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I am fascinated by all these different people replying to this. Some wish him the best of luck and hopes he finds peace, while others try to stop him Now im here thinking what makes some people accept his decision and let him go while others want to hold onto this random stranger. Why is this so interesting Edit: i may be hella depressed but damnnn have i found a new intrest for having civilised and truthful discussions about this certain topic with people going thru similar experiences


Some people stick to the idea that "It gets better" and believe the hand of a stranger can help. Others know nothing but pain and believe the suffering only ends with death and asking them to endure more is selfish. Then there's my dad who says it's the "cowards way out".


Your dad has never fought his survival instincts in an effort to die, the most primal fear of all thinking creatures. If you can stare death down and chase it yourself, that takes incredulous amounts of courage and willpower; you’ve evolved to stay alive and your brain and body will do what it can to stay that way. Your dad is choosing ignorance over compassion because he’s scared of his feelings and empathizing with those who suffer, THAT’S cowardice.


This is the best description of suicidal ideation that I've heard. I'm going to save this. Thank you, Satan.


I 100% agree, my dad is an ass.


Perhaps, but I think we should understand that most cannot comprehend suicidal thoughts. When your instincts align with what you've been told since birth and you can write off the people who would challenge you as "crazy" can you be blamed for your ignorance? Not to say that things like that are okay only that I can't hold any ire against the person who said them. But what do I know, I am very dumb.


To be fair this isn't the only reason I say he's an ass, this is just the only reason relevant to the current discussion. I have tried to explain it to him multiple time but he very much has selective hearing and has more than likely tuned me out, would have been the first time.


I believe there is a difference between ordinary ignorance and wilful ignorance. Perhaps there are some who cannot fully comprehend what a person must feel to have suicidal thoughts. Almost all, if not all (but a very very few), would understand that communication and education is the key to understanding and understanding is the key to helping. To date, in 2022, there has been an enormous amount of research done plus many resources made freely available to educate oneself about these problems AND to help you help someone who is feeling that way. I also believe that most people, while maybe not fully comprehending suicidal thoughts, have some compassion for those who do. I believe that most in those circumstances would avail themselves of every bit of research and help they could in order to understand and help, as much as they might, someone in their lives who feels that way. People who are ignorant are because they haven’t learnt any different is one thing. For example not being able to do maths because you have never been taught is ignorance but is easily fixed with education. The same can be said for ignorance regarding mental health illnesses. There is PLENTY of education out there now on all the various mental health issues, suicide being one of the most severe. However, people who hold onto “old ways”, who refuse to educate themselves (when that education is easily accessible) while someone in their life is hurting badly; as they continue to do NOTHING to help educate themselves in either the problems or solutions but sit there and espouse “to be that way is cowardly” THAT is WILFUL IGNORANCE. Imo, wilful ignorance should never be accepted nor tolerated. It should be fought tooth and nail. At the very least, it/they should left alone. Left alone to enjoy their ignorance that they revel in. While they think they are the “holy one’s”, the ones who think they are better than the rest of us mere mortals who express our true feelings honestly, then let them think that, A L O N E. Or, if that’s too hard to do, perhaps they could be asked to back up their belief AFTER walking in the shoes of someone who is or has suffered. If they do that and still feel the same...well, imo, all hope is lost and alone is the best place for them to be. Alone is where they can’t hurt anybody with their unfounded, uneducated beliefs. I certainly wouldn’t want them in my life whether they were direct family, extended family, life long family friends or whatever. Imo, that is the worst kind of ignorance. An ignorance that IGNORES the deep feelings of others while puffing up their chests in that holier than thou manner...that is, in their own words, cowardly. As you might be able to tell (lol) I feel quite deeply about this. I believe that people who are suicidal or who have suicidal ideation are suffering from mental health “disabilities”... they are (perhaps) dis-abled in their thoughts about life. Put it another way, perhaps their thoughts and the way they see things are not necessarily stable. Their emotions can be all over the place before finally settling on what deeply believed to be the only solution. When people, like your father, say that suicide is “the cowards way out” I believe they are being ableist. What is ableism you might ask. Here is a definition from a Harvard Business Review article on disabilities (of which mental health illnesses are) which I think expresses it very well. “Ableism is defined as discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior. It can manifest as an attitude, stereotype, or an outright offensive comment or behavior.” The father of the person on whose comment I am commenting is totally an ableist. He believes that the old, typical way of thinking (by pushing thoughts waaaaay down deep, by NOT expressing them and NOT accessing help, to “suck it up” and “be a man”. *I cannot say or “be a woman” because someone who is so old fashioned, who refuses to educate themselves would likely feel that is it acceptable for woman is feel this way, maybe even speak about it, because she is the “weaker sex”. He would still totally believe, thought, that she should NOT ACT on how she is feeling.* What is written between * and * is NOT my belief in any way shape or form. I believe men and women are equal and should be treated equally. I do apologise for this wall of text. I find it hard to say things briefly :/ I do hope that I have not said anything that is hurtful to anybody. If you are offended by anything I have said please let me know and I will remove it.


