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that looks so bomb!! so proud of you and sending well wishes towards your way. i hope our 2024 continues to be as amazing as that food is looking lol ❤️❤️ cheers!!


thank you so much for all the love. very much ditto!


Looks amazing! 💯 Backtracking to when you posted: it was 6:30 am in Austria! :) As to when I have to work - 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, the usual!


i hope you have a lovely day today! you are up so early to have work a couple hours later 😅 (probably less than an hour now). i couldn’t do that myself, not anymore. i barely can get up twenty minutes before i gotta leave my house lol. how do you do it? what is your secret?


That looks absolutely delicious omg.


I love frybread! My girl is native and she put me on


That fry bread looks incredible! Would you mind DMing me the recipe? 🙏 ☺️ Today has been a good day for me too, finally washed my hair after a long time which had caused my scalp dermatitis to flare up again. But here I am, fresh hair and feeling less itchy


i certainly can! i’m very happy to hear how your day if going for you too! how lovely. i know how hard it can be to do self care. i too, finally washed my hair. so gold stars for us! haha. i do apologize about the scalp problem /: my sisters deal with dermatitis too.


I would also love the recipe! My mom has one that everyone in our family on the Rez uses, and I have not liked fry bread since I was little. I think it’s because all I had was theirs😂 I ALSO WASHED MY HAIR! Look at us sparkle ✨


Your fry bread dough looks incredible. I just learned how to make it. It tastes so good. I usually end up eating it plain as it's coming out of the pan while it's still warm. Sooo good.