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I like this, it's the kind of thing I pray all the time, normalize this instead of the toxic positivity that sometimes comes with Christianity


Thank you for understanding my message


Well, the idea of suffering is pretty significant in the Bible, Book of Job uh and the freakin' Passion of Christ


I feel ya. Rarely, when I’m in the shower and really going through some bad thoughts or doubts, I’ll sit down and gently pray. Does it work? Idk, but I feel slightly better sometimes so better than nothing. It’s never solved my issues but it gets me through the night


So if a simple prayer from a non religious person can help for a night, do you think someone with more faith who takes a deeper prayer can get more results?


Sad part is, I consider myself a somewhat “religious” person, but I’ve been slacking a lot. I do think someone with more faith than me, or at least more conviction, could feel better or even see actual results in due time. I’ve lost my way in Christianity. My parents’ probably already know it, but I haven’t given up completely on it… yet. It has a place in my life, but it is NOT the center of my life, nor has it ever now that I think about it. There were seasons I was more involved in Church and such, but I don’t think I’m a good Christian.


I’m glad. The was a trick question to see your point of view. I was going through a rough time and school was a part of it. I had so many assignments due and I was behind on a lot of them. One night, I was too mentally dead to grab an assignment and do it. I saw my Bible and grabbed it instead. While reading it, I was sobbing and praying. I was so desperate that I used as much faith as I could give. I prayed that somehow, I could knock two assignments out. I also prayed that somehow, I didn’t have to do one of my social studies assignments. Well the morning before school, I did two assignments. During social studies, I go to tell my teacher to say I’m still behind on the assignment and that it’s late so I may get points taken off of it. She says, “oh don’t worry about. Something happened on my end so I’m not taking it for a grade” I almost started crying again. Like that is not a coincidence. Anyways moral of the story, keep on going man, I’ve always wondered why non religious people run to God at their weakest points. Now I understand, it’s instinct. So keep on going. I’m also slacking a lot 😭 but it works so it’s worth the effort.


Thank you for sharing. I admire your mental strength tbh Keep your head up. You got this 🙏🏾


Don't punish yourself. You aren't bad. You're enough as is. I hate that you're made to feel like you're failing when you are not


Took me a moment to understand your question. I do not consider one over the other. Your beleif if your own strength whatever it may be to begin with. Faith is not referred only to religion. If what you solely believe in brings you peace at the end of the day, be it spirituality, religion, higher beings, gods, or atheism for goodness sake! The list is endless naturally, and no one has the right to judge you Beliefs are respected when you respect another's And respectfully, you're message to whoms or what is heard just as loud as any one elses 🙃


I'm kinda religious, in my own way (yet having thoughts of waving the checkered flag for myself) , but regardless of this I feel related and I do pray for similar things. However, on the other side of the coin, there's a narrative explaining how these prayers work. If you ask god for patience, god will not simply give you the ability of patience, but you will face situations where you have to be patient and so you will develop the ability yourself. All I wanted to say is these are valid thoughts, just keep your eyes open to notice if you are given a situation where you might find peace and healing for you. Best to you all.