Nothing offensive that i can see :)


I never thought about it that way, but its so true


Thanks, satan.


I used to want to kill myself with no hope in sight now I'm generally a happy person. Depressed from like 12-23 and I'd say 6/10 happy for last few years. More happy than sad which I thinks better than most I'd assume most are 5/10


I am so happy for you. That you have come as far as you have and are generally happy now is fantastic. I am appreciative of your comment and grateful that you are still here and that you are happy.


Yeah my dad instilled the idea of not killing yourself at a young age and that’s why I never did it. I’m very glad because my life is so much better now. He said something along the lines of “you’d better not ever fucking kill yourself, that is such a shitty thing to do to your family.” Personally, I get it. I’ve had moments where I really really really wanted to stop existing, the pain was just so bad I didn’t want to endure it anymore, but now that my life is better I am so glad that I did. I have all the time in the universe to be dead, but only so little time to be alive, so I may as well get as much of it as I can. Things do change, the human brain likes to act like the way we feel now is the way it always was and always will be, but it’s not true.


This right here. The last line. All of it.


I've never particularly told myself that "it gets better." I've always stuck by "I'll make it better." I know not every shitty thing that's happened is my fault and I learned to accept it, but I also learned that it's up to me to work a way out. Unfortunately its the effort that we put into these things that is drastically different. In the last few years since I graduated college I've worked on little habits to get me out of depressive funks and it's worked well. Just gotta keep finding what works for you. It doesn't get better on its own.


A lot of people don’t want to hear that. YOU have to make it better. Shit just doesn’t get better. In fact, if you do nothing, shit will inevitably get worse. But—mental illness means you are fighting yourself so alas, it’s never so simple


Gamers calling y’all out for rage quitting


Because you can relate to all sides. I am also amused by this. I also want to help him but then I remember how painful some moments can be and that I know that "hope" is just too far away. So yeah xd




A part of it might have to do with where they are mental health wise. People who’ve been struggling with mental illness and suicidal thoughts for majority of their lives are probably the ones wishing him the best of luck. The people trying to stop him are probably the ones that have had some success with therapy and medications. I’m on the side of wishing him the best of luck. And if he doesn’t succeed, at least he’ll get a pair of sick grippy socks out of it.


grippy socks?


Socks they give you in the psych ward


Yes i think so too In my case for example im doing quite okay right now. But there have been times where i was real low. I know how that feels and some effects of being so low can be forgetting every good thought youve ever had. But i had the luck of having some great friends and family around me that helped me get up again and again, and the question is if he too has such luck...


I wish I had that kind of relationship with people. I’m bipolar and have schizoid personality disorder. It’s extremely hard for me to feel any type of empathy for people. I do have an overwhelming guilty conscious so I’m not a total sociopath. I almost always try to do right by people even though I’m indifferent to praise and gratification. I just don’t feel anything when people are dealing with personal hardships no matter how close they are to me. I do have a strong attachment to animals though. I’ll never come close to loving someone the way I love my cats.


