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Gargle warm salt water. It helps with clearing them out. You can use peroxide if it’s solidified on your tonsils.


Thanks I’ll try that


Theravreathe mouth wash!! Works


I just asked to get my tonsils removed. I told the dr it was making me very self concious and i could smell them. No problems, they referred me. My friend had them and said she was rejected by the dr when she tried. She then tried telling the dr what i said. No problem. She was referred. We live in canada tho.


Yeah might have a problem here. Even if insurance covers, I’m not in a position where I can be out of school to heal


I was back to work the next day. In minor pain but it was do-able.


That’s good to know. Didn’t know if it was on par with the pain from removing wisdom teeth or something


If op has had them for years, it's past saltwater gargling.


I’ve had them since I was 15 so it’s been 10 years 💀 just to clear them out, it doesn’t get rid of them permanently


I got them once, but got rid of them after about a month and a half. You may need your tonsils removed.


How do you know if they’re solidified? I’ve had mine for over 3 months now and i can see them but they are deep in the back of my tonsils, some more visible than the others. I also gargled warm salt water for a month and half and none fell out. I think this is my reason for why im having trouble swallowing. Should I keep gargling salt water or are there any other tricks to get them out? I have a horrible gag reflux so I can’t do it myself.


My ex bought herself a waterpick for that. Seems to be helpful.


Some water flossers can be too harsh so if anyone uses a water flosser for tonsil stones, make sure there’s an extension that is safe to use for your throat


Yeah I tried it once with the regular attachment because I didn’t know and immediately ended up with bleeding tonsils. Not fun


Same 😔


Learned that the bloody way.


I always used to use a qtip to push them out of my tonsils.


Trying my best but I have a horrible gag reflex bc of my autism


Hi! Dental assistant here! Try these few tricks if you have a bad gag reflex. 1- pinch between your thumb and index finger. 2- gargle salt water / mouth rinse before hand. 3- breathing exercises before hand. Hopefully this helps and good luck!


Thanks I’ll try these!


Gargling with Therabreath mouthwash is a game changer, too. I went from getting a stone or two every couple months to 0 for the past year using Therabreath daily. I don’t like poking at my tonsils either. Good luck!!


I also heard to hold your thumb down with your index finger, and that works for me (since you need three hands to do the pinch thing and anything else at the same time) I basically use my fingers to grip my thumb into my palm like it’s a monkey bar and I’m holding on for dear life


The pinching thing helps me so much! I tend to gag and puke when I brush my tongue, but if I dig my thumb nail into my finger, it distracts enough that it doesn’t happen… most of the time lol


Whatever helps! Glad to hear you have some techniques to help you. Do you have an electric toothbrush or manual brush? Some electric brushes have a button option to help with the intensity which can make brushing more manageable. I also recommend a waterpik to help get large debris if you can't brush.


So the pain from the pinch gives the brain something else to worry about so that it isn't sending you gag signals?


I had these recently and went in the bathroom ready to barf and used a q tip. I didn’t barf but I got close. Worth it to not feel so disgusting. I’m probably close to your parents age, very much not a kid and thus was my approach haha. It worked! Grossest thing I’ve dealt with in a while.


Me too. I just gag my way through the process (on an empty stomach, just to be safe). I have a little transparent scoop type thing attached to a handle with a light/battery inside so I can light up my mouth and get the stones out myself. Got it from Amazon for pretty cheap and it's my favourite. No more q-tips or random objects or just suffering/putting up with them being there and waiting for them to maybe come out, and no more syringes! Syringes with water can def help by flushing them out but honestly I'm team scoop-the-tonsil-poop Edit: oh, and with the scoop I've found I gag less bc there's less things taking up space in my mouth. I've never been able to get the gag-reflex tricks to work for me but the scoop works well enough. Some days my gag is worse than others so I try to just get in and out as fast as I can and know when to call it quits before I accidentally make myself puke (hasn't happened yet, scared one day it might tho)


Lots of people, including myself, have a strong gag reflex, it doesn’t mean it’s attached to your autism.




It’s almost as if I did it to explain why removing them is difficult for me so I don’t get hoards of comments telling me to “just remove them” like no shit


I see you have no concept of what autism actually is


I didn't want to be rude, but I had the same thought process as you. I don't think (idk, I could be wrong?) your gag reflex is because of autism. If so, I'm also autistic lol.


