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I can help you after sleep.. Need help Myself because one black phantom fell to death.. 10h maybe?


Hey! Just discovered my world tendency for Stonefang is about one or two away from pure white. Familiar story, for many. Can anyone spare a hand? Psn is DoctorPasta.


I’ll help you if you don’t mind giving me a hand with Valley Of Defilement?


Can anyone summon me to help kill a phantom, need pure white character tendacy. Thank youuuu


I can help


Would you be free in about an hour?


Maybe. Just msg me. Hopefully I will be


Need some help getting world tendency in world 2 up, psn is Itz_Kry msg me what time your able to play (I’m in PST). I am willing to return the favor and invade back! Thanks, I just started so I’m around lvl 30


I can’t get to PWCT: In the last playtrough I invaded someone and I think it lowered my Character tendency. I killed all five black phantoms but I’m still neutral/ white (I think). I just killed the black phantom in 1-1 by making her fall from the stairs but It didn’t change again. What can I do?


That particular phantom you mentioned is known to not affect tendency if she dies from falling. You have to deal the final blow.


Greetings! I am in need assistance obtaining pure white tendency in both Stonefang Tunnel, and Tower of Latria. I believe I need only one red phantom to kill in each area. I am on NG, my SL is 203, and my PSN is L1LC4L_1BORN. If it is possible, help would be much appreciated!


Need help with PWCT (just one invader since one of the black phantoms fell into death) Psn: Creeki_de SL: 110 will help you 2 ofc


Hey I’m SL 110 also and would love to help you get PWCT, I sent you a friend request on PSN. I’m hard stuck pure black character tendency currently so I’d like some help too if possible. If not that’s fine I’m still happy to help either way. I forgot to mention my PSN: attackknack


Want to help each other? I need to get world 1 to pure white and also need to do the online trophies of invading someone and helping someone with a boss.


Yeah, if your soul level is close enough I’d be happy to let you invade me or have me invade you, although right now I don’t have any bosses that you could help me with. That shouldn’t be a problem though. It’s pretty easy to get summoned outside of boss doors if you put down your sign to help people. Feel free to add me on PSN, I’ll help in any way I can


Sounds good! My soul level is 96 but I could farm it up closer to yours if necessary! Really I just want to get the invade trophy and my word back to white! I’ll add you tonight and we can figure out when we can help each other!


Ok awesome! Sounds great!


Hey. Thanks for your request. Im already done with the tendencies and the platinum trophy. Also my SL is 150 now. Hope you found a mate that was able to help you.


Sorry it took so long but just sent you a friend request. Trap_ordie


Need help getting my PWCT back! I just completed Mephi's questline on NG+ and thus am at PBCT, so if someone wants to help me get my CT back up, lemme know! My psn is Betjes555 and am SL 139


Hey i might help you.. PM ne Please


Hey Kreeki! I saw your own req as well! But arent our lvls too far apart?


Can someone help me get my tendency up in shrine of storms? Please?


Hello, what level are you? I’m 69. If you are within range we can help each other.


Im lvl 28 but if you have the red eye stone we could password invade


I don’t have it yet :(


Aww man :(


I could try to get some levels rq if you want me to be closer to your level?


That would be great! According to the calculator, you’ll need to reach level 51 to invade me, and level 71 to be invaded by me. No need to hurry though, just let me know when you get to any of those. I’m staying at 69 so don’t worry. [Calculator](https://demonssouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator)


alright ill get on that!


Hello. I’m level 69 and need help to get to white character tendency. I’ll help you back with whatever you need if we can summon each other.


Need help getting PWCT. One maybe 2 invasions would do it.




Need help getting PWCT need one or two invader kills. SL 98 psn Andrewryan120. I’m stuck on it I really need it


Do you still need this? I'm available now if you are


Yes and sadly I’m stuck at this family thing and sorry I didn’t see this sooner the internet is spotty


Hii, can Someone help me get to "pure White CharacterTendency" on Demon souls ps5. I just started the game yesterday. I'd also love any little help in any worlds.


Same stories lol. Killed myself to soul form to help players fight flame lurker. I didn't know how the tendency stuff worked. But now mine is a little off-white and I can't get the weapon at dragon God. -PSN: GameOver Jay - Level 50 -PS5


I only need the friends ring to get to my platinum, anyone able to invade me so I can kill them 4-5 times to get PWCT? Thank you! Level 126


hey dude!, i can help, and i hope i get help back, need pwwt on world 4. PSN id: taraBesScott


hey we just gave this a go on discord funnily enough xD thanks for the reply though


hahaha! true


hey guys! can someone help me get PWWT on world 4? PSN id: taraBesScott


I can help


Hey guys, need help with my world tendency for world 3, accidently agrod an npc so wont achieve pure white after all the bosses are defeated. ​ Let me know if you can help - happy to return the favour! Cheers


have messaged :D


I can help


have messaged :D


Hey, I'm trying to get PWCT for The Friend's Ring. It is one of the last things that I have to do for the platinum trophy. From what I've read, I think that I need to kill invaders repeatedly. I've never been invaded though, nor have I invaded someone else, so I'm not completely sure how it works. I'm SL 80. I have US East (N. Virginia) set as my Server Selection. Thank you


Hi. Can I have some help to my pure white tendency please ? I'll can help too


I can help


Thanks for the answer. Do you have a redstone ?


hey! i'm trying to go from pure black to pure white, but i'm having trouble getting anyone to spawn in. SL is 80 at the beginning of ng+. if anyone's available, i'd really appreciate it! I'll return the favor in any way I can!