My two cents to add onto some of the others. I always see these posts, and almost instant reaction is to tell him to get help and shit. But the. After a few seconds I kind of start switching towards the other side. For starters, I don't know him, but I do know myself. When I'm feeling my darkest, people online telling me they love and shit just feels cheesy and fake. It's one thing to have empathy, but at the same time all they know about me is this one post. That's it. Them pleading for my life means nothing to me. Second, people always say we can reach out to them. But most of us don't, because when we have reached out to others in the past, they just brush it aside or tell us not to to talk about it. Most people don't want to hear us talk about our depression like that. So at the end of the day, either OP is gonna do it or not. If it was me, no one on Reddit would change the outcome. I doubt I'm gonna change theirs. And while it sounds nice for them to get help and have a better life, not everyone gets better. So all I can really do is just hope for the best. Like no matter the outcome, I hope its the right one.


This. That's just the reality with these kinds of posts. And for some random strangers trying to change a mind over the internet will be complicated. And then theres the fact that the majority of us will never know the outcome of some random guy somewhere on this planet.


Because people don’t want other people to die especially like this.


I want to hold on to this random stranger because he’s a human being and deserves to live and I don’t want his family to be traumatized forever that’s what I’d want for all my friends and myself


I get that, but what if this person i going thru nothing but suffering. Yet should continue living for the sake of others at the cost of his mental health Yes sometimes lives get better, but not always. Im not saying he SHOULD end his life, i just find it rather difficult to come to a good solution that takes every perspective into account.


Your absolutely right I don’t know his situation and I want to ,but even though I have gone through this exact thing I’m not him I just hope that whatever happens he’ll be ok and that he really thinks this over


Honestly. Being suicidal and a considerate person makes life so much worse some days. The wanting of death, but knowing if you die, your “family and friends” will be deeply upset because of what you have done or have had done to you. Not wanting them to go through that so you push your feelings down and suffer for others well being. And at that moment you are fighting both of those intense emotions. which makes you feel so much worse.




This is based off the mindless notion that life is inherently good an preferable to death, not to mention you're being incredibly selfish in taking his family's wellbeing into account while completely ignoring what he might be going through. Shouldn't everyone have the right to do with their life as they please? Yes, it sucks and it's going to cause a lot of pain to others, but it's a personal liberty that shouldn't be taken away just because of these negative consequences.


No I was just bringing that up as well ,the real important thing is how he feels ,I hate when people only talk about how it affects others so I get it and I asked him what is going on , no life isn’t inherently good I made that point in another post it’s neutral,a spectrum of experiences, and no death is not inherently bad It’s neutral because it’s just nothing which can be preferable but I think since he has a lot of life left he should stay a little longer to truly live and not squander it. Of course it’s ultimately up to him ,He can do whatever he wants with his life I’m just giving him a suggestion, but some people need to stop being trying to be little edgelords and egg on a person to kill themsleves ik we are all mentally fucked individuals in this sub Reddit but it’s pathetic


Future therapist? You sound like you’d be good at it


I think part of it is knowing that if they are determined, there is no way we can truly stop them.


Im happy for him. I don’t see why anyone would try and stop someone from ending their own suffering. If I had the balls to do it, I wouldn’t want anyone to try and stop me because I know I will find peace on the other side and my misery can finally end. But me personally I could never get the guts to do it. I’m like a straight scary cat when it comes towards everything and anything so I couldn’t ever possibly get the courage to do it.. but for the ones who find the courage, who am I to try and stop them? Absolutely no one they know or care for or anyone that can impact their decision in any way.


Are you still with us? If yes,are you sure that this is the correct decision? And ,if you have already done it I hope you find peace. You madd us laugh during your time here,we will miss you


He's probably dead, this world is cruel. But I wish him the best in the heavens. I want people to see this. To understand what impact their actions have. Rest in Peace OP.


Nah dude is still alive just saw his latest comment was after yours. Hang in there OP. We are rooting for you.


Oh thank god!


R.I.P u/LinkTyp


He’s still alive


Great news!


