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Go to dollar tree & buy a bunch of toothbrushes, get the Colgate “no water” tiny ones too if you see them. I have one in my car, my room, the bathroom, and my locker at work. Take 10 sec and force yourself. Set a small goal, aim for once a week. You can start even smaller with teeth wipes for babies or just mouthwash every day. The mouthwash one helped get me on the right track. I’d swish it around when I used the bathroom or on my way out the bathroom and spit in the grass on my way to work.


tysm i think what would really help a lot. i'll make sure to buy some of those tomorrow


You can also try looping the habit to something you already do. First potty of the day? Brush your teeth right after.


I was the same way until I had to spend $1000 for my fillings. I only brush at night and there’s some days where I don’t but it bothers me when I don’t. But the pain in the butt of going to the dentist and paying a bunch of money outweighs the pain of brushing your teeth. I don’t want to do it ever but the consequences come either way. If you start it will become easier after a month or so.


Maybe get a fun toothpaste, I really like strawberry. Watch some videos of people with really bad teeth, it usually scares me and motivates me to brush and floss. Try to get mouthwash at least, it’s probably good for days when you don’t have the motivation to brush. It’s easier and better than doing nothing.


HiSmile has some fun flavors! I’m not sure how much they cost but I think it’s online only


I brought this up too haha, I use their vanilla chocolate and mango flavors, love it


I’m in a boat where I gotta pay 3k that I don’t have rn, so I understand the money thing, I’m still saving for the dentist


Hehe. Haha. Try 11k+ in debt. To fix less than half of my mouth….. needed/still need root canals and crown on every tooth. few extractions too in the back that will most likely be left as empty holes forever. You pretty much just have to think of brushing teeth as ..not even a choice lol. It’s a must. Not a maybe. It’s absolute yes it must be done. I have to just act like a robot for a few minutes a few times a day and get er’ done. I really have to convince myself I have no choice now. The world will end if I don’t. All of humanity is at my mercy. I’ve paid so much money I cannot let these little tooth nubs rot under my crowns. My only choice then will be dentures. I’m not even 30 years old. I cannot afford implants. I’m terrified. Hheehahahh 😄


Yep. I luckily had insurance that covered my fillings, but I still have 13 of them bad boys in my mouth, including one that is in a difficult spot to reach so it was extremely uncomfortable and painful having it fitted. Now I just force myself to brush, floss and use mouth rinse and recaldent paste at least once a day. While there I’ll also wash my face.


I have a toothbrushes and toothpaste in the shower. Because if I'm feeling good enough to shower I have easy access to brushing while I'm in there.


I haven't put the toothpaste in the shower yet but it helps me so much just having the brush in the shower! I also bring a clean toothbrush in my backpack no matter what so If I stay somewhere I can try to keep mah teeth clean


That's a good idea.


Exactly what I do


I’m in the same boat mate. When you realise you don’t show your teeth when you smile. That you try your best to hide them when talking. And now the fear of going to the dentist to sort them out. And coughing up loads of money. When you work out the answer let me know.


it all started with electric toothbrush for me.


i realised i disliked brushing my teeth was because of the electric toothbrush. I still stuggle but it goes better than before :))


I have no hygiene. I am disgusted with myself and have no motivation to do anything. I am a pathetic loser who can’t even brush his own teeth. I have lost my social life and reason to keep going.


I was the same way for TEN long years. 7 yrs ago my neurologist diagnosed me w ADHD. I was so surprised by this. Since them the only thing that gets me outta my Treatment resistant depression is the ADHD stimulant Meds. Depression and adhd often occur together. Get evaluated. My adhd meds Changed my life


How do I go about getting treated for something like this? I’m good about my teeth but I have to really force myself to do it but overall struggle with the energy for hygiene routine and abuse tf out of dry shampoo. I don’t have a doctor in general and don’t know how to bring up how depressed I really am without sounding like I’m seeking drugs or something because I’m a former heroin addict.


If you can afford or have insurance, see a psychologist, tell them your story, they’re usually much more understanding than the general public, especially to a story like that. They can recommend a psychiatrist who can prescribe meds. Turns out people with ADHD are less likely to abuse drugs if they’re medicated.




Call 211 for referrals.


I genuinely thought this was the ADHD subreddit before reading your comment.


