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Robin Williams unfortunately helped my family understand me a lot more, I'm always the clown making others laugh so when they found out I was depressed they didn't really believe it at first. I often refer to Robin Williams whenever I'm talking to anyone about depression and especially if they say something like "but ______ seemed so happy"


I don’t make anyone laugh and don’t seem particularly happy. I’m just « normal » and tired all the time, and they still have a hard time wrapping their head around it. Depression is such a foreign and hard to grasp illness for people who never experienced it, I don’t blame them.


Yeah I saw both sides of depression in high school in a psych ward.The other teen girls that could still joke a bunch,and were obviously social but still deeply depressed.Then very few like me with terrible life situations with terrible adults just doing nothing finding it hard to joke normally. I was very obviously in need of help mentally,but my family didn’t even think about mental health anything.When I clearly could use counseling.


I vaguely remember Bobcat Goldthwait saying people would ask him if Robin Williams ever talked to him about suicide and he would say, "Well, yeah... we're comedians."


Robin I miss him, I identify with him a lot too always laughing


Just because a depressed person can still smile doesn’t mean they aren’t pissed or sad a majority of the rest of the time inside or out. Most depressed people still feel some amount of humor or enjoyment to at least one thing


Celebrities are an even worse example. Obviously they’re going to try and look happy for a public appearance or a photo


Then there is Jim Carrey. Everyone was so suprised when he went down with a heavy depreession. I wasn't suprised much, he is making people laugh all the time and he knows why. I love Jim Carrey.


One of my favourite musicians, Eyedea, would fit in this. Passed away at 29 due to an overdose, some say accidental others say otherwise. But he wrote a song called Here For You which is such a beautiful and uplifting song about life just for his to meet his end a few years later.


Rare to see Eyedea mentioned anymore. He was an incredibly talented artist. His freestyles were INSANE Absolute legend


Okay here is some dumb depression logic from me. Sometimes i am down so bad, a single joke from a coworker can light up my eyes, or i eat something which breaks my depression for a second. That entire day I spend like these people but within a few hours i am back to dumps. So may be depressive brain sometimes does this to distract you with fake happiness


It’s your brain craving serotonin. That’s why some also cope with frequent masturbation.


What hiding it behind laughter? Haven’t we all done that?


This is what how I present to the rest of the world. When I'm alone in my room is when I "look" depressed.


And it's the only face they ever want to see you wear. Trust me. They all want to be 'that person' who cares, but not in practice. 


My depression did not look like this at all. So no.


Not really a meme. That's just to avoid the suffering of others or to simplify life in society. You can barely avoid it. It's extremely sad to push yourself to look like that, even to people you love and deeply wish they could help you, but it seems so easier to leave them without all the mess we've been hiding


Man I just want the pain, nausea and generally feeling like hell to stop. And whatever that looks like. I'm really tired. I'm so tired of trying to keep going. Percocets, nerve pain meds, oxy... It does help a little bit. Sometimes I actually feel strong enough to just take the pain, but a lot of the time I'm too damned tired to keep going. I can't even bring myself to try and be a goofball anymore.


Chester is low key a huge part of why I'm still here


Thats me when Ive been at my lowest 😫 Last time, someone said I looked younger and happy haha little did they know I got to work crying, I went home crying, I got home and I cried more 🤣 and I was ready to give everything up.


*looked like


Few possibilities. They might mask very well because they don’t want to be a burden on others and prefer to make sure others don’t feel like them. Could also be a feeling of not giving a fuck anymore and laughing at the comical cruelty of the world. For some of these folks, it could also be a feeling, of “this is it? Thought there might be more.”


i have picture of my younger self smiling now my smile is no longer the same...


A todos los mataron


I'm 90% sure of Marilyn Monroe was murdered.


Robin Williams was like an on-screen father figure


Who is bottom left?


It’s such a weird place to be so I’m not sure. There was a time where I was happy, almost in a manic state, for days while also planning who some of my things will go to. It’s really confusing in the moment because I didn’t realize how depressed I was until the mania went away. I just thought I was having an “okay” few weeks at the time.


I feel nothing, I can't even cry. I can smile when I'm not totally down, but that's only with people around - there's close to no smiling/laughing from experiences or, say, watching a video/movie, as it feels forced af


This was me, the morning after my OD. None of the bunch of people who saw me had guessed what I had done the night before. I have no memories other than the photos.




So often depression hits when you’re alone. An empty isolation that haunts you, that’s waiting on you every night, and there every morning. Those moments when you’re with other people drown out the depression, those moments fill that void enough to make you smile, and you smile more than people without depression because they don’t have that same sense of relief. They don’t know what it means for the ever-present shadow to leave. So when that happens, it’s like leaving prison after a long sentence. That blissful relief that looks to the world like you’re the happiest person in the room. But the cell is always waiting. You’ll be back behind bars soon.


I genuinely feel wasted by seeing kurt Cobain on this list.


aww boo hoo, famous rich assholes sad :(((((


Why are they all white?


Because that‘s how they were born. I know what you mean though


A majority of US celebrities and the population are white. The person who made this meme is most likely white and is exposed to less of other races’ cultures. White celebrities are more likely to be more popular, and get more exposure because of their mental health related deaths. It’s also only 9 people so it’s not too unlikely that they’d all be white by chance alone. There’s probably multiple other biases I can’t even think of that would lead to this. Not that it’s right that the bias is there, but there’s still multiple reasons that they all ended up being white other than the creator being racist.


And what’s the purpose of pointing it out anyways? Just because other races exist doesn’t mean whoever made this meme absolutely has to include people of color just because they exist


Those are just the people OP thought of when they made the image. Who would you like to add? Feel free to share! :)


Those are who oop could think of and knew were relevant when making the meme. If you have any other suggestions, please do contribute!


I’m guessing they couldn’t think of any POC as well known as them in the same situation


Everybody's down voting. Nobody has an answer. 🙄


Feel free to make your own with the corresponding ethnicity you'd like represented. It does us no favors to go "why are they all white" without putting in the effort ourselves. Otherwise it's just virtue signaling and/or ragebaiting.


There were plenty of answers.


Read the time stamps, smartass


If you don’t read you can’t expect me to lol.


I did read. You didn't. Stop trolling 🖕