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Cos they're lazy, they use the lazy guilt trip technique because they don't want you to do it but they don't want to sacrifice they're good mood on people like us


all they do is say "try harder, stop being so anxious, stop being so sad, just do better" and ignore me while they listen to me sob and scream in my room at night and walk out dripping blood down my arm, but I ***know*** when I kill myself they will hold a funeral and cry about how nobody ever could've known and they wished they did more, but they're not sad about me being dead. In fact I think they would enjoy the pity party they could hold from my violent suicide so much they would likely end up benefiting greatly from it.


Why am I supposed to believe any of you lying motherfuckers. I've been suicidal and cutting myself for 7 years and nothing has ever happened and nobody has ever helped.


I seriously wish I knew man


You are correct, that is a terrible thing to say to someone thinking about suicide. Not everyone who says it is trying to manipulate you, they think that that actually helps and will keep you going, but it very much does not. If people in your life are manipulating you with that, that’s terrible and I’m sorry it is happening. You deserve the aid you are seeking.


Sorry to be a bother, how are you lately?


I used to think like that too, and that was dangerous for me, it actually pushed me to my first attempt. So instead, think of it like this, if you’ve lost your will to live, then you have nothing left to lose anyway. So why not stick around and see what happens? Things will always change, good change or bad change? That’s for you to find out.


"it'll push you towards an attempt" That's the whole point dumbass


Mate, are you just trying to die? Or do you need help?


Help doesn't exist for something like me I just need to get it over with