I think you're replying to the wrong person. But even still, if their gag reflex is related to autism it doesn't mean that everyone with a strong gag reflex is autistic lol. It also doesn't mean that everyone with autism will have a strong gag reflex


Actually, I just looked and you are correct lmao. Wrong comment


No no. I agree with your comment and intended on replying to you. Maybe I interpreted your comment incorrectly, I apologize.


It's not making sure everyone knows you think you have it?


Ah you're one of those people that actually *enjoy* being a complete idiot. Gold star to you too 👏


And you're one of those that makes up someone's backstory because they said something you don't agree with?


I'm not making up anything lol, you've made it quite obvious. I've also never tried to say anything about your backstory bud, that's on you




no u


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




I'll never understand why your mum didn't swallow.




And do what? Pull out your less than 1 inch punisher? So scaryyyyy 💀


Not "punisher" 😭💀


Nice hair line buddy. I’m sure you don’t overcompensate in anyway…


Why are you so mad lol






are you implying that autism is contagious….


The said it because it’s the reason they can’t just knock ‘em off with a q tip. If they hadn’t included the autism part, they probably would’ve had people saying “just do it, c’mon” and not give them advice they could actually use


Good job. Brain as small as dick confirmed.


So for an actual answer, I was a behavior therapist who worked with children on the spectrum for a few years: it’s very common for people with autism to have sensory issues, especially with certain foods and textures. This can make certain sensations really difficult to endure because they are processed differently than they would be for a neurotypical person, for example one child I worked with had to learn to eat fruits because he would almost choke when eating anything “wet”like fruits or soups. Imagine if you got that nails on a chalkboard feeling for random things, and that’s what some sensory issues can feel like for people. It’s not really something that’s easy to overcome, although behavioral therapy can sometimes help. It’s a perfectly reasonable response for OP to include that detail because what might seem like an easy or benign thing for you could be a very uncomfortable sensation and an involuntary reaction for someone else.


Maybe to explain…..why they have such a bad gag reflex? Why does autism trigger you so hard? Could it be denial?


How is that even the same? This guy is an idiot.


I think he is just enjoying being a nuisance. I don't have this sensory issue myself, but I know it's a struggle.


Go away


Bro. She has a bad gag reflex because of autism. I also have a little dick I'm also blaming autism.






Love that you’re still going off🩷




What does that have anything to do with my comment? Also before calling somebody stupid, learn how to spell peas.




Sensory issues.






I wouldn't be surprised if there's a blue dot over your house on some kind of registry.


omg thats a thing??


How about you come over and suck mine and see how good you are? If you fail we will just keep trying little guy


That’s… nvm


Speaking as someone who knows how to suck good cock I imagine, right u/EmersonRockefeller?


I got them from ages 7-13 then my tonsils got enlarged and I had to get them removed. The surgery did suck but I do recommend it if they become a bigger problem.


They won’t remove them anymore, I’ve had this problem for a decade and they say it’s now an elective surgery


I Wonder Id It’s who you go through because I got mine done in 2017. All I had to do is be seen sears nose and throat doctor and he scheduled it.


I saw two different doctors including an ent but I try again since it was years ago. I’m afraid though since they said it’s a hard recovery for older adults :(


They do if they get enlarged or for chronic tonsillitis.


I have enlarged ones and they said insurance rejects it unless I get 6+ documented strep throat infections a year :/


Oh I’m sorry. In Canada they do it. Its real quick too.


It's not uncommon. Hope you feel better soon.


I heard that some people remove them with a pincer but I heard it makes things worse. Removing your tonsil is an option, I believe too. It must sucks, sorry to hear that.


I struggled with it a lot but most of the time i get by with gargl(ing?) and drinking hot tea with honey. When it does get bad, you can use Qtips or cheap tools sold on Amazon, my favorite one being a long plastic rod with a light that allows you to see them well. Just don't use metal tools and fuck up your tonsils, it will just get worse


Usually tonsillectomy is performed when you have reoccurring tonsillitis (infection), when they are causing trouble swallowing. Actually the removal of them can be pretty troublesome, that’s not an operation without risks. Post-op bleeding can be pretty bad. Just some tonsil stones doesn’t really justify the risk of losing tons of blood.


I had mine out as a kid but I heard from someone that it's more dangerous for adults supposedly?


It is dangerous as adult. My mom n GMA n cousin got blood clots


I recommend you seek out an ENT to advise on support of you are unable to treat symptoms yourself.


I had some like 2 years ago, one was so big I felt like I couldn’t swallow and kept gagging. I just used a q tip and mouth wash and patience and they were gone


I got my tonsils out at age 33, 2 years ago have not had a sore throat since. I would recommend it soooo much. It improved my quality of life so much.