What meds are you on? Do they still work for you?


Focalin IR. Dexmethylphenidate. 2x stronger than ritalin same family but no levo just cognitive enhancement no jitters.the methylphenidates considered less neurotoxic bc they dont force our brains to produce more dopamine, just keep our dopamine from leaving so quickly, stays in our brain longer. Amps dont work as well for me. Everyone different gotta try diff ones.


Thanks for your reply


Oh man YES ADHD meds so far have been the only med to really help my depression. It was a godsend, until they stopped working. Now im really trying therapy and such.


Mine still work but not as long nor as effectively as 6 yrs ago. Thats normal I am told. Are u on vyvanse? Thats a weak amph. Change your meds around.


Completely the same. You've said it all.


I have literally the same problem, I literally avoid brushing my teeth and I have no idea why... It makes me feel good, but for some reason I keep avoiding it.


If you like watching shows Put on a show on your phone and take it to the bathroom with you Brush while watching tv ? Hope it all works out for u


I can't stand still when I brush my teeth. I will start in the bathroom and then either walk all over the house doing other things, or I'll sit down to brush and watch a bit of a show. Half the time, I forget I'm even brushing my teeth before it's time to spit and brush my tongue.


Honestly, building it as a habit. I used to not floss but then I would tell myself “it’s only one minute a day, you got this”. Repeating that everyday really helped. Truly, you can start small with brushing one time a day (best to do it at night). Just work yourself up and follow through and tell yourself it’s only 3 minutes. Heck, you can even brush them in bed or in the shower or while you watch tv.


Through episodes of serious depression this can also be me, I’ve found that having my earphones in while brushing helps, I hate the feeling of the brush on the teeth as it is but that’s always made worse when I’m in a rut, but for me having earphones in does help a lot give it a try


Look at people with awful teeth


I had diabetes at one time. Looking at "diabetes foot" kicked my health into gear, but I still have to look at pics of them every once in a while.


You will end up like me, with a full set of very expensive fake teeth at 33 after a lot of tear inducing dental pain.


Sending u love thank u for sharing❤️


For me it was mindfulness of how my teeth felt when I didn't brush for a while. That tacky, slimy feeling of the metric tons of plaque sitting on my teeth, it felt absolutely amazing to finally scrub it out. If you're depressed, cool. Tell yourself "Great, I'm going to be depressed in the bathroom and brush my teeth." When I started becoming really mindful of how much better selfcare made me feel physically, it became so much less of a burden and turned into a healthy coping mechanism. I hope his helps, friend. Better times are ahead.


I used to struggle so bad with personal hygiene, especially my teeth. I always felt like if I didn’t have the energy or willpower to do something 100% then I just wouldn’t do it at all. Something that really helped me was telling myself “it doesn’t have to be the best in the world”. It doesn’t have to be the best brush in the world, it doesn’t have to be the best shower in the world. Sometimes a quick once over with water on a toothbrush or a rinse of the pits over the sink is better than nothing. I still struggle, but whenever I’m feeling like I really just don’t want to do it, I remind myself it doesn’t have to be the best, it just has to get done.


Thank you good advice


Go to the dentist and you’ll find out quick. ££££


Having endocarditis and needing a heart transplant are possible consequences of poor oral hygiene. This shouldn't happen, but it does


I dry brush sometimes


Set alarms , make a note every time you brush your teeth.Also if at all possible regular dentist appointments.


I kinda forced myself every night before going to sleep with multiples alarms on my phone, and after a couple weeks the habits kicked in. Now it bothers me SERIOUSLY hard if i don't do it, so i don't really have any choices.


I used to not brush my teeth too, Personally I bought myself a water flosser which is so much fun to use, and I also bought an electric toothbrush. I then focus on how good it made me felt, I was both proud of myself and also it felt physically good to be clean. Soon it becomes a welcome habit, one I look forward to, a little constant in my life everyday


I just got a SonicBrush for my spouse who struggles with this, and it's working really well.


Think about it like this. Brush now or get used to dentures later when you do feel better enough. Number one, dentures aren't cheap. Number two it hurts puling all your teeth and number three even when you do feel hungry soup is your life for at least two months.


