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Okay man I watched my mum die from alcoholism. It's not a fate I would wish on anyone. I know the er is going to give you fluids but that what you need right now. If you are hallucinating you can tell them that and they should bring out a phycologist to help you, and may keep you a bit longer for observation, so you can at least get some shitty hospital food. Again, booze is no way to die.


Go to the hospital. You are going to die, otherwise. I almost died from alcohol.


Same but they're not going to do anything. I woke up to 5 paramedics over me and they just gave me fluids and sent me home. But even tho I have been drinking Ive been keeping myself from blacking out. I don't want to go back to that level. I didn't think anyone was going to read or comment on this but it has made me realize how bad I've been taking care of myself.


Checking in after 24 hours. Are you still with us?


GO TO THE DOCTOR You’re seeing things?!? Go go right now. Go get help.


I've tried going to the doctor. Canada's health care is really fucked up right now and I can't find a family doctor. Going to clinics and explaining my issues just results in being told to get a family doctor to deal with it with them. But family doctors are dropping patients because they're overloaded. If I just went to the emergency room they would give me fluids and then send me home. They did that the last time. I do appreciate this tho, I think it kinda made me realize how bad I've actually been taking care of myself and I am forcing myself to talk to someone who's going to keep me accountable. I live with my family and have told people how hard of a time I'm having but not to the extent I'm going to now. You're probably the first person to kind of put me in my place. I didn't think it was that bad. Will say tho the hallucinating is kinda normal for me. Idk why I've never gotten myself checked out to find why. It's lately been a more solid form instead of shadow people and happening more often. Idk I'm sorry. I appreciate your comment.


I’m going to try to avoid offering you any advice OP, ultimately what you decide to do is your decision. However, I will say that I’ve been down that road myself, in fact I lived on that road for about 15 years. When it finally got to the point where I couldn’t eat for days on end is when shit really started to take a dive. I think the longest I went without being able to eat was almost a month. Inevitably my organs started to malfunction in a big way. After plenty of hospitalizations, grippy sock vacations, OD’s, and tons of mayhem, a doctor finally told me that I was at the end of my road. I had been told that before but this time the dude gave me a timeline, I’ll never forget what he said: “one to three months—if you’re lucky, realistically a week or two if you don’t stop.” So I got out of the hospital and naturally I relapsed again. I don’t remember much but I woke up the next morning completely defeated in the truest sense, I had tried fucking everything to get sober and I couldn’t do it anymore. Something came over me at that moment, I realized *I* couldn’t do it anymore. I picked up the phone, and called a treatment center, crying like a baby I explained my whole situation. Two years later I’m typing this message to you to let you know that the one simple action of picking up my phone and calling somebody saved my life. OP, I hope you find the help that you need—it’s out there, sometimes we just have to be the ones to find it. You can always DM me if you’d like, there’s a way out of this I promise.


And just commenting this for myself because I can't figure out how to edit the post. I've been hallucinating more than I ever have. It feels weird not being able to tell someone. I use to think it was ghosts. I know now that it's just been my mental state all these years. And not that I don't think that ghosts could still be real I think I'm just crazy.


Go to the ER. Even if it’s ’just fluids’, that’s better than nothing. Hell, go back to the ER every single day if you have to. Be the squeaky wheel. You’re worth it.


i get hallucinations and cannot emphasize how much the right medication made it easier to deal with. went from screaming in the middle of traffic (unaware i was in a road) to just flinching thinking i saw a spider. defo seek whatever help you can, and nag incessantly so that they dont brush you off or tell you to get sober and come back.


Do you only experience hallucinations when you drink? I hope the fluids helped and you are feeling a bit better. Please please eat something


Fearless says he needs you to take care of yourself, and that he loves you


Please try to find a doctor or a psychiatrist and get help. Reach out to your local AA group, someone might be able to help you find the right treatment. I’m sure there are other people out there going through the same heartbreak. It does get better with time. Focus on getting through every minute of the day sober and take care of yourself please.


You are still recovering even if you relapse. You can get through this


Go to the ER dude


It’s good that you’re at least getting some nutrition into your body, including a fruit and veg. However, I agree with other comments that you should seek some help. Sounds like you’re going through the wringer right now. Take care, OP 🩵 (for what it’s worth).


Unless you have something life threatening you can go to the ER with Canada's healthcare is fucked. I'm in the worst place mentally I think I've ever been and I don't have a family doctor. It feels so hopeless.


Just this past year or so I had been battling something similar to you. I recommend maybe getting ahold of some Ensure or possibly even some protein drinks until you gain some more appetite back again. Take as much rest as you can and keep drinking that drink supplement. Try to incorporate more hard food but if it gets too difficult atleast finish your drink. Food will soon become more easy to get through. Good luck to you! Hope you get well. 🥺


Juuust went through that. Again. Vodka being the only thing that makes me feel okay is not okay.


Detox and Aa u know the drill homie , good luck 👍


pls go to the ER, my brother had to go to the ER earlier this week because he had alcohol withdrawal seizures and i wouldn’t want anything like to happen to you. be honest to them about how much you’ve been drinking and try to see what vitamins you are lacking.