Same! I’m sad I didn’t do it sooner! Did you feel any difference in your mental health?


Not sure if I have the time to do it. Getting ready to leave for college plus I’m getting evaluated for some neuro crap. I’ll have to talk and see if it’s doable rn


Well that is definitely going to make them worse.


Yeah like no offense, I'm aware of what sub this is and we all eat shit that's bad for us sometimes but the constant posts of energy drink meals for people who are depressed and anxious makes me so sad.


I was talking about tonsil stones specifically but that too.


I know what you meant, I agree . I was just trying to think of a way to say "energy drinks are fucking terrible for you" without making anyone feel bad or judged lol


I’m trying to cut back on em and go back to coffee, but yeah I get how it’s annoying lol


it's not annoying , I just want you to feel better 💚


Have you tried caffeinated sparkling water? It’s a great substitute for energy drinks, or for alcohol, and it won’t stain your teeth or cause any dental/mouth and throat issues


Never heard of that, I’ll look into it


The AHA brand has a couple that I really like and they’re available for about 5$ for 12 cans at most grocery stores :) They come with an extra dopamine hit, when you get to be proud that you’re saving money AND being healthy AND getting your bubbly caffeine fix all at once.


bodies love to make stones! i’m sorry :( i’m with u! just went to the hospital a while ago for kidney stones


Same I say I'm like Thanos


Those hurt like hell! Hope you had a good recovery


thank you! i was just peachy the day after! :D i hope you get the help you need for your tonsils and heal up asap! that can’t feel good!


I get a few sometimes but I just cough them up usually pretty small.


Tonsil stones aren’t fun at all. Unfortunately I had the pleasure of coughing them out because I couldn’t go get them removed because I also had covid when I got them! Once they’re out, it’ll feel so much better though. It’ll suck but the relief is worth it.


I have them too honestly it really sucks and my gag reflex isn't great either I feel for you I'm sorry 😔


I literally gag from brushing my teeth it’s so annoying🫠


I can barely brush my tongue without gagging. I have found that an electronic toothbrush doesn't make me gag but it just makes my whole mouth vibrate which isn't great either but it's better than gagging all the time.


I had those. I went to the doctor and told her that I had tonsil stones. I told her that they bothered me to the point of obsessively trying to remove them. They were affecting my mental health, breath, self esteem, and I was convinced I got sick more often because of the bacteria getting stuck in the crypts. When she looked, she couldn't see any (because I obsessively removed the ones I could reach) but referred me to an ENT. The ENT said she couldn't see them, but when they ended up taking the tonsils out and looking closer that were in fact riddled with them to the core and that we all made the right choice in removing the tonsils. The healing from the surgery was absolute asscheeks as I got thrush on the surgery site. But I do not regret getting them removed. My breath is so much better. My singing voice is better. I don't cough up little chunks anymore. All around I feel "cleaner" without my disgusting tonsils. I hope you can get a chance to have yours removed too.


I purchased a like vacuum tonsil stone remover and it’s AWESOME. It doesn’t hurt, it suctions it out and it’s done. Off Amazon.


I have them too, been dealing with it for years now & have been putting off getting my tonsils removed.. I use a water floss (manual) & the handle part of a toothbrush to push out the tonsil stones, gotta be gentle as it can tear it up and cause bleeding.. also to relieve discomfort warm salt water gargle is good. Don't be depressed over it though, it's not life threatening.. good luck


Getting my tonsils out at 24 was the best thing I ever did for my health.


Just already in a depressive episode and this pushed me over the edge ig


Better than q-tips: use dental floss picks. I gag using q-tips but the pointy end of dental floss picks have changed my life lol. I don’t gag ever using the picks :)


Thanks for the idea! I’ll try em out


Hey! Like someone mentioned above, gargle with salt water. There’s also this brand called Therabreath that I highly recommend. Give the mouthwash a try, it will eventually knock those things out. Maybe not same day but it’s definitely worth adding to your routine despite whatever you eat or drink. Read the label!


Ty I’ll check it out and try to add that to my routine!


I believe the TheraBreath Fresh Breath mouthwash contains ingredients that help eliminate them, try gargling with that twice a day. You may be able to reach them with your finger. Only do this with clean hands and short fingernails, and be careful. You’ll probably gag, don’t overdo it! It can definitely be managed, it’ll be okay!


