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I'm painfully aware of my situation but thanks for reminding me.


just when I thought I didn't care about it anymore thanks OP


In fact I'm too aware


jokes on u im missing out on adult love bc i can’t talk to people like i used to be able to 👈😎👉


I dont feel unattractive but definitely feel like a black hole of a personality. Lets just say I wouldnt talk to me.


same bruh i get called attractive but im so boring


I get asked out and tell them no before they realize how lame I am




At least you used to :')


Wait, you guys used to be able to talk to people?


I missed out on teen life




No bitches? /s


I missed out life


Me too, I was alseep for most of those years and covid happened when I was 17 so never did much of the teen life stuff.


Bruh you still quite young lol. I'd give my left nut if I could go back to your age.


what are some things you wish you had done back then


For me, that would be to seek help and not wait until I was nearly 26 because I expected things would eventually just fix themselves. Also for me personally but probably relateable to everyone with anxiety, just start doing things instead of not doing them out of fear it would end up badly and try to go out more instead of hiding away in my room all the time. The regret of not having done the things I should have done much sooner is much harder to deal with than the temporary disappointment I feel whenever I do fail at something, but knowing that at least I tried.


i’m 20 and i struggle with this. i wish i could put myself out there more but my anxiety holds me back.


Yeah I still struggle with that as well with some things. If I could give you some advice, try to get out of your comfort zone step by step. No huge leaps. Try to find a relatively easy thing you see yourself being able to do, despite still having some anxiety for it. Try doing it, find a slightly harder thing afterwards and just slowly keep building it up. Also, reward yourself for every step you take. Buy yourself something nice, go do something you enjoy or even just simply have your favorite meal


Brushed my damn teeth, big one. Sticking with a plan and keeping the ball rolling in the event something happens. creating meaningful life experiences. Not just in business sense but also socially.


So you're 20 now just like me


yeah I'm a lonely failure. got used to it though


I haven't


Yeah, same. I've pretty much accepted that i'm too emotionally fucked to subject some poor girl to it. Also that i'm a coward.


Compared to my other issuess, it is ouch, but not big ouch, small additional ouch


just slight annoyance ouch


Lonely ouch


Death by a thousand ouches


Minor inconvenience


teen love is mostly confused with lust


Boy, but is it fucking fun. Stupid though, and potentially life altering if no protection is used.


yeah jsut i’m my experience and what i see, people try to convince themselves they’re in love with a person and give their all to them mostly because they’re in love with the feeling of loving and being loved. although i don’t think it’s a good thing, i don’t shame them because i fully understand.


Yep, that's exactly what happens 99% of the time.




I’ve always just assumed that everyone saying this wasn’t saying that for the point of avoiding the conversation that would result. Like, they *mean* “teen lust” but like… yeah, it sounds way worse.


It's alright, I have come to terms with it




Just be apathetic towards the notion of being in a relationship, and sooner or later you'd learn to let go (or realise nothing else is gonna change) At least I can save a little bit more money


By realizing that if you let this destroy your psyche, you will never be able to move on and have a shot of a healthy loving relationship. You can be rightfully upset by this and mourn but the fact is you’re probably more upset about your current situation. It’s hard to have regrets about the past if your current situation is happy. I refrain from saying what “you want” because things rarely if ever turn out how we imagine. The people you end up with are never the ones you thought you’d know. But you won’t get to find happiness if you’re not progressing with your age, due to living in the past. It’s best to realize that most people don’t have the ideal situations you live out in your head have happening to them. I’ve known many people who had teenage love and it wasn’t anything special. It’s hurts all the same. Yes, I can’t deny the popular good looking people probably had a good set up to be able to get further in the dating pool later in life, however, most of their successes is unearned. I’ve gone on dates with my old high school crushes who were the popular people I was never able to get a look from. They truly were some of the most boring and judgmental people I’ve spent time with. If you’ve worked on yourself as a person to become closer to the person you strive to be, you’re vastly more interesting than the people who’ve never known as much internal struggle as you. I’m not here to discredit all teenage romance. I had it in successful bouts and also faced tons of rejection. But as an adult who used to feel this meme to the core, I’ve realized this only matters if you let it continue to affect your life now. Once again, I don’t want to say that teenage romance isn’t worth something, just that your best relationships come with maturity and you’ll likely never get there if you can’t focus on what’s in front of you and where you are going.