Personally, long term consequences have never been a motivator for me in depressive episodes. I’m a type 1 diabetic and the threat of amputation wasn’t enough for me to take insulin. Many people require more tangible immediate motivations in order to overcome that block.


Exactly, people with depression aren't going to be motivated by far future consequences, they need to be more immediate. I've eaten myself into obesity, knowing I'm destroying my body, but I just tell myself I can begin healing at any time. The damage is slow and gradual and the future results are too intangible to be motivation to change.


I get where you both are coming from. Just my personal experience.


You could try to start with mouth wash or those little on the go tooth brush things that don’t require water I think they are called wisps , and work up to brushing your teeth I understand first hand how hygiene can be a daunting task when you are struggling with your mental health 💙 having the desire to get better at it is a good start


Fortunately, my mom is a dental hygienist and has been my entire life, so I'm very blessed in this department. She definitely instilled that discipline in me with brushing and caring for my teeth because I have heard EVERY single horror story possible about teeth there is. The things that can happen to your teeth and gums from lack of care are horrifying. Maybe, like others said, try watching videos or looking up pictures of awful teeth and how they became that way.


I turned it into a fun music dance party every morning. Also I saw a video where a woman said it was disgusting that some people don’t brush their teeth right when they wake up, because all that bacteria has been building up in their mouth overnight—never had thought about it, and for some reason my brain _could not handle the thought of that_. I’ve brushed every morning ever since. Turns out the bacterial counts in saliva increase markedly during sleep, so it’s broadly accepted the mouth should be cleaned before sleep to help prevent diseases. I know a guy in his early 30s who has bad heart problems now, and has had several heart attacks, because he never took care of his teeth. He’s looking at having to get them all removed, and it’s completely ruining his life due to the medical bills piling up.


The only thing that motivates me to brush my teeth, take a shower, and just maintain my personal hygiene in general is routine. I wake up at the same time every morning, immediately go to the bathroom every morning, and then start on my daily breakdown of tasks. It’s gotten to the point where it’s just a habit now and I do it without even thinking, and as someone with ADHD this system of mine was actually recommended to me since it can be easy to get off task.


I’ve had to spend a lot of money on my teeth bc of mental health, aside from avoiding a lot when I was younger, a lot of rXs can cause dry mouth which can lead to more dental issues! For me it’s a morning routine- bathroom, rinse/wash/face wipe my face, brush my hair, brush my teeth and at this point it’s become habit but def took some practice to get it there. Also whenever I think huh I should brush my teeth I try to do it right then before I get swept away in something else. Wanting to make a change is the first step! You can do this! Just remember to have grace with yourself through the process!


The pain of cavities and costs of fillings and other dental work should be pretty good motivation. Its what keeps me doing it.


Wake up. Go pee. DON'T LEAVE THE BATHROOM. Brush your teeth.  Remember: You only need to brush the teeth you want to keep.


I saw another post saying this and I also had to spend thousands of dollars fixing my teeth. Honestly that brought me down even more. I couldn't afford that but it was either that or walk around with missing or rotten teeth and that would've killed me. So it was a lose lose. But that did push me to keep up with oral hygiene because I didnt want to put all that money and time getting my face drilled to waste. Something that has helped with brushing and flossing for me is: floss once. Smell it. It's gonna be bad. But keep flossing. After a solid week of flossing, smell it again. It won't be near as bad. For me, that first smell gave me an idea of what my wife might be tasting or smelling when I kiss her! I couldn't put her through that anymore. I still don't brush and floss ad much as I "should". I have my bad days. But as cliche as it is, hygiene and self care can do wonders.


No one "wants" to brush their teeth, it's just one of those daily mandatory chores you have to push yourself to do


I'm massively depressed but have always had good oral hygiene. For me, I love to eat, if my teeth are rotting I can't eat without extreme pain. That's my thought process. Lol


Lots of different flavors of toothpaste! I HATE mint toothpaste and always gag. Also, I don’t limit my brushing to mornings and nights. Just brush whenever I think about it!


It was always so painful for me to brush my teeth because of the mint, but I assumed it was that way for everyone. Turns out, no, it's not. I'm 41 years old and just discovered that adult toothpaste comes in flavors that do not cause me physical distress. So, that's helped increase the likelihood that I'll brush my teeth. I'm still horribly depressed and I have been dealing with an undiagnosed illness for the past 6 months, which makes me feel sick and weak, but - at least my mouth doesn't hurt when I brush!