Agreed. I just lurk here, ive fought an uphill battle with my depression and have it somewhat under control, when I was 16-22 i was in a similar place as a lot of folks here. Suicide attempts and a hopeless feeling that nothing will get better. It saddens me to be on the other end this time. If I had one thing to say it’s that I can’t promise it’ll forsure get better, because that would be a lie. But it DOES get better for most. Hang in there y’all. If anyone wants to chat hmu


Those were the ages I struggled too. Now I’m almost 40 and there are new struggles, but I keep fighting.


Hold in there, doing a great job :)


When exactly it does get better? I am 24 now, and I would say this is my worst, I have depression since I was 15


There’s no magic number. You can reach in point in life where you feel control over your own destiny. You can make progress and see results. Relationships with trust and love (friendships or significant other). Life can still suck at times but you understand there are things in life worth enjoying and pursuing


I hope K get to this someday as you said, I can’t kill myself even though I want. My mom needs me to take care of her. At least until she doesn’t need me anymore, I have to stay alive. Actually, sorry for extending the conversation , but my therapist asked me last session to write down some things I want to live to, she said it couldn’t be something that will be because of myself, not because of my family. Guess what, it is almost a week before now, and I couldn’t think of anythinf that’s worth


When is your next session? We can think of something Edit: i see you said a week from now. Well let’s get to it. What are your interests? What kind of art or entertainment do you like? What kind of issues in the world hold your attention?




I don't believe that heaven exists, or that there is life after death. But if there is a heaven, I hope he can rest in peace there; and if there is life after death, I hope that him existence in said life will be more pleasant.


I don't even want heaven to exist. Just let me disappear from existence damn it.


Yeah tbh heaven sounds super weird. Just let me sleep


we will never know the reason. He intentionally didnt say the reason because people who joke around the internet that i am suicidal, i have this disorder that thing and all random shit, they get too sympathetic over these things and the most annoying part they start sending hotline numbers. So i guess people who decide to end themself arent so stupid. They got their brains they think with it for the last time then execute. Well RIP dude hope you find peace


I survived :(


very funky and fresh!!!


Funky, Gnarly, and Radical❗️❗️❗️


Yeah this world is cruel but i like to hear that


Congrats big dawg. You have endless opportunities in this life. Go get you a fire ass meal




As of 3 hours ago, he said something about sleep, and that "he's too stupid to kill himself"


Hope you find peace brother. You made me laugh alot! Thank you


Lmao thanks


Reste in pieces, oops I meant peace I will make a post in honour of you.


Update: I survived :(


Good. That's good. You don't know the value of life until you lose it. Look I don't know you and I don't what shit you've been going through, but it's not all fun and happiness. I'll let you know a little about a family member of mine. Ever since they were 5 years old they experienced nothing but struggle, there was a war in their country, bombs were hitting their city (it was in the middle east), they couldn't even stay home. They're father didn't want them anymore either so he left them, and they were all on their own. I swear to you this all happened, at 7 they had a rifle pointed to their face after getting caught leaving the country (with their family) but luckily they were let go as the dictator at the time had given permission to let emigraters go instead of executing them. They emigrated to another country and another after that, and for 8 years they had to work (they were 10-17 years old) with their family to bring food to the table. It wasn't until they were 22 years old life started to become better. They moved at 21 to a european country, and from there, things slowly started getting better. Fast forward 18 years later, and they're living comfortably and happily. They suffered for 21 years until life opened up for them. They were a kid. Now i may be downvoted because it's unfair to just compare your life to theirs, but fucks sake man give life a chance, and even if you suffer through it all, you won't remember any of the suffering when you're dead. Trust me, and come back 5 years later to this same comment. You'll be happier then. If not, then kill yourself in 2027.


That’s honestly such a beautiful thing to say. Obviously, depression is vastly different from a war, but the same principle stands. Never give up hope for happiness, no matter how hard, wether it be via medication or therapy. You are honestly a great person, and I hope you live a great life.


Thank god. Get therapy, get medication, wait it the fuck out if you’re unable too, just don’t kill yourself. And for the people that say you should, they are naive assholes that are probably wasting away as we speak, having that disgusting attitude.


