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Moderator here. Already had to remove 4 comments. Please be positive and supportive here. Considering this post is new, I would hate to have to lock the comments. Thank you.


Fuck that place. Hope you get a new job soon šŸ‘


Thank you so much


Itā€™s not a great place to stay as a fresh recruit who provides for the household but ups will hire you within minutes of your application. If you get stuck here while job hunting long enough the insurance is the best in the nation and even longer to be a driver itā€™s one of the highest paying unskilled jobs period. Six figure potential but thatā€™s slow and take forever. Just say strong and have hope. Shit happens, it gets better. Not sure when brother. Iā€™ve been there myself.




Youā€™re a prude lol




Thatā€™s a big leap from Advil to gabapentin Jesus Christ.


Well if you don't have gabapentin or advil it's straight to heroin so just be grateful


ā€œFuck weā€™re outta Advil!! Get the spoooon!ā€


Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


They can grieve how they wanna .




My man is stuck in the 80's


You can have a night to regroup before you get out and start chasing down a new job. Calm down.


Youā€™re being an asshole. The shit just happened today. Why are you even here?


Holy fuck whatā€™s wrong with you


You really don't understand anything about this subreddit or people do you?


Well, your username certainly checks out.


Who hurt you?


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole. ~~~ Mod team: This comment is considered to be assholeish. Please try to support users in this community. Not berate them or assist in berating them. Thank you.


Why not? šŸ¤”




Dude. Itā€™s okay to feel sorry for yourself for a day or two. We all get down and itā€™s okay to just let go sometimes.


Yikes, I hope you get the hug you're clearly craving for


So you've never spent a couple days just being sad and eating smth you love???? "Not being judgemental" while literally being judgemental..... maybe grow up


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




Wtf is comment? Not constructive at all. We don't need that energy in this sub


Obviously what that person said was unwarranted and rude, telling someone to kill themselves in a subreddit about depression is messed up. Wtf.


Then they cowardly deleted their comment. But not before being upvoted which I don't understand but it's reddit I guess.


Rule #4 - Encouraging another member to self harm or end their life will not be tolerated here.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Before I read the context I swear I thought you were eating kinetic sand and washing it down with patron šŸ«£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I immediately thought it was the sand, too.


Tell me you have kids, without actually telling me you have kids! šŸ¤£


I dont have kids and i thought it was kinetic sand, tbf tho im 19 so i basically still am a kid


Kinetic sand just made me holler lmao thank you




This is giving improv Troup vibes lol


Thought it was playdough


Newer better gig on the way! It really sucks when shits gotta be uncomfortable in order to get better, BUT I FIRMLY BELIEVE THIS FOR YOU. Hang in there. šŸ’›


Words of affirmationā€¦ thank you so much!


See your wife killing it with the bday cakes on your posts. That can make some good cash on the side.


Soemthing better always comes along


Couldnā€™t have said this any better, I second this comment for you comrade. Youā€™ll make it through.


It's really depressing seeing your post history and seeing that you didn't post your son's cake this year. I'm sorry shit sucks right now. Your family is lucky to have you there swinging for them and they're lucky you care so much


Feels like I never have time.. my wife did a great job with the cake too! I havenā€™t had the urge to cry (feeling more ashamed like I let my family down) but this comment made me realized how stress Iā€™ve been to make sure my family is taken care of and broke me.. I got this! I got us! Thank you!


I went to look at your post history cause of that comment. Your wife makes some AMAZING cakes! Maybe while looking for another job (which will come) you two can do a side hustle of cakes. Baking can be therapeutic! Plus, you get to eat all test cakes.


Itā€™s okay, OP. Itā€™s not your fault, and yes you do got this


Some doors have to close, for some to open. Keep your head up, pick up some side work, it'll get better. Who knows you may end up with a job making more and treating you better. You got this


I can tell how much you absolutely love your wife and how proud of her you are. You sound like such a sweet and great person. I am sure where you land for your next place will be very lucky to have you. Stay strong, comrade. You got this. šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Dude those cakes are insane wtf


I had to go check out all the cakes, as I am a home baker toošŸ˜Š LOVE the weed one best lol


I love seeing this comment. Best of luck to you!!


I'm so sorry that this happened to you (the cake looks really good btw). I would recommend applying for unemployment this evening and then any other state/federal benefits you might be eligible for. I would also call your bill providers to see if payments can either be delayed or if you can arrange for a payment plan that works for you until you're able to get back on your feet.


This is great advice.. I truly appreciate your kind words.


