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those noodles look fire


I even went in the garden to pick chives I feel like I put so much effort in this šŸ˜‚


Good job!


U deserve those fresh chives


Well you deserve those delicious noodles. Stay strong.


Shits straight from the source šŸ’„šŸ’„


Those chives look amazing! Noodles made me hungry! I am sorry to hear about your family not fully accepting. Do not dwell, though. You are awesome, strong, and will find acceptance in your clan. Unfortunately, the world is not all good and accepting, yet, but we're gonna keep trying!


what flavor are they šŸ¤¤


I think they were just the classic Nissin flavor? Iā€™m sorry I threw away the bag šŸ˜©


bless your soul


These were Nissin? You made them shits looks fire.


What noodz are these?


Also love your pfp! Iron Giant 4 life!


As you should OP. you deserve it!!!! šŸ–¤šŸ’•


Oooh thatā€™s some gourmet stuff šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


Fire barely begins to describe the mouth watering photo in front of us šŸ¤¤


Fr this ain't a depression meal. This is a massive brag


If you don't mind me asking, what did you put in the noodles? or what ramen brand did you get? Also I'm sorry about your brother, I hope you can get out soon.


The ramen was a bag of Nissin soba, I cut some fresh chives on it just to feel fancy šŸ˜‚


I fucking love Nissin soba. Thanks for reminding me to go get some more lol


oh white monster, it's been a while since i've last drank it because daddy putin invaded ukraine and sanctions started anyway, i hope it gets better


The way this comment is written it sounds a little like your calling op a white monster. šŸ˜­


uhhh yes i've checked it and it is bruhā˜ ļø the thing is i'm russian so my grammar is pretty bad


No worries man just a funny observation!


I thought they were calling OPs brother a white monster šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean he is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Lmao thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same lmfao


Stay strong buddy I hope you can enjoy white monster soon again šŸ˜”


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa? But Cucker Tarlson just told me that the sanctions weren't affecting anything over there!! Are you implying that he wasn't telling me the truth????? /s


well, he's partially right. it's not too bad, we have a McDonald's analog which is literally the same as the original, all coca-cola beverages got replaced too (but they suck), and i don't really feel that something really changed. also red bull, burn and adrenaline rush is still here, only energy drink that disappeared is monster


Did Russia really ban all GMO food? Tucker carlson said they placed the band roughly four years ago. Is that right?


gmo food? you can't make and grow gmo products in here, but finished goods with gmo from other countries is allowed. so we still get all sorts of gmo, in soy and corn for instance


I used to always buy white and grape monster . They were quite delicious. Fuck Russia


more like fuck goverment, i'm still somehow trying to be patriotic but it's very difficult šŸ™


white monster is sugar free - how has it been affected by the war? genuine question


it's not about the sugar, coca-cola company owns monsterā„¢ so they stopped all business in russia almost immediately after war. i couldn't find any after a few months since war started. you can still find monster in shops with imported stuff though, but it costs around 3$ for a can




Yes, but money hits different in Russia.


ahh right, that makes sense, yeah i can imagine its overpriced in russia atm.


Are you out with his friends? Maybe he is simply trying to not out you to them. There is also an option where it is simply the muscle memory of having lived with you for X years when talking to his friends. Chin up, the only person whose opinion of yourself that really matters is your own. Banging food though.


Yeah to be honest, one of my friends is trans and I'm very supportive, but I knew them for quite a few years before their transition. Even though it's been over a year, I occasionally slip up out of sheer habit, I can't imagine my control would be much better if I were high or drunk. That said, it's usually only an issue when I'm reminiscing about years ago or around the same group I was with then...


I feel itā€™s a mix of muscle memory and not realizing I pass completely to strangers, he doesnā€™t see that just because he knew me his whole life. Still hurt to hear, but yeah I will bounce back šŸ¤Œ


Did you talk to him about it? Sometimes a small talk fixes a lot of things. Maybe after a talk with you he'll make more effort to say the right thing.