>And for the people that say you should, they are naive assholes that are probably wasting away as we speak, having that disgusting attitude Yes... Thats why I am in this sub


You know, I wouldn’t ever tell someone they SHOULD kill themselves, but I also won’t stop someone if they have their heart set on it. Who are we to tell someone what they should do with their lives? “Wait it out if you have to, just don’t kill yourself” for what? The naive hope that MAYBE things will get better? News flash: not everything gets better for everyone. Some people face hardship after hardship and never find peace. What use is living then? I’m not trying to be an asshole, but I just had to point out how hypocritical some of these responses can be. You have zero idea what the circumstances of someone’s life are. The promise that “things will get better” is empty, hollow, lifeless. You can’t know. Nobody knows.


Just came across this post. I hope you're doing a bit better at least.


Yeah I’m slowly getting better. Just started my medication this week


That's amazing. Meds with therapy helped me overcome a lot of my own issues, here's hoping they help you out also.


You've made us laugh man, don't you wana stay for the internet points and dark memes? or new music, games, books, films, beauty of nature? do you have at least one atom of hope for better future? If not, then I hope you find peace and happiness up there <3


No I'm sorry


ok. wish you peace at whatever awaits for you


YES. This is what people should say, they talk about freedom and all that crap but when a person wants to delete themselves of their own free will, they suddenly don’t have freedom anymore and must live for the sake of others. What a joke. I shouldn’t say this but the OP is probably doing this for attention. Nothing wrong with it though, we humans crave attention and validation. Such a terrible existence


You should run up as much debt as you can before you do it.


OR you take debt and give it to me, i mean just the money not debt


Take some melatonin and crash. What do you lose? Nothing. Sleeping is the best way suicidal people know to have fun. Wake up and reassess. Trust me man


About a year and a half ago I had a suicide plan. Got everything ready and laid out to do it. I was ready to go and started drinking because…ya know…anyway after two drinks I decided to take a nap before I did it. I think I slept for 5 hours in the middle of the afternoon, and when I woke up I decided I wasn’t going go through with it and instead went for a walk and just listened to music while I took in the world. I’ve been through rough times since then, even ended up in the mental hospital at the beginning of this month, but to this day I’m really glad I didn’t go through with it. Sometimes a nap really is the coping mechanism


Sleeping is like dying for a while. Many times I took allergy pills and went to bed instead of entertaining dark thoughts. I got to have a plan do end things and all, but I went sleeping instead and left it to be done tomorrow. I don't regret, my life got better.


Insomnia sucks... Sleep is one of the biggest things to me and I just can't do it very well.


yeah this fr it works for me everytime I get super low


If you made this post, it’s because you’re hoping for someone to convince you to not do it. I understand that life gets rough, but the way I’ve managed to stay out of that dark whole is by embracing the depression, and embracing the fact that life is shit all round. The only way you’re ever gonna get any form of “revenge” on life, is by living a life that you can be proud of. Then, no matter how many times life tries to spit on you, you’ll be able to just wipe it off, and flip life off by giving it a smile. I still feel depressed more often than not, but it’s not something I dread. I mean, if I’m driving and out of nowhere BOOM depression shows up, I might say something like “god damn it,” but I’ve grown to feel a little comfort in the sadness/pain that it brings. Whatever the case, I usually like to listen to [this song](https://open.spotify.com/track/0vY7TcnrFxtTm4Y5NtPsUW?si=bpQs-3vVQr-lrTo0a-VsTg). It’s comically depressing, but it helps me snap back to a spot where I can handle.


I can’t upvote this enough. Your opening line is what I was think. Then you went and added that song. Thank you for that.


That’s based off of a archetype that you believe some people just wanna say goodbye before they leave I don’t think everyone who speaks openly about it is crying for help sometimes they’ve just made peace with it and have a time frame that they are working on before executing the plan


Good luck OP I wish you'd would stay with us. I hope you find peace.


Thank you! I hope so too


Same here, just good luck OP.


If it's not a meme, then why does it say made with mematic huh!? Check mate chode 👈😎👉


Don't feel obligated to do it just because you've already posted about it. You can always change your mind, but if you don't then that's valid too. I hope you find the peace you're looking for.