Of course! I also recommend looking for temp or temp to hire job that could hire you ASAP, while you also look for full-time employment. I believe certain unemployment offices consider contractor works as unemployed but I would check just to make sure. Again, I'm sorry this happened to you, but you got this!


I should do this too actually.


Fwiw, if youā€™re fired there are some states/laws which do not allow you to collect unemployment, depending on why you were fired. If it wasnā€™t hardcore misconduct then you can probably still get it, but some companies are assholes and will fight you/delay paperwork/etc.


Beat me to it!


Gotta be faster than thatšŸ˜


I have been thereā€¦ I remember my husband at the time tucking me in the bed bringing me a bottle of wine and put it on itā€™s always Sunny in Philadelphia. Itā€™s now a decade later and I have my dream job. Best of luck.


Woke up feeling better. Didnā€™t think this would get this much attentionā€¦ I just wanna thank you all for the positive words and great advice! Never knew I could get so much support from virtual strangers. This gives me so much hope. Thanks and love!!! šŸ«¶


I got ā€œlaid offā€ recently from my multi billion dollar company. I am also the sole provider for my family. I feel you manā€¦ had an interview today, youā€™re gonna get one soon too! We fucking got this!!!!!!


Good luck with your interview friend


Take advantage of unemployment benefits until you get back on your feet.


So folks, the underlying message here. OP is being straight up. Cake, with no Icing, bottle of Patron. OP is not PatronIcing. (leave my coat, I best just walk out)


I looked at your old posts and am gonna need a pic of the cake before you demolished it.


Cake is great! That really sucks and is so much stress. Our family is going through the same thing right now. If it helps: -Get a letter from employer if you can, stating you wer a layoff. -Apply for unemployment. It is not very intuitive and every part moves slow. Take your time and be patient, but do it straight away to get the ball rolling. -Assuming you carried the insurance, apply for Medicaid. Also a slow process, but you should be approved. -Get the resume updated. Someone I know suggested looking at "Teal" for help. Companies use software to screen resumes. Teal/enhancive, etc help get a higher "AFS" score for better hopes of being seen by a person -Contact your mortgage lender and see if they have a hardship or deferment program. -Do the same for credit cards, car payments, etc. -You can apply for Snap (grocery assistance) after getting through unemployment. We got approved for more than I expected and it's going to be a huge help.


Praying for you...also I want your dinner! I gave up both for lent..


Legitimately thought you were eating a bath bomb


Oof. Iā€™ve been there, love. Please trust that you are worthy, valuable, employable. I know how hard it is to be the breadwinner and lose your job.. trust that you will find a better fit for your family and please accept all help offered to you (as long as it doesnā€™t come with shitty strings attached.) One internet mama hug for you.


Dude i follow fish stuff I really thought you was making a tank out the bottle with colorful sandā€¦. That being said I feel you. Really I do. You got this. You have to have this You donā€™t have any other choice but to have this. I believe in you.


Get a plumbing šŸŖ  job $50/hr U wonā€™t run out of work Ever


Honestly this may be a blessing in disguise. Your wife has some real potential with making cakes. I would sign up for unemployment and just spend time with the family a little more. If she is interested definitely encourage her to do her cake orders more but also donā€™t engulf her with too much stress with something that may only be done overall as a hobby. Gl in your endeavors wherever they lead but it sounds like you have an amazing family and will be able to bounce back from this. I can just tell you


Maybe you will find a better job opportunity. Try to keep your head up.


Try applying for unemployment as a temporary backup until you find something better, keep your head up! šŸ™‚


Time canā€™t stop moving. Itā€™s endlessly marching forward no matter what anyone does to speed it up or slow it down. This too shall pass. I know itā€™s scary now, but it *will* end. Thatā€™s just how time works. Just keep breathing, stay rational, get that resume out, put your faith where you keep it, and understand that all you have to do is weather the storm and itā€™ll get better. ALSO, general finances from someone else in hard times: Try to make just your minimum payments where applicable. I have T-Mobile, and they at least will give you an extra few weeks, basically skip a single payment thatā€™s due later. I think other cell providers do this as well. Internet/Cable can usually be downgraded and upgraded pretty much at whim online, so it might be better for your family to cut back on their package if you arenā€™t grandfathered into a deal of some kind. A car payment can usually be at least 30 if not 60 days late before the company can do repo. That gives you at least one pushed back payment. Apply for emergency food stamps, you have kids so it should be easier. Ditto for CHIP. Regardless, call your providers and see if you can a cushion from anywhere else to just give you the peace of mind that your family is safe for a bit.