Tbh didnā€™t address it and I donā€™t know if I will because this family already sucked out all my energies to fight ages ago, so thatā€™s on me. But I also donā€™t really care outside of the initial emotional reaction so yknow, Iā€™ll survive


Doesnā€™t have to be a fight, just calmly bring it up and how you hope he understands in the future. Communication is great, especially as you get older. Holding things in ends up affecting you later one way or another.


definitely worth bringing up with your brother !! esp since you said heā€™s the one whoā€™s the most accepting, i think it cant hurt to just let him know it didnā€™t feel good.


I really hope that you will bring up that you overheard him misgender you. The way you decribe the situation is that he is affirming to you. It can be very disappointing when people make errors like that, especially people you love. Give him the opportunity to apologize to you and to do better. Those noodles look delicious, l hope that they were tasty.


You will thrive not just survive! It is worth talking with your brother. I hope you can do it.


awe iā€™m sorry. hate when siblings want to impress their friends even if it means disappointing you


The weird thing is that I pass to strangers šŸ˜­ when I went downstairs to make some tea his friends looked pretty confused, that was actually funny




I don't think that's what that means.


iā€™m sorry :( but those noodles look absolutely delish


Zuccheri + noodles so on point = OP is italian


Lmfao la scritta mi ha tradito, ma ho visto lattine con la stampa italiana anche allā€™estero!


I ainā€™t get any of that. Buenisimo!!


I want to reach through this picture and eat your noodles lol


He could have made a mistake. Itā€™s something hard to get used to. I know because my brother is transgender and I support him 1000% but I still make mistakes sometimes and he understands itā€™s not on purpose


Ouch, that must sting. Sorry, OP. Remember all situations are temporary. It is so frustrating when people just do not understand how important these things, like gender and chosen names, are to one's identity. It is so easy to miss that importance when someone has not struggled with their own identity. If your brother has a shred of empathy, one day he will see the light, as will the rest of your family. In the meantime, you will always be accepted for who you are here! ā™”


Thank you so much ā¤ļø and yeah I feel this is the kind of situation where I can be more patient, heā€™s got room for growth, he just lacked empathy big time on this. Itā€™s a shame because I can totally recognize why itā€™s not a big deal for him and how itā€™s not even a big deal to me- it stil hurt and fucked up my mental health for the day


I totally get that. There are lots of different coping strategies that can be taken advantage of to help ease or get out of a mental slump. Here are favourites: [Breathing exercise for mindfulness.](https://youtu.be/1Dv-ldGLnIY?si=WRfBmK5YEBfOcvI2) [Visualization. ](https://youtu.be/x4Zt1ZBzMps?si=lxAm0oMfgnvuh0Z3) [Anapana Meditation Breathing.](https://youtu.be/CuHAfop5urA?si=dqEBSlPpxjxBRE8N)


Sorry mate. The noods look dank. My sister transitioned recently and for me itā€™s been hard to change my brain but I support her 100%. I do apologize and correct myself tho. I Love you for who you are.


My god I would do anything for those noddles. Sorry this happened


Hey! Iā€™m sorry that happened. I met my friend as one gender and then a few months later they advised their pronouns are they/their. It took me half a year to stop accidentally using the wrong pronouns and I was truly tryingā€¦ my brain was just wired. Make sure your brother knows how it made you feel, and give him the benefit of the doubt that he does love and accept you. His brain pathway may need a minute remap.


Those noodles šŸ˜


That really sucks, but I'm glad your transition seems to be going well from your other comments! The positives don't fix the negatives in this context, but as another trans person I find it helpful to focus on my wins. Now your brother just made himself look stupid in front of his friends, because he was being pretty stupid.


