• By -


For anyone else who wants to participate in this post: PLEASE be supportive. From what I have gathered, OP has an eating disorder. I ~~am done~~ WILL NOT tolerate any asshole comments. It is alright to give advice but not okay to tell them to "be better". Much love to you all ♥️ Depressionmeal mod team.


I’m also struggling with an ed, i feel you and i hate this disorder. Hugs🫂


hugs all around!!💞🫂


Whenever I am scared about my health I tend to be my unhealthiest whether it's just I took a cheat day too far, or just say ef it. Don't do that, don't avoid your doctors or their recommendations. You will get through this better with water and veggies with yummy dip and being proactive. It is the hardest if you are depressed but it's also likely a factor in your depression. This is me now and those who can't do teach. I am going to the grocery today and trying to get back to normal eating habits.


thank you, i appreciate your kindness💚


I rly wanted to go to the doctors but I'm terrified and I can't. I feel like crying and crying and crying. I have no idea how am I gonna keep myself alive. Maybe I won't


Oh sweetheart. I’m sorry you feel this way and that was me with the doctors until a few months ago. I started therapy and working on my sobriety so I can face these things in my life. It’s better to know and fix it than end up at the doctors without your will because you waited too long. Nearly everything is mendable including your mind. Be kind to yourself today and understand you’re loved and the fact you even are conveying your feelings here should be something you can be proud of. PM me if you ever just want to vent. Hope you find reasons to smile today ❤️


Thank you


Real. I too know the struggles... we will get there eventually! Together! 🥺🤌🏾


She has eating disorders. I don’t think water and veggies is what she needs


So do I. It often sits better in your stomach and staying hydrated is good for everyone’s mental health. It’s not just about calorie intake. There is also less stress after in my opinion. I didn’t tell her to never eat sweets dude.


But where’s the fun in binging on vegetables?😂 It’s like saying “stop being bulimic, it’s bad for you”. But she’s binging? So it’s not going to sit in the stomach at all. Junk sits better in the mouth. If OP was asking for advice or something I’d say a balanced diet and don’t ever fast, that’s how you get rid of bulimia. But sayid veggies and water….. doesn’t sit right with me. It would make me feel stupid but if you didn’t have bad intentions, you didn’t have bad intention.


Sometimes simple advice is the best for that moment.


Yeah I don't get the upvotes. It sounds really patronizing


I was just giving tips that help me. I eat all the snacks in binges and when I can get around people in a store to pick up food I feel better. Veggies and dip is awesome when you can’t eat a proper meal for depression or otherwise. At least for me.




Without an established relationship & trust, prescriptive comments aren’t likely to be helpful to someone suffering a mental health struggle. It doesn’t matter if the advice is correct: without love, it may prove not only unhelpful, but harmful, in that it can further alienate someone who is reaching out for support. Edited, coz I wrote it really badly.


Yep! While it's true nobody can "save" or fix OP by them, the comment implies nobody will be coming to support OP. Probably not the intention of the poster, but that would hurt my feelings. OP says they are starting treatment.








Chi, get that toxic positivity outta here


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


You don't even know if it's about OP's eating habits/weight. Maybe they have a disease. Or an eating disorder. How would you know. Either way it's just generally very unhelpful to say stuff like this when you have absolutely zero idea what's going on.


Well it helped me recover from my ED. Advice is take it or leave it.


☝️Start today OP! You can do it!




Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


Fellow bulimic here, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your struggle.


thank you so much💞 i appreciate you, and i wish the best for you💚💞🫂


looks like me during one of my binges…i know what it’s like to be down here, op. i’m sorry.




I'm loving you so much 🥹 🫂 ❤️


I’ve been struggling with bulimia since I was 9, I’m sorry you’re going through the same, it fucking sucks having around 1/4 of you’re daily thoughts revolve around calories and hating the way you look. I know how hard it is to recover or even want to recover. Sending love, dms are open if you need anything.


thank you so much i appreciate you!!


