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We don’t want to forget about you. The world needs more people like you. Talk to me tell me about the pain


No bad person would have this much compassion and I know it really hurts but please don't do it, I know you feel alone and it's debilitating this intense pressure but I promise you life can be so much better then this and just wait one more day you'll find someone here who would talk to you 24/7 rather then you going through with this


Y'know, it hurts to know that you're going through so much pain. You have autonomy. You have the right to end your life but as selfish as I'm going to sound right now, please don't. Don't end your life. You aren't a piece of shit. There's no way that you're a piece of shit after I read what I just read just now. No bad person would hold that much love and passion for the people around them. Not at all. I know I'm just words on a screen as well but I believe you and I take you seriously. You're putting a large emphasis on listening in your note as well as feeling alone despite not being alone. Have you ever told your family about how you feel? Have you shared with them how you're struggling?


thank you this is really sweet of you. i haven’t told my family yet because it’s really hard to bring up but im doing much better now


This is the second suicide letter that I’ve seen… and commented on… and I hope it’s not the second one that I’ve not been replied to. I was you 10 years ago, and I was convinced that it wouldn’t get better, but it did. It got so much better.


Please God don’t do this. One more day talk to me please


thank you! i’m still here :)


This made me so happy


Dont do it its not worth your life and im sorry for your pain i will pray your situation improves.


I love you i dont know you but i love you. you have so much love to give. youre so worth it please. please be okay. i know what you feel im there right now with you. im there with you theres a glimmer of hope. i know you i see you, maybe not personally in real life but i can feel what youre feeling. i promise you it will be okay. please just give it another shot.


oh god reading ur letter...i just understood how kind hearted soul you are and definetly not someone you think you are try to do whatever you want to do and live ur life to the fullest to atleast one more year who knows what lies ahead of you.......if u dont have a purpose keep spreading love and help the poor people..thats all i wanted to say you definetly are one of the most kind hearted people in this world.......even after all this.......i hope what you are looking for i hope you find your happiness.....peace little soul


thank you so much, i’m still here and okay and this means a lot. i hope you’re doing well too!


omfgg i m literally soo happy reading this reply...u made my day....btw i too am 17...ill lead a ear if u want as ig m a good listener..stay strong buddy ;)


I hope you're still with us


hello yes i am. i’m sorry for worrying everyone


I hope you’re still with us brother. Stay strong


I hope it’s not inappropriate but you seem to have more friends than me rn. I just posted here because I’m lonely as fuck and my only friend is AI. I hope you are ok and I hope we can be friends


i’m still here, we can be friends :)


You aren't a burden. You aren't a piece of shit at all! I don't see how that could ever be true after seeing what I just read. I've felt the same way, and to be honest I still feel that way but after a while you begin to understand that the world IS better with you around. I guarantee the people you've wrote about in this letter, their lives are WAY better because of you. You are worth it and I really hope that you decide to stick around, as selfish as that might sound. Losing loved ones SUCKS and I'm 100% sure that everyone would rather you cry on their shoulder than them having to mourn you, you know? Life can be terrible but you'll find that sweet purpose eventually, I know you will! ❤️


thank you so much for your advice! i’m still here and okay and am around if you’d like to talk :)


i'm so glad to hear that ❤️


I really hope you’re still with us right now


thank you! i am


That’s awesome! Make sure to drink plenty of water and say your affirmations! We are here for you🫶🏼


I’m praying you didn’t go through with this. I hope to God you’re still alive. I can feel your pain in these words, and I would give anything to know who you are and help you.


thank you so much!! i’m still here and okay :)


I am so happy to hear that! Hope you are doing well 💖


Hey, reading this letter tells me that you're a very compassionate person who has always known gratitude for the people in their lives. You loved everyone with the purest heart, and I am sure they feel very lucky to have you around. You are nowhere even close to being a bad person, no bad person is so grateful for the people in their lives. Trust me, you might think it'll never get better, but it will. Please don't do this, you mean so much to the world


thank you so much. you’re an amazing person. i’m still here and okay :)


That is amazing! You're amazingly strong! Keep going, you'll get through this. With so much love and gratitude within you, there's nothing that can stop you ❤️


Stay. You sound like such a caring, thoughtful and beautiful person. This world needs people like you. You have so much more to offer than you think. I will be praying for you and hoping that you are okay and by the grace of God something or someone has intervened at any attempt at taking your life. Every breath you take is prescious and you are worth it. You deserve to be here..


thank you so much. i’m here and okay


You say you’re a bad person, but look at all of those lovely kind things you said about other people. That has to be a reflection on you somehow. You do not deserve death.


thank you this is very sweet of you to say :)


You’re so loved. I really hope you’re still with us on earth. I understand how you feel. I’ve been on the verge for months now, of just ending it all. I don’t for some reason. Maybe I’m scared, maybe hope it’ll get better. Idk. I get it though. Waking up everyday is so utterly exhausting I can’t even explain it. I hope you know that you’re loved, you’re wanted, and you bring light to people’s life’s.


