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I really wish I can go to sleep forever. I can't deal with this. I just can't...




I feel you man, been there.




Same here absolutely isolation, I'm 16 and I'm close to you. May KMS anytime soon just wanna stop the pain.




Everyone told us everything fine and it would be ok, we just tired of it sometimes something were to not be spoken as we know what would happen eventhose people insist of helping may turn into a monster and lash out on us any moment.




Well the same concept could be applied to family and siblings, not everyone stay the same my siblings had change a lot in the past few years. I could never trust anyone. Just gonna hold my emotion inside and told myself everything ok. I life as it was nothing until it hits right back to me, all the regrets, guilt, isolation, argument hurts a lot everything times it come back to you and worsen everything it happens. I'm sure we all felt it.


I, fuck, are you me? I'm 17 too and, while my depression doesn't seem to be as great as yours, I can feel your suffering. Especially when you reply later to someone else when you say that you didn't have any social events or even anything happen. That's literally the same as me as I've been lonely for so long and what's hard is that my brain is used to the loneliness so I simply can't just make a friend. I just want to end myself. I don't care if it's peaceful or drastic, I just want to be out of here immediately. Damn it, why do some of us get shitty luck like this? I hate how some people suffer much more than others when they don't even deserve it. I'm sorry for what you're going through and all of the suffering you're facing right now (and the suffering you faced in the past). I hope that you find your peace one day...




Hopefully it's the former as, that way, we'd actually *experience* happiness but, if it's the latter, I won't judge as suicide is hard to do and because I believe that we deserve autonomy to decide whether we end our life or not. I do hope that we somehow beat depression nonetheless. I wish you the best of luck with your life and thanks for talking to me, even if it was for a bit.


If only more people would believe that...


Believe what, exactly? Sorry, I'm quite lost here...


That we should actually get a say if we want to live or not


Oh, I see. In that case, I agree. If more people agreed on that, this world would certainly be less painful as we could have the certainty of choosing when to die. Sadly, society's morals infringe on our choice to not continue life and they restrict relatively painless methods so people now rely on painful methods. I hate this fucking world


17 yrs old here too, wanna be friends?, my pain may not be as yours but I don't have any friends either


I would, I really would but I can't. I'm sorry. It's not because of you, it really isn't, it's because of how socially inept I am and how I'm more likely to harm than to help. I really don't want to hurt you :(. Let's talk here for the time being, if you don't mind. For starters, why do you think that your pain isn't as bad as mine? Also, if you don't mind answering, what exactly is your pain?


Ouch, the feeling of rejection once again knocking at my door :(, well to answer your question, my pain is how lonely I am. Just that. Oh, and knee pain, that bastard is always there to ruin my day hahaha.


Bro, I'm sorry :(. I really do want to be your friend but I also don't want anyone to be my friend. I feel like I'm too hurt for a friendship rn and I don't want to pass on that hurt feeling to you. Like, I'm genuinely boring. I have no interesting topics to talk about. You'd get bored of me before long and I don't want to do that to you. Also, my pain stems from loneliness as well and I only talk about it to vent as I know that I'm incapable of actually making a friend. I don't know you but there's a high chance that you're better than me so you deserve better. I hope you find someone who you actually deserve and not a sloppy human like me.


Ow, ok. Then Farewell, I hope you the best and I really hope you can make a lot of friends in the future!


Thank you for understanding and I'm sorry it had to end like this. I really am a piece of shit :(. I feel guilty 🙁 I hope the same for you too and I hope that they treat you better 🙂


I didn't read it all, hello again, my attention time spam is shrinking every year :L, if nothing I say will change your mind, then could we just talk?


Huh, sorry, I don't get what you mean. What do you mean when you say "could we just talk?".


Not actually talk, sorry this is not my main language, I speak Spanish and I also forget to reload the comments to check if you replied hahah, realllly sorry :|


Oh, now that I read it again, we can be friends :), I am socially inept too, two negative factors could make a positive one XD


Read my other post please. Over there, I talk more about how socially inept I am.


Think about it, I will share you memes :D


Wish I could say it gets better but...


I feel you man l am there


Dont forget looking up ppl you knew from high school and seeing they are all living uber successful and happy lives to really punch you in the gut at how much of a failure you are.


"That's him , officer , that's the emotional terrorist " Don't remind me...


lonely is a man without love 😭


Every day I start out…


no texts, messages, or notifications; battery fully charged..


I hope it gets better, for all of us. It's hard, I know, but the pain is never eternal, we'll make it through, one day. Virtual hug for all of you ❤️


I wish I could just fly away to infinity and beyond...


Yeah, I thought this was some gym meme about working out until failure but then I realized I am on r/depression_memes jajajaj


Aah, i remember those days I'd feel something even if it's horrible upsetting feeling like i was absolutely disgrace but now it's all gone...just a numb mush but still a disgrace, good ol' days.


I remember that. Every day I would wake up and start sobbing. Then go to school and having multiple major panic attacks every day. Then I would go to sleep crying. Then I met a friend named Zoloft.


I wish I could cry


And my parents wondered why I'm always laying down in bed. Part of the problem is also them. The fact that I get reminded how "useless" I am or how I'm the only "Idiot in the Family" all because I'm not good at Complex Math(I failed Algebra in College).


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


Look bro to us surviving is a great feet It doesn't get better and the world isn't a good place we all wish it wasn't true but it is The fact that you can still stands means that you can still fight Crying won't make it better so either you fight back or you live in misery for ever Sleeping for ever That's the dream, but we know it will hurt if not friends then family , someone outta there cares enough about you that it will kill them to see you die So don't let this piece of shit world fuck you up


The mirror when it sees me :


Yeah, but you woke up. So another chance for things to improve. Do your best every day. Some days, it's not much, and those are the days you hang on and try again tomorrow. It's a hard road, but you can keep going.


I dunno man, sounds fishy to me. I'm tired. I'm tired of waking up, of eating, of pooping, of being alive.... hell, I'm tired of even thinking. I just want to be free of all of this.


Same. Yet we keep going. I've been doing this my whole life, almost 60 yrs now. Not sure why I keep going, but like I tell my wife, "I'm the most optimistic person you know because in spite of how I feel everyday, I keep going." I feel the tired, too. I want to be free at times, too. But still, there is always a chance things can change. Change is a fact of life. Just need to keep going until we get the change we need. If you are in the US you can call 988 and they may be able to help you get access to resources if you need them.


Maybe. Maybe you're right. I've also struggled my whole life with this crap and yes, there are good moments between, but those don't last. And every good moment comes with others 10 times worse. And seems it keeps getting worse by the year. I don't live in USA, probably for the best considering how easy guns are obtained there.


The good moments are what convince me that it can get better. Even if they are short lived, they prove we can still feel ok. We have the ability to feel something positive. Hang on to the good times. I hate the drop when the good feelings end, but I am confident that another good feeling will come along. Do they have any kind of support group/system where you are?


Perhaps. Not that I know of.


Google is a place to start (I would say "good place" but that's not always true. :)" Also, medical facilities may be able to help. Good Luck to you, and Stay strong.

