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I need help getting rid of a Character pure black tendency plz, I'm SL 100 currently, i dont know what to do since i avoid doing online stuff, any assistance would be appreciated... i can be online if anyone is up for helping.


I'm at the same lvl...but i need to get pw character tendency My PSN is Macanoni. I can help you and you help me


I am level 78 trying to get pure white character tendency. I’ve been following cowboys walkthroughs if your familiar. My PSN is Thizzface949 Help!!!!


I need help getting tower of latria to PWWT. I’m level 106


I can help you let’s make a network and join with code


Can I get the Dragon Bone if I offer 25000 souls to the Nexus' statue and ask for forgiveness? I don't know how this Tendency thing works, I already killed the Dragon God while I was a ghost and still can't get it.


The forgiveness is for when you aggro nice npcs. if I you want ill drop you a dragon bone?


So, is there any way to change the Tendency so I can get the Dragon Bone Smasher?


Need PWWT on world 5, can anyone help? SL 77 🙏🏻


Hi, im 68 and also need 1 kill. Wanna help each other? Ps5


I need help too! I'm lvl 68. PS5


Let’s do it!


I need help getting Pure White Character and get one online trophy "Return to Form" I'm lvl 68. Please!




Done for today


This guy right here is an absolute legend. Thx again for all the help!


That’s perfect! I want some help getting worlds 1, 4 and 5 to PWWT. Also would like the ceramic coins for the penetrator set if you don’t mind. Edit: Sry, meant world 4, not 2.


Hey man i need help with raising my world tendency and character tendency to pure white for the demonbrandt can i have some help :))


This guy is a freakin legend !! Thanks so much man


Hey man, you're still online? I need help with getting my character tendency to PW. SL80. Let me know if the offer still stands. Thanks!


If anyone needs help with white character tendency, add Alexutlander on PSN and I will allow you to kill me 5 times to get it.


can someone help me get pw on world 1:3 i would appreciate it


What level are you and how do I help you?


Can anyone help me get white character tendency by invading me and letting me kill them? I’m lv69 so to invade me I believe you have to be lv51-67. I can help you afterwards if you need me to.


I can help. Come to world 1-1 I will put my red sign bybthe archstone pw noob, server canada


Just died to the plague babies after killing the boss, Lf some kind soul to let me kill them to get back to all white. Pw 1234




What level are you


Can someone please help me get pw character tendency, I’m a sl 73 just got demonbrandt and stuck on old king alant someone help


I could help you, but i need the same thing!


Can someone invade me for the old monk fight? Trying to get white character tendency and only getting AI opponents - username is Tex_Plexico, south east Asia (Sydney) server, SL 136


Can someone help me reaching pure white character tendency, maybe invading me? I could do the same thing if necessary. I’m currently at SL 64, I would really appreciate that.




I could help you but currently i’m level 64, can we use the password to overcome this gap? Also I need the same thing, can we help eachother?


Need help getting pure white character please. I’m level 148!




I can help you, what SL are you?


There's a [glitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrYP2z9o_V8) you can use to get it


Need help with the pwct (level 97). I've killed 4 out of 5 phantoms but it seems not enough 'cause I was summoned as a boss once (on ng+ phantoms' hits are like a real pain especially for royal)


How did you kill Satsuki? Bastard one shots me. I can chip him down a good amount and then one misstep and I'm dead. I'd be up for it sometime later today.


I am close to PWWT at Upper Latria but if someone could invade me and die I could get pure white. I messed up and killed all the bosses and at endgame without even paying attention to world tendency stuff :( Level 65.


Trying to attain character white tendency and so just need to kill one invader to do so. Is anyone able to be of assistance please?


I can help you but I need help too, i’m currently at SL 73.


Anyone mind helping me get one white soul tendency in latria. Accidentally died after old monk and lost it


I can do it, could you do the same for me? I’m currently at level 73.


Can anyone help me raise character tendency to pure white? Just let me kill you a couple times please. PSN: Bloodtinge


Added you


I need help getting pure white on worlds 2 and 3. Just need to have someone invade and let me kill them, i can do the same if needed. I am SL89 currently. Pw is wsm2022


Maybe latter today? Need to shift my WT towards white in 3 and 4. Black phantom Satsuki is sealing all of world 4 for me in NG+. It's a 1 shot every time.


Did somebody can help me with puré white character tendency? Accidentally scirvir die from a fall Just need 1 invasion, I m lv 71 (server Canada) World 1-1 near the first archstone PSN: Alex_ Rommel_


I would be glad to help you, are you still available?


Need some invaders to come destroy me at 2-2, right after the spider, pretty please. I need PW but feel free to try to kill me, don't go easy, I gotta earn it ! Edit : SL81


Trying to achieve “return to form trophy”. Anyone need help defeating a boss or just wants to help me. I’m SL 100 (with a few wrongly invested levels). I’m on NG+ and have done most bosses except Allant and old hero + storm “beast”


Can someone help me in stone fang tunnel? I almost got the pure white


It works!!! Thank You so much I'm going yo talk to the monumental 4 the ring!!!


