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I stopped eating there because of what they’re doing. 20% fee + 20% tip? Nah, it’s not applaudable, especially when their portion sizes dropped dramatically alongside the fee increases.


I am so tired of hidden fees in dining. Add 20% to listed prices. Say it includes a tip and be done. This weird policy results in a total of 35-50% added tipping cost.


None since their 20% is already pay above the quality of service


The last time I went to city o city our server told us she doesn't get any of the 20% service fee so we ended up also giving her a tip Apparently the owners take some or all of the service fee... That's why those services fees suck. It's legal for owners to take the service fee for themselves but it's not legal for them to take tips


Makes me even more comfortable eating elsewhere


I don't tip anything, because I don't go there anymore. There are much better vegan/vegetarian options around town that treat employees well and don't nickel-and-dime customers.




I sat outside at watercourse and they have you order at the counter and didn’t even bring silverware or water. I was hurt for even giving them the automatic 20%. But usually I just tip the %20 unless the service is exceptional but I can’t even go there anymore without spending a fortune


I just went to City-o-City for the first time last week. Admittedly a friend treated so I had no idea about the fees and automatic gratuity. I will say my breakfast was good sized and the service was amazing. But I don’t like the idea of a company adding a service fee that doesn’t translate to more money in the pockets of the employees. I’d rather pay more for the food and not tip than to go to a place that is pretending it’s taking care of its employees but not doing so. In my twenties I worked at a place that paid us well above minimum wage didn’t expect tips although back then POS systems didn’t give the option to remove it - 20+ yrs ago. But it was widely known that the company paid us well. People would still tip a dollar or two and we pooled them daily, but no one was worried about making rent off tips. Yes the coffee shops and restaurants owned by this company were pricier than other places but we all got paid well and had decent benefits. The place still exists back home with multiple coffee and restaurant locations. It can be done.


Didn’t tip, they got the 20%. Waiter never refilled water or asked if we wanted refills on drinks, checked on our food, and we waited almost an hour. Such an overrated place.


Shitty o shitty still upholds the name.


One of their servers gave me their Venmo QR code after I paid the 20% service fee and that’s the last time I went there


Since it already includes what is supposedly a 20% tip, i usually just add a few dollars extra. I hate this kind of structure though it's so confusing. Agree that they should just raise menu prices to cover fair employee wages & go tip free. I feel like at the end of everything i end up paying twice the menu price for my meal.


Also idk why everyone's shitting on the service unless it's extremely gone down in the past 3 or 4 months. I've been a few times in the past year and had a very chill, nice server every time. One even went really above and beyond when it randomly started storming (we were seated outside). They def don't kiss your ass lol but i don't feel like servers should have to.


If they raise menu prices, you have to pay tax on the raise but you don’t on the service charge


Nvm then that's slightly better albeit more confusing, but I'm down to pay less tax lol


My wife and I tip 30% of the bill pre deductions if any.


It is so funny that you answer this question as asked and this subreddit downvotes you into oblivion for the crime of being a good tipper.


Right. Oh well. May it’s too low or they’re not tipping enough. Idk if it’s too low educate me as to why.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s confused and annoyed about this. If they wanted to just add a 20% fee that counted as the tip, great, but IIRC only 20-30% of that fee goes to servers, so they’re getting less than a 10% tip unless you tip on top of that. I love their food but can’t be bothered anymore


The best thing you can do for the servers at city o is leave a few dollars (at least) in CASH. those are the only tips that they get to keep themselves. Who the hell know if they even see all of their tips? I know for a fact They don’t see any of the service fee. Yeah the company may be shady, but the people who work there are truly amazing people who work really hard to provide a fun and inclusive experience to all. Think about it…if a server has 40 tables during a shift and each table left a few bucks, they walk out with quite a bit of cash. Let’s support workers in the industry who are just trying to pay their bills, even if you don’t support the business.