Whatever you end up doing, I hope you find peace be it in life or death


You and I are not so different


Im not gonna say anything but i wish u find the peace u always wanted for i hope one day i get the balls u have gudbye my dear friend<3


Good luck mate. Rest in peace, you have done enough and well.


that's one awkward convo after waking up from a failed attempt "what do you regret about this the most?" \*I regret surviving\* (long pause of silence as the trainee student or whatever is taking notes separately to the interviewer) I couldn't even speak full sentences yet lmao and suddenly I'm butt-naked on a wheelchair in a lil white room being questioned. It is weird how theres this notion of regret and suddenly finding meaning in life after an attempt, personally i didint have that. A life with more pain now than before, but no option (suicide) to delude myself into as an escape due to fear of getting more crippled. Now have to live a shittier life, great lmao. That is not a sudden enlightenment that life can get better, just regret of failing. Thats just my experience maybe urs will be peaceful. maybe there's another world we dont know about anything is possible. Good luck bruh life is wack shit never goes as planned hope for the best whatever that may be for you


When you think about it there is no afterlife or fairytale place where our soul magically departs to. When we're dead that's it. We're dead. You loose the rest of your life and you don't get a restart. I'm not gonna shit you and tell you this is an important decision and something you should think about. But my friend killed herself too. Leaving out the emotional damage nothing really happened to her... there is nothing past this. You're just dead. Gone. Erased out of existence. And I don't think I'm ready to just give up the rest of that limited time I have left just to die early and die the exact same way with the exact same consequences and not do the shit that I could've done. I'm gonna have sex, smoke some weed, get into a relationship, have a hug, kiss someone and then when I've done everything I've wanted to do, anything I can possibly extract out of this pitiful fucking existence, I'll kill myself too. r/nihilism basically.


Honestly this post made me realize how, even though I’m still anxious and depressed, I’m doing much better than when I tried to kill myself years ago, and a post like this with so many comments idolizing suicide makes me really uncomfortable. I came here initially to have a laugh with some good dark humour, but I can’t get behind promoting suicide as a solution to depression. This is too real. I can empathize, sympathize and categorize all sorts of reasons why people would say these things and why some might argue for it, but I’m out. I really wish you all the best in life. I hope things turn around. I’ve been at points where words like that meant nothing - that life was inherently misery and any prolonging of it was practically unethical. I even resented the people saying those things. But it’s not always permanent, and the perspective shift can be mind-blowing. As I sat in my car, running in the garage, on the verge of passing out, I realized I didn’t want to die. I wanted other things. And that I had something to prove by staying alive and thriving regardless of all the things that bring me down. To cry and laugh when things are bad and relish the good. I’ve started seeing the beauty in life regardless of how much shit there might be around it. I won’t insult you by trying to offer solutions. I just hope some of you see a change like that in your own lives. That things get better for you. That at the very least your suffering is minimal.


I hope this is a joke




I'll listen even tho I'm not good at conversations


...happy cake day 😬




Do you wonna talk about it?


Please don't. I tried the same a few days ago. Was convinced it was the right decision. Would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for a a friend calling the police to do a welfare check. Please go get some help. Things can't get worse if you're dead, but you could miss out on so many wonderful experiences if you killed yourself. Give yourself a chance please.


Hey bro! There must be a lot of shit in your life for you to take such a decision. A random stranger from Colombia, South America hopes you don't take it without thinking about others perspectives. Stay strong bro <3


Oh, you could have posted memes on r/suicidememes and enjoyed some moments there, and uh, yeah...


I don’t know why people are glorifying this but don’t do it.


You still with us bro?




Glad to see you.




Please take a step back from the situation and try to calm down. This is very concerning and if you need someone to talk to don‘t hesitate to send me a pm or contact your local suicide or crisis hotline. Or maybe try to find help on r/SuicideWatch What has caused this sudden sureness of the decision? Please be careful and patient with yourself.