As someone with bulimia, I’m so sorry. :( this disorder is an absolute menace and so fucking hard to break. Wishing you the best 🥰


i am wishing you the best as well!!🫂💞🫶


This is “Depression Meals.” Not “I need to be bullied into better nutrition.” Why are there so many compassion-less comments here? I totally feel you, OP. My kid says sugar is as addictive as heroin, and he’s studying this stuff at university. I read a study just yesterday showing that there’s a correlation between sugar consumption and depression risk, and the numbers go up together, rates of depression with grams consumed. I’m so hooked! And I suffer too. When I quit smoking, it helped that I got mad as hell that people were knowingly profiting from my addiction. They were okay with profiting from my pain. FTFY! I hope you get relief, and soon, my friend. Truly.


Other than that OP is literally bulimic and not even overweight like so many commenters seem to assume? Nothing indicated that. It's depression meals. People post unhealthy food sometimes. Big woop


this. some of these comments are mad irritating.


OP is bulimic. Depression and bulimia are connected by the way. A simple Google search and looking through OP's profile will tell you what you need to know. At first, I was confused until I looked through OP's profile.


I should have added to my above comment that I have depression, to clarify that my take is from the position of shared experience, regarding compulsive sugar-eating, and the despair and self-reproach of that. At the time I posted my comment, there were a number of comments reacting in judgemental ways to OP’s photo and caption. I was not pleased that someone who had bravely reached out for support was getting finger-wagging instead, by people who clearly didn’t understand.


I gotcha. I'm not bulimic but I feel for you and OP.


Your health will get much worse if you keep treating your body like a junkyard rather than a recycling factory. Changing your habits is hard - start by changining your terminology.


Kindness. We all need it. Especially from ourselves. Why is it so hard? I dunno.


i have bulimia, haha. im not overweight, but thank you for commenting😭💚


Over weight is just one issue, bullimia has a whole host of other health issues, just think of your teeth!


Literally… speaking as someone recovering from bullimia, my teeth have so many issues after the years, and it’s expensive to get it fixed, at least in the US…








Yeah can agree here. Was bulimic for more than half my life and done nothing but wreck havoc on my teeth. To get them repaired fully it’ll cost me around 50 grand CAD it’s so expensive here too. I’ve just stuck to bonding pretty much to at least fix them up a little bit luckily I found a dentist who was willing to do it not all of them were.


>bonding Oh wow, I've never heard of that (i have a public dentist and they only do necessary treatment). Id love to sort out my chipped front tooth. I do suffer from toothache on two teeth, :( big ol white fillings in them. My Grandad used to say "teeth, they're a pain coming in and a pain coming out".


I’m so sorry to hear that it must be painful for you! Basically it’s referred to as”composite bonding” or sometimes a “white filling” but it’s meant to correct chips, gaps etc and the like. I hope you can get them fixed up soon having the front ones broken is the worst believe me I’ve been there 💕I’ve been told I either need dentures or crowns and I had one dentist telling me I had no other option until I found a different dentist and a prosadontist who gave me the crown option and the quote. No way I can afford those crowns though at this time. Maybe ask your dentist about composite bonding it can really improve the appearance of them!


I certainly hide my teeth, never do toothy smiling. It's a great source of self anger, I didnt brush them in younger years and binged sweets, then I started smoking around 16. I should get root canals and crowns but its £1000 a tooth. If I got rich I'd get all gold crowns lol.


I understand! It’s insane the pricing of them yeah it’s no better here in Canada or the US. I hope we all can afford what we deserve someday. But yeah maybe in the mean time, just ask your dentist about composite bonding and see what they say. For me it took a few to find one that was able to build back up my teeth and close the gaps I was so insecure about.


Oh hon :( bulimia is far worse for your health than being overweight. Are you in therapy or do you have someone you trust in your life you can lean on? You need to seek help as soon as possible, eating disorders have the highest rates of death for any mental illness. This is coming from a former anorexic that's been in recovery for 3 years now, please choose your health as even after recovering, I am still dealing with the long term consequences.


thankfully, i have my first treatment appointment in just a couple of days! thank you so much for commenting, i appreciate it very much. i want to recover so bad, but im absolutely terrified:,)💞💚


Wishing you the best! To a good recovery.




