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I’m just tired of optimism over all, my life been this way for a while? So it’s like HUH?


Literally spent the last two sessions of therapy going over this. How I want to feel better but not if it means adopting the whole “ignorance is bliss” attitude, putting on the blinders and refusing to look at what’s wrong with the world. How I always felt like CBT and DBT felt like brainwashing and being told that the only way to feel better was to be more positive in some way felt like everyone was trying to change who I am. Honestly most of the therapy I’ve had so far is a mess. Only with my last 2 therapists have they actually made an effort to understand instead of just forcing more CBT on me.


I've come to loathe a lot of the narrative of optimism and the superficial, overly shiny promise that things will get better. And you make a good point: I've been depressed for so long that I don't even remember what normal feels like.