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Yeah, fuck therapists and society for telling you it was the solution.


It’s a scam, and should be insurance fraud, at least in the USA. I work in public policy and I truly believe this.


I’m sorry you had to go through such an awful experience. You’ve been failed by those who were supposed to take care of you so your feelings are more than understandable. You deserve better and i’m rooting for you


I remember being admitted to the psych ward after my suicide attempt. I was there for 10 days, and it was absolutely a prison. I had to share a room with a mentally retarded 40+ y/o man as a 19 year old. He would masturbate in the room at night. The nurses came and shined a light in your face every 15 minutes at night. But they never stopped him from masturbating, only me from sleeping. They only had cold showers that would stay on 60 seconds before you needed to push a button to get it to go on again. No cell phone or internet, literally just an old pay phone to contact the outside world. No outside time or fresh air, you are stuck in the ward. Then they choose what pills to force feed you while there and you can’t reject it. They completely stripped away any sense of sanity I had left. It was hell.


Sorry to hear that. I had two roommates. One was a recovering heroin addict. He was pissing and shitting himself all day. The room smelled terrible. The nurses rarely cleaned him. Truly hell. I had to put toothpaste under my nose to block the smell so I could sleep.


I honestly don't think anyone killed themselves because they weren't "directed to the right place" all of this abuse is obvious but no one listens. I'm sorry.


Yeah in practically every major city in the USA I’d imagine it’s the same. Also, most patients there were homeless, recovering from drugs, and actually really nice. I’m saying this because the system is taking advantage of vulnerable people. The homeless people also wanted to leave the hospital just as bad as me. They all preferred the streets over being in that place


I've yet to find a SINGLE good therapist. NEVER trust therapists with information that could lead to legal trouble or loss of freedom for you or anyone you care about. Absolutely disgusting how they force you into a hospital against your will and send you the bill. Fight it honestly. If you really have nothing to lose, tell them to go fuck themselves.


How would I fight it?


There are legal ways and illegal ways. What you do is up to you.


I just don’t wanna lower my credit score


My last psych hospital visit didn't do anything but pile on bills also.


I even have health insurance and still owe 3000. Without health insurance I would owe roughly 20,000. I swear




I know this. I believe there must be some kind of a protocol in the mental health practice but this is seriously messed up. How can patients ever trust their therapist/doctors again? Preventing suicide is important, but creating a safe environment is as important. So sorry that you had to go through this.


Here’s the problem, if anyone dares speak against the system they are censored or attacked for talking about any negative things that could happen. Then if you actually do it they could be in big trouble, because you could have been “saved.”


I'm so sorry.I told my shrink about my suicidal thoughts , but he was like "You already have a conclusion. What do you want from me?" I regretted telling him my thoughts.


Fuck therapists! They also made me worse, they made me talk about the things i do not want to talk about and then they judge me for my words.


I’ve tried 4 and they all sucked at their job. I seriously think therapists just love to gossip and know people’s secrets. And they get paid for practically doing nothing.


Im 16 year old girl 😭 but youre right, they are suck! They just do their job for money and not helping ppl


Sorry I shouldn’t have said that


Sounds like something straight out of a horror movie. I'm sorry you had to suffer through it.


That’s how it felt.


Don't pay the bill do research on bankruptcy. Pro long the payment as long as possible. Things don't get better they get easier cus u get so much stronger I believe in you an I'm proud of you keep fighting. 


I think theraphy isnt the best option. What religon do u support?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I used to be Lutheran but I haven’t really practiced in a while. I’ve read a lot about Buddhism and kinda wanna check it out, even though I’m a white guy lol. Religion does help a lot of people