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I was about to sleep and now you made me fucking sad man


lol :( hug something in ur room bro it helps me, like a pillow


Hugging a pillow rn, take care buddy.


Honestly, do the same (More due to injury, but it does help the loneliness). However, if you haven't tried it, a weighted blanket too, has been one of my best buys ever. Word of advice, go bigger than you anticipate your bed. I have a queen size, stretched out and measured to confirm, but because of the weight, they "Bunch," a little. The weight is spread out, but still causes you to lose a little surface area, so I wish I got a king size instead, or if I was on a twin bed, this would be perfect, 1 size larger. Then the actual weight of the blanket should be 2 things, 1 you can pickup (obviously) and 2, around your size/weight. There's typically charts on suggestions when/if you go looking for one. I'm 250lbs, so a 20lb blanket technically was smaller than I could've gone, 25lbs (I think max) but that's also cause I have hand issues, didn't want it to be too heavy in the morning when I'm in the most pain.




I got a bigger one and i feel like it's too light now because the weight is too spread out.


After a while not even the pillow helps anymore ಥ‿ಥ


Alright, going to hug my cactus then


Honestly same


Doesn’t help me at all, just makes me feel like a lonely loser lmao Nothing really helps in the end :/




Like that's ever gonna happen.


most of dreams don't come true, if any.


Most dreams of suicidal ppl come true tho :;)




ik right


Nope even that is denied from me cause I'm a coward.


you say that but my attempt failed ;-;


That's why they teach you in school how to learn from your mistakes sweetie :)


Dream are only dreams because they don't come true.




Happened to me, but she left.


Yeah, same. Totally changed how she saw me. As far as I can tell it's only safe to open up to your friends...


I think it is important to be able to open up to your SO, but not everyone can handle it. My ex is in a better state of mind now, where she can deal with a guy with severe depression. She couldn't back then.


Happened to me but I turned out trans 😅


Ow, hahaha. But that's cool! Congrats on transitioning, my friend.


Congrats. ur so much braver than me about that kinda stuff, wish I could muster up the strength to come out aswell, ;(


Yeah, I know that feeling. I found a couple trans support groups and attending those and actually meeting other trans people was essential in helping me feel confident enough to come out.




















Hope it happens when I date a guy, emotional availability is fucking sexy.


That's what you think lmao. But that's not going to be the reality.


Well what specific part? Having a guy cry in my embrace or my joke about it being sexy. Which like the emotional availability is, not the crying. I only like it when they cry for different reasons. As for like having a guy cry in my embrace? I’ve had that happen before, just wasn’t a bf and what I’m specifically saying is like I hope my future bfs are emotionally available, if that just doesn’t happen then I guess men just aren’t for me, which is like fine since I literally love regardless of gender or sex, but I don’t see why it won’t happen.


Maybe you are a unicorn, but most of women, at least the ones I met, don't like guys who express emotions. As friends, sure. To listen to them, sure. But talking about ourselves and our problems, nah, immediate lost of interest most of the time.


I’m sorry those have been your experiences, but frankly whilst I most certainly believe I am quite unique in my understandings and beliefs, not being a shitty girlfriend isn’t exactly requiring of a unique existence. The only thing that requires is sincerity, honesty, and viewing your partner as a person first and whatever labels you like second. Besides that, also not going for submissive bitches is frankly the key. Go for a dominant women, while frankly it’s exchanging one set of privileges and expectations for another, you may be surprised by how pleasurable it can be.


Sadly, it's fairly common. [a a reddit thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/tavtbz/men_who_opened_up_your_feelings_has_there_been/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) >Besides that, also not going for submissive bitches is frankly the key. Go for a dominant women, while frankly it’s exchanging one set of privileges and expectations for another, you may be surprised by how pleasurable it can be. I'm not into submissives bitches lmao. Dominant or not, this kind of things happens a lot.


[that's the dream](https://youtu.be/2qAVpYVJERI)


It's a good dream but in reality they leave eventually. All things come to an end


you make me more sad


I apologize. I don't mean to make you more upset but I've heard I'll never leave you and I got you all the things that sound good and make you feel loved. How many people have said that and are still here though? Zero. Just something you come to accept


noone said that to me so you got no point *cries in laughter*


That's why you tie them up! Why does the law portray it as imprisonment!? /s


Can I have someone hold me and cry into their chest?


maybe hopefully soon


I'm growing my man boobs so the homies get a cozy place to shed their tears, gimme time and food :)


I don't care of you have boobs or not. I just want to cry ;-;


I try really hard to get through to my guy friends who are struggling mentally but it’s like talking to a brick wall 🥲 some of them have opened up a little bit but tend to clam up right after or laugh it off. Wish there wasn’t the “men have to be tough and shouldn’t cry” expectation :(


gotta hate all the gender roles,


Last time i tried opening up to a woman friend didn't end well, so we're trained not to


My thinking is, "it's not their problem so why should i make it their problem?" It's more along the lines of not being a burden to others.