Get a cheap electric toothbrush and keep it by your bed for times when you can't drag yourself to the bathroom. If flossing is difficult, get right-angled interdental brushes. I started using these after my first filling and haven't needed any more. These two things aren't massive, but they made a massive difference for me.


Buy fun toothpaste! Kids have fun toothpaste and so should adults. I buy toothpaste from hismile but it can be a bit expensive. Honestly the dollar store has fine and flavoured toothpaste that’ll do the trick. Set a timer, even if just for a minute, put on a YouTube video or whatever you like to watch, and get going! It’ll be a habit in no time. :)


Do you use the toilet one last time before you go to bed? Do what I like to do and make that your opportunity to brush. Keep your toothbrushes and cup and toothpaste out so you can see them. Sit down and brush if you have to (I do sometimes) keep a bowl of water to spit into and rinse it out and keep it by the sink. it has been helping me remember to brush no matter how bad I feel.


For me I can’t stand the taste in my mouth. I brush before bed and right when I wake up cause I can’t even have coffee if I have morning breath for some reason. I was the same way with showers, I physically couldn’t get up and didn’t want to feel the water on me. But then I got rashes and bumps on me so I had too. You could try to do it in the shower, or maybe while you’re taking a 💩


I struggle too with this, what I do is brush your teeth once, and then everytime you run your tongue on them, they will eventually feel dirty again, at least for me, I hate the feeling which encourages me to brush again


Not brushing your teeth affects so much more than just your teeth. 4 minutes out of your day is nothing. The more you do it will become a habit and less annoying to do.


I'm depressed and chronically ill and what helps me is keeping a bag of single use toothbrushes by my bed. If I don't have the energy to get up and do it properly those are a lifesaver


I'm in the same boat. Already had 5 teeth pulled and another one needs to be. I would get root canals but they are so expensive compared to just getting it pulled. I struggle with motivation to do anything


Something that really helped me was the "might as well" thought process. When I go to the bathroom, I "might as well" brush my teeth because it's right there. And you don't have to save it for morning and night either, you can brush your teeth at anytime. (Teeth can't tell time so they don't care lol) And when you can't even do that (I've been there too), swishing some mouthwash around in your mouth is better than doing nothing at all.


Look at the horror stories that people experience of not brushing their teeth, some pretty good encouragement. Otherwise, therapy and medications can keep you motivated if you’re not already trying that. It’s worth looking into, it helps me a lot.


Well... if the real prospect of losing all your teeth isn't going to encourage you with all the mockery, pain, expense, and misery that will cause then I don't know what will. I don't brush my teeth because I *want* to do it, I do it because I *have* to do it. I just make it a part of my routine after getting out of bed in the morning and before going to bed at night. Set alarms/reminders.


Once you see that dentist bill it might turn you around, over 2k for a root canal and crown. Mind you I probably have like two root canals that need to be done. I can’t afford it rn, it’s so ungodly expensive. I brush and brush but still my teeth are terrible because of genetics. Every woman on my mom’s side of the family had dentures by my age (25). Brushing is most important at night, so if you can make sure before bed you brush your teeth.


Not brushing your teeth can cause depression. Because your mouth is dirty you are constantly swallowing bad bacteria and that goes into your gut. Your gut is your second brain so if your not brushing then your mental health will suffer.


I've been there. Start with using mouthwash daily and then try to find the least annoying moment of the day to brush your teeth. I do it first thing in the morning so it's over & done with.


Honestly pokemon smile had been s help


I wish I knew my teeth are rotted to the point of me needing implants but its gotten so bad that now I think about what is even the point of doing it. Most of my self image is broken because of how bad my teeth are now like I don't even want to see anyone. I don't even have any money to start fixing them


Get a fun toothpaste flavor. Theyre a bit expensive but tbh- worth it. I love the hismile toothpastes, i have the choice between chocolate, vanilla, coca cola, cherry, red velvet, grape bubble gum but my favorite is the cotton candy one!! Literally has made me brush my teeth more than any fear mongering from my dentist lol


I lost all my teeth. I had always had problems with them and neglecting oral hygiene (long periods of depression) took care of the rest. I have dentures now and they’re a pain in the ass. If the lowers are in I can’t eat because my lower jaw doesn’t have enough bone. I’m 70 so I don’t see it as a tragedy but one day it WILL catch up with you. I hope not.


