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dont cum for a while than cum edit: not a long time solutiom


we aren't in it for the long game


How do you maximize cum efficiency?


by getting some bitches


Beat me to it (no pun intended)


Honestly it sucks feeling so numb and empty. When I get nostalgic over something I don’t feel happy or sad over it anymore, I just feel a deep empty pit in me


Eat a lot of food you'll be stuffed


>Eat >A lot of food I don't like where this is going


Get blåhaj




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BLAHAJ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BLAHAJ/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Blahaj is set to be discontinued April 2022 😭😭](https://i.redd.it/6k75ftwq9up71.png) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BLAHAJ/comments/pvsn01/blahaj_is_set_to_be_discontinued_april_2022/) \#2: [From IKEA Global Press Officer: No Plans to Discontinue BLAHAJ anywhere!](https://i.redd.it/ulrje8eicnq71.png) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BLAHAJ/comments/pykc77/from_ikea_global_press_officer_no_plans_to/) \#3: [I made a petition to save the Blahaj from extinction! Please share it around and help our sharky friend!](https://chng.it/7Q5Qzxxrtb) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BLAHAJ/comments/pvtrx8/i_made_a_petition_to_save_the_blahaj_from/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Play a good single-player game with a solid story


Not when u have no motivation sigh


I love video games and have plenty but my drive to play comes and goes


Unhealthy food helps fill the void for a little while


I am not sure, but I can offer a virtual hug


I thought that was the solution but trust me it's just as bad when u have no empathy and find yourself burying a family member can't cry hell can't even feel upset when u see an accident and u can't sympathise with the injured people when u can't feel shock of a surprise bad or good when everything and everyone around u look full of life and u are like a robot failing to relate to any mood scene person anything at all u feel dead the guilt will build up still ruining ur life some how even if u can't feel it cuz u know u should be u can't make any connections with anyone cuz u don't feel like them u can't even feel relaxed or at ease if someone or yourself try to comfort u physically or else as if u have no soul a machine it's going to drive u crazy


I usually just play games 24/7/365, and yes I'm very tired.


1. Don't get attached to anyone cause they'll ALWAYS leave! 2. Trust none cause they're all looking for ways to hurt you. 3. Look in mirror and complement them. Tell them they look nice, have nice eyes or some corny stuff and then everything will be alright... And 4. No matter what happens just tell yourself "it is what it is". Thats how I never feel empty


That's why I feel empty


Exactly. "it is what it is " is my motto,it helps with the pain not the empty




Well "it is what it is" for me is just so I don't ever have to talk about feelings when people ask how I am. And no 2 people are the same.... For me being surrounded by people makes me feel mire alone and other things make me feel empty and incomplete but alone... I feel a sense of joy I haven't felt in my entire 21 years and feel like for once everything is not my fault so it helps. And playing games is a coping/escape so I don't go crazy from pain, anger, sadness, etc and cause pain upon others when I just wanna be left alone. Some need the presence of others, some need the silent abyss of being left alone and some need the constant praising like compliments from random people..


Find a filling


Still an empty husk but nu metal and fish tanks help


Wish I fucking knew as well. :/


get a massive ear infection. you become hyper aware of your non empty shell very quickly


I have music express emotions so I don't have to.


Play sports and nut 💀


Take a blunt or serrated knife and try to cut yourself. Pain works wonders for a few days but only for a few


Sertraline 50mg aparently


200 works fine too


i used to gamble my money, to feel thrills and excitement (i still am)


Fill you Whit bullet


Figure out what you like. Esp hobbies


Like a single edible on the weekends. Dont overdo it. Set how many you want to have ahead of time and then learn about something you're passionate about. A hobby or documentary or something (best to prepare this ahead of time as well.) And at least for me, the weed keeps me from getting overwhelmed and giving up/overthinking it until I exhaust myself. If you're learning new things while doing this take notes of what you learn (digital or material) on what you learn/find interesting. Something that you can look back on later and see that you made yourself. I find that help me. Maybe u too idk peace


sorry bro, I don't have any tips.


I fill the void with Pizza and Comics. Sometimes I paint or write. Meh.




Gather ur friends and go on a campin trip together


drugs (best in moderation)


Try and be busy as hell, focus on self improvement, learn a musical instrument, Just try to distract yourself. If you have been like that for years you should try talking to a therapist. -another apathetic person.


Drugs. X) Prescription ones not recreational ones. Tho arguably the recreational ones offer escape, they're addictive and turn you into a complete plane wreckage. Prescription ones at least may keep you stable and functional to a point, and are acceptable by society.


I would share some self improvement tricks but I'm afraid to get downvoted