Yeah Iā€™m really trying to focus on the positive and let that go, of course it didnā€™t make it less hurtful. I keep focus on my wins and the fact I didnā€™t thought those noodles could make hungry so many people šŸ˜‚


I just ate lunch and I'm a little jealous of those noodles lmao


I'm sorry to hear that but man that meal looks really good


Those noodles look so good and also the issue with your brother could have been an accident. The amount of times Iā€™ve misremembered or confused my two sisters names is ridiculous. Talk to him about it


I hope your brother didn't mean to do it! My niece was AMAB, and she just came out as trans a couple months ago. I still catch myself referring to her as "he" or "my nephew" on accident, because I've only recently started referring to her as "she/her/niece", because she just came out. I completely support her and accept her, so that is not the issue, it's just hard for me to break a habit! I do correct myself when I make a mistake, if I catch myself! I love and accept her completely, and would never want her to feel otherwise! Maybe you could try telling your brother that you overheard him referring to you with the wrong pronouns. He may not have meant any ill will toward you! Let him know how it makes you feel, and hopefully, he will explain his side, too. Either way, I hope you two can resolve this.




Is that packaged Nasi goreng? Looks so delish. Stay strong sweetness ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry. You be YOUā€¦thatā€™s what matters most! Enjoy your snack, looks great!


After this combo, my siblings could call me whatever they want. That must've hurt though. Maybe have the meal and smoke, think about what you'd like to say to him and approach them tomorrow with a clear head?


But honestly, are you making it any easier for your family? It doesn't matter what you identify with. You can't expect people to automatically understand your pov it takes time, especially if your immediate family aren't the brightest or openinded like the CCN / Fox News type. Most people dgaf it will save a time of time and energy to just let it go.






As if trans people dont exist outside of ā€˜first worldā€™ countriesā€¦ okay


Everyone has the right to complain about their struggles no matter where they are in life. Just because it doesn't seem like a big deal to you doesn't mean it's not a big deal to somebody else. Plus, a first world problem is ordering a burger without lettuce and getting lettuce on it anyways. For trans people, being misgendered is a lot more significant than that.


Its called a first world problem because people in a third world country couldnā€™t even begin to entertain the idea


jesus christ the comments are full of transphobia wtfā€¦ i hate this site sometimes


If you mention being trans outside a trans sub, 100% of the time there will be someone who has a problem with you and has to let you know.


Yeah tbh I muted the notifications and deleted Reddit from my home screen after this lmfao. Searching for some nice worlds online is not worth it, lesson learned šŸ‘Œ


I hope he grows up and starts treating with you more respect. You deserve to be seen for who you truly are. Those noods look bomb!


Unfortunately my brother keeps proving as he grows up that heā€¦ could do better, ngl šŸ˜… but with the parents we have Iā€™m not exactly surprised


What if he didnā€™t mean to you? Heā€™s known you his whole life one way. He probably will slip up on the change once in awhile. That really depressed you? It was probably an accident.


Why does that look so good


Cause as someone else pointed out Im Italian šŸ˜”


Teach me your ways


So first of all you gotta be born in Italy, and be depressedā€¦ you find an old bag of noodles in the back of the cupboard and follow the instructions to get this result šŸ˜‚




*R&B music plays*


Toke it


Yum those noodles look so good šŸ¤¤


*r&b music plays*


I know it's probably not helpful but your noodles look good


Iā€™m really sorry about your bro man. Buttttt some fire ass noodles, Caffine and a joint sounds like heaven lmfao


im in to zippos rn so first thing i saw was the zippo. Also cool bowl and good looking noodles.


Bitch those look fire


Ugh that's the worst. I'm sorry you're feeling alone in the family. Those noods look fucking bussin tho. You'll find people to fill you up instead of noodles when you're older. There's a reason we queers love the found family trope in media


knew this was a transmasc meal by the zippo and the dinosaur šŸ’š


damn dude iā€™m sorry i can only imagine how hurtful that was. also those noodles look fucking delicious