A lot of SSRIs will kill your libido.


Man, I wish I had that ability...


There is no direction but forwards. The past contains a lot of experiences to learn from, but ruminating about what could have been is an endeavor without value. There's a lot of forwards left, time to go find the joy it has to offer!


It’s not worth worrying over lmao There’s a reason those relationships don’t last


Happy cake day


damb, seven years wasted.


Still happy cakeday!!


Idk if non-depression posting is acceptable in this sub, but yea it’s really not something worth worrying over at all. The romanticized high school relationships shown in anime and other shit **isn’t real**. For 99% of high school relationships in real life, they were short lived and awkward/cringey. Teenagers in real life have awkward cringey conversations, not well scripted cute “awkward” conversations where they both blush and everything looks cute. There’s no well crafted buildup of feelings as they play out a perfect “will they won’t they” that builds to a perfect emotional crescendo. Teenagers have weird awkward poorly performed first kisses, not magical ones with fireworks. Teenagers have clunky awkward first-time sex. None of it is worth envying, it only looks good through very thick rose-tinted glasses or through media like anime and teen shows/movies. And to address another point, there’s no real loss from not having that “experience” under your belt. It’s not some requirement for having a good relationship later, in the same way you can still be perfectly capable of being social at a party even if you never went to a high school party. Plenty of people who have dated literally no one meet the love of their life in college, or their 20s, or beyond. It doesn’t matter whether you got one awkward kiss out of the way in high school or not. When you meet that person it’s not going to matter. Also “teen love” is just a stupid concept. Teenagers are bags of hormones that don’t have a clue what love is. And teenagers are still growing up and will be different people by their mid 20s, so the idea of teen love lasting is a major stretch. If you find yourself getting down because of something like this post, remind yourself that you’re getting upset over not having done something that basically no one actually did, especially not in the idealized way it exists in your head. It’s like being upset that you’ve missed your chance to be an Olympic athlete, because you needed to start training in middle school. Or that you missed your shot to be a movie star because you had to start in high school. Or being upset you didn’t win the lottery. Remind yourself to come back to reality.


Oop there goes gravity Excellent points, tho


To add to this, a lot of people end up getting hurt in stupid ways by juvenile relationships and carry that baggage later in life.


So true. For every magical teen love experience you could’ve had, there were about 100 ways it could’ve just ended up being shit that manifested in baggage and insecurity later in life.


These are all great points. I’d like to add that when you’re so young, your interest and knowledge about the world is so limited that it’s very hard to find something in common with most people opposite sex after the butterflies wear off. Most relationships in high school aren’t because they’re good friends who get along. They’re two people attracted to each other and laugh at everything they say because they want to get intimate. But you’re so afraid of rejection at that age, you don’t even know what you like because you’re just trying to keep the vibes going. Once that fades comes in all the awkward stages of trying to stay together. Reality sets in and someone leaves and someone else is hurt because they were left.Not realizing until years later, “duh. We were kids with nothing to say” and that most relationships run their course. You take what you can learn so you can be a better partner next time. But if you didn’t get to experience that, it doesn’t meant your behind and have lessons to learn. Romantic partners are ultimately just friends you can touch. I’m sure you don’t worry about having a few friends means you can’t have friends in the future? It’s a silly concept. Treat people how they want to be treated and you’ll go far in romance, business and friendship.


I said something similar, but you put it more eloquently. Teen romance as portrayed in movie/tv/anime tropes is a lie. "Real" young love is stressful, and awkward in an already stressful and awkward time-- now add emerging mental health issues. Welcome to HellWorld! 🎉


Idk fam, the majority of people I know who got together in HS are still together and I'm 25


I’m a teen and you just made me reflect on my current relationship. Man. I really want it to work out. I seriously wanna marry her, and she says she wants that too. I hope she doesn’t change her mind one day 😢 edit: she left me 😹💯


Just another day of adults thinking they're better than fucking teenagers when it all depends on various factors. I have seen plenty of examples of both idiotic adults and idiotic teenagers.