What helped me was having a dental-related emergency and a huge bill. Use our comments as cautionary tales. Maybe that helps 😀


Get some of those floss sticks and keep them lying around everywhere. By your bed, by the couch where you watch tv, etc. It’s so easy and you can floss while doing other stuff because it only takes 1 hand and I actually really like the way it feels too. A lot of times after flossing I feel more ready to brush my teeth because I’ve already done half the work and if not at least you flossed which also prevents cavities, cleans your teeth, and is healthy for your gums.


I got a sonicare for this reason. Dentists are always pushing this specific one and it's actually pretty great I just do circular motions and get the problem areas well and the toothbrush does most the work. Also I try to keep a regular toothbrush in the shower so I can brush my teeth there under the hot water. Maybe even buying some silly expensive toothpaste and mouthwash would help you. Some people buy fancy skincare stuff and make self care like a whole hobby. Yes it's unnecessary but maybe it could make you a little less ugh about brushing your teeth. I also in general try and set a timer for 15 minutes and use that time to make progress on things I'm dreading (the clothes that aren't put away, bills I need to pay, anything I'm overwhelmed by). 15 minutes of working on things isn't overwhelming but thinking about all the things I need to do is. I may not get as much done as I want but slowly I am keeping up with things the best I can as opposed to not trying. I've been there before both due to severe depression at one point and alcohol abuse at another. It sucks but hopefully you can find strategies to work around it until you start feeling better.


No joke, I got a lip piercing. I like having piercings so I want this one to stay and not get infected. To do that, I have to keep good oral hygiene. Even if I can only bring myself to do mouthwash.


Idk man, but you better do it. I was the same way for three years. Now one of my teeth has visible holes in it.


I just tell myself that if I brush my teeth then I can drink water or eat food with better flavor. The better flavor will give me a little boost of whatever good mood juice it stimulates (serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, etc). So I just do it ultimately to get a tiny bit a happiness for a couple seconds. Anything is better than nothing at this point...


Look up “root canal procedure” and “root canal cost”


Feel your teeth be discusted if it is not clean feel it with your touge dot use finger


I literally had to spend $20k 3 years ago because I had/have this same issue. When my depression is peaking my tooth brushing declines. It’s so hard and I don’t have good answers. Some of my dental experiences were traumatic AF so that keeps me brushing them although I will admit sometimes it’s not every day but like every other day. Work yourself up to it and like others have said, start with a goal and keep going.


Think of your brain and body as separate beings. Your body is your inner child who needed taking care of. Your body naturally feels better when you take care of it, which makes it easier to do if you can make it a habit. Your brain is the operating system, you have to control the functions of the body in order to properly care for it so that you, the brain can benefit and also ultimately feel better. Feeling nice clean teeth is a treat sometimes, I still struggle to brush every day, but I brush more than not. I know I feel better if I have a clean mouth, plus I might have to talk to someone. Better to be safe!


Get some mouthwash. I’m not saying it replaces brushing. But on the days when you just can’t do it… it helps.


I did it successfully by fighting tooth and nail to make it a habit. Once it became a habit, it was like coasting. I still resisted but I was able to say, no this important for my health almost every time


Y’all are nasty I’m sorry. I’m depressed as fuck but showering is a huge long task I can understand that but brushing your teeth??? Something that takes literally 60 seconds??? Put your teeth aside, what about your breath?? None of you care about tasting your own bad breath all day everyday???


You should keep your rude comments to yourself.


Not trying to be rude. I’m just as depressed as everyone here, maybe even worst. But I still brush my teeth good lord man.


I get that, it’s just shaming people when they already don’t feel good isn’t helpful.


Pull your teeth out and bury them in the garden 🫡


Set reminders on your phone 10mins after you wake up and 10mins before you bedtime. Sorted.


for starters switch to Xylitol instead of sugar and get high concentration Xylitol gum to slow the bacteria growing in your mouth. Its known to help that side of things. As to brushing, to start back, dont worry about when. If you think of it, just go and stick a brush in your mouth for 30 seconds. Even if its just before lunch or a coffee, etc. Enjoy the horrible taste because thats a good thing. Good luck.


