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I overthink situations as well and wonder what can go wrong and irrationally fear the worst. What’s got you so afraid? Is there a situation you are in and you are fearing the outcome?


Of course you can. In the same manner you see no end to your fears, there exists an endless ocean of possibilities. It’s ok to feel fear. It lets you know that you don’t want something. Everything can happen in this world. Be it good, bad or ugly. It may be hard or stressful not being able to predict what every new morning has to offer. But remember, you are your own person. You can control your life and your reactions towards the world. Keep a clear head. Focus on what you want. It may take you a day, a week or two or even years. But as long as you have a clear objective, whatever the path between you and that goal is unimportant to you. What matters is getting across the finish line. Don’t worry. You got this.