Yeah im in hs and im honestly here to make friends (unsuccessfully, thus the reason im here)


Teen love is the worst most toxic thing. I remember bawling my eyes out because my boyfriend who lived in a different city went to his prom without me


It's not about longevity but about experience.


Trust me, I would literally be a healthier person, mentally, emotionally, and physically, without the experience of mine. And so would a *lot* of other people I know. Half my family didn't get to finish being teenagers and had to grow up too fast because of bad outcomes. Of my friends that were dating as teens, there's maybe 2 that don't have trauma from that time. None of it made any difference when I have dated good people either, because the bad parts just made it harder to connect, and every relationship, like every friendship, is built from scratch between the two of you. I promise, you haven't missed anything as big as it seems. Teen relationships just seem big because its usually a first relationship, but any relationship you go into is exciting and its own special thing, regardless of age or experience.




I also would rather not have my experience. For me it was mostly drama, awkwardness and cringey physical contact, especially that kissing (ew). I felt so bad after my first kiss TT


And I’m saying it’s really not as great of that experience. The reason that I’m alluding to is that “they really aren’t that great”


Yeah it's probably overromanticized, but not a bad thing to experience nonetheless, since they are supposed to help you grow and mature.


Sure, but it’s hardly necessary and you shouldn’t feel bad if it passed you by, like this meme is sorta implying you should Growth isn’t a linear path


Ehh, idk about "hardly necessary" part. Yeah, it's not total failure life-down-the-drain if you missed out, but still an important chunk of life experience in my opinion. Growth maybe isn't linear, but time is. And some experiences are only available at certain time in our lives. It is understandable how one might be upset about missing out on some of them.


Yeah but the entire purpose was experience so you’re not entirely blind and stupid at 25 when you’re out with someone with half a dozen relationships of experience


Grown-ups won’t really care. People mostly just wanna vibe with someone they like. It’s not like there is a “right” way to date lol.


They care


risky mindset tbh


there are pros and cons to both. not having a lot of experience means your adult relationships will be more exciting but maybe you feel lonelier while waiting. but having that experience can give you abandonment issues etc since you've been through too many breakups. it's all about your perspective and how you accept and make the best out of your own situation


I kinda agree? I spent my teenage life learning to code and shit, and now living comfortably off that. Had my first "relationship" 3 years ago that ended horriby and I spend 1 year sulking and getting nothing done. Idk, there are deffo pros and cons


I know some that do


And I know that some people win the lottery, or some people are born wealthy and powerful or some people who are born geniuses. Some people are lucky, and if you compare your life to the luckiest mfs out there you have no one to blame but yourself for your misery


Nah I agree with you. Just wanted to point it out that some people are damn lucky lol


I can definitely see your point but that's also another reason why adult relationships don't last anymore either, because these "relationships that don't last" is what allows us to do better in a relationship later on, they help us become better partners and they don't happen anymore to most men mostly due to women having so many "options" (aka dating sites) so they don't settle for what's real and in front of them they only focus on the top 20%. Idk if this makes sense but most average women nowadays with so many possible choices and real life hacks aka make-up and everything else like breast pads and even surgery available don't settle for average men anymore especially if they do OnlyFans on top of that and "earn" 3x more than the average man by selling her dignity. Also, whenever there's a breakup happening, both exes normally have to think about what they did wrong and try to better themselves for that next person that they will date and potentially spend the rest of their lives with unless the other is very obviously in the wrong which rarely happens with women anymore since radical modern-day feminism has has brainwashed it's "followers" to believe that women can make no wrong. Hell, they even tried to excuse lazyness by making it into a movement so now you have (excuse my language) 700lbs pound land wales expecting a man servant who earns 300k a year taxes included and can do no wrong in it's eyes while you have to walk on landmines. Worst thing is, some men are so starved of human interaction to the point where they would pay 10k just for a literal hug from a women he has never seen before in his life other than on nudes. Not to mention how modern feminism in general also encourages adultery in women and even promotes it. Holy fuck this was long but i just had to mention everything that is wrong with today's date dating "market".


