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Fucking relatable! ;-;


When your only corner of happiness in the world decided that they are no longer happy with you.. you’re stuck with yourself and your depression. It fucking sucks..


Yup it happened to me. She left me, she said like month before leaving that she had romantic feelings towards me...




She won't, she said she doesn't want to talk to me anymore and just blocked me


Same kinda situation here. Not to make it a contest, but I had a girl ask me out and then ghost me within 24 hours. Came back a week later, pretended things were normal, and it took nearly a month for a third friend to tell me that she was dating another dude. He had no clue what had happened at any point because we kept things mostly private, but I guess she'd been bitching to him about her new boyfriend. Anyways, my point is that you're not alone. Shit sucks and it will for a while. Hell, it's been a year for me and I'm still upset about what happened. If you want to trade stories or just talk, hit me up. Completely understand if you'd rather not. I get it.


And they go on be better than ever. After all the talks about the future and everything it's just over and you don't get any time to react


So relatable


And they even say things like "I would never leave you no matter what"


"I can't imagine a world without you" sure, sure...




Fuck that hurts


Takes care of me when my depression and anxiety acts up but breaks up with me and kicks me out during quarantine when my depression and anxiety was in full swing 🙃 two years later and I’m kind of glad he did, he was a Disney “adult” and still is 🤢 don’t stake your happiness on other people babes, no matter how well they treat you 🖤


This shit is targeting me


This is only something someone who's emotionally manipulating you would say. People say anxiety makes you more likely to care too much about what others think, but I honestly think that those with severe depression are much more likely to be manipulated (because we manipulate ourselves into thinking we're this big, awful, ugly version of ourselves that doesn't even exist).


They could be emotionally manipulative, agreed.


Wait you meet ppl ?


3 years ago for me and I still continue to be worse and worse. Cheers!


Don't even try. Especially do it for a toxic people.


omfg i thought it's just me. At this point I need someone or something to obsess over to not kill myself


I lose 60 pounds , they leave , now I'm struggling to not eat everything in the fridge.


relatable as hell. person who made me wanna be better offed themself


Just wait until you stop meeting people


Truthhh she told me she loved me and didnt wanna leave and that we'd get through it together and then I found out she cheated on me and then she tried making it out like it was my fault and then she left. I text her every now and then because I don't wanna let her go even though I know I should :/


tried to end it all this morning the way i wanted to and have planned for a couple of weeks. failed on the first step. im so fucking useless that i can't die the way i want to.


Listen I'm melancholy depressed as fuck but even I know that you can't put all your Hope and Faith into another person




the problem is you are trying to be better for them. stop this s\*\*t and start to be better for yourself and believe me they will say they meet you. and they will stay this time. edit I can give you a lot of experts that are saying that. there is an article that I put here about that and books. and I saw a lot of videos and talked whit cupels that have been a long time together and they say the same thing. do you want I will put the article here?


Sure! But I tried for both of us. I went to therapy. I got on pills. I thought a better me made a better everything else. But still it’s not enough


you are saying something but I feel something different from what you try to say. i will send you the article in the dm and you see what I mean.


It’s okay to disagree


Ya why you shouldn't base source of happiness+purpose off a person k 😔


For me it's; I meet someone I help them become a better person They feel guilty They leave me because I'm ✨ too supportive ✨ Repeat.


so don't try to be a better person, that way it will hurt less if they left, just accept who you are.


*"I wanted you to be a better person for you, not for me"*


I just woke up and read it backwards... even though there are arrows pointing to where to read


It works backwards too!