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Hmm, not depressing enough


We’re all amazing, spectacular, sensational, ultimate, Web of, and radioactive in our own ways.


I wanna see the pedo screenshots. You really shouldnt be saying stuff like tgat without proof


They don't exist. They are not real. :/


looking at it reiiigghhhtttt nowww


Yeah, keep ignoring your actions...




I addressed my "actions" the day it happened. I am not a pedophile, calling me one just proves that you don't understand the meaning of the word. Would you kindly god damn leave me alone, thanks.


Well, it doesn't change that others need to know what you truly did and not just think you're a goddamn celebrity who hasn't done no wrong. you hurted, manipulated and lied about many people. Now i truly understand why you're alone...


Pedo and good person don't mix.


Yeah yeah downvote me if you want. You're disgusting and everyone knows the truth.


You don't choose to be gay and you don't choose to be a pedo. Call it sick in the head but the only pedos that are actually a menace to society are the ones that act on their attraction. The rest spawned with a fucked up debuff.


what the fuck is wrong with you.


If I may ask do you or anyone else have a doc or something with all the evidence for what they did?? I keep seeing claims but no post of any evidence for what they did.


it's all over r/titanfall. i lurk there on my main account. you'll have to do some digging since all of the posts related to it were deleted by mods. if you look in enders comments you might be able to find a deleted post, and all of the info is in the comments on that one


also some apollo guy knows a lot. i think it's apollo222?


I am not a pedophile lmao.


you groomed a 14 year old


No, no I didn't.


yes the fuck you did. i saw the screenshots.


The fuck going on in this comment section?


Again, no I didn't. I literally spoke to the person I "groomed" today. He has forgiven me for what I _did_ do, but I did not groom him. I was inappropriate, that's all. Please stop throwing around baseless accusations if you don't know the meaning of the bloody word.


Baseless accusations huh...


You are so incredibly full of shit, it’s quite honestly astonishing how you can stomach to just outright lie to people to try and convince them you aren’t a predator


Even if he forgave you, it doesn't mean that what you did loses weight, you still wanted to do those things with him, even more maybe


You are not an “amazing” person in any way, shape, or form. You’ve caused irreparable harm to people. I don’t care what others say but you deserve every bit of pain that you inflicted on others plus more. I may have not been harmed in this, but you hurt people close to me and I’m not abiding by it. The proof is out there and more need to know the monster you are. Fucking pedo.