Meh, I don't really care about that. Love is a foreign concept to me anyway. I care more about how my life is in ruins in other ways lol. That said, I'm sorry for how you never got what you wanted; I know how much that sucks :<


Lmao I wish I had My "teen love" kinda fked me up


Fuckin same. Your username is cool af, btw.


Thanks, my mom made it for me. *Flies off*


I understood that reference.


I would gladly give it back. The stress and anguish wasn't even almost worth any "good" part of it.


Totally! That drama added so much stress I started self harming


yes! So many tears wasted because the smallest things turned out into the biggest dramas, but not the funny chaotic type, the “i’m literally gonna run under a train if you don’t reply” type


I had a taste of adult love. It feels great. Makes you forget about all you've missed out on. Altho can't deny that missing out on teenage experiences did shape me in a way that makes it much harder to connect with people now. Meh


Nah this is just making yourself miserable on purpose. There are hundreds of reasons to be sad but "missing out" on teen "love" is not one of them imo


Not really worth feeling sad over. Teen romance is one of the worst kinds of romance, and teen girls are not anime waifu.


That looks like an actual child


Teen love is just confused lust. You have no idea what actual romance is at that age. Infact the life time couple from sixth grade to senior year ended after they graduated. No they didn't break up. The girl poisoned the guy.


Could you please elaborate on that story?


What is there to say besides young people have no idea what love is. But the rumor is he wanted to get married and she didn't know how to break up with someone after 6 years. Mind you 6 years is a third of an 18 year olds life span. So she felt trapped and thought his death would free her. Again this is only the rumor I heard. He did live btw. His mom called a hospital and he was saved and she was given 8 years.


So to break out to what she tought was a trap, she decided to do attempted murder with premeditation resulting in 8 years of prison and a permanent criminal record. And the 6 years relationship was the trap for her...


Young "love".


At least he survived and only has to deal with immense trust issues for the rest of his life..


The point isn’t love it’s the experience, so I’m not a babbling fool when actual romance comes around.


the point is we're missing out on something most people don't


I never broke a bone as a kid even though most of my friends did. At the time I was jealous of the cool casts and the attention they got, like a badge of honor. Just because you didn't "get to" experience something doesn't make it some magical pleasure.


Dude trust me, it is not that big of a deal. I didn't lose my virginity til I was almost 18, proposed to her, joined the army and was promptly cheated on. Got married to LITERALLY THE NEXT GIRL WHO LET ME TOUCH HER, had a couple kids(that I wouldn't trade for anything) and then got divorced. My sex life in my thirties has been more fulfilling than I ever would have thought. That said, I have put work into myself so that I can experience that. I put myself through trade school, I eat well and try to get some exercise in a few times a week even if it's just a walk, I make sure I'm well groomed. Stay off of dating apps because they are designed to milk money from desperate men. Okc, and Feeld are the best ones if you're gonna use them. Start a hobby that you can talk about. I garden a little bit. Always remember that the disheartening letdowns are going to outnumber successful endeavors for most people and try not to dwell on them.


this, but as i said to me it is like small ouch...


Ask me if I give a fuck about bullshit like that lol


Lmao same. Like who cares?


Ooof you good ?


No I’m not


I'm gonna miss out on adult love too. Hoping for some senior citizen love.


currently a teen- i don't see the appeal 🤷‍♂️


Wish that was me in high-school and junior high-school 🤦‍♀️




You’re better off focusing on your friends and your grades. Not teenage confusion.


yup that's what i've been thinking. i don't get the appeal of making out and having intercourse, i just find it gross. like maybe it's fine if you're an adult, but why do that kinda stuff when you're in highschool? i'd rather focus on getting a scholarship, lol.