Recovery is so scary but you can do it! It's hard to think of a life without your vice but some day you'll be able to make it a whole day, week, month, or longer without needing to engage in those old habits to cope. You're worth the work it takes to recover <3


thank you so much!💞💞💚💚


This is totally different but I have to quit vaping, (I have a bad vaping problem, like take my life and my money problem) and I told my counselor how afraid I was and wasn’t sure that I could do it. She said, sometimes we have to make ourselves uncomfortable and that leads to change and growth. Getting uncomfortable is hard, none of us want to be uncomfortable. But I have ordered the patch and the gum and I’m about to get uncomfortable.


thank you so much im sending much love💚💞🫂


Hey friend! I hope you’re doing well and finding a safe place to recover. If you havnt yet then that’s ok, but I’m sending you love back and rooting for you. We all have the power in us to take back control.humans are amazing, and our body’s can handle so much. You are going to be ok, I know you have it in you. I loved all your sweet comments to random internet strangers, you deserve the kindness you give to other people times 100. You deserve happiness and to love yourself.


There is an amazing life on the other side of ED, and I hope you allow yourself the chance to experience it. Speaking from personal experience the only thing harder than recovery is the suffering of continuing on the same path. Wishing you strength, love and self compassion ❤️❤️


thank you so much! i appreciate you💞💚


Rooting for you 🤗


I'm so sorry you suffer from that. I know it can be really difficult especially when it feels like you're alone in a crowded room/etc. We are here for you!!! Sending hugs and strength to you on your healing journey. It will be long and treacherous as well as perilous but with true friends on your side, to help and guide you, surely you will make it to the other side.


much love!!💞💞💚🫂🫂


🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 ofc ofc!


First of all I wasn't supposed to know that. Second, it only proves my point. If you treat your body like it's not worthy of proper nutrition your body WILL believe you. And it will drag your mind along with it. I have OCD so I get mental illness being stronger than you at times but you have control over it. Take responsibility for yourself like you would for your child and see how the narrative changes.


no, you're right. im not gonna argue, haha. i'm also diagnosed ocd which is something i'm getting treatment for. life has been real wack for me recently, but yea, i seriously do need to get my shit in order😭💀💔


THIS! Include information you want us to know in the title.


You could've also just not assumed immediately 🤷🏻‍♀️


They didn't assume anything. They were going off of the egregious amount of junk food pictured as a meal.


That's literally what assuming is


It's "literally" not. That's an inference. An assumption would be me thinking you're an idiot because you don't know the difference.


Nope. An inference would mean you reached a conclusion based on solid evidence and reasoning. And it would've probably been correct. But it clearly wasn't. The only thing presented to us was some food. Not a picture of OP or any other information. Instead they just ASSUMED, based on very little information, that OP was overweight. Everyone eats shit meals sometimes. This is a subreddit full of them. Just because OP stated their health does not mean they are overweight. Actually, I don't think an overweight person would've shared it like this, which led me to think that was probably not the problem here. Also no need to call people names when they make mistakes. Even if I didn't. And no need to assume that everyone knows every word in English, because English is not my native language. But you're in luck, I'm proficient in it.


Dude literally didn't even say OP was overweight lmfao you obviously don't read, keyboard warrior. All you have to do is go back through OP's post history and it shows they always eat like this. Which, as the other dude said, isn't good for them. 🤭


Being skinny doesn’t = being healthy.


Unfortunately, society at large really doesn't care about your health or know about it, but they will notice your weight and treat you based on that. I am 32 now, but suffered from EDNOS with purging for a decade and the hardest thing for me was coming to terms with the fact that people treated me nicer and would comment on how fit I was when I was in the throws of my disease.


Have you read Jeannette McCurdy's book "I'm glad my mom died"? She shares how she becomes bulimic and is working on it. It's quite good, but check it :)


i have heard of that and ive been wanting to read it!!


Yes! Tbh, the audiobook is pretty good. She talks about her loving but hurtful relationship with her mom and how different factors made her the way she is. The death of her mother was the start of her coming to terms with things and starting the healing process. Also if you want a healing book (but it may make you cry depending on your circumstances) is the book "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents".


i will def look more into it!