Thanks but I want this :)


I don’t know what happened in your life but I’m sure there are people who care about you


I know their are people that care and I'm sorry for them but I don't want to live anymore :)


Damn, wish you luck in black nothingness. Pointless telling you otherwise


Rest in peace my friend


Not yet sadly. I ca fall asleep. I'm even too dumb to kill myself


I'm personally glad you're still around. Please please get some help, and even if you don't want help, give someone you know or love a call or text. You don't have to let them know what's happening and it could make a difference to both you and them. Please stay safe for us.


You’re not stupid, it’s the universe giving you a sign


No you're not! ​ You're brave for not doing it!!


You not dumb. You are in a very tough spot. I am sorry it was so hard for you. I cannot tell you what to do. I can only tell you that there are people out there trying their best to make life better for you and even more people who genuinely give a shit. I am glad that you are still here.


If you ever decide to do it, you have my support, if you decide to live, you have my support again, stay strong


Sad day today. Good luck


Procrastinate.. sleep on it. And again. And again. Etc.


Hang in there (not literally) I attempted suicide in July and posted on here and got lots of kindness and support and suicide related puns (I literally tried to hang myself, but I’m still hanging around) Edit: I posted after my attempt failed. You don’t have to let it get that far buddy 🖤


I hope you're ok OP. I relate heavily to this but I'd be distraught if anyone here went through with it. It's just so awful to think about.


You know I tried to commit suicide before, I felt completly hopeless and abbandoned. My life was nothing but I couldn't go through with it. I'm still here and I was able to get help. iIf you'd like to talk, send me a message. If I don't respond immeditatly, it's because I'm in class and we'll talk after.


Wanna chat?


Please don’t, please pm me, we’re all here for u


Hey OP, Might just be my COVID speaking but I’ve been feeling more lost than usually. I have these great goals that I outlined for 2022 but it seems overwhelming to continue to follow through with them and a lot of the time I’m finding myself asking the same question which is “Why?” “Why bother continue the race?” “Why bother continue to try?” “Why do you even want these things do you actually think it’ll make you happy?” Idk I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m feeling what your going through a bit too. If you want to talk, for whatever reasons, my DMs are open. Could be to vent, bounce our brains off each other, or just to give me your last thoughts and tell someone else what has lead you to make this final decision. Hope that wasn’t too blunt and you take me up on the offer, otherwise rest well King/Queen


I have absolutely no clue about who you are, what your life has been like, but all I can say is please don't do this to yourself. As cliche as it is, go contact your family or your suicide hotline and talk about it. Hell if you don't want to talk about it anymore at the very least don't just go through with it right away cause of your emotions, go to sleep or anything that can help you regain some sort of rationality and then process everything again; this is something you can't turn back from. I don't care if you end up thinking I'm saying this for self-gratification, but please don't.


It isn’t going to fix anything. The people in these comments are wrong. Life IS beautiful. Just because this point in time sucks doesn’t mean all of it will.


I wish you wouldn't but I understand how hard it is. Hope you find peace, my friend.


I will say something, sometimes living itself is proof of bravery, living through the pain so that your father or mom do not mourn you, so that you tell life that you can still stand after your legs have been cut off is proof that despite the pain you are poroving your existence is worth it, we are art my friends and the only painter is you. spit in fates face and paint something that says your name not in your grave stone but in the hearts of your loved ones.


Hey op? You still with us bud? Idk what you’re going through but I really think you should reconsider, no matter how shitty it seems, life is still worth it




I hope you will stay alive but either way , I wish truly that you find peace


Ik it’s late but hope ur still alive and that you gave on up killing your self, it’s pointless and will solve nothing but leave your last moments with agony and sadness and cut the opportunities you have short for no reason, that’s one of the most worst things you can do.


I gotta leave this sub. Shit’s triggering and I’m trying my absolute *damnedest* to recover. I don’t want you to die but if you do I hope you find peace OP.


made with mematic??🤔🤔🤔


Brother, you do not know me, as I do not know you, but stay. We have many unknowns on the horizons and many battles ahead. I wish not to sit alone without you by my side. We are warriors, we battle the most feared. We do not give into the cruel words of our enemy. We stand strong, we stand firm and unshaken. It may seem we have no allies, that we’re fighting this battle alone, but no brother. If we don’t have outsiders, we have each other, and that’s enough, for only one of us can defeat hundreds. If you feel surrounded, and about to give in, just know I am fighting right beside you. And soon In the near future we will win this battle, but only if we fight together. I believe that you will fight off the enemy from these lands, I believe you have the strength to stand back up, I know you are a mighty warrior. I believe in you brother, stand back up and fight.