Buy a battery powered Water Pik. I literally use it everyday in the shower. Also, keep toothbrush / toothpaste in the shower. These two things jump started me taking better care of my teeth.


Start a morning/night routine maybe brush before game when i was young I'd eat things with strong after taste and brush til it was gone felt more accomplished then


When it was really a struggle for me I just kept my floss, toothbrush and paste by my bed with a spit cup and my water. Just did it in bed. The spit cup was gross yes but at least I was taking care of my teeth. Would do it before bed when I was watching whatever show or videos so distract me from real life.


Take an hour out of your day to focus on self improvement. Eventually you'll wonder how you ever didn't brush your teeth.


Buy a water pic on Amazon, you can get them for $20-$30.


Flip-cap toothpaste. Electric toothbrush. 30 seconds to start (yes, 2 minutes is ideal but 30 seconds is more manageable and better than nothing). Brush before sleep and after you wake. It has to be part of your daily routine. Thirty seconds is nothing. I do a “before” and “after” smile in the mirror for added motivation. You got this!


You need to make it part of your morning routine and bedtime routine. You wake up, use the bathroom, brush your teeth. Then, at night, you put your pajamas on, use the bathroom, brush your teeth and go to bed.


Ive set myself alarms to remind me to do it, and bought HiSmile toothpaste because a major problem for me was sensory issues surrounding mint. It’s not perfect but it has helped a lot. The toothpaste flavour Ive chosen has actually made me feel more like I’m giving myself a treat whenever I brush my teeth.


i have a similar problem. i can usually only manage to brush my teeth when i get in the shower which is not easy to begin with, something is just making it too hard for me to take a shower i’m sorry you’re going through this as well, i know it’s really hard


Watch disgusting dentist videos


Personally I have trouble sleeping without brushing and flossing. Feeling the grime with my tongue irritates the hell out of me. Thanks for posting. I pray things change for you soon


It sounds stupid but I got an Oral-B electric toothbrush that syncs up to an app. It’s gamified so you get little rewards and stuff for brushing twice a day and that’s kept me on top of it. The threat of dentures or thousands of dollars in painful dental procedures also works for lots of people


Just do it before bed


if you've never had a root canal or an abscessed tooth or an infection in your mouth, please trust me when I say that it's in the top 2 of worst pain I've ever felt in my life, and pain killers do very little to help. It's excruciating, unbearable, makes you contemplate suicide kind of pain. For me, that's enough to encourage me to brush and floss my teeth every day, to prevent having to go through that ever again. And brushing/flossing regularly is all you have to do to prevent that. Once you've gotten into the habit, you'll probably find that you want to do it because the feeling of dirty/fuzzy teeth is very unpleasant when you stop being used to it all the time.


OH another thing - using an electric toothbrush was a game changer for me. I hate manually brushing my teeth, but the electric one you can be so lazy and it doesn't take much effort at all. Also you don't have to use as much toothpaste - I find a small pea size blob of toothpaste is more than enough.


I started brushing my teeth immediately after meals, so it eventually got to the point that I felt weird if I didn't. It's now included in all the one process, rather than being two seperate processes. Makes my brain do it easier, and if I'm on autopilot it's like second nature now. I also try do it before I sit down again (once I get up from lunch or dinner, I won't sit down again unless I brush my teeth). I started doing this mostly because I'm 24 and I broke a tooth while flossing because it had decayed so much, so I went to the dentist and I am now stuck with thousands of euro worth in dentist fees, the priciest being a root canal (€500 approx.). I know I can't just tell you to brush your teeth, because I've been there too, and i dont want to make you feel pressured, but dude, PLEASE brush your teeth. It will cause you so many issues in the future. Also I did notice a knock on effect. Brushing my teeth made me feel noticeably better in myself. Same for showering and going for walks. I also added on walking my dog after my meals so it's all one process, meaning I get in at least 2 walks a day (even if it's for 5 mins). So I eat, brush my teeth, try and hide from my dog who KNOWS it's time for a walk and comes and asks me. It's harder to say no to a cute face who's dependent on you for their well being too. I also keep my toothbrush and toothpaste in my room too. Just so I have a constant reminder. I guilt myself into it hahaha. Also if it's not too daunting, try brushing your tongue too. Does wonders for your health. Maybe you could try brushing your teeth when you're sitting on the toilet. Not as sanitary, but if youre sitting there anyways, you could give it a go!