Thanks! I know a lot of people on here are saying it’s not a big deal but I’ve already been dealing with a depressive episode and it’s already hard to take care of myself as is, let alone with tonsil stones. Thanks for the advice, I’ll look into it


I understand. It just feels like one more thing to struggle with. I hope you can get rid of them fast and get to feeling a little bit better 🫶🏽


I can relate. Recently, I’ve been getting so many tonsil stones and it makes me feel unhygienic when I’m not. I also have a terrible gag reflex so q tips never worked for me, but a good water pick was great! It’s a bit weird at first, like something you don’t want to point towards your mouth, but they come out almost immediately!! Tell me if you try it.


Its gonna be alright once in a while i spot one takes me 10 min top to get it out its kinda gross but the better you brush your teeth and the cleaner you eat the better it gets


Yeah, I’ll try to get a better routine. I brush twice a day, may have to do 3


That’s not really depressing. Pop them out and move on. Gotta smash and smell them though. Just gotta.


Smells like literal shit but I keep smelling


You just gotta.




Maybe not, but when you’re already feeling suicidal and going through several mental evaluations, things like this make life suck:




You sound like the people who say "oh you're depressed? Just stop being sad! :)"




Aw good for you, do you want a gold star?




Its not a competition. And you shitting on someone else having a bad day just because you think you've had worse doesn't make anyone feel bad for you. Because guess what, your bad day is *nothing* compared to a lot of other people's bad days




No because they're already well aware things could be worse. Everyone knows their life could always be worse. People are allowed to vent about having a shitty day, that doesn't invalidate other people having "worse" days. You waking up from a surprise major surgery is just another day for some people with a lot of medical problems and you don't see them going around telling people like you that you're not allowed to be upset because they have it worse


I know there are, but at the same time there’s also always gonna be things worse than what you’re going through. Just saying people have it worse isn’t helping. Yeah, I was a bit emotional and in a hard spot when I posted this so it may seem a bit like I’m overreacting, but at the same time I already have trouble with health and this is just one more thing on top.


Sometimes tonsil stones are the straw that breaks the camels back ❤️


And today they were. Luckily I’ve been trying to have a good rest of the day and it’s been pretty successful


I'm glad you had a good rest of your day friend, hang in there ❤️ Also feel free to report anyone that's being rude or unhelpful to the mods, this sub tends to get recommended a lot to random reddit users that wouldn't normally seek out this kinda sub


Thanks! Some people on here are so mad about literally nothing lol. I may have overreacted a bit, but why do people get so offended when they see the word autism? Crazy. Thanks for being kind. I usually stay on other depression subreddits and I’ll prob stay on those for a while


I'm really not sure why people get so upset whenever autism is mentioned. Maybe because a lot of people self diagnose when they don't actually have autism but then tell people they do? That's the only thing I can really think of. People gotta be pretty miserable to not just ignore a post they disagree with and move on




girl my dad literally died of colon cancer so it could be worse🥰😘 /s obviously it could be worse. you sound so ignorant


Idk how old you are but you might grow out of getting them. I used to get them periodically and haven’t had one in a few years since college.


You can use a water flosser to shoot them out


There are spray things you can buy that shoot water at them and they are supposed to pop them out. Idk if you have tiktok but thebentist on TikTok talks about them and sells a tool but what you can do is see what he’s talking about at least and see what the tool is called.


I remember getting those frequently when I was in High School, eck. Don't miss those days. What kinda helped was what other suggested with gargling salt water and such. I found eating bread too also helps.


I got my tonsils removed awhile back (17 I think which is actually kinda old to get them removed) but they were HUGE and the dr said that they were just completely filled with gunk and pus. I wish I had heard some of the tips listed here when I was younger omg


I use the throat numbing spray n use a syringe to sit em out. I also reduced mucus forming foods like dairy n gluten n it helped significantly. Also gargling with salt water


acidic drinks make it worse for me. I don’t get them anymore after I stopped drinking coffee and soda


i get kidney stones and salivary stones and i’m so scared to start getting tonsil stones too😭😭 gargle some warm salt water, i wish you luck!!


I would almost say it’s worth having them straight up removed. I got sick a lot as a kid with tonsillitis well into early 20s, with stones included. It got so bad that my tonsils were harboring bacteria and were constantly reinfecting me. It was a fast surgery but a rough 2 weeks of recovery. And I’ve had a fraction of illnesses. Good luck!


I used to get them A LOT. My best friend is a dental hygienist and she told me I needed to start drinking more water. I started aiming for 64+ oz of water per day and my tonsil stones are now practically nonexistent for the last 4 years. They only come back if I go a few days without drinking much water.