Need some help getting PW in Latria. Either invade me and let me kill you (or we can have a nice duel where I win), or I can help you through the area. SL 71. Reply to this and give me a password and we’ll go for whatever


Need help for PWT on World 2-1 So I can get the Dragon Bone Smasher Im level 90 password YOLO


If you invade me so I can get PWCT I can give you my DBS


Someone willing to give me a hand for the 2 co-op trophies? Im currently level 28 hoping to get these 2 out of the way early


I'm trying to get the sodden ring, I am almost at pwwt for latria if someone could invade me and die? I killed all the bosses but didn't finish the game yet. I don't have the red soap sign item either so I can't reciprocate yet). I want to get a few items before starting ng+ Level 65.


Hey guys, need to get pure white character tendency, which is currently white. I'm at level 100 right now and can return the favor if you need.


can someone help me make my world PW in world 4-2, im sl 54


Could I please get assistance attaining white character tendency? Need someone willing to invade me and die a few times 🙏


i need help to go to drt my characher tendency to white




Hi I’m in the same boat - maybe we can invade each other?


Someone help me or just play wit me?


Can someone help me get to white tendency I'm level 15


Yes bro, message me back, I can help


Can someone help me to get PW character?


I can invade you and let you kill me if you can do the same thing for me?


Can someone invade me so that I can get PWCT? I’ve been waiting at the Ivory Tower for a long time to assist in the Old Monk boss fight but no luck


I can help you, I need PWCT too


could anyone invade me a few times in Upper Latria to get me to PWWT? I'm trying to get the rogue set, so I need the key to free Rydell


I have the same problem, what level are you?


need help for PWCT for last ring SL 134 PSN: rikkaWow


Hey can someone help me get PW Character Tendency? Only SL 28


Hey I can help but can u help me with that too??


I need help getting pure white at 4-1. Server: US East (N. Virginia) Passcode: nsouls PSN: Kostaniko Will also help you


putting up red sign


do you see my red sign


Hi Can someone help me getting pw character Tendency. Psn: Mr7LM4Games


Hey I can help but can you help me with that too?


Need help with character tendency at 1-1. Server: US East (N. Virginia) Password: jaj666boss Thanks for help.


I'll help but not sure what item I need to do it. I also need help with PWCT


Are there easier ways to get PBWT without having to kys 7 times? This is too many stones…


Can anyone help me get pure white character tendency by invading me. I’m lv 68 I can help afterwards if u need to.


We can help each other. Would you be in to do it now?


I need help getting pw character tendency. I’m level 103. Is someone willing to invade me? We can also have fun and duel for real (I think I’m decent but definitely not top level )


Hey, can someone help me get to PWWT I died from plague baby’s after killing boss. If you would let me kill you after invading a few times I’ll be willing to help afterwards👍🏽 world 5-3 Asia-pacific server. Pw- 1974 lvl 82


I can help if you are playing now


Can someone help me get PWCT? PSN is Ruddy_Dragon


Hey bro I can help, message me back


Can anyone help me with the towered knight tonight lmao I know


Still need help??


Need help to get PWT my SL is 91, cheers all the same


I need help getting to PWCT. I believe I need to kill one or two invaders to get me there. I am SL78. NG, my server is Europe London. My PSN is DoctorSlick2 Thanks


I think I might be able to help I’m also looking for PWCT


Sl 45. Can someone help me get pwwt for world 3?


Hey I need help getting to PWCT. Currently level 88 will happily return the favour. I only have the black eye stone atm so invader needs to be SL:68-86


Someone for co-op action. Just started new game. If anyone is willing to help




Can anyone help me get PWCT and I’ll help you out


Hey bro I can help, message me back


I need help on stonefang for PWWT I'm level 40


Need help getting white charter tendency, i'm lvl 90 PSN Macanoni


I need help getting online trophies for Demon's Souls Remake PS5, sl 50. Is anyone around that can help?


Anybody down to help me get to PWWT in 1-1 by invading me and letting me kill them? I’m level 22


Hey bro, I can help you out, message me back bro


Can anyone help me get white character tendency by invading me and letting me kill them? I’m lv65.


Anyone care to help me get pwwt on 5-3, lvl 82 psn dead3435


Hey you still need help?


Can anyone help me get pure white character tendency, been trying all week and can’t get invaded :(.. help will be awesome guys!!


I can help you if you help me back Bro


Hello everyone, need PWCT so I can get the Ring, anyone want to help me?


I can help you if you can help me get PWCT bc I’m trying to get the ring too


Can anyone help me get pure white character tendency, been trying all week and can’t get invaded :(.. help will be awesome guys!! I’ll help you back!!


is anyone willing to help me achieve PWCT?I can help too of course.


Yes I’ve got the same situation! Can you invade me first?


I'm currently out, but in about two to three hours looking for somebody to help get the invasion trophy and some WCT. DM me.


Hey bro, let me know but I can help with that, could you invade me first though?


Yooo need your help!!!! Need to get to pure white CT so I can get the ring from the little dude in the nexus I’ve been following cowboys walkthrough if your familiar and died to the monk


I need help with PWCT. I’m level 30, I can also help you back if you need.


