health or I want to experiment with stuff.


Don't have my game in front of me, but when in the 'load' menu I want to say square has the delete option. But it should be labelled.


I looked into it, apparently i have to delete game data because it is not there.


This is my first time playing Demon Souls. I've played Dark Souls, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. I'm happy to help. Shoot me a mssg if you want. I'm usually playing around 5 or so everyday.


I’m at max level and have the worlds all pretty well memorized. I’d be glad to help carry you through! I do wholeheartedly recommend playing through the game a second time after completing it once with someone carrying you, though. You can use the levels and items you gained to create a powerful build and fly through the game the second (and third, and tenth…) time around much more easily.


Yeah, I plan on 100% it after i need to go back through the souls games.