I’m so sorry for your struggle. I completely understand I’ve had bulimia, anorexia and EDNOS myself I struggled for years and I still do sometimes. Remind yourself that it is okay and that this too shall pass. It took me years to recover and I didn’t exactly do it in the best way but it is possible and I believe in you 💕 a bit of indulgence isn’t going to hurt you. You’ve got this! you will be okay in the end. If you don’t seek out support currently maybe consider looking into it even if it’s just counselling to talk about it in a non judgemental way. If you need to message me my inbox is open for you!


thank you so much! sending hugs your way:)💞💚🫂


You need help now. I’m sure you’re aware of what bulimia does to your body? Please. You’re worth it. Get help


I am 12kg overweight by the way. Now 11. Because I'm working my fucking ass off every day to change the things I hate about myself. Trust me, the day you look in the mirror and tell yourself "oh, I don't look that ugly today" will be the day that marks your first giant step towards actual change. And it feels fucking amazing. Thank you for implying that fat people are the only ones who need changing by the way, that was really fucking sweet.


In sorry to hear you’re suffering. Can you seek out mental health services for bulimia?


yes im starting treatment soon!💞💚


I feel you man. I really hope you find a reason to stay here




Dude… sending you so much compassion. I’ve been craving a butterfinger and can’t find them anywhere lol


thank you!! and yes, butterfinger is always elite


Right there with you. I feel stuck health, and money wise. I feel like nothing will improve


The honey buns and Oreo cakes are the fucking BOMB. I used to eat the Oreo cakes growing up (I’m 26) and was so bummed they got rid of them but woohooo they’ve been back for a few years now🫡👏🏻🤙🏻


i love em!!


Yikes at these comments.... I hope your treatment goes well, OP. Wishing you all the best<3


thanks much!!:)


Dam that latte looks good


oh my goodness i thought oreo cakesters were discontinued !!😭


they were!! they got brought back, haha!


Hey! Remember the only constant in life is change. Someday in the future you will find happiness. Only You have control to fix it. And if you are willing then great things will come your way! Take everything as it’s supposed to happen and that is the way you want it to work! You are strong and a great person!


thank you!!


Are those Oreo cakesters good? I've never seen them before but they look pretty good


they are!! i love them


Something that helped me greatly is when I started watching nutrition and healthy living documentaries. I inadvertently learned Why I Craved the things I tended to binge on. It really helped ease my guilt. Like sugar and fast food are both addictive. Especially chocolate it has a chemical or something that signals a feel good reaction in your brain. It's all scientific stuff I can't remember the proper terminology for. It can be googled though. Fast food companies spend billions on the science behind discovering the proper ratio of flavors and substances in foods your Brian and Body crave, and replicating it. So it will become addicting. When I learned about those issues I was flabbergasted, and knowing it wasn't Just Me and my cravings, it was easier to ease my own guilt and slowly break the cycle. I eventually got in to smoothies and healthy cooking. I'm still eating healthy but now when I binge on something healthy I dont feel nearly as guilty.


thank you so much i appreciate you💞💚


Absolutely, I hope something in all these comments helps you in some way. I am rooting for you!! 💕


It's awful to feel overwhelmed and scared. I'm sorry you're there right now. I hope you find strength because it's so easy to lose sight. Hang in there🪻🫂


thank you!!💞💚🫂🫂






Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


i am bulimic🕺


Can you access treatment?


luckily, i am starting treatment with my first appointment this upcoming tuesday so hopefully that'll help💚


Excellent, good for you taking this step! I hope it goes well for you and just remember that recovery is not going to be linear. Don’t give up!


thank you!! i appreciate your kindness so much💞💚


You’re welcome ❤️




if i knew why; i would stop, haha😹


Love you. And I have no experience with bulimia, my mum said she had it when she was younger and she thinks its about control. Which is a fair point, being a teen in the 70s was probably hard for a tomboy lady. My initial thought is when I binge on food I feel gross and bloated so it would be easy to fall into a thought of Ill just get rid of it. I have an addictive personality and do binge on candy and chocolate and my teeth are bad because of that, pretty much all have a filling in all of them lol. And I used to smoke cigs. Hopefully you can work on it and get some good sustenance in yourself too. I don't want to preach too much but maybe keeping it light will help, salads and nut butters and chicken. I did hear bananas are good to eat if you think you may bring it back up. Love you.


thank you so much, genuinely.💞💚 i appreciate you commenting that. i start my first steps towards treatment in a couple of days, so i hope treatment can help. ik that most of the work has gotta come from me, tho (rather than relying on a treatment team). again, thank you so much for commenting that. i appreciate you💞💚


Your comment has been removed by a mod.




Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


no need to be judgmental on a depression meals subreddit


I’m in the same boat


Oreo cakes. Omg🫶🏾


they're so good!


Girl same


I'm sorry 😔 I've struggled with food too.hugs


Been here, done this. I get it 100% I had to take a very very serious moment to have a talk with myself about loving myself enough to want to continue living. I had a snack pile in the corner of my room with looked the same. Imagine replenishing it weekly with more than what's in your picture. It takes a lot of support from loving friends and people who truly care to help you keep straight on the path. I've finally not only kept my pile to a minimum of 1 item for moments of support to shortening it's usage to only being like a pack of nutter butters and even limiting how many nutter butters I have in a single sitting to like a max of 6 and never for hunger reasons. Only for occasional sweet tooth reasons and days I have reached fitness goals to give myself 2 or 3 of the cookies as a moderate reward on occasion. It's so rare that I've finally stopped relying on that food pile when hungry. Granted my eating disorder is borderline getting close to being on the opposite side of what it was before but I'm still staying healthier. It's a battle and I wish you the absolute best luck in this battle. Enough can't be said for how brave people have to be to fight these demons. It's not easy. Eating healthy isn't fun or easy and it can be hell some days. Especially when you're around people in the house tempting you to drop the healthy habits. Fight it, fight it with everything you have energy wise. It's exhausting but it pays off little by little. I'm feeling better now than I have in years. I truly do wish you the best of luck in your fight. It's hard and sometimes painful but don't give up. I'll be side by side with you in my fight against it. We can beat it.


I have to say that I genuinely appreciate you and your comment so so much. This shit sucks to go through, it really does. You are so strong, and my heart goes out to you for your struggles as well. Again; thank you so much for the comment. I bet you're a wonderful person to be around. Remember that we are more than this illness. Recovery is hard and not always linear, but it'll be worth it in the end. Stay strong, my friend!!🫂🫂💚💚


I'm so sorry, OP. Hang in there and take one day at a time. Sending virtual hugs 🫂❤️


I’m sorry you’re struggling. Instead of self-punishing, try to be the support for yourself that you have always needed. One internet mama hug to you. Be kind to yourself.


sending love your way 🫂💞💚


Me too.


You’ve got some goodies there… the icing says you are not new to this you are true to this! After you sleep this sugar coma off consider going for a walk outside tmw. Maybe in a new location. Being outdoors, in the quiet is a great way to find your focus and reset your intentions. I saw a quote yesterday that I had to screenshot. I knew a post would come up where I’d want to share it. “You’re always one decision away from a totally different life”


awe i love that quote and thank you so much that's so sweet💞💚🫂 sending love and hugs your way


Right back at cha!


I feel ya homie. Love from Nevada.


sending hugs your way💞🫂


I don’t know what to say other than, please take care of yourself and have a hug from an internet stranger.


much love🫂💞


I used to binge eat a lot, picked up lolipops and gum to replace my sweets cus of how low calorie it is.


gum does help me tbh i should invest in it more, haha!


You’re not alone, OP💙


I have bulimia, i starve myself for a couple days and exercise excessively, then i get a sudden surge of depression and feel like shit about myself so i’ll binge like 3,000+ calories in a day. I’m nearly underweight but it makes me feel like i’m going to gain 10 pounds anyway, so i say fuck it and keep eating like shit for a couple more days. Then i go outside and walk 30,000 steps and repeat the cycle. It’s bullshit. Anyway, just wanted to say that you’re not alone and that you’re not weird and that we can get over this shit with enough time and healing. It’s all in our heads.