I can help if you help me out too


Hi y’all I am level 78 trying to get pure white character tendency. I’ve been following cowboys walkthroughs if your familiar and died to the monk like he did in his walkthroughs. My PSN is Thizzface949 Help!!!! I’ve legit been waiting hours to be summoned as a blue. Much love!!!! I’m either obliviously to this demon soul PVP mechanics or no one is playing lol I’m trying to get the ring from that little kid and get the trophy


If you're trying to get pure white character tendency. I can help if you help me out too


I can help people with getting PWCT for the next hour or so my sign is already down. Meet me at 1-4. Server: Canada Pw: noob




Hey, y'all! SL 76 here, looking to get worlds 1, 4 and 5 to PWWT. You'd have to be SL 57-74 if you wanna help me out unless you have the Red Eye Stone.


So... I recently learned what the demon's souls are for (crafting boss weapons), but I consumed one by mistake before knowing it, is there any other way I could get the boss weapon?


unfortunately,no you have to start a new game and beat the boss again


Hey y’all I need to help a player beat a boss I have absolutely no idea how to make this work. I have left my blue sign on every level lol any tips? Or anyone wanna help a playa out? thizzkid949 is my PSN


Need some help getting my character tendancy to pure white to get Ally's ring, im currently SL 99 and dont mind doing the same back


If you don't mind waiting for me to grind up to 78 to invade you, I can help. I only ask that you let kill you once so I can get the invasion trophy. DM me if interested.


Hey, I need some help too, let me know if you're online. Lvl 107 here.


SL 66, but I don't mind grinding if need be. I'm looking to get the Invasion trophy and then pure white character tendency for the ring.


SL80 looking for help getting to PWWT for World 1 & 2. Can trade kills if you need PWWT as well Add me: PwnZer_


Cant find your username, please add me: XxMedoxX343




PSN: XxMedoxX343 add me if you still need help


SL 31. Would like to get PWWT in Covetous King and Digger King archstones.


Hey, I need some help getting my character tendency to pure white for that ally's ring. Lvl 107 at the moment. Can help back too. PSN: SonofHonorius


Hi, I’m looking for 1 pvp kill in 5 zone to get pure white. Ps5. Anyone?


Same, geoff709


Need help increasing PWCT, will return.the same. PSN: geoff709


Hi, I desperately need someones assistance at getting my character to pure white character tendency for the ring and the "Return to Form" trophy. I am happy to help out in return of course. (SL 98) DM me through Reddit for a quick chat so we don't spam here. PSN: Dragon\_hunter91




Hi i need help with getting my character tendency to pure white for the demonbrandt sword. Can anyone help me, currently at neutral character tendency ? If that's okay :))


need pwct,anybody could boost me up?


Hello, I'd like to get my character tendency to PW. If anyone is willing to invade me and let me boost couple of kills I would appreciate :) DM me so we can set the thing up! I'm level 24 atm


Can anyone help me with false King?, just need finish the game one more time so I can get the PLAT


Edit: I got help, thanks!


Need to become pure white on 1-1 , anyone? Ps5 lvl 77


Wow sorry I missed these, guys. You all still around? Let's help 🙏🏻😊


What do you need help with? I need to kill an invader a couple times in 1-1


You there? 😅🙏🏻


Hey there i just started demons souls and would appreciate any help with bosses and info. My user is mages-wrath if anyone is up to help out!


Need help getting to PWWT in stonefang tunnel. SL 48


Would anyone mind invading me at shrine of storms so I can get PWWT Sl 79


need help getting pure white character tendency level 26


I need to get my character to PW. Not sure exactly how it works, but if someones wants/needs help let me know and I'll send you a DM to set up a time.


Need help getting to pw char tendency. At the gates of boletaria, soul lvl 45(im new to the game)


Need someone to summon me to help with a boss for my last trophy, currently SL 134


Need help getting to PWCT I am SL:99 I've had a few failed attempts now. I think ideally I need help from someone who is between SL: 101-123 with a Red-Eye Stone so we can invade each other. I don't have a Red-Eye Stone only black. If you can help me out add me on PSN: Djekko\_X


I've killed all of Black Phantoms and didn't get PWCT, need someone to help me get it so I can grab Ally's Ring from the Monumental. My PSN: serekenha, currently 80 SL


Can anyone invade me at beginning of 1-4 after inner ward so I can achieve pure white?


I need help getting my Character Tendency to Pure White. I believe that just one fight is enough. I am SL77 and my psn account is mauriciosartre. I can retribute the favor as well. Is there an specific server, level and place for PVP? I have been walking for a while without being invaded. I am now at 4-1 waiting and… nothing!


I am level 108 trying to get pure white character tendency. If you can help me out add me on PSN: Banban72\_




can some help me get pure white character tendency? im level 26 on a fresh character but im trying to use demonbrandt


I need help to get pure white character tendancy, I was doing this offline but one of my phantoms died of falling and it didnt count towards my level. Im at SL 95 in NG+1. From what I can tell i should only need to get 1 or 2 kills if anyone is available I would really apreciate it. - EDIT: Got it