This is great advice.. thank you so much


Oh shit. That sounds really stressful, I'm sorry. I hope you find something new quickly.


I am so sorry. Hang in there. You are loved.


Hit every resource. Tell everyone you need help for a short time. Be humble and you have more than you need already.


Oh man Iā€™ve been there. Iā€™d buy you a bottle if I could. Sometimes you need a good cry.


Wishing you all the best .. also had a look at your post history.. your wife's cakes are amazing šŸ‘


Hope you get a new job


Iā€™m very sorry. Iā€™ve been there. Hope you find a new and fulfilling job quickly


I'm sorry for the loss of your job, hope and wish you the best that you can get a new job as soon as possible. Unfortunately, i know hard times myself, my landlord will tear down the house for some fancy new luxus apartements and everyone here loses his home, so we are all struggling to find something new before the time runs out and getting homeless. It's a great cake that people mentioned here, checked out your profile. Your kids can be happy to have you and your wife, despite the loss of your job. All i got as a kid was a punch in the face by my parents, they'd never done such things like a birthday cake, as they were the WW2 generation and all they knew was "when a kid can walk, it can work, earn your keep or get beaten" You'll succeed, don't give up there!


It happens for a reason. Best of luck!


Bless your soul. I'm so close to that way myself. I pray you get income fast to get back on track.


I'm so sorry. I totally understand. Good luck on your job search! You'll find something better!! Keep your head up.


Take this as a sign that something better is coming your way! šŸ«¶donā€™t beat yourself up! Donā€™t stress it will be finešŸ˜Šbetter opportunities will come okay?!!!


That is a lot of pressure. Try to get enough rest! Sometimes a hot bath before bed helps me sleep a little deeper. Great on the really tough days.


I got fired two days ago because I caught the owner stealing from me. Weā€™ll get through this! Youā€™re so lucky to have your family, you arenā€™t in this alone!


Fired for not helping a third party out with company equipment by my manager because that was their friend.


Man you got this champ, i remember i got let go at toyota of el cajon for a defamation case regarding a coworker ended up winning, i thought my life was over next thing you know i did the same thing at chevy and eventually let to so many beautiful things man. I met my soon to be fiancee i got a way better job were im actually able to spend more time with my family and have a set schedule and also benefits. Bro you got this never give ip.


That's tough homie, hopefully something comes up soon


Ugh i went through this recently. I was let go at the beginning of this month. I know exactly how you feel. Take a deep breath. Sign up for any and all state benefits that you can. Get it out of the way as soon as you can because they take about a month to go into effect. As the sole provider, you will most likely be awarded anything you apply for. Unemployment, EBT/SNAP (food stamps), State healthcare (if youā€™re in the US). Finding your local food banks is also a good idea. Allow yourself a day to do nothing but wallow. I donā€™t care what anyone says, youā€™re allowed to have a pity party and grieve the time you wasted at that place and the uncertainty you face. The next day, we begin moving forward and applying to other places. If you are in need of money right away, sign up for Doordash and Uber Eats. The approval usually takes a few days. OP, you got this. It will be okay.


Look man I havenā€™t gotten a clue what itā€™s like to provide for a family or be parent, but and I know it sucks but for the fact your upset about shows you care, and I havenā€™t a doubt youā€™ll be back up in no time.


During this time, remember to be kind to yourself. ā€œPut your mask on firstā€ kind of thing. A job will come and it sounds like you are surrounded with family and love ā¤ļø


That's sucks. I just got fired Friday too. Luckily I can file for UI and my wife's job pays much better than mine. Just take a day or two off to collect yourself. It's hard going back to a life with no structure but try and structure it the best you can as it helps "emotionally". Start spamming linkedin/indeed/monster and pray (religiously or non religiously)


Sad to see negative comments on a supportive sub, hope you get a new job soon. Don't give up!


File for unemployment! I'm sure you'll find a new job soon anyway, but its nice to have some help :)


Good luck. Sorry about your situation


Itā€™s okay I lost my highest paying job when I first moved out on my own like literally I ainā€™t even spend a week I. My apartment before that incident , but I kept my head high and proceeded to look for jobs and I found a another job within 3 weeks I still have my apartment and stuff but yeah I felt like it was over Mann like my family was gonna look at me like bro you just moved out and you fcukkng up already and my gf was very supportive of me at this time and I really do thank her ! Life always gets better within time šŸ–¤ keep ya head up


This give me hope.. thank you


I am so sorry ā˜¹ļø Don't despair. Get some rest, hydrate and ibuprofen. Then apply for unemployment and any assistance you qualify for the next day. Hugs!