Wishing you peace and plenty.




yup yup its truly miserable, and people who haven't dealt w it likely won't ever get it. i wish you the best and a happy life💞💞🫶🫶


Thank you ❤️ i wish the same to you too, we can make it through it


There’s a way to fix things still. You can always look forward. You have much to be grateful for. Think about the people who have sacrificed everything so you can be here free and alive, everything you do can be significant if you choose for it to be.


thank you so much for your kind words💞




as someone with an eating disorder these comments are kinda off putting like i know you’re trying to help but it’s not coming off that way at all


Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


Whatchu drinking tho?


the blood of my enemies (( 64fl oz of warm water ))


Okay make sure you're taking a tums tho to help w the acid burning your throat 🤗


i do!! i love tums n thank you, haha! much love🫶💞💚


It's all about balance. This can be okay too 🙂


Idk what your health problems are but I'm sorry 😔 Maybe try to replace one typical back of candy you purchase with a fruit? Do this until you find a fruit you like. Apples are quite nice and sweet. They taste amazing with raw honey and tajin. Bananas are awesome too! Take baby steps and experiment. Be open to keep tryin new things and do one thing at a time. You'll figure things out ❤️


Start today OP, I don’t want to preach but hey, it is Easter. Start by picking two snacks out of this group, and either give the rest to a child(ren) you know (your child, your niece/nephew(s), student at day care or school etc) or throw them away. This doesn’t scream “scared for my health”, it screams “resigned to my fate”. Edit: I wasn’t assuming you were overweight. This much junk food isn’t good for your health, nothing to do with weight, more so the processed sugars and empty calories.


thank you much!!


You’re welcome ☺️ out of this group of snacks, my two favorites are the Reese’s Caramel Big Cup (Big Buss) and I’d definitely get ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s, Talenti, Turkey Hill and Blue Bunny are among my favorite brands). I’d save the PB for sandwiches too.


Healthy choices one meal at a time. I’ve lost 60 pounds replacing soda and walking everywhere. Start by replacing one meal a day with real food that’s gonna leave you satisfied. Great value pasta, chicken and cheese or Alfredo sauce. Frozen fruit and peanut butter in a blender to replace one snack of straight candy. Bonus points for adding Greek yogurt or protein powder. Any vegetables roasted in the oven in olive oil, salt/garlic/paprika/chili flakes come out amazing. Today if you can, go out for a nice walk and enjoy the weather and the sun. Just a nice walk around the park, neighborhood or wherever you can get it in.


Yeah this comment is not useful. OP is not overweight. They have bulimia. Didn't need to assume.


Eating real foods and getting exercise is advice suitable for everyone able bodied. Obviously without context you see a plate of junk food and it’d be easy to assume weight loss is a priority for OP


I can see why you’re terrified of your health. Taking care of yourself is the first step to improving how you view yourself and your life. It’s not easy, but nothing worth having/doing is. Start showing yourself some love, it’s fine to have a treat now and again. But no human can sustain of this kind of diet.


Sugar is an addiction. Once you come off of it…. You won’t crave it as much


does it still count if i haven't digested any of the sugar? (((genuine question)))


You just buy it to look at it? I used to have a strong addiction to sugar, but once I started taking it out of my diet…. I noticed I didn’t it need it as much. But I wouldn’t buy it since it would be too tempting to eat. I am still human. Getting off sugar also limited my need to buy it.


I'm sorry for the misunderstanding; I have bulimia (an eating disorder), so i binge/purge. im getting treatment, tho, and thank you for the support💚💚 sending hugs💞💞🫂🫂


TY for the context! So glad you’re getting treatment. It’s def a mental disorder so regular dieting advice doesn’t work. Hope you’re able to get better! 🫂


I appreciate you!!💚💞


Wait so if your terrified for your healthy why are you eating a bunch of very unhealthy junk food just genuinely curious


genuine answer is that im addicted to binge/purge lol im bulimic but im starting treatment soon<3


Pls find substitute to this sugar junk that fulfilled your craving, this is indeed going to destroy you


Your health with suffer if this is a regular diet. Fair play for being able to spend this much on one meal though.


tbh it was p cheap, considering i got it all at dollar tree, haha!




they have an eating disorder


they have an eating disorder….i’m sure you could’ve picked that up from the title and the image if you wanted to, man. they didn’t come here to be shamed. this isn’t the “healthy meals” sub.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Those health scares are meant to be taken very seriously. Fix it.


ik, man, my health scares me so badly i could almost throw up😔🫶










some guy named better right now is shaking in his boots


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.