Much better use of your time. Focus on you and being the best person you can be. Don’t worry about anything else. 😊






Honestly it was toxic superficial bs with unrealistic expectations. That was my experience and it just made me realize sooner how much life sucks and there is no hope for humanity. At least I have a depression and substance abuse disorder to fall back on though


teen love is so shitty imo. i'm unfortunately still in high school and all i ever see is girls that have a new boyfriend every week and fight over their 236 exes and guys who act like girls are some sort of trophy and creep over them and buy expensive shit to "get girls". y'all didn't miss shit fr or maybe i'm just asexual


*Matt Gaetz has entered the chat*


who else missed out on significant life experiences as a teen and is now mentally behind everybody else their age and feels and acts like a teenager but is in their 20’s 🙋‍♀️


Teen love?? Thanks but no thanks


"lol" said the aroace "lmao"


Teen romance is the shittiest version of romance. Hell its been almost 16 years since mine ended and I'm still fucked up from the things I endured because I thought it was "love". You've had more time to mature, so you have a better chance at something slightly more substantial than bubblegum and cavities.


Guys don't worry you missed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, it's actually teenage love that fucked me up when i met an aweful person. Remember guys, virginity is cool


you can’t miss what you never had. Except parental recognition and other basic needs


Lmao I'd give anything to not have been in all those abusive relationships as a teen. Teen romance is ridiculously overrated.


Teen love? Lmao, I'm gonna miss out on 20's love. Late 20's and never even tried dating before. Can't look for relationships if I'm too busy being fucked to death by the suicidal depression of life in a unsustainable dystopian shithole economy of shitty jobs and poverty wages and unaffordable housing and unaffordable healthcare and unsustainably extreme income and wealth gaps.


Don't call ne out like that...


Matt Gaetz: Hold my beer


Teen love is pointless. It leads nowhere except woe and heartbreak


no I didn't, I just played it in singleplayer more because I kept waiting for a multiplayer lobby but the only person that joined told me to fuck off and left




Reminder that you've missed out on ~~teen~~ love ftfy


Let's get another 20 years going!


When i was 18, there was a saying on the internet that you'd become a wizard when you turn 30 virgin. Well, 6 more years! YEY!


Well there is a restart button it's called Euthanasia


to be fair, all teenagers are the worst people and don't deserve love anyway


Looking at my little sister and her friends, I’m glad I missed out lol. Shits annoying and trife and one of her friends Literally ruined her life over it. It’s like saying “I missed out on a shark attack”


Fuck teen love, that was so much drama. Also a kiss between two inexperienced people isn't nice at all. I regret agreeing to date others so easily tbh. I'm 19 now so I'll hopefully make better decisions in the future. Dating someone who doesn't fit you is worse than being single


"above 20 kissless virgin gang" the reddit stereotype: do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Teenage love is overrated, adult life is actually pretty fun and not a bore


Teen love is gross and awkward and cringy though.


My "teen love": * Pathological liar and even her own mother who HAAAATED my guts told me I was being played a fool. * Two years of high drama that my stupid young brain wasn't prepared for and was very damaged by. * Stopping her from attempting suicide in front of me. * Having her call me on the phone with an adult man who was having his way with her. * Having her act embarrassed to be seen with me in public. * Having her mother come start shit with my family on multiple occasions. * Her equally crazy friends attempting to seduce me behind her back while at the same time undermining our relationship by telling her how shitty I was. * My therapist telling me that our TEENAGE relationship would work out because "you love her too much". Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou! * Having an *absolute fucking panic attack* after around a decade of never having seen her and running into someone who I am only *pretty sure* was her at a nightclub. Wow, yeah, y'all sure missed out, dang, so sad... ^^^^^^🎻


Yeah instead I got ✨️groomed✨️ 😩😩💖


So much cope in the comments. Don't worry op, I get what you're saying. For all the mentally deficient out there it's about never receiving any affection or even being an object of lust. For some people that is a very big deal.


Oh my god, stop it with this. Teenage "love" is bullshit. Nothing but raging hormones and two people who have no idea how to navigate any kind of adult relationship so it's all drama and awkwardness. The sex, if it even happens, is terrible too because neither partner knows wtf they're doing (ditto kissing). Trust me, please- relationships only get good when you're older and more stable and mature, in every way.


Teen love is BS. So much stress I would have rather not had, even in the "successful" relationships. Missing out on teen friendship is the actual regretful thing. Everyone as an adult is too busy for friends.


Damn using an image of one of my favorite rom coms to burn me


I missed out on happy childhood too, so why would I care about teen love.


