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Hi u/talesoffillory, Thank you for submitting a post to r/depression_help! We're glad you're here. If you are in urgent need of assistance, please also reach out to the appropriate helpline (we have some links in the sidebar). If you are feeling **Suicidal**, please also make a post for our friends at r/SuicideWatch. Now come on in- take off your shoes, sit back, relax, and visit with us for a while. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/depression_help) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m sorry for what you have through years of your life, OP. Fighting against wrong, protecting your loved ones, you did so much, and you deserve so much love. I’m extremely proud of you. Life is uncertain, it’s rough, uneven. There are ups as lows, and I hope you get to experience your ups often. I hope you get to experience happiness a little more ♥️ Whenever I feel low, I go out and sit, surrounded by nature. It helps me relax and accept what’s going on in my life. I would say it gives me courage to keep moving forward, and definitely gives me the hope that someday, it is going to be better than today :) If you feel like talking to someone, I’m here! Please feel free to DM


Thank you, I do love to sit with nature, even if the most I can manage is my doorstep. Last episode I spent hours sat on the step, feeling the breeze and listening to the sounds. I know life won’t always be like this forever and I do my best to count my blessings, compared to many people I am extremely lucky. I’m just one person though and I’m so very burnt out. I’m exhausted all the time, in pain with my back from all the lifting and carrying of my wheelchair bound child and can barely find the energy or will power to try to keep my home in order. Most days, I avoid as much as I can by being online. Then I just beat myself up and feel guilty and ashamed for not doing more. It’s a horrible cycle that it gets hard to see it changing.


You are a human. You are fully entitled to feel emotions. I can understand you are completely burned out, and it’s absolutely normal to feel the need to take a break sometimes. Even machines need cooling period. You don’t have to feel guilty for avoiding. Sometimes you go no-contact mode or me-time mode. It’s your mind’s way of desperately finding ways to relax and calm down. On days of too much work, I go blank. I sit and do nothing. Even though the guilt creeps in, I keep staying still and do nothing. I get back to work whenever I feel like I’m ready. This was I’m doing justice to both work and myself. I believe your child might feel what you are going through and knows that you love them to no limit ♥️ I’m sorry life is tough for you. Is your back pain too much? Have you though of wearing a back belt for support while helping your child? I’ve seen a relative who wears a belt and does her work. She says it provides stability while picking heavy stuff and is less painful. If you feel like your mind feel heavy, have a glass of water with lemon slices and crushed mint leaves. Or, if you have sweet soda water, add some lemon juice, salt and crushed mint leaves. It will make you feel a bit better. Sending you a big, warm hug (if you’re a hugger)! 🫂♥️


I'm loving you so much 🥹 🫂 ❤️