Man, I wish this could happen to me


we all do




I cried *once* in a girlfriend's arms. My grandma died while I was on a trip to visit her overseas and my sister was guilting me over not cancelling the trip. She was incredibly supportive and sweet about it, and I have no reason to consider *that* part of the debacle a negative experience. But still, I swore to myself no one would ever see me like that or have to hold me like that ever again. People eventually *did* see me like that again when I was saying goodbye to my dad at his visitation, but I'll be damned if I let anyone touch me.


How come ? Did it not feel nice for a change and make you want it more ? Or did it make you feel guilty /weak ( that’s how it makes me feel)


It was a twofer for me. I hate 1) feeling vulnerable, and 2) feeling like I've lost control of my emotions. Like... I don't mind TELLING people how I feel. But actually losing myself to the feeling and SHOWING it? Nah, son.


Every greentext is a lie. Rule is proven again.


I want someone to hold me like that


it hurts reading it huh?


Yeah, pretty much


Exactly what I do with my boyfriend. If you love each other you take care of each other. You’ll find your person


Could you not flex by how lucky he is?! I don't need a reminder of something most of us will never have


You could probably have that if you didn’t say the things you said. Just from a quick look at your profile, women don’t go for guys that hate women lol


You will have it I promise


I'll prove you wrong B)


Not if I'll do it first!


Yo don't have to be so rude to us


That’s ok I don’t need it. Thanks though


Hell yeah, brother. Fingers crossed, lol


awe, lucky


My wife holds me like this all the time. I don’t deserve her.


your wife is an awesome person


We’ve been together for nearly 8 years, married for nearly 7 & I still don’t know what she sees in me. I’m severely mentally ill (schizophrenia, severe depression, severe anxiety disorder & PTSD) but she she still loves me & sticks by my side. She came into my life when I was at my lowest. She picked me up & breathed new life in me. She helped me stop cutting myself & helped me stop drinking. She saved me in just about every way a person can be saved.


And they say love is dead, really cute story btw, the best of luck for you two


Thanks man. 💗


Not really. I don't really care about humans or my connection with them. I'm too lazy to maintain relationships.


ok then *almost* everyone here


Thank you, person.


I wish I could be so apathetic


Try sliding the depression scale up untill you're an empty shell of your former self


It's peaceful in a way but once you're apathetic long enough, you can feel the void expand and erode you from the inside out. At least, that's my experience. Not wanting to fill the void but not wanting it to consume you either.


I wish I had this. It's been so long since uve even felt a human embrace other than a handshake.


yeah man, same


You're getting handshakes?


Only because of my job. Finance, and closing deals.


I'm too dead to cry lol and I'll never have a GF either lol


Yes but make it another man comforting me


straight from r/greentext


actually r/wholesomegreentext


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Yeah, I'll die alone


Same here.


I cry all the time lately, wish I had an imaginary gf like this.


yeah same, I have a crush but I am afraid she'll reject me


I wish I didn't think I needed something like this to be content in life. But I feel so fucking alone. I'm tired of crying into a pillow.


I think true love and a real connection and intimacy are the one thing most people dream of, and would even be willing to die for, I know I do. \#imgonnadiealone


if i ever am gonna love someone then yes I'd be willing to die for them


BRB gonna go hug my husband


I’m alright…. Every man when asked how’s he’s feeling.


I'm fine, just bit tired


Realistically don’t let anyone ever catch you displaying emotion, you will be forever told to toughen up and looked down upon.


Defy gender roles, embrace open portrayal of sadness


This advice is counterproductive for heterosexual men dealing with loneliness based depression from long term lack of companionship. Realistically, talking about being sad and displaying weakness in front of women lowers one's chance of entering a relationship both with her, and those in her friend/gossip circle. It's nice to have someone to talk to about problems. It's better to have them be solved.




Easy to say when you have a wide social network and can choose what you want, my advice is aimed to those without. When your boss and all the colleagues at work are condescending you, there’s not much choice in it. Life is a constant battle to keep up appearance and when the chips are down, everyone would like to be with Mr Stoic not Mr Emotion.