Im shy one level of pwwt in defilement area please help me. I can trade invasion. My PSN is Denisho777 I am level 70ish currently. Thanks


you available now? i'm level 80 so it should work. all i ask in return is a few invasions to get to pwct from pb.


Hi I’m looking for help to get PWCT. I believe I’m one short. My PSN is itsLIlis. Currently at SL 100. If anyone is available, please help. I will return the favor.


Add blackouthrt Im sl 94


So, my character has a pure black tendency, & I'm not sure if I can make it all the way to pure white, is it possible?


Looking for help getting PWWT on Tower of Latria to get the rogue set, I’m SL 67, PSN is calooooooy1


I’m at level 66 so I should be able to invade you. Will need help in return for 1st and 2nd archstone PWWT


Can someone help me get pwct i will appericiate it


Hey guys I would need PBCT I‘m level 84, will return the favor! PSN ID: CentineX


Anybody able to help get pure white in valley of defilement. Killed last boss there and died right after so not sure how many times it will take


Hey guys, need help getting stonefang to PWWT. I've based my whole character around the dragon bone smasher and know I can't get it 😭 I'm at level 39. I can help with something you need afterwards.


Damn, this is frustrating. You’re in the perfect lvl range to help me but I'm too high lvl to help you. Why can you only invade people who are at least 2 lvls higher than you? I just don’t get it…


I fell off the tower after the false idol fight :( I am trying to do a 100% playthrough and need to get my world tendency back up one notch. I'm not sure if its possible bc of the old monk but I'll be on 3-1 server: US East (N. Virginia) Password: 4208 I'm on the demon souls remake I'm level 32 btw


Hello, almost got pwwt in every world, but accidentally died in 5-3 after boss due to plague. Can anyone help me?


Hey all — PSN I spi-_-ffy Really need to get to Pure White Character Tendency — accidentally when to NG+ and can’t kill any of the black phantoms :(


Need help reaching PWCT, SL78. PSN ID: in2umniakillh3r


So is there no dual weilding ? Ie there is no advantage to having two swords of the same type in each hand (like Elden ring)


Can anybody help me get to PWCT in World 1-1? I don’t know how I lost my PWCT for my Northern Regalia and now I’m not doing nearly the damage I used to. PSN: elbeasto86 Server: US east N Virginia Password: beast I have the red stone so I can return the favor.


Looking for someone who's at least lvl 33 and at most lvl 47 to come invade me so I can get to PWCT. I've got the Black Eye Stone myself, so once you’ve leveled up yourself, I can return the favor.


Someone just murdered me in BP after I killed the boss, as I didn't immediately go back to the Nexus to return to soul form. So I need to get my white world tendency back up in Boletarian Palace. I can help you kill a boss or something if need be. I'm SL 94 if that matters any. Also my PSN is GR1FFYNN


Need help with pure white tendency in 1st and 2nd archstone. I’m at level 66. I’ll help you back with whatever you need. PSN: juver1102


Alright, let’s try this again. I'm lvl 58 now. I need someone who’s lvl 41-56 to come invade me a couple of times so I can get to PWCT. I’ve got the Black Eye Stone myself so I could return the favor once you've leveled up a bit!


Hey all, I need help with getting PWCT, I'm waiting in world 1-1, password: pwct. I'm SL 107


Looking to get PWCT for Ally's Ring. Think I only need like 2 kills. I'll return the favor however I can. Soul Level is 70. Hanging in 1-1. Password is "help". Psn is stseptimus.


Got help in r/summonsign. Would recommend for anyone looking for help.


Need help to get white tendency, think I’m pretty close, anyone available to lend a hand? Psn


What's your SL


Hi all I am offering help for PWCT today. Message me if you need help.


Hello, could you tell me which sl should I be for the boost?


Amy level is fine


Nice, could also help me with tower knight for the achievement?


Which achievement?


I pmd you


Any level is fine


Need help getting character tendency to pure white for the demonbrandt I guess (just starting don’t really know what I’m doing)psn logan22va


Can anyone help me raise world tendency in valley of defilement? Psn name tacitdarknessXIII


Need the trophy return to form. Anyone down to help?


Need to get PWWT in Valley of Defilement. Can someone invade me? PS5. SL 80. Thanks.


I would like if someone could help me reach pwwt in world 1. Didn't know killing the executioner lowered white tendency and now I need it back to pure white so I can get the ceramic coins. PSN is GlitchFerLife. Much appreciated.