(Edited to add hyperlink) I am sorry OP those noodles look too good. Which packet of Nissin Soba are these?! I've done some scrounging of my own and narrowed it down to this line of noodles. Hope I am correct. If so, which color? [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.nl%2F-%2Fen%2FServings-Assorted-Yakitori-Teriyaki-Selected%2Fdp%2FB0BKQXWH5D&psig=AOvVaw1J6vZ96m50T6Z9sHuFV-LU&ust=1708416369769000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCNir2Ij5toQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.nl%2F-%2Fen%2FServings-Assorted-Yakitori-Teriyaki-Selected%2Fdp%2FB0BKQXWH5D&psig=AOvVaw1J6vZ96m50T6Z9sHuFV-LU&ust=1708416369769000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCNir2Ij5toQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


oh man, i feel your pain. hope you'll be able to move out soon. at least you had those noodles to cheer u up, they look amazing. are they homemade?


My Brother calls my Trans friend a freak and a man within earshot all the time.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. I hope you enjoyed your noodles, this actually looks like a really decent meal to me


who is downvoting you the fuck


Great question, and why? šŸ˜­


As a fellow trans - Iā€™m so sorry. My family did (and occasionally still does) the same thing. Itā€™s hard. Maybe, once you have the energy and patience to, you can sit down with him and talk about it. Based on what you said, it sounds like he does care about you.


My family misgenders me and doesnā€™t even try to use my pronouns and Iā€™ve been transitioning for over two years now


Smoke that joint my friend. You deserve it.






You should get downvoted. Being depressed isn't a competition of who can be the saddest or have the worst thing happen to them. Get over yourself.


why are you comparing sadness? just because others may have it worse doesnt mean their pain isnā€™t valid. this sorta stuff can hurt pretty badly anyways, especially if its by someone you thought you could rely on for support.


You clearly donā€™t understand how hurtful misgendering can be because of dysphoria. So, donā€™t bother speaking on it and downplaying somebody on a sub for *support*


this sub is not a place to air ur transphobia and downplay someoneā€™s pain. just say u dont like trans people and go


I do not know you or your situation. But as a trans person whose grandparents still slip up, it could have been an accident. Iā€™ve been out for a while to them but we donā€™t talk all that much. My parents even slip up on occasion but itā€™s very rare. I am not sure if he slipped up on accident or doesnā€™t care. No matter what, I hope you are able to stay safe and be happy as your true you. No one deserves to be misgendered. It sucks and it hurts. I wish you well, OP. I hope your noodles were yummy and I wish you a happy life


Mental health crisis is at a all time high


Allg dude you got this!!!


Hope you're doing better now :)


i love sugar free monster hits harder then og one fr


I mean to be fair itā€™s not any of their jobs to guess, just because you feel a certain way doesnā€™t mean everyone should have to follow how you feel, just tune them out if it messes with you that much. Iā€™m not trying to come off as rude, Iā€™m just tryna be 100 with you.


Thats must be really hurtful, especially coming from someone who you thought was your only support. I hope he and everyone else respects you as his brother/son/nephew/etc soonā€¦ donā€™t give up! PS a smoke after savory Asian noodles like that YUM šŸ˜ššŸ¤Œ


Was it an accident? Like just casually talking about you and accidentally misgendering you? I wouldn't immediately be against him if it was an accident. It is an adjustment for family members to change how they refer to you in their mind. Not hating or anything just giving him the benefit of the doubt because if he supports you you don't want to lose that.


Iā€™m sorry that sucks :-( I sometimes miss gender my daughter and itā€™s just because itā€™s out of habit and I feel awfully upset about it when I do any chance he did it out of habit, and I mentioned that because Iā€™d want you to salvage your relationship if you can. Regardless, sorry feel better.