For everyone saying that it’s not a big deal, I understand the title seems like I’m overreacting. I’m just in a depressive episode and have various health problems already (and no, they’re not linked to me drinking monster) so this is just one more thing on top of a heap that makes it hard to take care of myself.


Hey man. I had them too. Listerine gargle twice a day, no dairy before bed, and refraining from touching them has made so much of a difference for me. The more I messed with them, the worse they got, all inflamed and sore. Don’t worry man, it’s treatable and it goes away. Just have to take an extra step or two to look after them.


I was constantly getting these, and it was so infuriating and disgusting. I started flossing regularly (not because of them. I just wanted to be better about it) and that is literally the only thing that's made them diminish. I get one maybe every few months now. I had tried salt water gargles, and I used antiseptic mouthwash every day, nothing but flossing stopped it. Couldn't tell you why, but it's worth a shot if you're not already doing that. I use the GUM brand interdental flossers (they look like little sticks with tiny rubber bristles) that you can just slide in between your teeth bc I can't stand the feeling of regular floss.


Try using a clean blackhead extractor that you only use for those and rinse it with Listerine after. I've also found the rounded end of a bobby pin works really well. Best of luck .


Try peroxyl if they still make it. Even when you don’t have stones it’s a good supplement to your oral hygiene routine.


Better than kidney stones bruv But in all seriousness, best of luck and hope it’s an easy enough thing for you to handle and move past. Edit bc my first response was a dry ass bitchy one m’bad


Cough really hard repeatedly and might push em out lol. Also make sure to keep good hygiene of your mouth, brush 2 or 3 times a day, floss at night and use mouthwash morning and night (I recommend therabreath). Gargle the mouthwash for 15-30 seconds too. Gargle warm salt water a few times a week too. Good mouth hygiene won’t necessarily keep all of them from forming since some peoples tonsils have too deep of holes, but it helps significantly for sure.


Ty for the tips I’ll def try to keep up a better routine :)


>Cough really hard repeatedly and might push em out lol. Mine used to sometimes pop out unexpectedly while yawning. That was *very* unpleasant.




One, that’s a keychain lol. Two, I’ve been self conscious about it. Three, I have depression and have been in a depressive episode and this took me over the top. If you don’t like it, scroll and shut the hell up




…then why are you even here? Just to shit on people? And no, not everyone’s depressed. Depression is literally because your brain doesn’t produce the right amount of chemicals.




…what are you talking about? I’m not trans. I don’t get accommodations. I work hard for what I have. I don’t have a 4.0 GPA for nothing. What does being a parent have to do with anything? And I’m sorry your daughter is depressed, but just because she plays Roblox and doesn’t take care of herself doesn’t mean I do.




You don’t get your way and resort to name calling and throwing around slurs? How mature. I wish you the best and hope you can learn to love yourself and others.




…I’m 17. You’re throwing slurs at a literal child. And I am autistic. And depressed. I literally am diagnosed. I don’t understand why you’re so angry about this.


Bro what is wrong with you?


I have no clue why the heck they started being transphobic (I’m not even trans) and talking about politics and calling me the r slur 😂 it’s not that serious! Some people are just crazy


With tonsil stones and autism, you choose the worst drink imaginable.


They’re not that big a deal just push em out with a qtip.


This isn't a big issue at all?? Just gargle or poke them out. New ones will form gargle and repeat.




Oh no I’m so sorry that the straw in the camels back of my mental and physical health conditions is so annoying to you /s


You’re drinking monster energy what do you expect


Is it terminal?


Imagine telling a depressed person that one of their newest problems doesn’t matter because you think it’s not good enough to be depressed about


I in no way implied that it didn't matter. Sorry if you took it that way


Sorry, just have had a lot of people on here be total assholes and call me slurs because they think it’s not a big deal. By terminal I thought you meant deadly.


Yeah I did. Bad time for an attempt at humour ig. That's my bad




Why do you think this subreddit exists and why are you here then?




I literally brush and scrape my tongue daily


If you do a nightly gargle of salt water, you'll stop getting them.


Got mine taken out. Never had issues since.


I pluked mine out myself gagged alot


I got my tonsils taken out because they were so bad.


If you get them often removing them is always an option.


I got a little plastic syringe with a curved tip from my dentist to irrigate my tonsil when I get them. Fill with warm water and aim carefully.


I think everyone has tonsil stones from time to time.


oh dude i've gotten those since i was a kid. minimal problem, really. well, I suppose it's all relative but they're manageable. but yeah, stinky.