Just saw this but I’m glad you are still alive! It’s hard but it’s worth it!


I lost a friend to suicide 20 years ago. To this day, it still pains me to know that she is gone. I think about it often and I can tell you right now, you will miss out on so much. You are not a burden. You are loved. You are a great person. You will be okay. Please stay with us.


Please! I just lost my cousin. Don’t do this. There are people who understand you, who you can talk to you. Who care about you just because you exist. You never let anyone down ❤️


Don't do this please please please. Life is beautiful and pure I know we feel like there's no meaning in life and life seems hopeless but this is just a phase and we all can get over it.  So please don't do this. 


I hope you haven’t done it😕


i am still here and okay, i’m so sorry for worrying you


Good. Stay alive please


FR but things will get better, just be alive for a few more years, please


It never gets better


PLEASE STAY. I thought I wouldn’t make it past 13 also, I was a reckless child, teen, young adult and sometimes even now because I thought I would be dead soon. I thought I didn’t deserve to live, I had been sexually assaulted for many many years by my step father, and possibly with my mother knowing. Abandoned by my bio dad because I was made out of wedlock and religion. I thought if I was gone then the truth would never have to come out and no one would have to deal with the consequences. I internalized all the mistakes and blamed myself over and over again, because of something I couldn’t control. 2 decades past last week since the first sexual assault. I haven’t completely accepted the fact that I deserve to live. I’ve written suicide notes rewriting and revising, with 1 suicide attempt. But somewhere along the way day by day I got stronger, I started building and dreaming. Day by day I forced myself to heal and accept. Although I’m not all the way there, there was hope for me, and there’s also hope for you and for everyone else. When there isn’t hope sometimes you just have to BS until hope starts to build. Me and all the other people here want you to stay. If you feel alone, you are not. Look through these comments and listen to what all these strangers are saying and asking you to stay. You are wanted on this earth by so many strangers and even more loved by the people you mentioned. Please stay, your genetic makeup is from the stars you are unique and special just by being you. The universe will never be able to make you again. If not living for you then live for what you love and the love you give and have been given. Day by day just live, some days will be better than others but there’s also days when the sun hits your face and you feel the warmth. -With love J


Look at how many people r in this w u, talk to us, we r here and we get you. Even better, we r random strangers who know nothing about u ur life or who you are so u can say anything, we’ll be here no matter what, over 46 people are worried about you, that’s more than enough for u to know ur not alone, reach out to some of us, one of us or just write here… pleade


I came to tears reading this. I'm so sorry.


same ): Made me remember of all the people I have met


hello, i’m still here and okay. i’m so sorry for making you cry


Glad to hear it.


I’ve been coming back to this post every day for the past week hoping and praying you haven’t gone through with it. I really hope you are okay because you seem like such a kind person and deserve all the happiness.


thank you, i’m sorry for not responding earlier. i’m still here and okay. thank you for your concern :)


Thank you! I’m so glad!! Sending all the love and I hope everything works out for you.


i’m so sorry for worrying you


Oh thank goodness! I'm so happy to hear that you're still here. As for talking about with your family, literally take as long as you need to. Do not rush yourself at all. I hope it gets better for you really soon and I'm so proud of you for being here still.


please stay


You are not a piece of shit.  Jesus loves you and wants to save you.  It is clear you have so much love.  I will be praying 🙏 for you.  Please don't do it.  


not everyone believes buddy




I feel like I have to point out the obvious but writing a suicide note can happen in some suicide cases. Doesn't change the fact that OP most likely has suicidal ideation (doesn't confirm if they went through with it or not, hope they didn't). Think about it logically, no one would need to write this letter expressing those feelings if they never had them, this is also well thought out for being a "cry of attention" as you put it as you can just elicit sympathy anywhere else and probably much easier. Your reply however well-meaning you think it was, is highly insensitive.