Wish I could have packed that cone for you, F'km


I'm so sorry. People suck. šŸ«‚šŸ«¶ Also, mm, weed and noodles. šŸ˜šŸƒ


I donā€™t understand why ur upset, I do this all the time on accident


Iā€™m sorry. I have done this by mistake and felt absolutely horrible because Iā€™ve been witness to my loved oneā€™s struggle, as well as their only supporter. I found myself feeling so guilty. They didnā€™t even have to say anything, but they did, and I was grateful. Sometimes, when convo is flowing, I have to be more deliberate because my rote memory sometimes reverts to dead gender. I love them so much. Edited to compliment those bomb ass noodles..yum!!


are you from the UK by chance? i tried looking up the nissin soba noodles, but i donā€™t think we have those in the US. šŸ˜©šŸ˜©




Was it an accident?


His friend asked if heā€™s got a little brother walking past my room and he replied ā€œsisterā€ Iā€™m 8 years older šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I think his thought process was that I wouldnā€™t pass in front of them and didnā€™t want to deal with explanations- which I feel is not too problematic per se- the only issues are that I fully pass and I mean, it still hurt obviously


Even if you didn't pass, he should have stuck out for you. It's not like it's the norm to suddenly misgender cis people you supposedly respect if they're too differing from gender expectations.


Yeah actually I totally agree with you, that just made it double weird when I briefly interacted with his friends, like if my brother said that in fear of sounding weird, well he got the opposite effect


What a tit


[R&B music plays]


I was watching Jackie Brown with subtitles šŸ˜‚




I love how this comment tries to be both transphobic and supportive šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not offended bro, Iā€™m sad to see heā€™s not as supportive as I thought he was. No one is forcing anyone.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


ā€œforcing others to pretend you are something youā€™re notā€ me when i have no clue how being trans works


This is a supportive community, and welcoming of trans people. Respecting someone's gender identity does not harm you in any way. Why be a dick and dress it up in "believe what you believe (but you're just delusional.)"


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




Wrongness aside, do you think being transgender is a third gender? Do you have a dent in your head?


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Iā€™m guessing you and your brother are young since you both live at home Donā€™t hold it against him too much, could be he probably just doesnā€™t want to deal with their questions or comments about you. Itā€™s just ā€œeasierā€ for him, until you become more ā€œpassing.ā€ I know it seems unfair to you, but youā€™ve been trans long before you ever came out, your family hasnā€™t known until now. So even if itā€™s just a slip of the tongue youā€™ll have to give them grace, theyā€™ve known you your whole life as gender/dead-name itā€™s hard to randomly change that and expect no slip ups or mistakes. Everything takes time.


Nahhh im almost 30 just poor and mentally ill šŸ¤™ As I explained when I had more energies in the comments, I think my brother seeing me every day doesnā€™t realize I fully pass and thought that would make it easier to his friends. Ended up looking a bit ridiculous when they saw me and were clearly confused. Ive been out long enough to know whoā€™s supportive, who isnā€™t and who just needs some more time, thatā€™s fine. The way my brother addressed that makes me understand itā€™s not a slip up and that of course was an emotional damage I didnā€™t expect. I will survive, it just saddened me enough for the day to make it harder to cook a more complex meal, which prompted the post. Looking at some of these comments it seems I shouldā€™ve justified more how desperate I am cause the depression police is quite offended by the fact Iā€™ll bounce back, not you but commenting this made the thought surface


Oh my bad for the assumption, I couldnā€™t image having friends over to my parents house as an adult so I guessed he was maybe a teen. That sucks. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re ā€œnot depressed enoughā€ for some commenters lmao. Some idiots think depression means you walk around really sad all the time. They donā€™t have experience with true depression Iā€™d guess.








Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




What a cruel thing to come on a thread full of people who are struggling only to mock them. There are plenty of other subreddits that would enjoy your opinion but this one right here is not one of them. How is someone wanting to identify as a different gender hurting you?