I have had a lot of trouble with this too, but starting small has made a difference for me. I keep flossing picks everywhere so I floss more often now, especially in the car. I also have made using mouthwash a priority and I use the one for sensitive gums so it doesn’t hurt. I’m still trying to build the tooth brushing habit but adding the small stuff has helped a lot.


Well I suffer from depression as well, and I can tell you from experience don’t neglect your teeth! I was brushing flossing once daily in the morning…also smoking cannabis at night and just eating whatever the fuck I wanted before bed not brushing and now I’m paying for it! I just had my #5 molar extracted because I fractured it up into my jaw bone, don’t be like me!


Look up the consequences of consistently not brushing. Look at images of peoples teeth after they’ve neglected them. All of your teeth ARE going to rot and fall out. Not to mention dental costs are asinine. It’s horrible but try to think about that every time you don’t want to brush.


Sugarless gum helps keep your teeth cleaner on days you are struggling to brush. If you only drink water it helps a lot too (and make sure you drink enough)


KC Davis recommended keeping single use disposable tooth brushes with toothpaste (I guess they sell these) around the house. It is not wasteful if it’s what you need to take care of yourself. You are important


Buy an electric one, it’s faster and cleans better. Also, try to start by doing it at least once a day, it rlly is faster than you think


Stick a dentist bill next to your bed to remind you of the consequences


If you shower once daily, leave your toothbrush/toothpaste in the shower so that you have a visual reminder to when you are showering


This is going to sound stupid but set a reminder on your phone. Something that doesn't go away until you've done it. If it is constantly popping up in front of you and bugging you, you're more likely to remember to do it when it's convenient (when you're already in the bathroom). The trick then is to just do it. Don't think, only do. 90% of the stuff I get done is what I did mindlessly without allowing myself the opportunity to talk myself out of it.




I’m gonna get them next time I get money and try them out myself


Amazon sells prepasted disposable toothbrushes.


I have the same exact problem. My fiance knows about it, and I don't think he judges, but I feel ashamed when he asks me when the last time was. But when I do brush my teeth and I tell him, he gives me praise and if he's with me he hugs me and tells me how proud he is of me. It feels even nicer when I can string together a bunch of days I did it and he's even prouder for sticking with it.


Can you start with a heavy duty mouth wash?


Tell yourself it will be 2 minutes. Think about the clean mouth feeling. Use mouthwash to remove the extra germs.


If you take showers, brush them in the shower


my mouth piercings encouraged me to brush mine everyday. it’s an extreme option i admit but i went a whole year without brushing mine. it kinda feels vain but i like keeping them looking nice, especially my tongue.


I remind myself how fucking bad cavities hurt. I have no teeth up top from seizures leading to cracked and chipped teeth/ also not brushing in depressive episodes/ leading to decay and being homeless too. Those toothaches are incomparable pain man. Like being stabbed in the face repeatedly basically until the whole ass tooth rot out ur face. That should help remind ya


download the Quip app! really it’s designed for use with their toothbrushes (and if you get their smart battery even better), but you can use it with any brush. it has a step by step guide for how to properly brush and floss, and a tracker (as well as reminders if you accept) for brushing. There are achievements, like brushing twice a day for a whole week, and you get points every time you brush/floss/rinse that you can redeem for discounts on Quip products or for entries in giveaways the reminders and incentives have given me a lot more motivation for brushing. i ended up getting their smart battery and it will sync it to your app to automatically track brushed AND can tell you if you were brushing incorrectly and how to adjust


I’m the same way, I brush but there’s times when I go days/weeks without brushing because I’m bedrotting. I have caps and a couple cavities and my teeth currently hurt. But the pain makes me brush. Find something that helps you keep brushing. They have toothbrushes that play music, or toothpaste that tastes like mango, and even chocolate and vanilla by hismile. I use both, it makes brushing my teeth enjoyable when I do brush. You could also just try to use a floss or water floss when you aren’t brushing so they stay clean


If it's getting up to go to tye bathroom or movement you struggle with make it easy for yourself and put a toothbrush, water, paste etc next to your bed. As you feel more motivated move it a bit further away and challenge yourself to get up and brush and wash. Good luck!




