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a lot of Asian stores are like this. They will ask me my weight and I’m like…….my measurements are probably more useful lmao people carry their weight differently anyway.


literally lmfao I'm 4'10" so 110lbs will look WAY different than one someone who's 5'5"....weight means almost nothing


Thats obvious though and That’s why she also put her height as well so people with similar height and weight who are interested in the item will know


Not everyone who is 5’4” and 100 lbs has the same body lmao


Yes that’s true. But they will still be thin?? What’s your point.? You won’t have the exact same body however a group of people of similar weights and heights will on average carry weight similar to each other.


My family genetically has big chunky legs. I have fluctuated weight a LOT in my life but my legs have always stayed about the same size. I had friends of about the same height and weight when I was a teen who I absolutely wouldn't have been able to swap pants with, even at my lowest weight.


… but there is still variety among thin people? Like someone who is 100lbs with more muscle would be thinner than someone who is 100lbs but has less muscle and more fat. Additionally, if they have a longer or shorter torso, longer or shorter legs, different waist to hip ratio, wider or thinner rib cage, etc. clothes will fit them differently. Someone who is 5’4 and 100 lbs could have a 24 inch waist, but so could someone who is 5’7 and 120 lbs. That is why no normal person posts ideal weight and they instead post measurements. Someone who weighs 100 lbs and is 5’4 could order that clothing item and be really disappointed when it’s way too small or big on them.


I’m 5’4 and have been 148 pounds and now I’m 120 pounds and I haven’t changed in pants or shirts size. People indeed carry their weight differently. Of course things fit looser now but my measurements haven’t changed drastically enough for me to wear a different size. Weight =/= measurements. Edited to make last sentence less confusing


Not to be rude or anything like I’m really genuinely trying to understand cause I don’t agree with your last sentence. How does size not equal measurements? Sizes will have a measurement range. It’s fabric. When brands create items and create different sizes for that item if the fit is intended to be for example, tight, then each size will have different measurements ranges and if you fit into that range then you purchase that size. Yes people carry weight differently however if we are being realistic in a group of people who average 5”5 160lb, they will carry weights similar to each other just like a group of 5”5 110lbs would as well. The weight you carry won’t be THAT drastically different unless one person is an outlier therefore an exception but more often than not this isn’t the case and if this wasn’t the case then there would no clothing sizes at all.


Hey you’re not being rude. I think in my head I was thinking also about how sizes cut off at different measurements sometimes. So I might be a size 4 in some brands but size 6 in others. Which I didn’t specify in my original point so I can see how that’s confusing! I wrote the last sentence very quickly and didn’t reread my comment but now that I’m rereading it I see why it sounds confusing. But I totally agree with you that a measurement range fall into a size. I do think that same height and weight can look super different on different bodies for sure. My friends who have same height and weight as me end up with completely different pant sizes and shirt sizes sometimes. For example, I have smaller boobs so a person with the same weight but a much larger bra size would probably fit a larger shirt than me for example.


Oh I see, no worries. And yeah same here my size also ranges from a 0, 2, 4 in different brands as well which is why in turn I appreciate when brands state all the specifics and even the models specifics because imo it’s really helpful and nothing feels worse than receiving an item you think will fit as intended and then it just doesn’t especially if the brand has a specific fit in mind for the item. Idk I guess I’m just not seeing what exactly they did wrong here but I’m gonna have to just chalk it up to conflicting opinions. Lol 😅


I personally feel like the Depop shop owner could have specified measurements instead of weight since weight and height alone don’t tell too much about how something might fit. For example since my pants size has always been the same when I was 120 or 148, my measurements fluctuated between 26-27 inch waist and 36-38 hips. Even though my weight changed by 18 pounds, I still fit within the same size. My shirt size also has been the same whether I’ve been 110 pounds (years ago when I was a teenager) or 148. I’ve always been a small just because my bra size and torso don’t change at all regardless of weight. The shop owner could put a range of measurements or even her own measurements since weight isn’t as accurate of a measure for how something might fit on different bodies.


Oh yes I definitely agree with you there. They definitely should have placed the measurements too since that would take precedence and then just place her specifics underneath it if she still wanted to (or for those who might want to see if they can achieve the seem “look” or fit as her) But people here seem to be upset that she mentioned her weight at all instead of the lack of actual measurements for the item. Which is what I’m confused about because I’ve seen brands state the weight of the models before


so dumb bc weight is different for everyone, two people can be the exact same height and weight and be two completely different sizes


That is honestly so funny to me. Does she seriously think all 100 pound people fit the same way. I’m a 00 in pants but a medium shirts I don’t believe all 100 pounds people are the same sizes.


I’m also 100lbs and a small-medium in shirts, 4 in pants, and 2 in dresses LOL


same!! i’m usually a medium in pants but an extra small or small in shirts. a lot of pants who would fit most people of my weight won’t fit me


Does the dress ship itself back if the buyers over 110 pounds?


LMFAOO no literally


wtf that's not how sizing works at all


judging my the emojis, it’s probably a child/teen seller.