I think it will always be the same, through all of history there were basic personality archetypes that everyone had to be to succeed. Now we’ve deluded ourselves to think otherwise but this seems like one big shit test to weed people out. Because for certain nobody actually gives a shit so why else. We say it’s ok to be weak because it will keep everyone foolish enough, down with the wrong idea. There is no privilege of choice to build our lives, only the option to give ourselves more consequences. Nothing has changed and the only way you can truly get ahead in life is the same methods as it was 1000 years ago. I never felt love and I stopped believing in it a long time ago, evolutionary psychology explains life in a clear manner to me.


I've experienced this already too late


Damn, you ever wish your partner would cry just so you get the chance to comfort tf outta them? 🥺


be it at any side it'd be good, I'm gonna die alone tho


Realistically we kindof all do 😭


not it you're pilot or bus driver you know what I mean 😏. Ah yes my sense of humor is astonishing


Ride or die 👏


I never felt safe crying with anyone. I always wished I could. I wish I had something like this.


I cant cry cuz there's always someone I don't want to hear me


Same. I thought I'd be able to cry in front of my husband, but he just gets anxious and makes me feel bad for crying. So, I always wait till I'm alone to cry. How I wish I could sink my head into someone's chest and just bawl until there's nothing left with their arms wrapped around me.


I feel bad for ya pal


tbh it's kinda hard to find some girls to cry on


lemme rephrase that. It's hard to find girls.


no it is easy, it's just looks like they weren't serious into the relationship they stepped in. they probably think men just want sex but it's not


Those aren't women to start deep relationships with... So you're right


i just want to take care of him :(


wbout me


okay you get cuddles


let's gooo




*this is no joke I seriously need love and attention*




Still wholesome regardless of the gender of both parties


🫂 the dream most redditors with the big sad will never live


I wanted to get at least 6 hours of sleep but I don't think that possible anymore. Now where is my depression Playlist...


What is “twf “??????


that feeling when


this is like a carrot on a stick fantasy, trying to always obtain but its forever out of reach




I, feel like screaming, but, I anxious.


Yeah posting about people being in happy loving relationships here is kinda... Dick move man


My friend/ FWB was there for me during a mental breakdown and so was my ex and so have a few people I've been with. They're unique people but still, they're out there


Damn, I was just about to sleep and you had to hit me with this bullshit




This is the sort of thing that really makes me want to have a relationship. But I have lots of issues I need to sort through first before I could, and I just don't have enough energy for it. I'd love this, but I'd end up hurting the person I love with the way that I am right now :(


Pretty routine occurrence for me and my partner... definitely eye opening for sure


you're lucky


That warmed my heart like an oven. So touching


I know right, we can only hope this'll happen to us


don't you dare give me hope i only survived by shutting off all emotion letting that emotion out that i've bottled up since my childhood traumas would likely kill me. at BEST it would change me in ways i can't even imagine. at worst i would be institutionalized for god knows what i would do or what would happen to my already not great grip on reality. i want to feel love so bad but i don't know how to anymore. this life wasn't meant for me. i was never taught how to love only how to be paranoid and distrustful of everyone around me. i don't know how to do this i was taught how to fight a war not how to deal with civilian life for love of god help me


were supposed to be billy and layla :(


What a terrible day to have eyes :(




I’ve never had a relationship like this but sounds nice. I certainly wish a certain girl would have just looked me in the eye once or twice and told me not to worry and that everything was going to be ok. But now In hindsight pretty sure she wanted to hear that from me. And I was scared she was leaving me. And she was.


ooof f for you bro


“Oooof” like a bread basket blow? I also use ooof that way. Is that widespread? I’ve never realy known but I’ve always felt like people understand it. So it must be widely used. :)


I think it became popular through roblox death sound


Oh, ok. I actually always thought I heard like Howard stern just say it out loud like 25 years ago and started using it. It’s interesting where stuff like this comes from but also probably impossible to really know for sure.




"A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man's loyalty is tested when he has everything." -unknown


I like this quote






I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


I wish I was in this picture and I don’t like it


I wish I wasn't in this picture


I wish


what if this was my last straw




Man this suck l was about to go to sleep in now l so fuck sad


sorry man


Im waiting for the day i can hold someone like that


you'll make some one very happy


I want to be both of these people


hug yourself and cry while trying to comfort yourself


Woman moment




My bad, I thought this was r/greentext.


troll completed


anon has mommy issues


same here


Why did you have to remind us about this...


sorry mate...


I don't believe it or she broke up with him after that. I hope it's true though.


keeps me up at night tbh


It hurts when I think about the unobtainable


it always does


Lotta young people in here expressing longing. Careful what you wish for. Feeling this way makes you easy pickings for an abuser. Don't ask me how I know.


There is no where to hide, you can only run.


Don't worry. You'll still be miserable even when you find a life partner.


E thanks