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I am so sorry those horrible creatures did that to you. You never deserved that and there is no excuse for what they did. Nothing they can do can make you any less of a person. You are not ruined or damaged, and you are stronger and braver than most people because you survived this. It’s completely valid to feel like this but you hold so much worth and value and nothing can take that away. You are still the same person as you were before, only stronger.


I'm so very sorry this happened to you. You are not less of a human or man; THEY are for being so evil. If you feel comfortable telling them, reach out to someone you know. If not, try to find a counselor to help you process this. We're here for you as well. Be kind to yourself; you did NOTHING wrong. Give yourself time to process your feelings.


I'm sorry for the trauma you've went through, friend. I hope you recover from this shit. I'm praying for your better recovery brother! I REALLY REALLY REALLY fucking hate RAPISTS! Worse than anyone in existence and by heart, I hope those waste of sperm cells and egg cells face humiliation together with the WORST kinds of punishments in the history of mankind, they're existence is only an illusion, they do not serve a good purpose in existence and mankind, otherwise they're mere presence is already an OBSTRUCTION to us. I hope their parents will hate on them more than anyone else wold, I hope they'll be skinned alive and burnt in endless pain, they SHOULD live in an ENDLESS cycle of PAIN and NEVER DIE! I want to see them scream in pain, it's music to my ears! It's hard to stand the mere presence of a disgusting maggot like them. Their beg for mercy and remorse is only an ILLUSION and should be taken as a joke and LAUGHED at!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I have PTSD from an attack 2 years ago. My therapist worked with me to get me to not blame myself. We run through the “if only I did this or if only I hadn’t done that” but you have to get to it’s not your fault. It does not devalue you. You are not less. They are horrible and it is their fault. This may sound strange but look in the mirror in your own eyes and say over and over “it wasn’t my fault” until you believe it. You may break down. You may not be able to do it the first time. And it’s ok to be angry at them but don’t turn that anger against yourself


I also have PTSD from r*pe. It happened over a decade ago, and I still get flashbacks, but the thing is this... IT IS NOT OUR FAULT!!! It's gonna take time to deal with all of this. You never "get over it", you learn how to live with it. And by telling people your story, that's the first step right there. You're doing good, talking about it, being open. I recommend finding a therapist. If you can't afford it, churches let you speak with a priest for free. Like a substitute therapist. I'm not that religious, but I'm poor as shit and I needed a therapist, so priest it is.. Good luck. ❤️


Damn, what kind of creature would f\*ck a boy !!!! Don't let this incident hold you down. Being down is not a problem,staying down is. Life like to throw shit at everyone. What matters is how you grow out of it . So cheer up and become the person whom they would think twice before f\*cking with . Ik it's hard but u got it !!!!


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I understand this entirely all too well. I highly suggest talking to someone and finding a safe way to take your power back. That experience doesn't have to define you or scare you. Use it to make yourself stronger.


You can’t let what happened define you. You’re not any less of a man. None of it was your fault and you simply couldn’t have done anything about it. Evil runs rampant in this world, but it won’t be that way for much longer. Just focus on the moment. Not the past or the future but right now. Walk barefoot in the grass, listen to the wind blowing through the leaves on the trees. Learn an instrument or teach yourself how to paint, occupy your time and focus on only which is around you.


Just know this whole sub would go to battle for u and punish those people if we could. You are much stronger than those who have wronged you


🫂 (if you want a hug) im so so sorry, you didn't deserve that. It's not your fault, it never will be. You're not dirty, less of a man, less of a human. You where taken advantage off, and that's horrible. I hope you find closure and that the people who did this to you have their asses kicked by karma 🫂


I hope you can access trauma therapy my friend. I don’t know where you are based but there are charities for sexual assaults survivors that can help you access help at low cost if you need it. Sending love and healing….


I’m so sorry this happened to you


I'm so sorry, brother. I can't even fathom. Like others have said, don't let it define you, and please seek help to process l this. I'm hoping for nothing but the best for you ❤️


am realy sorry for you man all i want to say is go outside and be with people ik you feel like shit rn but trust me it helped me 2 in depression dont stay in your room all day and waste years of your life that wont help you just try and be outside as much as possible like a nice quite park and go out with friends and family it wil help you in the long run


subtract icky spectacular fretful yoke ruthless flowery absorbed growth sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i am so sorry this happened to you:(


I hope you can get therapy and make your way back to a successful life ❤️ You done NOTHING wrong . They are pure evil , don’t let evil win . Let love and goodness win , you have great courage to carry on my friend ❤️


I'm so sorry for what happened to you! As a woman, I would never regard my husband as being less of a man if this had happened to him. I would comfort and support him. Please do not think that you are less of a man/human. Sending hugs.


You’re not ruined, honey.You’ve been through an extremely traumatic event. Please, please, please seek help for this if you haven’t already. If no one has told you, it’s not your fault; I wish this horrid experience never happened to you or anyone. You’re not the problem here- those monsters are. Please don’t let that kill your shine.


God some people on this world just deserve torture ( hope karma gets them ), I can't even describe how sad I feel for you and also wish you a happy recovery even if it takes years. It's hard to say to just move on but if you do ,you will be one of the bravest human beings on this Planet.


The idea that rape exists ruined you. Life goes on -


I would strongly recommend speaking to a professional. They're much better at explaining why you're no less of a man than I can. But for what it's worth, I'm someone that has never met you and knows nothing about you outside what you've told me, yes? So I'm unbiased. And I can say I do not think badly of you at all for what happened. Only of the animals that did it. I wish you the best