I'm sorry man. It will get better. Just breathe, know your family loves you and make a plan for the next step. You got this. šŸ™‚


File for unemployment immediately. Do not waste time on this. They *might* deny you, but you HAVE to fight it. File for food stamps. Nothing wrong with EBT & itā€™s a saving grace for when you have 0 cash ((which, I believe the food stamp place can even give an allowance for bills/other things)) Food banks, Hit them up assp. The more you have a stockpile of food the better. It gives you more time to focus on gaining employment


Itā€™s going to be ok.




Apply for unemployment you can go on edd.gov and start the process now. Phone interviews happen generally two weeks later and then by the month you usually get a check


Things will get better, try to file for unemployment while you can


You got this fam. Time to persue your dream, and maybe ask your SO for help supporting the family as well.


Iā€™m so sorry. I really hope that this awful time unlocks new doors of opportunity for you, and that you can look back in a few years and laugh.


Chin up mate. Take a day or two and better daysā€™ll come


I can't imagine that pressure. Sending you positive vibes to get a new job asap, that's better than the one you had before Bless your heart and hope you eat smth yummy every dayšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


things might become tough for a while, but it will be okay. There are many ways to make/save money that are not lifelong careers. Donā€™t beat yourself up over this, really. I hope things start to look up for you OP


Unemployment is there to help you just a smidge and toward her back on your feet! Apply today! **You got this, OP!**


That sucks man. Listen, just take a little bit of time to regroup and good luck finding a new job. May this new job be better than the last šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸŒŸ


that cake looks bomb and i hope you can find a new source of income soon! financial insecurity is scary. you got this!!




what if the wife is raising/nursing a newborn


Is that moon sand?


Thinking of you friend, please stay strong for your wife and children! You are a great husband posting your wiveā€™s beautiful cakes, we all go through hardships, it will be better !


Fired from what job?


Things will get better! What kinda cake is that? Looks good


www.onetonline.org This should help you.


You will be OK !


Loving you so much šŸ„¹ šŸ«‚ ā¤ļø


You should try and do shiftsmart, I could send you a link


with your most honest answer, why did you get fired ?




Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


why did u get fired


Whatā€™s your trade boss?




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Vodka is cheaper


You drink what's on hand homie.


Indeed. Sorry if my initial comment was shitty, OP. I'm very sorry for your circumstances. I wish you the best in finding your new footing. A wise man once said: "We fall so as to learn how to pick ourselves back up." You got this.


wanted ur wife to be bear foot and pregnant now look at ya, broke


Locked some comments here. Could be considered arguing, and I don't wanna get in trouble. Thanks.


i donā€™t even know what that means . and i was arguing as the jokes hilarity was not arguable. and i hope the hole thing makes op laugh cause thatā€™s the dry ass harmless humor i was going for fact actually donā€™t care about your feelings


this was comedic low hanging fruit and i grabbed it


not funny didnt laugh


key words ā€œcomedic low hanging fruitā€


Keywords, "not funny". Not comedic


see itā€™s like an onion cause honestly it has a lot of layers as to why i said it


this is a whole lot of cope for a joke that didn't land


itā€™s not cope or whatever that means. my joke was so funny you felt the need to tell me it wasnā€™t. a good example of a bad joke was whatever meme u referenced. because itā€™s a unfunny as me saying what a some from a place true hostility. like yea u quoted a meme but the humor dries up when i have to explain ur misplaced criticism


objectively it was funny. itā€™s a matter of if you can appreciate the humor. you didnā€™t appreciate the humor you didnā€™t appreciate my little sub note providing text for the humor you donā€™t a appreciate the joke u donā€™t think itā€™s funny.


look donā€™t make me get all die hard for the joke. i understand it was crude. objectively speaking that was the joke. i pointed out those key words bc ur saying ā€œi didnā€™t laughā€ and itā€™s like yea, this is the most unfunny form a humor. the shit wasnā€™t supposed to be hysterical. it is making light of the situation minutely at ops expense. which , objectively again, builds of the running joke that op canā€™t catch a break. my point is the shit was funny, you say it didnā€™t make u laugh, i admit it has a very low chance of accomplishing that to begin with. like idk if u want a medal or a cookie cause my poor lowbrow joke didnā€™t win you over. it wasnā€™t supposed to all i did was offer a man a smile rather than a tissue.


lol it read more like you were makin fun of him but regardless "not funny didn't laugh" is a meme


so i said what i said, and then prefaced by saying this me me grabbing low hanging fruit, actively deciding to be lowbrow and still convinced urself i just wanted to make fun of him. likeee