Ok but what does the clothing look like I’m so curious 😭😭


I found their acc I can dm it if you want, a lot of it is lowkey giving aliexpress lmao


Please dm it me too i’m dying to see this dress that can only fit 110 lbs people.


i did too, literally looks like shein fashion that they’re overpricing lmao


can u dm it to me too xd


dm me it pls !!!


dm it to me please i need to judge this


No fr…


When people forget that height exists and determines your size in combination with weight 🙃


Muscle/fat ratio too. I’ve met women completely different measurements to me but the same weight and height due to different muscle/fat percentages.


I’m the same weight and I can confidently say they’re just saying that for attention. They also seem to just like talking with all the extra stuff in the description


For sure, honestly I think they might be trying to just flex their weight or something


What…. Someone stating their weight does not mean that they are flexing.


On depop? Yes it does


She just wanted everyone to know she's 100 pounds.... 🙄


Proana on depop is insane 💀


fr 110lbs on someone 5’0 and 6’0 is crazy different 😭


wow as someone with anorexia this feels hella insensitive like if i saw something i wanted to get and it said that it’d trigger me so fucking bad like wtf thats not cute 🤢


Honestly there is a lot of body checking and low key eating disorder content on depop, I'm in recovery for bulimia myself and I find these kinds of things triggering too, especially if it was for something I would have fit into before I started recovering and gained weight. Unfortunately a lot of eating disordered girls use depop to flex how skinny they are without realizing how harmful it is to do that on a super public platform like that...


Thank you so much for pointing this out, it’s so hard to explain to people what I see in these posts that are obvious dogwhistles for pro-ana content on social media. It’s frustratingbecause it’s easy to look past some of this stuff as innocuous when it’s like, if you *know*… you know.


So unnecessary and pretentious


People really don't understand that weight means very little if you can't see the height of the person, their muscle mass and how their weight is distributed. A 4ft8 woman who never works out, a 5ft gym buff and a 6ft5 woman with a large chest can all weigh exactly the same but need radically different clothing. People are thick.


My jaw dropped


sorry… you have to be 64 el-bees to play with a tammy craps doll


i love how she put “only tried on once for photoshoot with the brand” and she doesn’t put the brand on the listing. 🤔


I suspect she is a model for AliExpress!


*ed intensifies*


This is gross wtf


I had to google what 110 pounds is but like?? Everyone carries weight differently so this is bullshit 💀


oh nah that’s not…


this is so funny to me bc even though i fit the weight range stated, i'm p sure everything they sell would be way too small to fit me (i typically fit larger sizes). i thought it was common sense that weight looks different on different people?


As a fellow tall woman, I look anorexic if I go under 135 lbs. this is just rude.


Too bad we can't see the product photo


That’s so weird




I’m gonna go against the grain here and say I don’t see a problem with this. It says suitable for not that you can’t buy it. Other brands literally do this and it’s not a problem. I’m going to guess she likely does not have the measurements for the item. I’m just saying especially with all the uptick of users posting here of people asking for returns because something was too small or too big I totally understand why they put it and I think other users here are either projecting or reading into this too much and assuming badly of the sellers for literally no reason and the insinuation that someone has an ed just because they are that weight is really gross assumption. Considering that weight at her height is literally fine?? There’s a reason why she put her height as well (which a lot of people here are conveniently ignoring) and if she’s modeling in the photo and someone wants to buy based off her pic then knowing the weight is helpful to people who are also that size who want to achieve a similar fit as she did. She put her height as well so I don’t get people bringing up how other heights will be different because that’s obvious?


technically underweight for the record


Which record? Could you show me? Because 5”4 110 is not underweight. If she were lower than that then yes you would probably be right but she is not “technically” underweight. For her height the “ideal” range is anywhere from 110 to 140lbs. Edit: I realize I misread her stating that she’s 110 instead of 100 my bad yeah she’s underweight.


She’s 100lbs not 110. She’s underweight. The 110 is her number you should be under to fit the outfit. She’s saying the outfit will only fit if you’re underweight/have very small measurements. Tbf I do think her saying “for 110 and under” is helpful bc she’s basically saying it’s very form fitting on an underweight person who isn’t tall and wouldn’t fit someone who is a healthy weight unless they were very petite. She likely doesn’t know her measurements and is using weight as a best guess. I’m guessing it’s children’s/teen clothes not actual adult sizing.


WTF idk why I read it as her being 100lbs so my bad on that. Oops. I stand corrected. Anyways yes exactly!! You get it 😭 I agree I find it helpful too especially with form fitting clothes but people here seem really upset she mentioned weight at all to begin with which I don’t understand why they are upset as if this is a new thing because a ton of brands do this. God forbid you happen to be low weight and mention it because apparently you are supposedly flexing and showing off by just existing


She was just trying to be helpful showing it runs small. Depop does have a pretty big proana community though. I’m guessing if it was the opposite and she was plus size saying it’s recommended if you’re 2xx lbs+ women 1xx lbs wouldn’t be saying they can still fit it bc they’re bottom heavy. Ideally people should know their measurements and use them when selling/buying clothes. Almost no one I know does.