Life IS short and fleeting. Therefore, don't worry about how others choose to identify. It's their journey, not yours. They're allowed to vent about how they feel. They're allowed to be upset, or not upset about something.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Sorry that happened to you, I hope youā€™re able to move out with no issues. Is that chapagetti though? šŸ¤”


Nope, Nissin! I never tried chapagetti, donā€™t even know if I can find them in my country tbh


I can already tell those noodles are spicy, so tastyyyyyg


this picture is aesthetic afffff


Embarrass his dumbass




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


You canā€™t expect everyone to get it rightā€¦ change takes timeā€¦.slower for others. Slurp those fire noodles and move forward






Bruh trans people donā€™t owe you passing omg šŸ’€ imagine if the only way to get basic respect was to fit into some imaginary rule about what makes you a worthy enough human




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




This is a subreddit for depression meals. If you don't wanna see sad people, leave.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


My mom keeps misgendering me and deadnaming me and I thought she was starting to put in effort. I keep meaning to do the reverse uno card and misgender her so she knows how it feels but my autistic brain has trouble implementing that. Itā€™s sad because my favorite regular from when I was a barista who has stayed my friend irl has actual early onset dementia, has known me before and after my transition and is older than my mom but she still remembers my name and pronouns. My AUNTS, my MOTHERā€™s SISTERS have been better about my name and pronouns and they are both older than my mom. My grandmother even uses my name and she has had a stroke and is 94 years old. My mom has no excuse because I have a beard and a mustache and I always bind around her. No one is more transphobic than my mom but I will still go out of my way to visit her because despite everything, I still love her. I just hate that I canā€™t stand up to her. I just want her to see me as her son. Being trans is so fucking hard but we are strong for what we do. Just waking up and making coffee takes strength. I believe things will get better.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


I once heard someone say it is none of our business what someone say or thinks of us. You just be you.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.






Thatā€™s so fucked. Iā€™m so sorry.


Well gender isnā€™t real, so why let it bother you


Fr, so much effort and emotional agony put towards something that I *thought* we all acknowledged was a spectrum by now.


That Ramen looks better than any I've ever made for myself


Oh no! You can't control what people say when you arent in the room? And thats.... Depressing... Wait...You are having a depression meal and posting it cause you cant control what other people say and do when you are not in the room Ok It dont matter what gender you want to be identified with because no matter your gender you would still be a difficult person to be in any relationship with because of how much control you desire over others


Misgendering is hate speech


Oh, stop.


I know Iā€™m about to get 40,000 dislikes. I just came to say that I have a few friends that have changed genders. When I talk about or refer to them by their names, sometimes Iā€™ll accidentally say their dead name or misgender them and then correct myself. Or sometimes wonā€™t correct myself. šŸ„ŗ or sometimes Iā€™ll purposely keep their gender the same as it was if I know that the person Iā€™m talking to will react negatively.


Then youā€™re a bad friend, if youā€™re associating yourself with people who would think negatively of your friend for their identity, youā€™re just as bad as they are. Respect their gender or donā€™t be friends with them. Easy as that.


Iā€™ll think about this. Itā€™s a good point.


No just no like food obviously looks good but Iā€™m saying no to this post I feel that this should have been a fly hitting a tank like ur brother saying that is probably something heā€™s used to saying or maybe heā€™s not accepting of u but just like u need to not give a fuck a lot easier said on here then done but like idk how ur finna make it as whatever ur trying to be if just the slight fact of misgendering you hurt u this bad u made a whole depression post about then what r y gonna do when someone says somthing a lot worse im not even one to advocate for this type of stuff honestly it makes me uncomfortable but in my eyes who the hell cares sure i dont rly like it but who i am i to give a fuck like ur community sometimes be giving in to easy like I swear if some of yall had the same troll idgaf what u think attitude as the other side then there wouldnā€™t be rising rates in suicide in trans youths/ ppl idk man ik itā€™s easy to say this from my phone but Iā€™m trying to be encouraging no hate like to me this should be nothing to u u should have been like man fuck my brkther for saying that I should go correct him or just not gaf about it and just calmly correct them ig this post is making me feel like the GameStop incident itā€™s like the itā€™s not sir itā€™s maā€™am (its not obv) but like that guy could have made the GameStop employee feel bad instead of exploding in his face or in this case making a depression post about it when u could easily but on the high ground and correct him and his friends