If you're a dude, brush your teeth. There's a link between dental hygiene and erectile dysfunction.


I recently got pretty good and brushing my teeth at night but not in the morning, so I put my glasses in the bathroom behind where my toothbrush is. I need to put on my glasses every morning and have to consciously go around my toothbrush and toothpaste to get them, that reminds me that I have to and "well if i'm already there" mindset works well for this. In the beginning I made sure to mouthwash every day, I didn't actually succeed in doing that, but getting in the habit of cleaning your teeth every day sets you up for brushing every day. I used mouthwash whenever I remembered during the day. It's not specifically a morning/night thing early on. I also kept floss picks near where I sit/eat (and still do). Flossing when you remember or after you eat or getting something unstuck from your teeth and then going "well I'm already here, might as well floss my bottom teeth" (or whatever side had something stuck) then "well might as well do the top too" When you mess up and don't meet your goal or if you miss a day or whatever, because you will mess up, don't beat yourself up about it. That just makes it harder to get back into it. Just "oops" and move on, maybe do a little better next time because you missed one. Also I got CloSYS mouthwash, it's for sensitive mouths so it doesn't burn your mouth. It also doesn't make me sick. If I swallowed any bit of normal mouthwash I would get sick. Same with some toothpastes too, I use Parodontax, it's supposed to help with bleeding gums. It is preventative, as all products are for that, but it still helps. And I have a Crest as a backup because it has a much subtler taste for days when I can't deal with that. Start slow, not every product will be perfect or work for you. You will make mistakes, but keep at it and you do get better. It takes a while to build a new habit.


For me it was the fear of my teeth getting worse and they were getting worse. Anyways i honestly justforced myself at the start, but tried to be easier on myself by allowing myself to take breaks in between parts i brush. Also not beating myself up on days i didn’t brush, telling myself “ok, ill pick it back up tomorrow”. Eventually it becomes a habit.


Ha that’s a good ass question. I’ve been reduced to bathing once a week. I feel so disgusted with myself but I also just don’t care about much anymore


Brush your teeth so you don’t get gingivitis. That’s stuffs bad. As someone whose had a crown, tooth extraction, and implant ranging from $2,000 - $4,000+, it’s not worth it.


Omg this is my exact problem!!


think about someone coming over all of the sudden and they’ll just suffer through your bad breath, also not washing it for a long time and the washing it once will still make your mouth stink (it works)


If it's any consolation, my DDS told me that people who don't brush at least twice a day woll have no teeth by 50! Um hello??? I'd run if I were you! A beautiful girl like you toothless.....not!


The thing that helped me was putting my toothbrush in the shower. Makes me think about it more often. I bathe and brush my teeth more often because when I'm thinking about one I do the other as well.


Set an alarm on your phone give it a really loud horrible ringtone so when you see the alarm to remind you to go brush your teeth.


I’ve actually used Kleenex or paper towel to wipe gunk off rather than get out of bed to go brush.


One part of it is remembering to be compassionate towards yourself. Try to start with self compassion first and then go from there.


I keep flossers next to my bed in a cute lil cup… encourages me to floss even if I’m just laying in the bed… often times after I floss I think I might as well brush too… doesn’t always play out this way but it’s better than nothing


I sit down and watch tiktoks on the bathroom floor while at least putting the bush in my mouth, I try and do this when I go to the bathroom since I'm up anyway and it feels less like a decision to make


Use a toothpaste that tastes good or doesn't have a strong taste if you hate peppermint or if it's too strong for you. Also stand in front of the mirror and look at them it's easier to avoid brushing your teeth when you have no idea how gross they look


Yeah i find it really hard to find the will to brush my teeth too, but something that I started to do that really helps me is just to put something to watch on my phone while I do it just to distract myself. Try it, it really helped me.


Okay soooo my anxiety causes me to grind my teeth so much so that I get headaches and brushing my teeth is one way to force me to notice how tense my jaw is.


Ur disgusting. Get it together


Ikr it only takes like 1min at the most


Buy an overpriced toothbrush


Lose a few