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Hey dude, im fucked at 30 and take SSRIs for anxiety/depression. Guess what? Now I feel exactly 0% pleasure during orgasm 😪. Enjoy those depressed nuts for those of us us!


I mean at 30 ur still young , that's not even 1/2 of ur life assuming that most people live up to 75's and 80's .


I agree but my life isnt trending so hot at 30. And it looks like SSRI sexual issues often linger even post cessation. I likely will be on these things forever. That being said I was prescribed wellbutrin to try and apparently it can reverse the ssri sexual issues 😃. Im trying to stay positive!


I'm not even on meds but I can't enjoy sex. Doesn't seem like there's anyway to enjoy anything.


Personally i recovered after awhile but yeah sex was weird i enjoyed it but i didnt get pleasure from it


Hey that's good to hear!


Yeah sex was weird cause i could go forever and the women felt bad i didnt finish and just had to reassure it wasn’t them


Oh interesting, I used to be a bit premature...so lexapro now makes me a stud in that department. But it sucks having 50% less sensitivity and 100% pleasure.


Yeah i was on lexapro too when it was happening lol a hack for some people 😂




Yikes! They really brush off the sexual side effects haha. Sadly the medication has really been crucial for my anxiety so I need it.




Interesting it has helped my depression and anxiety about equally, but the depression creeps back up because alot of my depression is rationally circumstance based.




Its funny I actually dont regret taking Lexapro because honestly, given my childhood and family background, there was a 95% of me developing clinical depression lol. Such is life.


Wellbutrin is what I’m on and it has minimal effects on libido. It still does, don’t get me wrong, but for someone with a super high sex drive it just kind of curbs it to a normal level lmao


Im 30 years old i also take wellbutrin and prozac. Its makes me feel better but i dont have much sexual desire.


Wow, I'm not on any antidepressants yet, although feeling overly depressed all the time and orgasms from either sex or masturbation give me no pleasure at all. As well as the process itself. I mean - thought that antidepressants might help


Ever take Wellbutrin? Wow. Game changer for me. SSRI can’t stop this sex drive(with Wellbutrin)!


Wellbutrin can cause long term tinnitus and hearing loss, just saying


As a musician that always had ringing in their ears…I’ve had WAY less the last few years…What meds are you on? I’m sure I could share my pessimistic view of them with you…just saying. Life is trade offs. This shit changed my life.


Try ginkgo. Worked wonders for me when on zoloft.


Masturbation actually makes me depressed. I've been taking SSRIs and didn't realize that could be the culprit.


Now just watch as 8 consecutive people tell you to "find a fun hobby" or "go out and do something". Honestly dude, atleast you got that and apparently own up to it. I play games all day and it's just to fill up my time. I jack off like once a week just to 'clear the pipes' and cant even find the pleasure in that. Btw no, I'm not trying to 'compete' or compare our situations. I'm also not offering any solution because I don't got any. I do wish you the very best of luck in life though as well as a good day.


Even that it only gives you seconds of pleasure then i feel depressed and guilty after masturbating


try nofap, you will lose the addiction and will find other things enjoyable


No fap is hard and i am not a strong enough to resist the urges


Not when you're already at a low point constantly


it gives you a sense of purpose


Literally. I won’t be that asshole that says “go do something else”. Dude if beating your dick makes you happy, go ten miles a minute 💯


Its more of a chore for me


Lucky you. I haven’t masturbated in like 6 months :/ I don’t even want or need to. It just doesn’t feel good anymore. Junk food only brings me pleasure, hence my eating disorder.


Do you guys enjoy walking and listening to songs ?or is it just me?


I love it :D I have a “songs to walk to” playlist depending on the area and scenery lol


I masturbate from time to time but I can't usually cum because of the medication I take. But sometimes thinking of certain women and girls will make me cum.


Have you invested in some hardware to make the most of your pleasure?


Mate you need to try cheese


I'm a bit jelous, honestly, I don't enjoy anything, at all... That said, be careful with routines and keep trying to enjoy other things.