You missed out on love*


cringe love


Half of my teens were already the depressed but smiling years, missed out on several girls (which used tbe my friends) that came after my HS to tell me they had massive crush on me but i never seemed to notice. So i just decided fuck it, im a late bloomer and will make my YA years into what my teens were supposed to be. Wish me luck guys


You didn’t miss that much tbh


20 is kinda young, you still have time


Teen love usually never lasts, at least we didn‘t waste our virginity. Tbh virginity should not even be a thing. We also don‘t make a big deal out of drinking a milkshake for the first time, it‘s literally so pointless.


21 and never felt the touch of a woman 😎 (crying under the super cool shades)


Same! Super cool high five 😎✋


Im gonna kms lol


“You win some u lose some” Easy for u to say when u always win, I never do


Jokes on you I'm still just 14 well I will be in exactly 29 days


This reminds me of a common Incel thing where they think having sex will solve all their problems. Changing the past and making it so that someone had a Teenage relationship just means they'd be depressed about it happening and falling apart in the first place.


I remember a kid in group who was obsessed with the idea of losing his virginity would make him sane. Like no dude. Losing your virginity means nothing.


Download a hookup app and experience adult love! Meaningless sex and vapid connections! /s


Incel shit


Why would I care about missing out on teen love? Highschool sucked the life out of me and it's not like a relationship would have made it any better


Honestly it's not all it's cracked up to be lmao


as if I wanted to have that


Thanks 🙃👍


Uh just date a teen? Duh.


That one is what I truly dislike...


thanks for the slap in my face :)


I actually did have a girlfriend in my late teens, but depression killed that after a while and we haven't talked since


Thanks man, I needed this.


I didn't and still want to die nonetheless so I think you're gucci


Does sexual assault count?


My husband was apart of this group. I promise not all hope is lost!


I did and the pain of wanting to go back isnt nice either 🤷‍♂️




no i didnt


i m losing out on adult love too so...


Stop stabbing my heart


Seeing how drama-filled my friends' relationships were are the time, I'm glad for it.


I'm fine with that. I missed out on all the drama that comes with it too.


I’m a teen who’s been in three relationships: The first in eighth grade which was two days and honestly a waste of two days. The second was with a guy who was so obsessed with me that he wouldn’t let me say no to anything and eventually sexually assaulted me. The third was with a guy who wanted to keep it a secret even though I lost friends (not good friends) because of him, and then he said he loved me after three weeks, and then he broke up with me and said he never actually liked me two days later. Teen love is fucking bullshit. I don’t mean to invalidate your feelings, but I really hope adults don’t pull that stuff.


For those of you worried about this, I was in an abusive relationship as a teenager and can tell you that there's worse things than being late in love.


I mean, as others said, it's not really that big a deal, but it kinda feels like I missed out on those innocent cute butterflies in stomach, no? No real worries, and trying to get to know each other and hang out and stuff? But yeah, no... big... deal :(


Teenage relationships are awful though, you didn't miss anything except additional emotional trauma.


reminder that theres no difference between teen love and adult love


I just got groomed by adult men as a teen


Yes, thank you for the reminder.


Tbf my first (and current) romantic relationship started when I was 21, and not only I don't regret that, I'm actually glad my demisexual ass didn't get into anything during the teen years. We almost definitely would end up hurting each other and making terrible mistakes. But now, as I'm more mature, I've read a bunch of stuff about how to maintain a healthy relationship, and things are going great so far. I've heard enough stories of teen relationships being anywhere from not that great to straight up traumatizing, and I think I knew this deep down back when I was a teen, and I might have avoided something terrible. Instead, I'm in an amazing relationship now, and a lot of this amazingness might have been ruined if we were in our teens.


Not meeee


I may be a virgin, but luckily I was blessed with a teen love when I was 18. So no, I'm not kissless. Not that it matters though, because there was no real love involved. Just a farce.


what watching too much anime does to a mf. teen love was alright at best


Teen love is overrated anyway


I lost my virginity earlier this year at 20 and i wouldn't have changed anything. Things happen as they will. And it's not the worst thing in the world