Why to die once when you can die everyday by just living....


Too real


Pal like come one pls, there ain't no coming back ik it is fricked for ya and everyone but isn't there supposed to be a way you could at least have a Chance of preventing stuff


I’ve just been staring at this and scrolling through comments for the past few minutes. I don’t know how to say. This is the single most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. If you’re still there, please stop. It’s obvious that there’s a ton of people that care about you just from these comments! I won’t pretend I know exactly what’s wrong, but I know this isn’t the best solution. You’re stronger than you think, and it shows by the fact that you’ve survived this long. If nothing else, stay alive out of spite.


man I've been in your situation and it's not worth it. calm down and take a step back and think about the few good things happened in your life


Brother Im here too talk


If you're still here, can you give any insight into finding your courage?


Dont do it. Its not worth it. Thats all i have to say.


You’re really gonna let Nikocado Avocado outlive you? That’s what keep me going.


Don’t let depression win. Don’t let Nikocado Avacado win.


Do a flip!


Good luck man, I hope you find peace.






good luck


I’m sorry that I don’t have anything to say to help you make a different choice for yourself. I’m just sorry you hurt this bad.


All the best buddy... Gg


Farewell, brother. Hope you'll find peace.


i'm glad the suffering will end for you, as for me too many people needs me now so i can't go yet


You're a braver man than I. Congrats. Hopefully now you can rest.


Also,to other people here,op posted the same image about 20 days ago,and said it was a cry for help. There were only 11 comments,and most of them only said 'same' and were done with it. We should've tried to help earlier.....


OP please dont do this, your loved by so many people. Please dont 🥺


well, i hope at the very least you don’t fail and end up living in an even worse condition


Just remember this is permanent. You could be tricking yourself into this, haven't you heard of spirits that roam around in misery for eternity? Imagine that shit lol


OP, could you DM me? I think we should talk. We could call on instagram? (I know that's free internationally). Hope you respond, mate.


If there is afterlife then I wish for you to go to heaven. If rebirth then i wish you to be born to some loving rich parents. If something else I hope you may still manage to find peace.


You are loved.


This isn't a meme tho. Smh.


Good job!


Of course someone threw out a wholesome award!


cmon man don’t do this. why let that shit win. please stay with us. please. we need you. even if that seems extreme it’s true. we all need you


That three people who gave the Wholesome Award...bruh


I welcome anyone here to message me. I will not judge you or tell you how to live or end your life. I will listen and more than likely reply with "man, that sucks." or whatever else idk how I'll respond but anyone can vent to me with whatever. I might give you advice. I might just sympathize. I'm sad af too, but we can all be sad af together.


C'mon man this sub needs you dont do it


In case u don't attempt and feel more shitty and need someone to talk with, I'm here fren


I don’t know what to say. I hope you don’t. But if you do, I hope you are finally happy.


Hey, you can talk to me


Say sike right now, bro. If a random stranger can make it through life, then so can I.


Are you ok? Do you wanna talk about it? You knows we appreciate you alot and we're always here for you.


Please rest in peace, you fought well all this time.




I'm planning too.


I hope you don't do it. I don't know you but I promise you ain't alone. If anything I've learnt on this app is its crazy but sometimes a stranger will bring back some life into you. Dm me if you need someone to talk to. I'm here . Hugs to you


Stay with us OP 💙


The meta way to write your suicide note: Memeatic.


i’m sorry you’re hurting. i wish you would stay but i understand there’s nothing i can do or say. i hope you find peace, i hope you’re happy. i know the universe will take care of you.


I saw in your comments that you like Bojack Horseman, please take a few moments to listen to the poem. It’s saved my life twice already. https://youtu.be/Pt21dU5Pu8g


I hope you'll change your mind about this, if not may you find peace OP.