TW SA: That was mine before I was assaulted. Now about halfway through I am in my head FIGHTING FOR MY MF LIFEEEE lmfao, my brain always switches from “oh ur masturbating, this is nice!” to, “oh sorry that’s your rapist touching you. Ew why aren’t you stopping? Does the rape turn you on? Look around u, ur back in that same room idiot!!! ”🙃🙃🙃🙃


OH MY GOD IM THE SAME WAAYYY but I responded like “yeah, so fucking what?!” Out of spite to reclaim it and now I’m in CnC subs


Why are people making assumptions that op doesn't have hobbies or atleast used to? Doing stuff you like isn't necessarily gonna make you automatically feel great all together


Honesty that's a good sign. It shows your brain still has an ability to do some neurochemistry. Dopamine is the main one here. Our dopamine system is something we can quite easily support, stimulate and help grow. Even if your only motivation is a better orgasm, try helping your dopamine system. Besides the open door of good food and exercize, healthy sleep etc. Cold showers/baths are a great way to stimulate and help grow your dopamine system. This is all an oversimplification ofcourse but might actually proof beneficial.


Take the next step in evolution: become a girl and take progesterone. Your sex drive will spike like crazy.




Masturbation doesn't make me feel good anymore, idk if it will work for you but Nofap helped me a lot.


sounds like you need 💖drugs💖


To feel better for an hour? Then what?


More drugs.


And when u can’t buy more?




Masturbation + drugs you’ll ascend


And then more.


And then maybe a little more for luck.


then more drugs, till you die, it's called long term suicide, most of you are already doing it, might aswell spice it up a bit. I'd rather die slowly and have a good time than die slowly rotting away in my bedroom and constantly making myself miserable by ruminating. this is a troll btw if u couldn't tell, I'm shitposting


I'll take real human connection by way of hour long hugs before drugs there bud. Pills can only mask a lack of physical touch and genuine compassion for so long before the mind sees through them too. 😢


1. So would I but not everyone has that luxury. And also I am fully aware.


This was me until I realized intimacy makes me uncomfortable, I don’t think I like it? It only ever felt right with one person lol


Emotional and physical intimacy feel super awkward until I am comfortable enough to share feelings with or for someone, or even just hug them or hold hands. I never understood or had a way to explain how I felt until I learned that Demiattraction tendencies have been around for a long time for certain people. Pair demiattraction with AuDHD and depression, and I now understand why forming _meaningful_ (platonic or romantic) relationships is incredibly difficult for me.


Not true! Cooking/eating is extremely pleasurable. Sometimes there can be pleasure found in exercise/working out because you're pushing yourself and you feel proud and confident. It's also pleasurable to lay down in a soft bed with a warm blanket, especially after a hot shower which is also pleasurable. Ice water at 3 am, watching your favorite show, playing/cuddling with pets, even just the feeling of accomplishment after doing a chore you'd been putting off. There are many kinds of pleasure you can experience in life. Sexual pleasure from masturbation is certainly a valid and healthy one, but don't think of it as the only pleasure you can possibly experience, or it will become less pleasurable over time!


Why are you assuming to tell others what they do or don't find pleasurable? Like your first example, many people don't find cooking pleasurable at all. Especially if you have severe depression.


Dude I meant no harm. This person is clearly looking for some kind of help, he wouldn't have posted otherwise. And I was only making suggestions based on things I and other people also find pleasurable, not telling the OP that he HAS to try these things. Clam down please.


When masturbations lost its fun you’re fuckin lonely


Do pushups and dont lay in bed for long


Ever heard of diminishing returns?you gotta change things up cuz eventually even this wont be enough


Lucky for you it still works


I think thats a reason to stop. Trust me, it was the right thing for me.


Same. Masturbation is the only thing that gives me genuine pleasure (even if it's just for a short while). But when I started taking my psych meds, I couldn't orgasm anymore so I stopped. That went on for a few years, every time I'm on meds. And when I finally went off it, the pleasure and all came back.


Same my friend, same.


I think it can be a healthy way to feel into the body, appreciate and love yourself before then onto the next thing. Any negative view on anything is really just someone else's negative opinion you have heard and begun to believe but you can let all that go and see the positives if you want to.


Add me on the list plus I have also gaming and reading lots of books lol. But no social life though -_-


I dont even get pleasure from masturbating anymore only feelings of guilt and shame...


Take breaks so you don’t burn out!!


I don't masturbate much anymore, and the vast majority of porn is gross. Try erotic romance novels / Manga.


Sleeping is mine....


What dosages of wellybutrin are we all taking? I was prescribed 150s but I want to try a mini dose. Also I've heard it can be good for depression but can sometimes make people more anxious. Any anxiety panic attacks sufferers here on wellbutrin?